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Sassy Romano

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Everything posted by Sassy Romano

  1. It wouldn't matter if they used D-E-M-O, D*e*m*o, d3mo or anything else if Linden Lab did something useful by using the attribute from the database which has already been marked to identify the item as a demo and NEVER display it in search results in the first place. A core change to the search query that would take less than one minute to change. It's beyond my comprehension as to why the obvious and simple stuff just doesn't get done despite all the noise about it.
  2. and after contacting the creator, the creator said what?
  3. No point asking here, you need to create a JIRA here https://jira.secondlife.com/secure/Dashboard.jspa I would put it in the BUG Project but then the next option below is "New Feature Request". I'll also add that you'd be wasting your time though, this service is to pacify us while letting LL generally ignore anything that might be useful that we ask for. There's already a very long list of really simple and high value things that receive no attention whatsoever.
  4. That would be the scripting forum https://community.secondlife.com/t5/LSL-Scripting/bd-p/LSLScripting
  5. Forgottenx wrote: I have no experience with magic huds...I know of the older ones I'm confused. Which is it?
  6. @TomH78: I guess there's a distinction between designer and creator. If someone is a designer as in draws concepts but doesn't have the skills to bring it to product, I see no issue with that designer/creator relationship. It's no different from complex products where someone needs to be animator, sound artist, texture artist, scripter etc. all in one. It's often more sensible to get some of that outsourced. However, picking a product from a RL catalogue and having that made by someone else to re-sell is ... wait! That's pretty much what Jonty Glaser did with Stiletto Moody Shoes and they were all outsourced for creation by underpaid workers (who allegedly didn't get paid towards the end). Then there's the issue of IP rights http://newlegalreview.cpaglobal.com/legal-tensions-escalate-rights-virtual-goods/ Either way, to discard say L$60,000 as "too much, no need to pay that", that's where the difference in standards of living cross over from SL to RL. There are creators who have very real bills to pay, competing with others who sustain themselves on a few handfuls of rice where the pay is measured in single $'s per day or week.
  7. The value for glow must be between 0 and 1. You ase trying ti set negative glow. That would make it perform like a black hole presumably?
  8. Well done Pamela, I had it down as "kitty" because that's like "**bleep**". It's a STUPID game and LL seem to value it for some bizarre reason. I challenged it again at the recent meeting inworld but nope, they love this retarded piece of non saving functionality. Anyone at LL championing this and rooting for keeping it should really be shown the exit door.
  9. I know of someone who spent L$27,000,000 on 27 poseballs, not sure if they regretted it when LL kept all the funds though.
  10. NO there isn't. You will have been advised of the reason in an email, my guess based on looking at a bunch of your items is KEYWORD SPAMMING. Examples:- Keywords: florida state seminoles women ladies crop top off shoulder red mesh promo football Keywords: pooh winnie off shoulder crop tank top cute red yellow sexy disney mesh promo women ladies female Keywords: mesh black cami not everyone can be a princess someone has to clap when I go by female ladies women promo
  11. Yes I understood that not all points were covered but LL did indicate at the recent meeting that redelivery is something they'reconscious of. It might not always be unavailable but should remain only for copy items by default but there is no reason that a merchant shouldn't be able to configure a redelivery of a no copy item. Again, it's not rocket science ti do this stuff, all rather trivial really. Configure number of no copy deliveries in total or over a timeframe, basic database log and query.
  12. Been offering this for years, including purchases from Marketplace. Casper added this to Caspervend too. Many stores already have redelivery methods, the one organisation that struggles with the value of this is... Linden Lab. They have received this request numerous times and it's trivial to do. They never do the trivial stuff, it's quite bizarre really.
  13. LadyPetunias Audion wrote: I watched the video again you have an inworld screen to list and fill out your listing in world...The only thing is says you can do from the market place is list it and unlist it. I suspect the video used the in-client browser and that's where your misunderstanding of the process stems from. Anyway, opinion is invalid at this point. This WILL be the next change to MP and we all have the choice as to whether to list on MP or not, this will be the method required.
