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Sassy Romano

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Everything posted by Sassy Romano

  1. I'm curious, what was the intent of the original post and what do you want to happen and why?
  2. Nobody cares. You have misunderstood the process. None of these "made it through certification". Linden Lab is not certifying games. Make whatever game you like and pay legal council to provide documentation that your game meets their requirements, then pay the required fee to LL. Finish.
  3. Nothing bad will happen but this text that follows was the conversation that I had with somone in 2008 when they tried begging for baby stuff... enjoy! I do not know this person, she just IM'd me as we were standing in Stiletto Moody... (name changed) -- Instant message logging enabled -- [12:03] Immabeggar Lorefield: hi [12:03] Sassy Romano: hello [12:04] Immabeggar Lorefield: how are you ? [12:04] Sassy Romano: good thanks you? [12:05] Immabeggar Lorefield: ok [12:05] Immabeggar Lorefield: can i ask a question? [12:05] Sassy Romano: of course you can [12:06] Immabeggar Lorefield: can i borrow 200l usally i dont ask this but im very desperate i do get paid on monday i will pay it back [12:06] Sassy Romano: 200 is less than $1 US [12:08] Immabeggar Lorefield: yeah but i dont use real money [12:08] Sassy Romano: what do you need it for? [12:08] Immabeggar Lorefield: im expecting a baby so im short on a nursery [12:08] Sassy Romano: an SL baby? [12:09] Immabeggar Lorefield: yep [12:10] Sassy Romano: if you stick it on the floor, it won't notice [12:10] Immabeggar Lorefield: huh [12:10] Sassy Romano: it's not real, it won't notice if you place it on the floor or in a cot [12:10] Immabeggar Lorefield: i will pay it back [12:10] Immabeggar Lorefield: can i just borrow it please [12:12] Sassy Romano: let me consult my therapist... [12:12] Immabeggar Lorefield: haha [12:14] Immabeggar Lorefield: so what did your therapist [12:14] Sassy Romano: not answering yet [12:15] Sassy Romano: what job do you do? [12:16] Immabeggar Lorefield: nurse [12:16] Sassy Romano: in SL I meant? [12:16] Immabeggar Lorefield: yeah a nurse [12:17] Sassy Romano: i've been advised that in accordance with the Financial Services Act, in order to consider a loan, I would need to have a full break down of income and expenses [12:17] Immabeggar Lorefield: so you wanna know what i make [12:17] Sassy Romano: and expenses [12:17] Immabeggar Lorefield: ok [12:18] Immabeggar Lorefield: i make 650 weekly i work weekends [12:18] Immabeggar Lorefield: only [12:19] Immabeggar Lorefield: ii dont spend thta much on clothes i usally spend 250 on clothes and shoes [12:19] Sassy Romano: and how long has prim baby been coming? [12:19] Immabeggar Lorefield: my baby is due on monday [12:20] Sassy Romano: you buy it on monday? [12:20] Immabeggar Lorefield: no [12:20] Immabeggar Lorefield: i already bought it [12:20] Immabeggar Lorefield: i give birth on monday [12:20] Sassy Romano: and how long has it been coming for? [12:20] Immabeggar Lorefield: 4 weeks [12:20] Sassy Romano: so in 4 weeks you'd have earned L$2600 [12:21] Immabeggar Lorefield: yes [12:21] Sassy Romano: and 4 days before you find that you didn't plan 4 weeks of spending? [12:21] Immabeggar Lorefield: my baby cost 6k [12:21] Immabeggar Lorefield: ok [12:22] Immabeggar Lorefield: i just need to borrow 20l [12:22] Sassy Romano: but what happens to prim baby without the nursery? [12:22] Immabeggar Lorefield: it has no bed [12:22] Immabeggar Lorefield: i will pay it back [12:23] Sassy Romano: and that will affect it how? [12:23] Immabeggar Lorefield: it will be homeless [12:23] Immabeggar Lorefield: can i just i borrow 200l [12:23] Sassy Romano: I can rez a cube and hollow it out if that