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Pussycat Catnap

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Everything posted by Pussycat Catnap

  1. The skill set is radically different. Your education will prepare you for scripting. The scripting language here reads like "imagine if you were planning javascript back in 1996 and decided to make the wrong choice on every last single possible decision about the language... The developers of LSS basically set out with the goal of "how can we make the worst possible scripting language anyone could image, as a sort of cautionary tale to CS-majors" and they succeeded beyond their wildest dreams... - That said, knowledge of languages like JavaScript or ActionScript can be very helpful to learning LSL, especially things like keeping track of events - though they will also be very helpful in zeroing in on it's flaws. An education in 3D modeling for video games would prepare one for building objects. Basically if you always wanted to work for Pixar, but wanted actual job security... you'd be G2G here... unlike real world 3D modelers, SL builders can actually make money and not have to have a reserved spot at the unemployment line... And I say that knowing that most SL builders make nearly nothing... which is still better than working in the 3D modeling industry... If you kid is ever debating career choices between "rap-singer that plays an accordian and works for the county circus" and "professional 3D modeler", tell them to get the real job and run off to the circus... But if they insist on 3D... maybe they can make minimum wage on SL.
  2. I've been living in mesh skyboxes since maybe 2013, and I have this annoying thing where I get an itch to change them out every few months. So I have stacks of them. That said our interests are different... I prefer mesh skyboxes that are the interior of a building. Mine are almost always square because of that and because it makes it easier to hang pictures on the walls when they're flat surfaces. Among those I have, I think one is as low as 3 LI, some are over 100. One of the very nicest was 12 or 14 (I forget) - but these were all studio apartment loft style affairs. I have recently tried to put a floating island... and I found my choices either limiting in quality or excessive in land impact. Which kind of made since given the style I went looking for... For both the buildings and the island - I encased them in solid mesh cubes, which are transparent from the inside, and textured on the outside so flyers know they're coming up on something. Again different preferences there. If what you wanted was more along the lines I'm into, there are many options. But when I have tried to make outdoor scene skyboxes I have found the options very disappointing.
  3. But he's not. You are. The entire start of the thread is you questioning your own actions.
  4. I have a couple plots like this myself. I want to sell off all but one of my plots. I have priced them all very high. But the prices are actually based on the idea that if the one with the lowest price sells first, I will adjust the others. But I'd rather not see the others go until after 'things get started' unless it is for so much that I am then willing to just dump the rest for next to nothing... In the past when I have sold multiple lots at the same time, I have in the end found myself left holding on to plots I didn't like and couldn't sell, and having to dump them to land-bots for next to 0... So this time my prices are based on how much I personally am attached to the plot... not on it's market value... which means all but one of them are above market by wide amounts, and the one is actually 1/4th of the market value nearby land barons used the last time I saw them have successful sales... (but because it is double prim land on a nearly empty sim, that 1/4th is still high). So... Sometimes people want to sell, but aren't sure... so they set a price of "if this, them I'm OK with having to move again", or they want to sell, but they have some reason for having an order they want stuff to go in... But then a price at which they're willing to throw out order.
  5. The many times I have wasted the first 4 minutes and 59 seconds of a 5 minute demo trying to visually peek around that covering box... Just put a big sign over my head saying "this noob is wearing a demo" and then color the demo funny. - Actually coloring the demo funny is VERY HANDY. Color each face differently, especially if the purchased product is mod. I often go through all kinds of tricks to figure out exactly where the faces are on mod products that I am demoing... And there is no valid reason that I have ever read for something to be no-mod... people do it, I disagree with them. If I have options it DOES impact my decision. (of late I have actually taken to mostly buying clothes/worn things from full-perms shops, because that's basically the same price as many of those no-mod fatpacks... so even if I never remember to send in the info to get the transfer perm unlocked, it still ends p being a better buy than a no-mod fatpack).
  6. I'm with Prok on this one. Double ears annoy me to no end... For years I went through all kinds of shenanigans to hide the human ears on my avatar. It used to severely limit what hairs I could wear. One fitmesh heads came out, I had to wait until I found a brand that had a no-ears option. That said, the image in the first post didn't look like double ears - the animal ears are not proper hue for the head hair...
