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Sassy Romano

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Everything posted by Sassy Romano

  1. Vulpinus wrote: Is there a better way to do this, or am I wasting my time (pun intended) in the first place? You're wasting your time picking over such small differences. Along comes one avatar to somewhere else in the region and they can easily be bringing with them attached objects of several hundred milliseconds. All of a sudden, your 0.5 of a microsecond doesn't seem significant. Script scheduling priority has changed over the years, we don't tend to see anything like the same issues that we did several years ago.
  2. https://community.secondlife.com/t5/Featured-News/A-New-Perk-for-Premium-Subscribers/ba-p/2917357 GO PREMIUM TO ENJOY 50 OFFLINE IM'S INSTEAD OF 25 BEFORE CAPPING. This has to rank as one of the biggest scams that LL has attempted to push as a "premium subscriber benefit". I will continue to save the cost of premium membership by sending IM's to email and not even being capped at 50. That's just beyond funny.
  3. If the number of dances is so small, why not just run then straight from inventory? You don't need a HUD at all but if you must have one, try this for no frills, NO lag. Rez a cube, drop the dances onto it, size it down a lot then take to inventory. Right click cube in inventory and choose "attach to hud" and pick a hud location. Once it's on hud, you can right click it and move it or size. To use, right click and edit, go to contents, open all the animations and arrange the dialogs, close edit dialog. Or just open them all from inventory first in the first place.
  4. I've always had a simple view on this. The people whom I can think of as friends, are the ones who do NOT appear or need to appear in any contact list. I remember their names, I know when they're likely to be online, I know how to contact them, I know what to say when I do, I know what we have in common and I know, *they* also know the same. The ones in the contact list are just that, contacts.
  5. Siera, i'm afraid that what you're saying appears contradictory:- "I am not asking for much. I simply just said that I do not want to spend 30K on something that can be done for less than 5K." What makes you feel it can be done for 5k? Yep, someone with no commercial clue may offer to spend several days starting from scratch to make exactly what you want for nothing but commercially, 5k won't get anyone out of bed to start from nothing to make a custom mesh item, weighted, textured. There are HOURS... not one or two... several hours to get to a point before even starting on texturing, then multiple sizes and so on. Please don't assume that "custom mesh" is just a little job and isn't WORTH anything more than a few thousand L$. "but what I can't afford is paying for something that is way to much for what it needs to be." How do you know what it needs to be? Last mesh clothing item I made took a month. "But I also understand if it will take a week to do. I will pay them for what it is worth. But if it takes a day, why should I pay them 30K for it?" This is where i'm confused, you'll pay someone what it's worth if it takes a week but you won't pay 30k and would really only wish to pay 5k? Which is it as it's a bit confusing to me and probably other people who may do something custom. It won't take less than a day... no way, much more unless you want something that's junk and rushed and untextured! So, now factor in $20 US per hour and even at a day you're already on L$40k for the day and yes, RL time costs RL money value when you're talking about something where people value time. There's no reason that creators should throw away their own personal time just because someone has littered SL with full perm for almost free prices and removed any concept whatsoever of time and value. On the other hand, those will sell in bulk and that's why the one you have seen is L$250 and not L$100,000 or more. "Also, there are templates online that I can do this myself for just 250L." See above! "You pay for what you get and even though I can get it by doing it on my own, I want to pay someone else to do it the right amount that they deserve. But all I am saying is that 30K or even 10K does not seem like it would take that much to do what I am asking." Again, you've acknowledged that you get what you pay for and want to pay the right amount which is deserved but then have already decided prior amounts as to what this is, it seems without having any experience as to what's involved as to why custom mesh costs aren't L$250 for a complete new item, fully textured in multiple sizes.
  6. No problem. I understand that the price for custom mesh creation is far beyond what you have in the budget. I therefore point you to the destroyer of value and creator of false expectation. You'll find a cheer leader template on marketplace full perm for L$250. Instead of seeking mesh crearon for a value that nobody in their sane mind can meet, it might be worth looking for someone just to texture a template instead.
