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Sassy Romano

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Everything posted by Sassy Romano

  1. Hit subsurf a couple more times, that should fix it. *walks away slowly* Or just wait longer while your slow internet connection uploads the way too dense model that you already have created whereupon the highest level of detail should finally appear in the upload dialog. Your model is too dense, that's ridiculous for a shirt. It looks almost solid in wireframe view.
  2. Just about most of them if you go to the Inworld store of each merchant.
  3. As stated, depends on the market demand. Let me see if I can skew that... To me they are worth precisely L$0.
  4. Avatar inventory does not grow with this. The meeting location is already provided as a hyperlink in the original post. This meeting will be nothing but noise because for the most part, evidence in this thread is that most people haven't read any of the existing information about it let alone tried it! C'mon people, at least bother to read the wiki and FAQ before asking questions to which the answers are already well documented.
  5. Natasha Coeyman wrote: As I see, we all will have to open a new avatar just to hold the itens to be sold. First LL says we should never have a too big inventory, no more then 25K itens in inventory they say. After they want we keep our itens to be sold on inventory with our own itens! This isn't how it works, it would be a good time to go and actually read about it, read the wiki, read the FAQ first. Also, for those who are "testing" it, don't just do the linear unit testing that the testers follow after the developers have finished their sprint do, don't just accept it as offered. BEAT THE DAMN THING UP! Try dumb stuff, think about how you actually want it to work, WE are the customer of this effort, please take the time and feed back to the team how it *should* work because they're just making this stuff up as they go along. Drop stuff in the wrong place, do the messages make sense, in cases the anser is NO and there's no need to just sit back quietly and let this wash over. Although at this stage of the live implementation (this isn't a beta, it's on the live platform!), I doubt much will be changed, this is likely at the stage where only show stoppers will influence action. Good luck, let the auto migrations soon begin...
  6. My suggestion was useful, you chose to not act upon it, that choice is yours but here's what i'm going to do, I'll send you the same amount of money that I started my business with. Good luck.
  7. Oh, how about set up a church, church's are always rich, they get people to give them money for some reason.
  8. BlackCrow23 wrote: So, is there any way to make some Linden currency to get started, without having to put any real money in to it? Create a female avatar and become a good stripper/escort. If your girlfriend has an issue with this instead of putting real money in, get her involved, offer her as part of a double act.
  9. Your GPU rendering performance in terms of pure FPS had nothing to do with your internet data rate. Nothing, nothing at all, except an inverse relationship.
  10. You mean the limits mentioned on that very page in the wiki? HTTP_BODY_MAXLENGTH 2 [integer length] [2048] Sets the maximum (UTF-8 encoded) byte length of the HTTP body. The maximum that can be set depends upon which VM is used. Mono Max: 16384 LSO Max: 4096
  11. Realistically, what's your budget, what do you expect to pay? (per item)
  12. LlewLlwyd wrote: What a ridiculous question. Well not entirely ridiculous although had it been something like "Could Netflix be killing my connection?" it would be more plausible. Aside from the responses already given, I once had to deal with a situation with identical pieces of equipment. The one year old versions worked fine, the new ones did not, the symptom being that when under load, there was a lot of data passing and the role of the boxes was to provide data encryption/decryption. I'll keep the story short but the cause was that the crypto chip was overheating and cooling was insufficient because the heat pipe, (small piece of plastic a few inches long) which was supposed to sit on the base of the case had changed slightly in dimensions, due to a change in manufacture of this item. In the new version, the plastic was formed incorrectly and did not sit flush, the result being that when the equipment was under load, the extra heat on the crypto chip was not drawn away via the fan at the end of the heat pipe. Chip overheated and locked up the box. My solution was to run some sellotape along the heatpipe to stick it to the case and seal it for the airflow to work properly and having identified the root cause, corrected appropriately via the manufacturer. So, it's quite feasible, given appropriate circumstances for a poorly vented router, covered in dust, to overheat if the data throughput is excessive, for an already marginal home use device. However, SL really isn't that data intensive compared to other streaming services, so it's exceptionally unlikely to be the above scenario.