  7. I exclusively use Belleza freya. I've got an image on my blog showing the bosom of several (at the time I made it current) mesh body brands - and the only brand that holds a good bosom shape was belleza. Particulary in a side view, as the under-bosom on most brands juts out unnaturally. When the move from rigged to fitmesh came about, I ended up dropping a lot of brands off my list if they didn't include Belleza. The waist/hips/buttocks of Belleza are actually just as distinctive. Something I get more keen on the more I see people with Maitreya is just how bad it tends to look from behind to my eyes. On the one hand this is shapes - most people in SL don't know much about anatomy... and most shape makers know even less than the average day 1 'noob'... It's like the longer people sell the shapes, the more ignorant they become... But the body itself... in my own attempts to do a good form with it, while I can get good anatomy outside of the bosom, I end up finding the look unappealing. And with other brands (except for the old 'Lena'), the issues are even worse.
  8. Pussycat Catnap This one probably wont' make me any friends... but hopefully the next time I get riled up in a thread in here and then wander away from the forums for a few months... the people wondering WTF happened there will recall this... since the violence of my past is why I tend to suddenly 'explode' sometimes out of my own control... First found SL in 2006 due to a cross promotion with the launch of Poser 7. There was some massive 'grey' bug at the time, but I thought it was my computer, so I only lasted 2 days of figuring out that the promotional event didn't have anything for a Poser user. Came back in 2008 or 2009 I think, wandered around. Really did not like the name I had chosen in 2006... (another reason I had left, in 2006 I had read somewhere that the name you picked was assigned to you forever and you could not change it, period, don't even ask LLs, so on not liking my choice, I left)... Wandered around for a bit trying to decide if I wanted to be here, and did a 'wear all' on the contents of a freebie box, and ended up being turned into a Neko. The moment I saw that I was hooked. So I had to think on a new name... and I learned that if you timed it right you could get different lists of last names, so I spammed the account creation thing until a catty last name came up... and every single cat-like firstname I tried was taken (in 2009 Neko was basically everyone... it was an insane fad). So I spammed the last names again until Catnap came up and Pussycat was the third or fourth name I tried and it let me use it... (but honestly... it's better than kittylicious was... WTF was I thinking). Ps: at this point in time I don't think I had ever heard the Tom Jones song... That song annoys me to no end... The next three paragraphs below might get some of you riled up... but it is me, and it may help to explain why sometimes I can suddenly explode into righteous anger in certain topics... Native of San Francisco. But we left for LA and the Central Valley when I was very young. Multi-racial in a way that has me resembling a LatinX and grew up in a rough environment with a lot of violence / criminality from the white side of my family (several of them in/out of prison). School and the military were just a repeat of that. Even lost people to being killed in racist attacks. Learned to and did use a knife to stop some white boys... learned to use a gun. Spent some time homeless before military. Moving back to the Bay Area as a young adult was the first time I met white people not trying to bring violence my way. And I had an awkward time adjusting to not being scared of my own friends and classmates. Added to when I spent 5 years living in Asia and met a lot of very nice folks from Europe. Had to rewrite all my assumptions after that. The contrast might actually be why I ended up with a degree in Political Science that focused so much on ethnic conflict. Why I can see something like Myanmar as basically something like the US South - it's the same human stupidity. - That's my roots. It's why I see everything from the perspective of race-tension. Because even my own blood were using fists to pound that point into me growing up. Sometimes I snap... revert back to assumptions from before I came back to the Bay Area, from before I met any Europeans while abroad. Might also inform why I ended up here. I'm athletic and have been told, at least when I was younger, that I'm hyper attractive, but I'm so 'wary' that I don't socialize well and don't tend to be as active as my peers. Online, I still carry my fight with me, but I'm less reserved... It's a bit easier online. - So that's why I'm a fighter. The term 'Social Justice Warrior' must have been coined by someone who had a run in with me... Maybe I burned their flag or pulled them off some trafficked girl in