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Sassy Romano

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Everything posted by Sassy Romano

  1. Marcus Hancroft wrote: The fella in the doughnut shop? He could have wore long pants. Nobody needs to see his urine sloshing around in a clear bag strapped to his leg. Especially in an eating establishment. No, he only walked out of his house like that to garner sympthy. Sure he only wanted sympathy? Or maybe he wanted to feel like everyone else, choosing his own clothing of choice to suit the weather. Maybe he was beyone embarrassement and wanted to be normal. I understand the SL side of the sentiment but the cross over to RL... hmm dodgy. The same gets said about women breast feeding babies in restaurants by using the perfect product yet the "Ewww, take that away, nobody wants to see that!" does then to rub people up the wrong way. Everyone else is eating, why can't baby?! Tolerance all round is the key.
  2. http://m.independent.ie/style/beauty/body/miss-idaho-wears-insulin-pump-with-her-bikini-and-inspires-diabetics-worldwide-30450805.html
  3. Tari Landar wrote: I have had my messages sent to email since the ability existed. I have still come back to capped messages(and the viewer indicated precisely this, not simply a guess on my part). That;s expected behaviour. There's a 25 IM limit where the server stores IM's. However, when an IM is received, it is sent to the avatar or queue AND also sent via email if configured. Sending IM's to email will only seek to ensure that IM 26 and above will continue to be sent via email but will not be added to the now full queue. Hence logging in will show the 25 and "Your IM's were capped because we're running an out of date system and can't cope with holding any more in a queue but thanks for all the $ you pay us, we still refuse to add a hard disk or two to store additional IM's". (ok, I paraphrased the last bit). In short, sending IM's to email doesn't clear the queue and prevent inworld capping of IM's but it does (hopefully) send them all to email. If LL is now not sending IM's for notecards then that's an unbelievable (*bangs head against a wall*, no wait, i've been here long enough) fail. I rely on the email facility to let me know that someone can't read the instructions in my profile to send an IM and NOT a notecard. I have about as much interest in receiving a notecard as stepping in chewing gum on the pavement. I just don't want them, useless things. I only log in these days when I need to and that's typically to attend to some inworld generated event. On the other hand, I could say "thanks LL, you've removed a reason to log in!"
  4. We discussed this in a different thread. I'd be more worried if LL were to actually do anything since there has been no theft or infringement, only a creators mistake in the use of the permissions system as provided. I know the intent behind the demo but this is the brutal fact of what happened.
  5. Madelaine McMasters wrote: If we're gonna be pedantic, I'll have to wonder why Sassy is expecting a note from the moderators for doing something (mentioning someone's name in a thread title) which is not against the ToS/CG. Because I said "**bleep**" in a thread once and that got them all excited. Funny, because "Hen" doesn't do it. Or was it when I typed F**k, missing out the O and R in the middle? Yep, that was another.
  6. and there it is, i've been logged in less than 5 minutes and up pops a Blender group:- "Hey! i know it's not related to modeling but... Does somebody has that multipose tool for sitting with no floating sphere? Smiles"
  7. Yep, i'm a rebel, i'll expect my "notification of clueless moderation" shortly.
  8. Yay the thread title rhymes. He's on a crusade and asks the question (regularly) "why did you post this here and not in <insert more suitable forum>?" On the one hand he's seen as disruptive, maybe rude (though he has always been clear and to the point, not actually offensive, just that some people may consider the approach rude, possibly because they've never been challenged before?). But on the other hand, he rather has a point! If I join four groups [Blender, Scripting, Merchants, Dancing], I do question why someone will then start a group chat in say the Blender group with:- "I know this is off topic but does anyone know where I can get/how I can script <insert thing they need>?" If they know it's off topic, it's usually falsely justified with "Well I know there are smart people in this group!" but wait... we're smart people in the group yes and we've used the search facility to find the Blender group... AND the others that are equally relevant to the topic. So much so that yes... they too could use the same search facility and have a go. Usually, the same people do share many of the same groups and i've been known to suggest to someone to go to a particular group, then i'll answer it there. It's a fascinating thing but Google ALSO works once logged into Second Life. Radical I know. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy some of the banter but it does stretch things a bit when a question is something like "Does anyone know of a tutorial for Blender?" and really nothing more specific. Did the internet just suddenly lose all capability to be searched? Did YouTube suddenly go offline? So that's the genuine question, what goes wrong here? Are these the same people that cut you up in a car and if challenged respond with "i'm in a hurry!" or something else? Fascinated to know. :matte-motes-evil-invert:
  9. I did this and have products for Tango's and Phat Azz but that's where I stopped. The mesh frankenstein business is just in total disarray and it's a pointless mess. No sooner than you start supporting one frankenpart, someone DMCA's that and it gets removed from the market. Even if it doesn't, you waste time creating something, package it up and then soon after, a new frankenpart gets released "bestest eva in SL!" and you go back over existing product to add support. Repeat this a couple of times and you end up backtracking exponentially and getting nothing done. The mesh replacement avatars and mesh in general just don't suit RLV. There's no way to sensibly define how to handle alpha, how many faces to hide, for each worn item of clothing and the whole body part hud comms is just cumbersome and often proprietary. Then where is that clothing actually worn? If it's a rigged item, you can attach a pair of boots to left ear and they'll be in the right place on the avatar. No longer does "chest" or "pelvis" have any sensible meaning. Throw in multiple alpha layers even on the standard avatar and you've got a whole world of nightmare trying to handle stacked alphas when the only RLV command is remoutfit:alpha=force. The only viable way is one that Innula mentioned that i've been doing for 7 years and that's via folders and even then it's a mess. So much of a mess that I no longer find it worth any of my time trying to deal with the pile of crap that LL has bestowed upon us by such a humungously poor and ill thought out solution that they've arrived at for mesh. I was badly mistaken in another thread by someone who misread and believed that I said "mesh is crap". I LOVE mesh and what i've been able to do with it but most of the clothing items have ended up being personal toys, where I have total control, can script them precisely how I need and mix them with parts that will work. To turn these into viable customer facing products that will be well received and used in all manner of ways is beyond what can be reasonably achieved, hence i've ceased bothering.