  13. Drake1 Nightfire wrote: JustChrisMcDonald wrote: The PS4 is the next logical step for Linden Lab being a x86 architecture system it is no different then building software for the pc. If linden labs are willing two invest time and money in low quality mobile apps then they should be willing to invest in a decent PS4 viewer. I know a ps4 Xbox one viewer would not be for every one but nether are the cell phone apps. A good software company should make sure there products are available on the most platforms that is possible . Does anyone have a opinion on this. Yes. My opinion, learn to use spellcheck. You also might want to use SL for a bit before thinking a game system could handle it. How exactly would the system know I had rezzed a new cat on my SIM before you visit? Or what changes were made to a shop? SL isn't a static game. Hell, it isn't a game at all. Everything you see is user created. Name a single "game" that has that. Unfortunately, spell check does not correct the improper use of "then" instead of "than" (something that winds me up no end!) or "there" instead of "their". aargh, i've become an Internet grammar/spell troll
  14. Sassy, the Fairy Godmother bounds into the thread full of altruistic intent... she pulls out her magic wand and begins to wave it... <tinkly sound is heard> *nothing happens* "Aww crap... flat batteries!" she exlaims, before turning around and walking off in a huff.
  15. Bobbie and others, there is NO inventory explosion, you don't keep things in your avatar inventory. Just as with Direct Delivery, you manage the items in the Marketplace inventory floater just that whereas with DD, they got copied and poofed from the floater, now they stay there and you manage that view. As for coupling to an inworld vending system, well that project did start long long ago but would have worked the other way around. Inworld vending systems were to be able to access the MP system via an API so you'd manage the stock on MP and an inworld vending system would have pulled from that. Project seems to have died shortly after starting as this was about 2 year ago now? I've really lost track of time.
  16. Easier to populate a SQL database on a web host with a one time import from MP report. Thereafter hook the ANS data feed from Marketplace and add to your database automatically as each sale happens. From that the rest is straightforward. You could even have the user interface as a web page presented via media on a prim. (When I say the rest is straighforwards, that's because if I remember correctly, you have skills on web and database platforms and all you're doing is a bit of communications between LSL and a hosted back end, calls being made via llHttpRequest() )
  17. It's true if panning around too. Movement lag would manifest itself as a result of packet delay rather than low bandwidth. The GPU will still render whatever objects it has at the frame rate it can achieve regardless of the speed of extra objects coming in.
  18. Well...you *could* sign up to try the Viewer Managed Marketplace beta which dispenses with the Merchant Outbox.
  19. Well if the things have different attributes then by definition, they're not identical. Since they're not identical, they should be different listings and thus as far as I see it, the remainder of the objections are moot. Just as if I listed a shirt (pink) and a shirt (blue). The shirt might be the same but the colour attribute is different, thus not the same item. Notwithstanding the original goal on MP to have different colours under the same listing but this never happened so again...moot!
  20. CommerceTeam Linden wrote: We're looking forward to hearing your feedback. and i'm still looking forward to hearing yours in response to my questions in this thread! (although in fairness, you did say you were looking forward to 'hearing', nothing about 'responding to' so very much BAU.)
  21. (wasn't a reply specifically to Vulpinus) Network speed, wired or wireless will NOT affect frame rate and only in an inversely proportional mode. SL is not a streamed system, if there's no data coming down, the GPU has nothing to render, frame rate will be off the chart. The faster the connection speed, the more there is to render, the GPU will get slower as more work to be done.
  22. I feel like the bad person again but i'm going to have to ask this. As I understand it, this beta differs from the previous beta in that this is now on agni whereas the previous one was on aditi yes? In order to participate, we request access via the form in the link in the FAQ and then have to used a project viewer. This beta is going to operate against our LIVE marketplace shop based on the above assumption that this is now on agni? True? Basically, i'm confused which beta this is since you've done a beta already on aditi and received lots of feedback. If this is indeed on agni, then this isn't a beta, it's on the production platform! Do I trust the management of my business to beta software? :matte-motes-wink-tongue:
  23. do you think it *might* be in your account profile once you have logged in via the web page?
  24. Already discussed to death and it's not even a benefit to business owners (or ANYONE for that matter) becasuse we just enable IM to email and get the messages there that are discarded beyond the 25 cap. It's a completely NO value feature.
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