Korea... Maybe they're the American or GI I refused to help go 'buy a girl' in Asia, cause that didn't just happen once... I don't carry my politics on my sleeve, I carry it in my fist and my words. Some people like that, most don't. A lot older now, been in the Bay Area for over 2 decades now. I live in a part of the Bay Area that has not lost it's diversity to gentrification, and where folks are just friendly across all sorts of lines. I feel at home here. Young people I talk to have no idea what it was like when I grew up; and for that I am glad. The police murdering folks for the color of their skin in other cities seems like a world away from here... but it is still happening... I'm late 40s now, I've got 3 degrees in fields related to Political Science. I'm a long way from any roots in the ghetto where I was once homeless. I put this into my profile just the other day: I love friendly chat, exploring, hanging out with folks, & talking with equals. Friends are for talking to. My hobbies tend to include history, politics, social justice, coffee, Africa and Latin America, criminal justice, renewable energy, and things related. I have degrees in political science, criminal justice, and law I grew up rough, in violence & poverty from the white side of my ancestry & worked my way up These days in SL, I keep to myself a lot. But I have also been exploring the 'adult' side of SL. It's mindless messing around with people I don't want to know for other reasons than the usual mess that spoils my socializing. I started going 'nude' in SL when I got my fitmesh body, Belleza. The body looked so nice it felt like a shame to cover up... so I didn't. And then I started messing with the 'XXX' stuff because that was just funny to watch, but then got interesting to watch. 📽️😳🤐 That kind of conflicts with the fact that I am a deeply spiritual person, of a faith that prefers people be a little more reserved... And I'll leave that with this note from my profile: Despite my nudity and graphic content, I am still a person of faith & still a leftist I am generally aligned with Rasta, though I explore sensuality in ways contrary to Rasta. As a rasta, I know the purpose of a pastor or priest is to lie to people and steal their spirituality for his own ends. I know that we must each come to faith on our own, with the help of peers, but without false leadership. Religion may be the opiate of the masses, but faith sets you free As a leftist I know equal rights & justice must be struggled for & achieved, by any means necessary. Downpression is wrong, & I must chant down those who try to Put I down. I know that denial of Identity-politics is just code for forcing majority-identity & excluding others. As a leftist, I exist for the struggle. Justice before Peace Black Live Matter is a statement that the lives of people of color matter. If you think that is a statement against anyone or anything; it is only because you feel the lives of non-whites do not count
  9. Oh so you did mean bipedal. And kinda looking for a lizard / dragon furry? Or is that more horse? Needless to say, both exist in SL. I'm NOT an expert, so my advice is just trying to get you pointed in the right direction for looking for help from the experts. So I'll give you some 'starter points'. I do recommend going to lusk and asking "hey, how can I take a furry like [this one], and make it kinda like [this image]" because if there is a mod-kit to do what you want, they will know. (don't buy any of this stuff until you've ad an expert in modding furries help you find the right stuff to buy... or it will get expensive really fast and not look like what you had in mind) Some older horses from DSD - yeah I can see that these do NOT look like what you've shown. But someone might know of a mod kit. Realism styled bento dragon furry shop - I also see a number of mod kits for this one. Didn't see any to make it cartoony though. The Snokra snake - source of countless cartoony mods for snakes AND dragons and other reptiles. It may look wrong in that pic... but start searching MP for 'Snokra' and look at the mod kits. People have gone nuts altering this one. If you show your image to someone who's a furry-modder familiar with reptile furries, I'd bet they or a friend would be "oh yeah, you can make that with the Snokra plus these mods..." - again, hit up a furry community for the experts. This stuff can get amazingly expensive and full of bad results really fast if you just try to guess. Oh, and here is Lusk: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Lusk/217/151/21 Not sure on the height, I guessed. They've always hung out 'in a tree house' about 3 floors off the ground... I just grabbed that from looking at the map. Remember it's a G-rated sim so dress appropriately. (Most of the furry communities in SL are on A-rated places, this one is different, but is also more socially open).
