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Claireschen Hesten

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Everything posted by Claireschen Hesten

  1. Do you have an android smart phone or tablet you could use on the hospital WiFi? for a small money outlay you could download the Lumiya viewer on the play store. don't know where you are in the world but if UK WiFi in NHS hospitals is provided free through "The Cloud" and should not provide any barrier to logging in to Lumiya, you should take notice of any T&C's or warnings that come up some places expressly forbid you from trying to access content on the BBC iPlayer or other sites/apps
  2. That's just reminded me of the time i was in some club i happened upon it had rezz rights don't think there was any auto return and i tried rezzing some typing animation laptops i'd acquired to see what they looked like, being a noob i didn't know they had to be worn and only showed up when you typed in local chat with the typing animation enabled in prefs. so i when nothing showed up i kept trying to rezz them not knowing i was using up all the prims on the land, the owner was not happy returned everything i tried rezzing and i got ejected and banned
  3. Don't know if it's any good to you but the Palm View from Roost looks similar to your current building https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/ROOST-Palm-View-House/9811902 and has decent sized rooms
  4. In the past LL made you cough up some serious RL money to have a custom last name of your choosing and it was often major businesses like AOL or high profile people like Duran Duran that would want and be able to afford to set up and maintain a custom last name. If you go on SLnamewatch.com click on heritage only and sort bu usage you'll find many of the very low usage names are custom last names people have paid for
  5. Poses and animations can definitely make your body parts look strange feet for example what may look like a moderate amount of flex, toes pointing downwards on the SL male and female models that can be downloaded and used in Daz studio or other posing software and on the system body. can turn in to an extreme amount of flex on a mesh body enough the foot can appear to bend backwards. So i don't believe the shape or body is to blame but the animations that may have been made before people/the creator started using mesh bodies
  6. Going back close to 11 years having ventured away from freebie dungeon/Deva Loka I managed to come across a gaming place and next door was a place that sold pools that i somehow managed to get banned from for a time. I'm a total noob still not sure how things, work didn't have a single L$ to my name and at this game place i spy two dance pads that paid L$1/10 mins. Not knowing i had to right click > sit i clicked a dace pad and it said something along the lines of click me dance for 10 minutes to earn L$1. I clicked it several times hoping it tell me what to do to dance and get the L$1, before thinking i had to click it then frantically press the F numbers that had dances for 10 minutes. When doing that didn't pay me L$1 the first time i did it several more times trying to make sure the dance animations never stopped, and gave up when i realized i wasn't going to be getting any L$ it wasn't long after that i figured out how to actually use the dance pad
  7. If anyone has any group space left there is an SL Lefty Society group i know some of the regulars round here are also in it
  8. I believe TMP completely got rid of their free/demo male/female bodies when they made their pre-bento body L$500. certainly couldn't find any kind of demo when my alt visited recently
  9. I'm a lefty and never had a problem navigating SL, i currently have my laptop set on a table to my right side (only place there's space), and a wireless mouse configured to left hand use though for camera control camming around touch pad is often more convenient, i'm quite happy to type and and use the arrow keys with my right hand if i don't want to lean over and do things with my left. If i want to cam around due to how close the keys are to the arrows i will use a combination of Alt Gr + arrows to rotate 360 or Alt Gr + Ctrl (single press) + arrows to zoom/left/right rotate. it's not often i need to use the left side Ctrl + Alt + Shift for any camming or editing When you're a lefty and there aren't many left handed products around you adapt yourself to a right handed world
  10. I might have mentioned it before but i don't talk about it the people in my house think it's just a "game" and aren't interested
  11. The bento update feels like too little too late TMP is more or less dead i don't see anything new created for TMP at events and about the only place i've seen TMP skin installers was Redgrave within the last few months they still still sell/sold system layer clothes at pre-mesh prices.
  12. You must have downloaded the 64 bit you can save 50mb if you use the 32 bit on my machine 64 bit comes up as 400mb 32 bit as 350mb
  13. There is a cheaper compatible alternative to the Maitreya called the Sahara as mentioned here Warning it is not very user friendly but if the shoes you are trying to use are Maitreya rigged they will work on this body, i use this body on an alt and have not had any issues with wearing Maitreya rigged stuff on it
  14. It started out as a premium only game There is a premium portal i can't for the life of me remember the name of it other than it spread over at least 3 sims someone thinking i was premium recommended i try it when i stopped being allowed in portal parks 1 & 2
  15. If it's rigged or rigged to a specific foot and can't be repositioned it wont work but if it's un-rigged or sculpt/prim so almost anything made for system feet it will work i've managed to get old system feet heels/shoes to work with Maitreya feet
  16. To add if you have tons of system foot shoes Maitreya feet are the feet to go for as the shoes using shoe shape will only need re-positioning and maybe some re-sizing to work, with Slink feet it's very difficult to get acceptable compatibility with system shoes
  17. That Facebook connection thingy only comes up on products where the Facebook like has been clicked so i would assume the only info collected is that a bunch of Facebook accounts have liked the product and will get similar products recommended to them like what happens when you visit certain webpages
  18. Are you using the neck fix in the Maitreya HUD? You will want to turn it off. I'm not rich enough to own a Lelutka head yet but I have thoroughly demoed some of latest version heads with the new GA skins, with region default windlight I can get a perfect match between Maitreya's Glam Affair arctic tone and the equivalent tone in the Lelutka HUD but only with neck fix off otherwise the skins don't quite match
  19. Have you checked your transaction history? Since the Gacha will no doubt be No Copy you might have sold them
  20. One of the pictures clearly credits the person that took it maybe you could IM them and see if they can tell you where the outfit is from
  21. As best i know the hands on Jake whilst bento never included animations but if this is no longer the case make sure you aren't logging in to a script disabled sim, when i do that using the included hand AO my Maitreya hands "starfish" when i TP home or somewhere that allows scripts they start working again
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