helps? [12:23] Immabeggar Lorefield: well can i borrow 200l please [12:25] Sassy Romano: hold on.. [12:25] Immabeggar Lorefield: kk [12:25] Inventory item offered [12:26] Immabeggar Lorefield: thanks but can i borrow 200 [12:26] Sassy Romano: but that's a bed no? [12:26] Sassy Romano: I just made that for you, it's a gift especially from Autie Sassy [12:26] Immabeggar Lorefield: a bed is not the only thing bath tub [12:26] Immabeggar Lorefield: haha [12:26] Immabeggar Lorefield: please i will pay you back im just short of 200 [12:27] Sassy Romano: but you don't need 200 now, you have a cot? [12:27] Sassy Romano: bath tub...hold on... [12:28] Inventory item offered 12:57] Immabeggar Lorefield: so can i borrow it [12:57] Sassy Romano: I made a cot and a bath for you, those were your requirements no? [12:58] Immabeggar Lorefield: yes but can i can borrow 200l it not like im not going to pay you back [12:58] Sassy Romano: but you have what you need no? [12:58] Immabeggar Lorefield: yeah but i want a nursery im just short of 200 [12:58] Immabeggar Lorefield: i will pay it back [12:58] Sassy Romano: what else do you need? [12:59] Immabeggar Lorefield: sassy thank you for the cot and the bath but im short of 200l i will pay you back i want to buy a scupltie one [13:00] Sassy Romano: ah but you have to cut your cloth accordingly. See when I moved into my house, all I could afford was a plywood cube but I was happy and used that until I could afford a sofa [13:00] Immabeggar Lorefield: ok but i will pay you back [13:01] Sassy Romano: I think the point is being lost... prim baby won't know the difference between a 2 prim cot or a one prim sculpty no? [13:01] Immabeggar Lorefield: ok i ask can i borrow 200l if it is yes say yes if it is a no then say no [13:02] Sassy Romano: well... i'm saving you 200 here, this is a good thing. You said you needed it for a cot and a bath, well actually you said a nursery but we identified the actual need. I met the need with gifts and yet that's not working here? [13:03] Immabeggar Lorefield: like i said i ask for 200 [13:03] Immabeggar Lorefield: i said ill pay you back [13:03] Sassy Romano: and I met the need saving 200 bonus! [13:03] Immabeggar Lorefield: yeah but im not trying to save can i just borrow it [13:03] Sassy Romano: but what for? I don't understand? [13:04] Immabeggar Lorefield: i need it please i will pay it back [13:04] Sassy Romano: need it for?... [13:04] Immabeggar Lorefield: cause im trying to save up to 800 i have 340 [13:04] Sassy Romano: but that makes you 460 short? [13:04] Immabeggar Lorefield: yes [13:05] Sassy Romano: so even after 200 from me, you won't have enough [13:05] Immabeggar Lorefield: yeah but it is a start [13:06] Sassy Romano: but...you don't need to spend 800 now, cos you have what you identified as needing [13:06] Immabeggar Lorefield: a tummy talker is 800 [13:06] Sassy Romano: but you wanted a nursery not a tummy talker? [13:06] Immabeggar Lorefield: i want both [13:07] Sassy Romano: well if you can't *afford* both.... just like RL, what I want and what I can afford are two different things [13:07] Immabeggar Lorefield: ok well can i borrow 200l please i said a millon times i will pay it back ok [13:08] Sassy Romano: but you don't need it, it's only a want. Surely the cot upgrade can wait until Monday? [13:08] Immabeggar Lorefield: ok like i said i dont need a finacal consulted can i borrow 200l [13:09] Sassy Romano: did you see anything in Stiletto Moody you liked? great shoes eh? [13:10] Immabeggar Lorefield: yeah there nice [13:10] Sassy Romano: odd store to be in if you've got other things that demand money? [13:11] Immabeggar Lorefield: i bought shoes from there today [13:11] Immabeggar Lorefield: im just short of 200l [13:11] Immabeggar Lorefield: on a tummy talker [13:11] Sassy Romano: but wait....if you bought shoes today...why didn't you buy the tummy talker instead? [13:11] Immabeggar Lorefield: can i just borrow it i told you personal info about my job [13:12] Immabeggar Lorefield: i didnt know that tummy talkers cost 800 [13:12] Immabeggar Lorefield: i thought they were cheaper [13:12] Sassy Romano: is it essential? what will happen if you don't have it? [13:12] Immabeggar Lorefield: i will not be able to give birth [13:13] Sassy Romano: so in that case then it will wait until Monday yes? If it won't happen until you buy it, there's the solution! [13:14] Immabeggar Lorefield: nvm then
  4. Medhue Simoni wrote: I think what really needs to happen, besides LL putting some kind of limit in, is that consumers need to demand that all avatars sold on the Marketplace have draw weights.. and there it is, that's the problem. Right now what happens is that the majority of consumers are seduced by wording in adverts like "High polygon, highest detail!" and they buy it, ignorant of any consequence. Then they like to zoom in closer than would happen in any optimised game and take pictures of it. Anything that does not stay super high detail when zoomed in is considered blocky trash, just like the SL avatar and while it may not be the most super smooth optimised geometry, instead, in the pursuit of smoothing out a few places, people prefer to resort to replacement mesh bodies which themselves have lots of higher geometry scripted faces and in some cases, to cover multiple clothing layers, they have multiple versions of the same thing. Oh how we've progressed! So, while Penny has spent time ripping all of these options out, in doing so, the result is a single state avatar and i'd question whether the majority of people do this? Are people going to spend time ripping parts apart (where they even can, assuming everything is modify permission) just to chase a fantasy unenforced render figure? No they're not. Bottom line is that some merchants care, some don't and some have no idea what the difference is anyway, just keep slapping the subdivide button until all sharp point disappear right? :matte-motes-evil:
  5. Ok, sometimes the merchants here can be a tough crowd but often it's obective so when asking for comment and opinion, it's usually safest to wear protective armour. In my opinion... There's no point you selling full perm mesh because as others have said, this term alone makes it even ABSOLUTELY POINTLESS in you selling it as full perm in the first place! "- Do not sell your version with transfer rights (copy and/ or modify only). Someone down the line will give it for free so never sell with transfer rights." Why even give transfer rights if you're not wishing for anyone to transfer it, mod and copy is all that's left and you can sell mod/copy and be happy. Also, i'd be more careful with the keywords as this is pretty keyword spammy but borderline. However, the product for sale is NOT a vase of roses for example. It can be used with an additional product but if i'm searching for a vase of roses and this turns up, it's incorrect. I understand what you're getting at hence my opinion is that it's borderline but still keyword spammy:- Keywords: rose, roses, mesh rose, mesh rose buds, rose bush, mesh rose bud in vase, rose tree, mesh rose bush, red rose buds, pink rose buds, vase of roses, mesh rose tree, rose buds in pot, mesh roses, rose
  6. If you don't expect someone to use the textures then don't supply them. Builders may choose to buy a full perm kit because it's not worth their time to make the same item from scratch or because they can't be bothered (as two completely valid reason). The item may be a small piece in a much larger item. As such, using the textures supplied is perfectly reasonable.
