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Sassy Romano

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Everything posted by Sassy Romano

  1. First of all, a HUD is NO DIFFERENT to anything else so don't get hung up on the "It's a HUD" concept. Basically, you'll have a script in the mesh object which will perform two main functions. First is to listen for messages coming from the sending script. The second function is to set textures. For this you'll need to read the wiki http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LSL_Portal for the following:- llListen and the listen event llSetTexture, llSetLinkPrimitiveParamsFast, llSetLinkTexture (depends on how you do this as to which you use, can't even remember if there's a llSetLinkTexture anymore, sometimes I make stuff up ) For the sending object, you can make this with several buttons (prims linked together), you detect which was touched and then send a UUID. You'll need to read up on:- llRegionSayTo (the destination key can be the key of the avatar, this way you don't broadcast on a listenable channel, it's a teensy bit more secure but still somewhat pointless since it's trivial to retrieve textures from cache anyway but then they're only suitable for that mesh item so it's a bit of a non drama anyway!). llDetectedLinkNumber Since you have skills in other languages, the rest of the process should come quickly.
  2. Even at the current prices, those are ridiculously cheap for a fufll perm template. If that price is too much, the L$60,000 for a full perm custom unique might be a shade too far. Yes you might get someone cheaper but understand that Meli's price is based on volume not a one off. It might help if you state whether the use is to be exclusive to you as that's a huge difference.
  3. My point being that regardless of any status on the JIRA, the behaviour still exists, it has not been corrected so the behaviour mentioned by the OP still relates to the JIRA concerned One could have a field day changing the text strings in the JIRA configuration:- Open: We haven't bothered looking yet Accepted: We haven't finished lunch yet Updated: Someone touched a button by mistake No fix: We finished lunch Resolved: Coffee break time Closed: It's home time
  4. So flip it around and take the positive step of just removing all those who are permanently offline that you haven't had contact wtih for a week or two. Those that don't care or who have gone on to other things, i.e. left SL won't know or care. The few who might kick up drama "YOU REMOVED ME?" are the prime candidates to definitely remove.
  5. Why even care? My friends don't need to be in a contact list, I already know who they are. They should just rename that feature from "Contact/Friends List" to "Dramatainment List"
  6. Your JIRA Fu is weak today. Resolved, fix version NONE. Status "Accepted" In other words, closed, couldn't give a rats "like a" donkey about it being a problem, not fixed, won't fix. Move along, LL doesn't care that it's an annoying behaviour.
  7. There must be a ton of templates from which they could be textured to produce something like that. Templates which will cost you around L$250 instead of the multi-tens of thousand L$ that someone custom creating that as a full perm item *should* be asking for.
  8. Equally as bad is the retarded language handling logic per this JIRA https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/BUG-4576 18 months old, low hanging fruit, filed in the "couldn't give a potty" basket.
  9. JoeMax93 wrote: Is there any procedure for filing a complain with LL against a merchant that has failed to deliver a purchased item? I made the purchase in-world, in their store, and paid over L$12,000 for the package In the case of the first sentence, had you bought the item off Marketplace, LL is responsible for delivery, there's a support case option for "Failed Marketplace Delivery". The second sentence absolves Linden Lab of any responsibility/accountability (take your pick) and they consider it a "resident to resident" transaction in which they won't intervene. This is one benefit of purchasing from Marketplace.
  10. /me *points to the naughty step* "SIT! and behave!" :matte-motes-kiss:
  11. hmm well, call me sceptical but unless you're at ground level and the building is on a parcel with scripts disabled... i suspect there's a different issue. A script runs server side, it doesn't knownit's inside a mesh building. How far away is it from the llSay'er?
  12. They will be running. Most likely it's just the mesh building physics making it difficult for someone to touch. It's a user issue.
  13. Sure. Same as in RL. 1) Work very hard in a low paid job 2) Work less hard in a very well paid job 3) Work hard in a well paid job 4) Create something that is:- In huge demand Appeals to a customer base who do have L$ Market it superbly (all of the items in 4 are related to 1 through 3) Don't for one moment imagine that there's a quick magic fix, nor is the above unattainable to anyone who is prepared to invest time and effort. It's doable but you're unlikely to be rich by this time next week!
  14. Celestiall Nightfire wrote: Now, if the name is using a weird looking cutesy font that's nearly unreadable, that would make me think twice about communicating with the person. I just say "Hello unicode squiggle person"
  15. How about, don't use the "in game building" as you put it but instead create mesh objects in 3DS Max and import them. Also, because i'm feeling somewhat "Fairy Godmother'ish" today, i'm sending you L$5000 /me *waves a magic wand etc. That will last you for 13 weeks in the Crack Den slums or a little less but allow some for mesh uploads.
  16. XanXan Jervil wrote: Okay so I could rent a monthly server and hire someone to do something for me since I cant do it myself, or it could be implemented as a feature for actually paid accounts. The benefits of paid accounts is another rant story, I am not going to get into now. That's fine, I understand. Because you mentioned ANS, I presumed that it was something you wanted to use. We have already done the work for what you ask for and it's available as a very low cost service although if you're already consuming ANS elsewhere then it won't work for you as we don't pass through and MP doesn't offer multiple ANS receivers. (and yes it could so easily be a standard offering, it's a standing joke that some of this isn't implemented when it's such low hanging fruit but it took us stupidly long to even get review notifications via email for what was probably no more than 3 lines of code). I agree with everything you've said though but you're right, it has all been said before but it doesn't hurt to remind LL that they're not listening!
  17. You can use 9) and hook it, processing the data on your own server and make an inbound call to a prim running an LSL web server, relay via llInstantMessage to solve 10)
  18. Innula Zenovka wrote: Sassy Romano wrote: In the rez event, get the key of the avatar to which it's attached. If null, it's not attached so must be rezzed How would you get the avatar's uuid in the on_rez event? I was replying on my phone and just making stuff up even though I knew what I intended (I couldn't remember the detail until I checked later in the evening)
  19. Why will it end it? It's account suspension, not closure. Though I still question why the account should even be suspended if there's nothing owing on it and cash out has already been frozen. I don't buy the "but it can be sent elsewhere" because they can freeze the re-purchase of L$ or whatever. It's a lame uncoupled excuse that doesn't have merit. Someone might just choose to change their mind and say "screw this, I don't need to cash out, i'll just continue to use the funds inworld". There's no requirement for photo ID etc. just to spend L$ inworld so there's no justification for this action. Go ahead LL... tell us why this shouldn't be the case...
  20. You could try this too http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LlGetAttached Although the return is also 0 when pending attach but that would be fairly rare cases that you could re-test for.
  21. In the rez event, get the key of the avatar to which it's attached. If null, it's not attached so must be rezzed
  22. If they have the same object name yes but how can they do this with their existing objects that have been renamed automatically? I think Laz was referring to the broken forum redirect after login.
  23. Whether the items are all in one magic box or one per magic box, how does the original poster avoid the items incorrectly being removed by LL agents who upheld erroneous flagging for item spam since this was the main issue of the thread. I do understand that support doesn't have the authority to post details of project updates but would it be any trouble to suggest that someone on the project come and update their thread with up to date info.
  24. See "screwed" which I suspect will get me another warning (note to mods: screwed is to screwdriver as donkey is to ass. If you're thinking something else, you have issues!)
  25. Nice to see you here Dakota, any news when LL is going to get off it's collective like-a-donkey to finish the already late project - Viewer Managed Marketplace?
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