  14. LadyPetunias Audion wrote: Oh I have read about it... and I have watche the videos that is how I spent my time this morning before work. The Merchant Box works fine ... Why fix something that is not broken? Oh and the person who said Ask us what we need or I would add, even would like.......Assuming we would want this and would like that is a huge step... I do not like the idea of stuff out of my inventory being sold. And Do I have to move everything I have now in the MP to the new system? I think I will spend money on a vender and open a store. I will be looking for cheap commercial proptery.... in the future. The current system is broken (incomplete). It does not handle items with limited permissions. Stuff isn't sold "from your inventory" (you can read about how it works) You don't have to move anything but it will happen with the auto migration if you don't (as described in the wiki)
  15. No No Yes No (you could have tried it before during the beta on aditi, you could try it now on agni, you could read the information about it)
  16. Ophelia Kira wrote: i would be interested in getting an invitation to this please Invite to what? The meeting was last week. If you mean invite to use VMM, just download the project viewer and fill in the application form that's linked to in the other thread about VMM.
  17. As with any organisation, they will triage JIRAs and deal with the ones that get priority with the resource they have. Just because their priorities aren't the same as ours is a pity but that's life in software companies. 1. Cannot be because of name change. That has nothing to do with the issue, it's just not a feature. 3. Is a feature of the VMM changes as I understand it. 2. ? Search sucks and favours stuff which sells most, though freebies are never sold but given. At one point search appeared to favour expensive products, that wasn't any better, though my million L$ poseball did hit number 1 on MP when 27 were bought one evening To answer the direct question though. In my view, too much time has been spent on making deliveries work with the bought in MP system, at the detriment of a long list of low hanging fruit, high value features and fixes. I am weary of it, LL won, I gave up caring a while ago and spend little time here.
  18. See this thread. https://community.secondlife.com/t5/LSL-Scripting/Clothing-Texture-Changer-Script-Hud-help/m-p/2927821#U2927821 It won't answer all your questions but there's information about what the scripts involved would need to be doing. Although there is a slight difference if you're trying to conform to the dev kit of someone else's items.
  19. You're welcome. I'm glad it's still useful. Did you export your MP data as csv or xls? Both of those are an option if memory serves me correctly so should have been relatively trivial to import tío your SQL db. My memory could be wrong though, I've used ANS since xstreet days,before LL got anywhere near it so exports from MP aren't something I've needed to do.
  20. It is already a requirement that a demo be linked to a full item. The problem is that the DEMO is shown as an item in its own right. A better query would remove demos from search results completely because there doesn't need to be a filter or better boolean search options to -demo etc. Just don't return any item in search where the demo flag is set. Blisteringly simple. There's so much low hanging fruit that everyone is asking for but never receives attention it's unreal.
  21. No point doing that. I'd just mute the object if it was bothering me. Just build there instead with prims.
  22. How much memory has it got? If less than 2GB and you're happy with it when you first log in, then that sounds highly likely that it's memory swapping. To counter this try the following:- Run NOTHING else at the same time Uninstall all those little things that sit in the background in the system tray Add more memory Tweak the viewer. If your viewer has it, set the MaxHeapSize This should set the maximum RAM that the viewer can use and the default is 1.6GB. Firestorm viewer has this option, the LL viewer doesn't appear to have it. You'll find this in debug settings. Depending on how much RAM you have, you can try this for other amounts, the issue being that if you have insufficient free RAM and the viewer tries to use more and more, the longer you're logged in, the more textures that are cached, the more the PC will then start to swap out to disk. This is all assuming though that your PC graphics are such that you're ok with that on a 2009 PC but you said it could run it fine but then started to lag. More details about the hardware would help.
  23. I was quite surprised actually and pleasantly so. The meeting was clear, got across the points and achieved the objective. Also, apologies to Brooke from me for mentioning a couple of things that weren't VMM related but the opportunities are so rare. However, I still stand by two points:- Get rid of that stupid, pathetic, ineffective word filter, it just wastes our time and is trivial to circumvent anyway, thus about as useful as a chocolate teapot. Or publish the flipping list and be clear about the words not to use. You agreed that your mistakes with it waste your time too. (I appreciate it's not a VMM thing but seriously...) The value of quality engagement from LL staff can be good, I hope (Brooke and other LL staff) that you felt the time was constructive and would hope that your feelings from it could encourage you to do more. I suggested at the end that you should spend more time here too, you reach a wider audience and when that relationship is nurtured, we don't always bite (too hard).
  24. You're welcome for the answer. I'll recap: Wait longer for the upload...or reduce detail.
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