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Sassy Romano

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Everything posted by Sassy Romano

  1. Question is too vague. Projectors vary in technology, quality and price.
  2. Empirical evidence has previously demonstrated that the droids engage their single brain cell and just remove flagged items without investigation.
  3. This should have been asked in the Answers forum. Obviously!
  4. Part of the Microsoft Visual C runtimes. Google is your friend, e.g. http://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/windows_other-performance/msvcp100dll-missing/9a687c31-0619-4ee9-b511-020985e29b5f
  5. pandapple5 wrote: But for future reference, you could be a little gentler in your execution. It came off a little harsh. I wasn't trying to stir any trouble. I was just hoping to get some friendly tips from my fellow SLers. Tip 1: These are the SL forums, grow thick skin, fast.
  6. Take a ticket...how long have you been using SL Marketplace for? I suspect not very long. Let me recap with a little history for you... Long ago, somene feel free to correct me here but around 2008/9, Pink Linden was brought in to handle Marketplace. Pink was ex Ebay Marketing or something like that and she had good ideas. SL Marketplace was purchased from an SL resident who had created an online Marketplace called SL Exchange which was later renamed to xstreet due to branding conflict use of trademark "SL". LL had also previously purchased Onrez, another thirde party marketplace. LL now "owned" the marketplace and had great plans, such as demos NOT being their own standalone product, one listing containing all colours/sizes whatever. Because LL had purchased those two marketplace platforms, neither really worked well in terms of how they sat within the LL branding so LL decided to buy in a Marketplace solution which is the current MP platform that we have. Then the disaster started! LL took a multithreaded delivery platform in the case of xstreet and slapped on front of it, a single threaded delivery queue system based on Ruby on Rails, a web dev/sales platform thingy. Now all the deliveries requests sat in a queue and without thinking too hard about it, LL had other database operations such as nightly maintenance happening which would occur right in the morning timeframe for Europe. European deliveries went to pot, with deliveries sitting in a queue for hours and many would fail. This was coupled with the issue that they had inherited a marketplace platform and had no real developer skills for it and had to bring it under a system that they had bought. The integration the purchased web product and the back end systems to inworld LSL wasn't simiple. LL really have lost developer skills in LSL. Instead of identifiying the root cause, LL took a different approach, clearly the delivery method was wrong so they went about implementing a different delivery platform called Direct Delivery. This was the saviour of deliveries (instead of fixing the actual cause of the issue in the nightly maintenance process!). Problem was that somewhere in the process, the plan for limited permissions items was too difficult at the time and would come later. Now, this Direct Delivery project became THE MOST IMPORTANT marketplace development project, sidelining all the really useful things that merchants and customers actually wanted. Remember, we never asked for a single threaded delivery queue system, fundamentally flawed in architecture. This Direct Delivery project consumed (gosh memory fails me here) 2 years? and still isn't finished but not to worry, it is soon to be scrapped to give way to Viewer Managed Marketplace. I think of this is just finishing the original product of fixing delivery issues since that's where it originated from. So basically for the past several years, LL has only aimed at fixing its self induced issues with deliveries, the rest of the acutal functionality and usability that we as customers and merchants need has fallen by the wayside. Also in the above timeline, Pink Linden was exited from LL along with many others in the great cull and was replaced by Brooke Linden. Brooke introduced herself as a developer with 12 years experience (of development) in contrast to Pink's experience in Marketing. Brooke arrived with intent to communicate with merchants but the issue was that many merchants by this time were jaded, irritated by lack of momentum, bad decisions, previous shunning by LL and generally being ignored. Brooke faced somewhat hostile inworld meetings and the soution...hide! I can understand that inworld meetings were considered unproductive, hostile and nothing but a shouting match but rather than be open and communicate and deliver, retreating was the chosen option, followed by anonymity. Any post here by anyone from LL is placed under the pseudonym "Commerceteam Linden", god forbid that anyone at LL should take responsibility and be accountable for the Marketplace. So there you have it, MP just bumbles along, all effort is on fixing an LL induced problem, LL don't communicate and all that you have asked for has been asked for before, many many times. Feel free to use the JIRA system to submit a feature reqeust but it's really a placebo to pacify you into believing that something will happen. Me, i'm just one of the now very jaded ones, beaten into submission by LL, it's just not worth the effort trying to push water uphill.
  7. Iren Tinkel wrote: As i understand it is impossible to decline something from Direct Delivery so it is hard for me to understand how they did not get something. Hey Iren, long time no speak. You're not wrong on your approach, either they are aftrer additional copies or they have lost it, or can't find it in their Direct Delivery inbox etc. LL Support is their option for MP delivered items as LL are the delivery agent. If they prefer to use a vendor supported route then buy inworld. Like most merchants, you feel obliged to help but since you do not own or operate the delivery method, unless you choose to send additional products yourself, you've done all that there is to do.