  7. VMware workstation works fine. 30 day trial. In SL you usually need to disable Mouse warp in debug settings.
  8. It's not just you and it's a pain in the ass!
  9. Pamela Galli wrote: People don't know there is a Wiki, or a Forum, or even Google. Wait!!! Are you saying that "Google" still works once you've logged into SL and if so, does that mean that people can use it instead of asking questions in ANY group starting off with "I know this isn't the right group for this but...<where can I/how do I/where is?> <topic/product/youtube tutorial>" AWESOME!
  10. What was in the agreement that you agreed to when you first rented? Don't forget that the sim owner has to pay tier regardless of whether anyone is using it. LL doesn't refund the sim owner, they'd have to carry a cost. Nobody in SL really has a right to anything, even "agreements" are a token gesture unless suitably notarised and more crucially, pursued through courts for legal redress, as that's where "rights" are enforced.
  11. You'll know the answer to that when you've asked each merchant.
  12. I've forgotten a lot and without looking it up, I'd expect issues like heap fragmentation to come into play. It could be that the first is reporting largest contiguous free heap space. Others with more interest will hopefully give more insightful and better qualified answers soon.
  13. You were a moment ahead of me, my response was going to be:- "delete the line"
  14. No because you cannot right click and pay an attached item.
  15. Magic boxes will finally be obsolete when Viewer Managed Marketplace comes into effect, in January 2015 or after Feb 14th. Those are LLs quoted dates and clearly not updated to reflect the continued project slippage around the urgent removal of Magic Boxes, urgently necessary over two years ago but still not finished. Sad.
  16. So search for "RLV posestand" or similar because it's only through RLV that clothing layers can be changed via script.
  17. AlexandriteGem wrote: . BUT they are still on sale! Because there was never a sweep or any coherent LL plan to remove them from MP. The problem with MP is that it's very badly managed. I've just looked through someones store, 286 pages (I didn't see all) with the same generic keywords for just about every item where only one keyword changed and that was the product title. Irrelevant since title is already searchable. Is anyone going to flag all 3000+ items for keyword spamming? No. Just as the seller may have left, given up bothering etc. so unless there's a positive sweep by LL, products will just sit dormant on MP. I've regularly asked that there be a requirement from merchants to "touch" each listing in some way, to re-activate a listing and keep it alive, this way old stale things with dead merchants would fall away.
  18. Sounds to me like a pose stand that uses RLV APIs. Maybe something like this? https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Rhapsody-Automodel-Posestand/1988858
  19. AlexandriteGem wrote: So, the bottomline is, they were purchased on the marketplace legally because they were there before, have not been taken down or sellers prohibited from selling them, therefore it is OK to own and use them? Thanks Nobody has said that, you have been given a link to the current gaming policy, the suggestion is that you read and understand the content of that text. There has been far too much discussion in various threads about it, there's no point asking for legal council here.
  20. AlexandriteGem wrote: I want to know how they are allowed to be sold in the marketplace and how I go about to report the seller and get our payment back. Because they were there BEFORE LL introduced the new rules and there was no requirement (or thought) to remove them. I'll bet that LL fob you off with "Resident to resident issue". While basking in the commission that they just took selling games that are disallowed under their own rules. :heart: SL
  21. No, you don't need a notification at all. If the item is copy then the only thing that the MP page needs to do is instead of the BUY button, change it to REDELIVER and it can do this automatically so that you never even get the opportunity to purchase again. It's not difficult but there's just nothing useful being done by the Commerce Team, hasn't been for well over 2 years now. (I'm no longer counting Direct Delivery as "work". This was a Linden Lab self made problem by moving a working system to one that didn't work and then taking 2 years to finish this project, as yet still unfinished.) My inworld vendors have been auto refunding duplicate purchases for years, I don't believe in taking payment twice for the same thing when it's a copiable item, just for the sake of a momentary SQL query when the customer tries to purchase.
  22. What did the product creator offer as advice?
  23. Not really. It's a terrible platform for this. Probably the best would be to use media on a prim and a web based proper presentation tool for webinars but I beg the question as to why login to SL to view this instead of just a browser?
  24. Closed. It was announced in their group a couple of weeks ago.
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