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Claireschen Hesten

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Everything posted by Claireschen Hesten

  1. the size of linden homes is limited to what you could get on an equivalent 512sqm mainland plot footprint wise with 117prims non premium members can use a linden home with a premium person but can't use the owner control panel
  2. see http://status.secondlifegrid.net/2011/08/09/post1368/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+SecondLifeGridStatus+%28Second+Life+Grid+Status+Updates%29
  3. nothing regarding your avatar or logging in to SL will change but if you are a creator and have created anything like sculpts animations clothes etc that you've uploaded to SL and you want to retain the original files incase you need to upload them again just take the hard drive from the old laptop place it in a caddy connect it to the new laptop usually with a usb you will be able to access the files you created even transfer them to the new laptop
  4. it's only been 1 day!!! not long enough to determine if there has been a decline in sales my sales are really varied so one day i could have several paid sales another day i might have none
  5. very very rarely an item purged from trash will bounce back in to trash and you have to re-purge but normally once it's purged thats it
  6. the LL viewers are very buggy and have been for the last few releases it's no surprize the viewer won't open but being a 32bit program shouldn't stop it working on win 7 64bit it should go to the x86 area if phoenix/firestorm is working fine for you i would keep using them they appear to be more stable and just not bother with any LL viewer at all you may want to check task manager processes to make sure there is no instance of the SL running very high cpu usage can effect the time it takes to open the SL viewer
  7. in local chat or IM type /me first something like /me yawns will turn in to Greatercody yawns with out the : showing
  8. underwear i don't tend to wear on a daily basis and not under clothes if they're not going to be on show bras if it's something nice not too revealing like a half or quarter cup or peek-a-boo i'll wear as is have it on show maybe put an open jacket over it, i'll only wear knickers if it's part of the outfit or i have something with a lot of a*se crack on show
  9. it's not uncommon i've experienced it as well as friend offers and tp's from complete strangers who haven't as much as im'd me or been in the same sim while i've not been afk
  10. i see a lot of 1 star reviews for such things if i see something i might like to buy, i guess these reviewers just don't bother to contact the merchant and some people will even comment the review and mention to contact the seller. sometimes if i do look at a product that is just rated 1 star the only review the product will have is for an item not being received as a buyer this is off putting if i see the item is rated 1 star there's a good chance i may not look at it @ missemily both as a buyer and a merchant i can't edit a review i leave nor can i edit a review a customer has left some reviews have been carried over from the old XstreelSL and are just star ratings because back then we could leave a detailed review or give the product a star rating unlike the current system where you must leave a written review in order to star rate
  11. if the login says it's failed and you need to contact support do so you appear to be banned from accessing SL it might just be you got assigned an SL banned ip from your modem or LL may have actually banned you if the latter is the case they will have sent you an e-mail detailing that you were banned possibily why you were banned and details as to how to appeal the ban if the fore is the problem send a support ticket or you can try unplugging your modem or router for a few minutes then plug back in it should assign you a new IP that hopefully isn't banned
  12. http://www.wisegeek.com/what-is-an-internet-troll.htm gives an excellent explanation as to what an internet troll is
  13. no viewer i know of allows for preview of items in inventory you could go to the effort of rezzing or wearing everything in your inventory and taking pictures and saving to your computer you can then upload them to an image site like flickr or just keep them in the computer if you have lots of inventory it's probably not advised
  14. unless any V2 user knows any different you can't temp upload with LL viewers but............... if you want to use a V2 based viewer try Phoenix's Firestorm viewer it allows for temp uploads like Phoenix as long as you have the L$10 upload fee
  15. i use chrome and have no problem viewing merchants stores all the products show up for me
  16. /me breaks in to song "how do you like your eggs in the morning? i like mine with a kiss, boiled or fried i'm satisfied as long as i get my kiss" :smileyvery-happy: but seriously i like them hard boiled on their own or served warm encased in sausage meat and bread crumbs aka a scotch egg or even pickled
  17. as far as i'm aware renting a linden home is a no but that doesn't stop you abandoning the second home or not having it in the first place and buying a 512sqm piece of mainland instead and renting that out
  18. try lowering your draw distance and set graphics to low
  19. the one place gestures annoy the crap out of me more than anything else is at clubs where they gesture spam you with "tip me" "hoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo" "tip the DJ" and so on 50 times a second. outside of the club environment i don't mind gestures and find and find they can liven up situations in moderation
  20. no list i know of but a good rule to remember is if you didn't hear it from a linden it's not true often these scare rumours come about because one merchant or person has issues with another merchant or person and they really want to damage their reputation a lot of the time the rumours you see have been regurgitated many times over the years and i suspect by noobs who really don't know their a lie
  21. i have win7 64bit SL runs perfectly fine for me the earliest version it will work on is XP and some viewers require you to have service pack 3 the system requirements used to include windows 2000 but it's unlikely SL will work on that now
  22. unless you really need a new laptop uprading your graphics card and vga drivers should cure the crashing the spec on the hp will more than manage to run SL one thing though i have used a HP laptop with SL and some of the SL keyboard shortcuts are overriden by hp features i don't know if this applies to all hp's though one that really sticks out is the alt gr + arrow keys that should be cam panning changes the orientation of the screen
  23. i do think the land forum needs to be there but it does grate on me a bit how some estates seem to advertise or maybe it should be spam the same land at least once a day when they needn't if us merchants had a new product forum i can see it turning out just as bad or worse than the land forums but that doesn't mean the forum doesn't need somewhere to advertise new products
  24. prims you can add tattoos be it on a clothing or tattoo layer you can only wear but the recent V2's will allow you to wear several instances of a clothing or tattoo layer not just restrict you to a single layer of say a shirt or pants since i don't use LL's V2 i would assume you just click wear everytime and you won't loose any layers you're currently wearing
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