  8. To attract an investor, you'd need to present a decent business plan which includes how much you need, how you'd spend it, what their ROI would be and in what timeframe. Document the risks and challenges or they'll find them anyway. The problem that you're most likely to encounter is that the barriers to starting a business in the first place are exceptionally low, the costs are tiny (my business started from L$1000 as that's all I had at the time and I wasn't in RL employment at the time either so dumping money into SL wasn't an option.) Similarly, if you come out with something fantastic, the barriers to someone else doing something similar are equally low, thus your opportunity to capitalise on uniqueness has to be seized rapidly in order to turn that ROI into something worth having. Say you wanted L$20,000 or $80 US, you'd have to be returning some serious profit to turn that into something that would cause an "investor" to even raise an eyebrow. Look at it another way, (old stats but...) most businesses, around 80% of them, take out less than $100 US a month. What are you prepared to give up of that to interest an investor? 50%? Is an "investor" going to get excited about $50 a month? I dunno, maybe people like to call themselves an investor when playing with the typically tiny amounts that are usually the case?
  9. Aluviel Nakamura wrote: I am a business woman and I just knew that you were going to rip my texture into photo shop the minute You asked for it! If you knew what was probably, it does beg the question, why did you post it and not watermarked or of a different texture completely which would have illustrated the same? However, that aside, what "bad" do you feel has actually happened here other than a fluffed up sense of self importance and grandeur over a texture that anyone can copy with a simple "right click, save as", hardly a RIP. As a business person, you didn't know better about how to handle your own IP? Now you do, there's usually a lesson somewhere, none of us are perfect.
  10. That's some pretty far fetched weirdo rule that they're applying here. Seems like they associating any number in the "teens" along with "Li" as being a contraction of "Lolita". My recommendation is that for every single time a word gets trapped by the LL idiot filter, that the merchant submits a support ticket asking why and also an email to the commerce team. I'm all about sharing the pain.
  11. Oh this one is easy! You say this:- "Hey, since we not chatting much at the moment, I'm just going to whack off to some porn. I could be a whle but I'll leave the Mic open..." Take as long as you need and make whatever noises are appropriate. Do report back how this goes.
  12. In the absence of any other useful information, since this is in the SL forums, I presume you're asking with respect to best performance in SL? Given that the SL viewer doesn't support SLI, it's not going to make a difference as far as SL, what you do,.
  13. Would you like me to send him an IM and ask him to contact you? It's clearly very important. When I asked in another of the forum threads if the person had contacted the product creator, they got all butt hurt instead but i'm happy to IM them.
  14. Nobody it's trying to enforce any non existent rules. The OP merely chose to be completely butt hurt when asked what response the product creator had given. They chose not to ask the most obvious person capable of the best response and decided to be hostile and defensive. Whatever!
  15. Yes and that's an even easier query as a product has a database field specifically for mesh as it does for permissions. Low hanging fruit...
  16. I'm not pre-supposing anything, just saying that the current system has forced dysfunctional behaviour. I can agree that there should be an selection to "only show products that have a demo" but there's still never a need to show a demo item in a search result, it's a sub item of a full listing. There is no need to search for demos first.
  17. Google "Viewer Managed Marketplace". Sign up to the beta of this and then use that instead of Magic Box which will be replaced very shortly anyway.
  18. Still not needed. You'd accomplish your search with price max 100. There's simply NO need to show demos, just look at the product and if it's over 100, click the "demo" link in the item. Demo's shouldn't ever be shown, they're totally redundant in terms of flow as a product on their own. You've been forced into dysfunctional searching because of the way the current system works. It's just not logical to search for demos first then product. Think about it, you don't go looking for samples of paint, then go find the big tub. Nor do you first and foremost look for samples of wallpaper, then find the roll, nor do you look for samples of cosmetics or perfume, to then find the product and not for one moment would anyone shop for plain clothes textured "DEMO" in RL to then find the item on the shelf in a colour and size of their choice. We have been forced into a stupid way of having to do things in SL because of a malady in search and marketplace implementation.
  19. Well I did wonder if it was because the items were Magic Box and not Direct Delivery but i've just looked at one of mine and that's not it. Therefore it comes down to needing to file a support ticket and create a (placebo) JIRA describing the bug because there should be a delete option for both.
  20. They're not listening because one would presume that their business analysts have determined that there's enough people paying to go from $25 to $40 to provide a better return than allowing a mid point of that which you propose.
  21. irihapeti wrote: agree them people who dont provide a DEMO checkbox in the search filters are all going to hell You're missing the point. There doesn't need to be a demo checkbox, nor boolean filter for demos. Demos *have* to be linked to a full product, LL should use a search query to exclude from search results, ANY product which is set as a demo of a full product. There is never a reason to return a demo in a search result, ever. People only need to find product, then get its demo. Not the other way around.
  22. CheeseCakeAlchemist wrote: ... rather than bothering the creator first. They bothered to take your L$, you're not "bothering" them by asking for help!
  23. What did the product creator suggest when you asked them for help with the product they created?
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