  7. Yes it's a coincidence because LL pays no attention to the number of votes and have stated such.
  8. There's an option on the listing to flag the item as "not as described" and that is the end of the process.
  9. It's a question that has long been asked, where is LL's viewer for tablets? Well they copped out and went down the virtualised SLGo streaming route but that in itself carries limitations like inability to upload and others that I won't get into here as that's not my intention. Yes i've used SL Grid Client and Lumiya on Android and Radegast for text only when i've been away and stuck with an awful work laptop before. In the past, i've connected to my home PC via Splashtop on an Android tablet and used it like that and that works but recently, I was curious about the little Windows tablets. No, not a Surface Pro or similar but right at the bottom end of the market. My curiosity got the better of me and I bought one of these, an 8" Windows tablet running full Windows 8.1 on an atom processor with 1GB RAM. http://www.linx-tablets.com/linx-8.html (Amazon is one place that sells them here in the UK and the price is just unreal, presently £89.99) So you're thinking... nah! Atom processor? 1GB RAM? Intel graphics can't work... or can it? :matte-motes-evil-invert: so I went into full on :matte-motes-nerdy: mode and the first bit of software that I installed was Firestorm viewer. I have a bluetooth mouse and keyboard, so paired those for the following demo, as it was easier to get around. My following video lets you make up your own mind as to whether this could be a suitable "extra" to have in the bag (quite literally). If you watch it in 1920x1080, you should be able to see the frame counter. Just to describe what I was trying to illustrate here, a busy area, bit of walking around, turning to change view. At 4'50", I logged out and picked up on my desktop. i7 with a GTX 680 just for comparision. The tablet was on default graphics (lowest) and the i7 GTX 680 was on ultra, everything max including shadows. The video from the tablet was captured from the HDMI out port using a game capture device so no software overhead, desktop was captured by Fraps software but the machine has so much grunt that there's no overhead from this. It goes without saying that the i7 with GTX 680 is hugely superior but that's not the objective of the comparision. What I want to show you is really just how good the little tablet actually is! It's no worse than the first laptop that I used with SL. If i'm away, i'll have no hesitation at all just relying on connecting the HDMI of the tablet to a hotel TV and will likely get 1920x1080 as I did here and take a keyboard and mouse with me and for people who need to be utterly mobile but may still want to have intermittent access, like merchants for example, I believe it to be an astonishing little device, I love it already. :matte-motes-inlove: Take a look... (my bluetooth portable keyboard doesn't have PgUp/PgDn or some other crucial keys hence the "Move Controls") https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gWspWxT1UBI
  10. No, as I said before, the script needs to be in an object worn by the avatars that will do the following. Your students need it.
  11. Monti, no special viewer is required, just a follower script in a tempo attached hud would do.
  12. Sometimes it seems to randomly get unchecked. Just set it up again.
  13. Not quite. That is a follower script and would need to go into an object that is then worn by your students. The "scripted agent" thing is a bit misleading. There was a time when non human controlled avatars would just stand around on land to increase the "traffic count" and make the location look popular. Since then, you are not permitted to operate methods that artificially raise the traffic statistic of land and to do this, "bots" were only permitted under the following circumstances:- The avatar account was set to "scripted agent" The land was not set to show in search However, this was quite a long time ago and since then, LL have continually dicked around with the way that traffic features in search and it's now not significant, favouring "relevance" instead. Relevant to LL seems to convey multiple meanings and to many, the whole bots for traffic thing is rather dead. So, the short answer is that your students need the scripted object, you do NOT need to have "scripted agent" set if you are controlling the avatar at any point.
  14. Suki, it's a pity that you wrote so much while spectacularly failing to grasp one single element of my post. My writing is usually quite lucid, should I use even smaller words next time?
  15. Until such time that the avatar movements are replicated from body motion and objects can be interacted with via natural hand motion, my interest in these things which are merely a 3D viewer of canned animations remains low. One can hardly say "here I am dancing in a virtual world" when your sitting on a chair in the real world but have just clicked "play animation". Only when your RL movements are rendered virtually, does this all start to stick together and this won't happen on the existing SL platform.
  16. Aside from that which has already been pointed out, my question is more basic... If RL is important to you and you find that SL is not, then why she you bothered?
  17. You're missing the point, this isn't email but notecards. First of all, nothing moves from LL's servers, second, it's not email, third, who is the complaint going to be filed against? a game character?! Mute the merchant...move on.
  18. Stefanosje Sellers wrote: As I work with e-mailpolicy IRL, I can confirm this is against the law in Europe. I don't know about USA. All e-mails must be subscribed to by an opt-in + confirmation from the e-mailaddress. By any means you can take down the merchant via EU-laws. Not by TOS but by e-mailcode. Although as ever, what redress can be sought via legal routes may well end up being highly impractical and stupidly costly compared to just muting the merchant don't ya' think?
  19. AlexandreLois1 wrote: Thank U. And there is a script to my avatar went to other avatars by yourself? I think your question is "is there a script to move my avatar to other avatars on its own?" As I said, you could implement that in LSL via a scripted attachment using LSL commands although I agree with Freya, a bot would be better but it does depend on what you are trying to achieve.
  20. Pretty much of all requested could be done via LSL and RLV. Teleport, move, chat...
  21. Probably the same reason that you posted in the wrong forum? PEBKAC
  22. It's probable that they already had the shoes and did a new outfit for the body when the body came out and included shoes in the bundle. That's my guess anyway as it's the sort of thing that would happend if some new "best in SL" body comes out tomorrow.
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