  10. Use a text viewer called Radegast. Google it. I don't need paying.
  11. You still have a load of memory gone to Chrome when you say you have "nothing up". 316MB of your 2048MB and with nothing else running, that's about as good as you'll get. You have 2GB... there's only one real solution. Add more or change PC. (Well there is a second route which is to downgrade to Windows XP which has a much lower memory footprint but it's an obsolete operating system or you could install Linux but I get the impression that isn't an option.)
  12. Close chrome browser to free up the most memory in one go there.
  13. Try again clicking the working set column, you have it sorted lowest first, need to see it largest down.
  14. kaity Ametza wrote: This is what it looks like now, with no other programs opened. Also come to find out, it's not only effecting my experience with Secondlife it's also my computer over all. Like taking a long time to load something or open a tab, or just over all freezes for 2 minutes then resumes. Lack of available RAM will affect everything as the machine has to constantly swap physical RAM to and from disk. Now click the "Processes" tab and if the column for "Working Set" isn't listed, go to the View, Select Columns and add Memory - Working Set, Memory - Commit Size and "Memory - Non-paged pool". (Click the head title "Working Set" to sort it largest at the top down and re-post a screen shot of that page) Working Set, is the amount of physical memory being used by each process so you'll get an idea there as to what's consuming memory but to be blunt, you've only got 2GB to start with so things like FlashPlayer plug in is 222MB on mine, Dropbox is 117MB, Firefox when open with a few tabs 685MB and i've just opened a blank Chrome window for a mere 140MB. You're going to struggle unless it's totally stripped down. What you can try though is before running SL, identify the large memory consuming processes and right click them and choose to "End Task" (there are better ways long term!) and see what you can free up.
  15. I'm referring to the password hashes for the viewer login rather than any of the open id web logins.
  16. A question to anyone with an in with an in depth knowledge of the login process... Is the password hash salted or sent as is from the hard disk. Reason I ask this is whether there's an opportunity to capture an unsalted hash and replay that to hijack credentials without the user having installed malware or knowingly given up anything intentionally. In general I agree with you Amethyst but I'm sure there are other opportunities for well crafted hacks but not as described in the OP.
  17. What else is running on that PC, what did talk manager look like on that screen without SL? The PC is trying to use nearly 4GB of RAM on a system with 2. It is most definitely overcommitted in RAM and is swapping too much. There's only so much you can do with a 2GB system but unless you've got a gig to spare before SL, it's not really going to end well.
  18. Yes but think about how much quieter the forums would be if all English threads were moved to the hidden forum!
  19. Or you could wait a few weeks and then it'll all change to Viewer Managed Marketplace and the Outbox will be no more. That should fix it!
  20. Shouldn't this thread be in the English forum? (he probably found it via URL re-writing?)
  21. Llaz...shouldn't this thread be in "Gaming" forum?
  22. Ress913 wrote: Okay, so I'm new to this and everything but I find this to be a very bad idea. I'm absolutely against paying to do anything. If you're against this as well I could use some supporters. 1) You're new so welcome to SL but you'd better find a thick skin quite soon. 2) I can understand your post from the perspective of being new but as you've now been enlightened, LL provides the platform which you may join for FREE. What you're then looking at is a content marketplace where the content is provided by other residents, just like you, except that they've been here longer and learned to make things and are marketing them for sale. So, you're not buying things from Linden Lab, those greedy platform providers but you're buying it from people just like you, just as you do in that real world out there. Absolutely against paying to do anything? You can do that too, there's plenty of free content in SL if you wish, paid for by the people who DO put money into SL for their own enjoyment and others. Here's the best bit... there are about 25,000 regions in SL, of which approximately 2/3rds of those are PAID FOR by others. The remaining land will mostly be PAID FOR by others who are renting it from Linden Lab. In other words, pretty much everywhere you visit is being PAID FOR by someone...just like you, except that they pay to provide free entertainment locations for you. Hey, I have an idea, how about if we separate residents into two categories. Those who pay and those who don't. The free ones are welcome to use SL but every three minutes, the viewer is interrupted by one minute of YouTube type adverts. Fortunately, that isn't the case so each time you visit somewhere, remember to say THANK YOU to everyone that provides free stuff for you. You're welcome!
  23. If you're using OnLive, is this even an option? I wouldn't expect to find it because it's a virtualised platform and I would be expecting the picture to come from the virtual machine and not your local machine. (dunno but I seem to recall trying it when it was in beta and the inability to upload/download was a problem back then)
  24. If you're using the 64 bit version of Firestorm, it will happily take more than 2GB alone, the 32 bit one will typically take up to about 1.7GB. If the machine still only has 2GB, I'll wager that it's still swapping like buggery, you'll notice this by looking at the hard disc light. There are other ways to help with this too. Go to Task Manager and paste a screen shot of the "Performance" tab please. (Did you try my suggested debug setting to set MaxHeapSize to something such as 0.8 yet?
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