  10. So... Many mesh makers hide a bunch of junk inside your body. - Things like a logo, or parts of the config you aren't using, and so on. If you attach a rigged or fitmesh object to a different attachment point than the maker did, sometimes that inside hidden stuff appears outside of you - because you've just altered the coordinates. If you then take it off and put it back on to the right attachment point that the maker had used... the inside stuff has already had it's coordinated reset and now might appear somewhere unexpected... Usually 0,0,0 - which is usually also inside you... but it can be elsewhere if the attachment point is something like 'right hand'... You can fix this on any rigged or fitmesh item by just going into edit and dragging things to move that piece inside your body... the rigged stuff, like your head, won't move because it's rigged. But that weird inside prim is usually not rigged and can be dragged around... No need for a redelivery... PS: it is a good idea to go through all of your regular attachments and make sure they are all attached to different points. So many lazy designers leave things on 'right hand' and this causes all kinds of issues. But once you move things to better spots - little boxes like this can appear around you... and you have to now drag them back inside. The best place inside is to drag them to the same spot as the rigged item - so the boxes you saw, drag them to inside your head. That way they won't pop out during animations.
  11. Bi-pedal? Like a human? Or do you mean quadro-pedal? Both exist. I suggest checking some furry communities. A great 'G-rated' furry community to join is 'lusk', maybe 'luskwood'? - They've been in SL since 2003, and they were the source of the very first avatar customization in SL. They're usually hanging around their sim (lusk or luskwood... I forget), chatting about things. Almost always someone there that knows how to mod stuff, or knows where to find stuff.
  12. If you're grabbing animations to use in Firestorm or some other HUD, you only need to grab the animations. They're the ones with the 'running man' icon. At least for the ones in your screenshot, all of them can be copied. Of course I don't know about any below the scrollbar...
  13. I'm a bit confused... Are none of you Firestorm users? I use the firestorm built in system and just drag animations I like into there. This lets me grab animations from anywhere and put them in there with no hassle. I have one AO in there saved as my default, and a couple more that have dances in the standing section to give me a script / lag free dancing system. Just pop them in there, set it to cycle, decide if you want it random or not, and set a timer. Instant Dance AO. Keeps on working even in no-scripts-allowed venues. Scripted AOs are so 2009... When I saw HUD being mentioned in this thread I had to recheck and make sure it wasn't a necropost of something from a decade ago... I used to use the Akeyo HUD. But as Orwar noted... the lag. That HUD was something like 3mb of scripts. Maybe more, I forget. One reason I finally gave in and started using Firestorm was that it's hard to be the one telling people to cut down their lag when also the one causing most of it...
  14. DD? Draw Distance? Yeah - there are many reasons not to live in a 'tower' of shared units on the same parcel. This is just one of them. Lag, conflicts over who gets the prim or script resources, the music, and so on just add to it. Of course the script thing is a full on sim issue anytime you live on a sim with other people...
  15. That's basically a rule for ALL of Sl... /justsay'n That said... if you put a dance club on mainland... PLEASE put it in a skybox... way the freak away from people trying to use mainland. Likewise for shops. Not only are they useless for stopping people, but vehicles break when they hit them, and if you don't have seeing them on - you're going to be losing all your vehicles all over SL and then people will be making forum topics about that person cluttering up mainland with crashed vehicles and then... /drama (OK, not exactly... but yeah... it is super annoying to be tossed 53 sims to the left and 27 to the right because you hit somebody's banlines trying to stop after a sim crossing... but were tossed too fast to know what sim you were on beforehand...) And I think hiding banlines might be a firestorm thing. Not sure if it's in the official viewer. I don't hide them because doing so makes the vehicle issue that much worse.
  16. Yep. When I see 'G' I think everytime I go there people should be breaking out in Disney songs and a cute but snarky animal should be following me around... - Approach it like that, and you're bound to be OK.
  17. These days there is an actual 'groin' bone. I will have to hand him my tail animation system and see if his parts get more... anime like... It is attached to his tail, but I don't know if that's where it's rigged. If so... there's got to be a brand that uses the actual groin bone. IKR... It's the reason for a note in my profile about size... Not only do I not want that thing so big it pokes out my back... but it can't be so small I'm not if it's not actually a 'female bud' (skirting that word filter... and maybe best to sidestep this topic in this forum). Yes. That was a very um... handy... addition... To the boning system.
