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Claireschen Hesten

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Everything posted by Claireschen Hesten

  1. you won't find area search in any LL viewer one of the most popular viewers is Phoenix viewer plus their new firestorm viewer the fore based on V1 the latter on V2 both include area search as well as many other useful exclusive features which don't exist in LL viewers
  2. i know this song has been posted in one of the other music threads but if any song is going to make me teary eye'd it's this one
  3. i don't think freebies are the problem i've tried out other grids where freebies unless they are a demo are banned you first land at the welcome island see there is stuff for sale you automatically think it's freebies for new people to improve their noobish appearance when you look closer none of it's free and if you have no way of getting money in to the grid your not going to stick around the novelty of mesh system hair & the noob duck waddle only lasts so long what i think is causing poor retentions is the buggy LL V2 viewer all new sign ups are pointed to when they find the viewer wont load up or the log in process will get so far before crashing or they get logged out every time after 2 minutes they are going to give up you can see it in the forums there are some new people determined to get inworld if they can't and they want all the fixes so they can do i bet far more people just give up delete SL and never give it a second thought
  4. Que Dexler wrote: Thank you both for your constructive comments I see your point Claireschen, I had considered that from the beginning and I still am. It's just so difficult to take pictures of the same product in a different color 30 times and then edit and upload them, but I may have to give in and deal with the frustration of it, haha you don't have to waste time taking pictures some designers use one single image as an example of the product then copy & paste the colour varients of the clothes from their files on to the poster it requires some effort but not as much as taking 30 pictures and preping them
  5. i can see one instant issue the clothes your selling you have several different t-shirts and other clothes sold in various colours but you use the exact same image for each instance of a design it's fine to use the same pic but it would help if the potential customer could see the actual colour they are getting with out having to open up the item and see additional images
  6. why not try the L$ marketplace http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Dollar_Marketplace i'm sure some of the third party exchanges will accept your pre-paid card it's got to be worth a try
  7. check http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Third_Party_Viewer_Directory there are two viewers especially for iPod phones and iPads problem is they will be text viewers and you won't be immersed in the full SL experience
  8. OMG i adore that song there's something about it the way it's sung that really tugs at the emotions i very nearly posted that very SP song instead on the dylan one
  9. since emerald has been dead the past year you should try phoenix viewer or even better their new firestorm viewer with these you can wear alpha layers to de-cloud yourself you need to do a character test this is found under Advanced > character in firestorm i think it's under the avatar menu > avatar health you can also create a folder with a basic outfit (skin/shape/eyes/hairbase) right click that and select replace not add i do have my own never fails fix for this you need to wait for your inventory to load check your worn items if your wearing shape/skin/clothes layers just put on a bald base otherwise re-bake ctrl + alt + r you will then look like noob wearing something called ruth hair fix (shape) find this right click edit when you get in appearance mode make a skin tweak it save it re-log try wearing your normal skin/shape/hair/hairbase/eyes/clothing layers it should work it always does for me and you haven't had to start your av from scratch
  10. i absolutely love this song loads of people have covered it but bob dylan's original is by far the best
  11. as far as i know you can no longer get legacy names on third party sites i tried several months ago on a couple of sites one only offered Lastchance as a name the other had a couple of other names to choose from i tried several first names even my SL first name which is unique i'm the only person on the grid that uses it every single time i got that registrations had exceeded the daily limit occasionally that the name was taken this was over several days at various different times one of the third party sites has since made it's registration page password potected so no one can access it
  12. i have loads of fave tunes but if i had to narrow it down to 5 it would be
  13. you didn't happen to buy any shoes that were part mesh did you that could be one possible cause you need the latest mesh viewer and to be on a mesh enabled sim to properly view mesh you may also want to find the debug settings under the advanced menu type in rendervolumelod and change your LOD to 4 it might be some sculpts on your shoes have a high lod factor
  14. non of that is possible on the SL platform but.... on OS grid you can host your own sim on your computer if i remember right you can set it for public access connected to their grid as long as you can host it, it should allow you to make a local sim that works offline not connected to the grid you will need a viewer capable of exporting content so you can import in to SL Edit: you won't be ale to access your SL inventory but you can export any of your own creations from SL in to your hosted sim
  15. for me i guess it would have to be the time one of my mates had an object hunt contest for a whopping L$10k prize on the two sims that made up trilegy corp freen land which sadly no longer exists the hunt went on two weeks with people searching day and night in the hope of getting the L$10k i never won but i was annoyed to discover the hunt object was right under my nose (not literally) the whole time when ever i was chatting with my mate (who started the contest) infront of some stunning fractals he'd created within that was the object
  16. i don't really know anything about the lotteries but last i heard the lindens stopped running these for some reason or another
  17. i sell a modest amount of stuff daily i had a failed delivery yesterday which i didn't get paid for and i'm assuming the customer didn't get charged which brings my failed deliveries up to 8 since september last year i do get orders that are part failed usually the customer has several items in the cart not just something of mine that did deliver
  18. your bog standard wifi router will handle SL perfectly well you don't need any enhancements or high perfomance you might want some level of security on it even if you only allow certain mac addresses access to avoid people piggy backing on your connection but they can be very flaky and un-reliable and i have suffered with that in the past hence why people will tell you to go hard wired. my current netgear has been rather stable and i don't get any problems with SL apart from the occasional bake fail i do find when certain radio equipment in my house is in use the wifi signal even hard wired will cut out
  19. my two links point to my inworld store and marketplace store they may not get any or many clicks i'd rather have them there than nothing at all i have thought about using the banner from my marketplace as part of my sig buy i never get round to it
  20. thats been an issue since the marketplace first came about i over came it by putting some stuff in the profile section and that seems to show everything every time i add to it
  21. what's the exact OS because if it's XP there are some viewers that requireservice pack 3 to run check to make sure the AMD processor features SSE2 a search will bring up some sites that give you this info i have a feeling the official LL V2 requires SSE2, for the blue screening first try updating the drivers for the graphics card often after going BSOD the system will tell you what caused it and what you should do to prevent it when you log on to the computer
  22. i have some skimpy revealing outfits in SL but i don't wear them all the time i like to plump for a less revealing look it's quite nice to have a good cleavage if your nips aren't on show and i'm not a huge fan of having my arse crack on display and a lot of trousers show that off thankfully in SL it's not too hard to mask as for men they can dress as they wish if they want to go shirtless fine if they want their crack on show fine but when they get their **bleep** out in public thats too revealing and should be saved for intimate moments with a partner
  23. i don't know if it exists in SL anymore and i can't for the life of me remember the name of it but i remember there was a service where you could get your real life face on to your SL av i can clearly remember it being advertised on the old xstreet and i even visited the sim it was on maybe someone else will recall what it was called
  24. i currently rent some mainland only a 1024 it's primarily for my shop but i have saved a few prims for some private space to relax in and the remaining prims i save for building/rezzing/trying stuff out on the shop roof away from any customers
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