  18. If someone has you in their cam range but has a setting that prevents them from seeing you... then that information is relayed on to you. Hitting that at 0... I suppose means someone set their complexity viewable to 0. People might do that to do some event shopping, and then forget they've got it set there. My default is to set it to 80k. But I will lower it sometimes at an event, though usually I just set that it to hide everyone when I go to events and use the mini-map to try to avoid shoving people around...
  19. I would say if anyone has rigged something to a hind leg... the pressure needs to be on the person that rigged that. Unless they were putting out a hind leg... (do we mean lower leg or upper leg or is this a horse thing?) As to WHY this might happen... could it have been a pre-bento item? The Solarian cat furry for example, had an animated tail before bento came out. The tail was actually rigged to the butt, and they done some 'funny work' there with a deformer. After bento came out, a modder put out a bento 'swap' for that tail for people that were comfortable with rezzing a mesh body and unlinking parts to put in new parts... but on the original Solarian you were essentially running around with an animated butt that looked like a cat tail. If you wore some mesh that wasn't made for it, or tried to wear the tail on a human body, things got super weird.
  20. Never seen that happen with the "Mr. Smooth". But my guy friend does say there's an update note about fixing a something that was moving the hips. Looks like they're not at Kinky this month too. I went an looked after starting down this sidetrack in the thread here and couldn't find it. - But if that happens with one bento, just means get a different brand of bento. MP has 51 entries though a lot of that is 'addons' to other things... If I get a male avatar to take off every attachment, and then just put on the Aeros Xerxes 6.1, it comes to 69,856 complexity. The guy I know with Aeros doesn't have the Nemo though. I guess I could have told to get a different Aeros but he went bento instead. I still think 30k for a single attachment is high, but it's not absurd. I don't want to keep hammering against one brand though. It's not the brand... it's the mesh method. Props like this work by having a large stack of mesh models that are toggled in and out of scale and transparency. If you edit one of these and look at the object profile -> details you will see all those hidden parts. That is just outdated complexity. If my total complexity on an outfit blows past 80k, I delete the outfit or use it only in private on an empty sim. But this is all getting off topic.
  21. I've never seen a blog on flickr. Lots of image galleries though. I didn't know flickr even had the ability for written articles.
  22. EXACTLY my point. 113,008 complexity is super high. The Aeroes is about 67,000 of that. Compare *Birth* "Mr Smooth". It has 6,000 complexity and is ultra low script (192kb part, 192kb HUD). By 'Silent Alchemi' Aeroes script: 936kb part, 936kb HUD. A male avatar using the Mr Smooth, Belleza male body, Ayashi mesh hair, and a Catwa head : 18,900 complexity. If I had a prop driving up 67,000 complexity I'd trash it. Actually... I did. That was my first mesh neko tail. I use a bento tail these days, but even before that there were other mesh neko tails that were a lot less extreme.
  23. The common etiquette in SL is that skyboxes are fine above the visible range of the ground, unless a local policy says otherwise. The issue then becomes what is the visible range... Some places will try to rent out the sky above you, and so make rules over that. Best to avoid rentals like that as things get cluttered and laggy fast. The other common reason against a skybox will be to preserve the view at certain heights. Usually below 1000m. Some go lower. Even if they let you builds a skybox at 100m off the groun, I recommend going above 1500m just for the combination of privacy, less interference with folks in flying vehicles, and less graphical lag. I also try to always position my skyboxes 256 - 512m or more away from any others in the sky. Just set your camera range to 256+, and see if you can see anything. If you can, try a different height. This protects privacy for both you and them, and also makes it less likely your computer will lag from whatever somebody else has rezzed and vice versa. For myself the final thing I do is surround my build in a solid mesh prim that is transparent on the inside, and I will either put a texture on the outside or make it invisible. This causes any flyers to bump into a harmless wall when they hit my boundaries... and so I can feel comfortable putting things like security orbs inside because no one will ever be inside on accident (for landowners: this is also better than banlines because it doesn't break scripted vehicles to hit a wall, but hitting a banline will break them - which is why very very very old parts of mainland often have abandoned vehicles sitting in the sky at weird angles).
  24. Oh... Panties under my skirt? Am I doing it right yet? Hey at least they're fitmesh...
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