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Sassy Romano

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Everything posted by Sassy Romano

  1. Wait until feb 2015 when LL will replace magic boxes with viewer managed marketplace. Oh wait, the project is late. I don't know if any way to do what you wanted other than how you did, LL droids removed stuff without engaging brain, nothing new there. I doubt you'll get the items back either.
  2. You've not seen the threads about SL v2/TNG/replacement then? I wouldn't expect anything to change in SL, it's 100% in maintenance mode only. The developers are elsewhere...
  3. RangiUtu wrote: The only time you will see "Hello, avatar" in local chat is when someone within 20m of you rezzes/creates an object and opens the script dialogue in order to add a new script. It's unusual for rez to be activated in a club. Most of them disable it. This is not quite accurate. The time when you will see "Hello, avatar" in local chat is whenever a new script is created in an object, rez is NOT needed. I can do it in an attached object with no problem at all. The other time that you would see "Hello, avatar" would be when someone has written that into a script for it to be said to local chat upon an event or condition in a script. It's not exclusive text to the new script state entry behaviour. I'm only adding this because when people are hung up on nefarious purposes, accuracy is important otherwise they're likely to spread further FUD in future that this could not have been the simple answer because rez was not enabled.
  4. Given that "hello avatar" is just the action of a new script, my guess is that someone arrived with rigged mesh incorrectly scaled before upload, with alpha in the texture which caused an alpha z sort issue with your mesh avatar, thus causing you to be rendered invisible. Cease being paranoid maybe?
  5. The listen event there needs a call to remove the listen. (i know it was am example but if the OP used it without that, it will eventually fail, running out of listens)
  6. Bobbie Faulds wrote: Actually, they use MAC addresses. That's the address on your network card. That doesn't matter either, it's trivial to spoof the MAC address of the network card. Their main issue is that the viewer is open source, so any call to any function that gains anything like IP address, MAC address, UUID, a hashed hardware figure, can be spoofed in the return back to the SL server. I agree that it will get rid of the casual muppet but anyone hard core will not be deterred. They should have gone down a route of enrolment of an X509 certificate to the PC and used the private key in that for authentication. It could have been purely background, hidden from the user and also used for digital signing of assets, created by that individual instead of the woefully inadequate "Creator Name" that we have. If they had provided that part as non open source because lets face it, SECURITY is quite important and not exactly something that the whole community needs to be involved in, like viewer improvements, then things could have been different.
  7. Arguably, one of the architecture problems that SL suffers from is the notion of 1 core per full sim. A sim has to be ready to run and although they may idle, utlimately, that core needs to be ready for that sim at any given moment. What they really could do with at this point would be servers that ran scripts, servers that sent assets, a different group chat architecture and so on, an architecture where say a prim could have a script in it and still execute on a script server, while letting the empty land sim completely shut down. So as I see it, the issue is that they have to keep servers committed to a large degree even if a sim is empty, they can't just drop the price like web hosting packages which really require no R&D for the platform, it's a totally different offering. Recovering from price drops is difficult, SL isn't going to suddenly become more popular because of lower price, all that will do is reduce LL's income and I doubt they can afford to do that. Look at all the other grids that have come and gone, each with the promise of $20 regions. Low price wasn't enough to attract the masses and no doubt LL will have watched that closely and realised that the price is fine, for them.
  8. Doesn't really matter, both are trivial to circumvent so not much point.
  9. Gavin Hird wrote: Sassy Romano wrote: Hmm, can you cite the evidence that says that Mac users are amongst the most creative or why they're more likely to spend more money than other customer groups? Or for that matter why they are most likely to accept subscription based models? iTunes and "creative types" (music mixers and most likely to use Photoshop etc. isn't enough) You only need to look at number of applications in the iOS App store, turnover in the store, and revenue paid to developers for those apps. It is 6x higher than for the same Adnroid apps. Also entire creative industries were created on software originating on the Mac. Photoshop included. Again, sources please? Software "originating" on Mac does not itself make the Mac users the more "creative", define creative. I could say that lots more software is written (created) for other platforms thus making those more creative. It's too broad a brush and a somewhat tired story to assume that "Mac users are creative" because they use Adobe software or because they're in the music industry hence creative or whatever. I'm completely ambivalent about it all, pick whatever platform works, it makes no difference to me but the statements you wrote were somewhat bold without proper citations, reference sources would be nice!
  10. Hmm, can you cite the evidence that says that Mac users are amongst the most creative or why they're more likely to spend more money than other customer groups? Or for that matter why they are most likely to accept subscription based models? iTunes and "creative types" (music mixers and most likely to use Photoshop etc. isn't enough)
  11. Don't forget to return back to say how it went.
  12. Dresden Ceriano wrote: Celestiall Nightfire wrote: Currently, the cases were "Christian" bakers refused to provide cakes for gay weddings, well those cases will most likely end up before the US Supreme Court, and I think that the Supreme Court will rule in favor of the "Christian" bakers to have "right of refusal". As the US Supreme Court will recognize the right of those who hold certain religious beliefs to be able to practice those beliefs. I don't want anyone to change their beliefs because of me (it would be nice, but it's not my objective at all). I just want to be treated like any other person walking off the street. Here's how a not too dissimilar case went in England http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-25119158
  13. Tomarax Davidov wrote: I have to say that I have a Mac with a discrete graphics card, so this has nothing to do with my side of things. I have had it happen on multiple machines -- and I have access to a number of other Macs as well and it's the same story. Have you tried my suggestions yet?
  14. Benson Gravois wrote: That was a really stupid response. Does that mean I won't be getting a Christmas card then?
  15. You need to chat with this poster and see if you can swap problems https://community.secondlife.com/t5/Merchants/Market-Place-Maturity-Level/m-p/2918901#U2918901 :heart: <-- closest I can get to represent my Cupid skills
  16. Yes, value of a cash prize. L$ have no value unless cashed out, otherwise as Dres said, every time that a resident transferred L$ to another US resident, you'd be calling that "income". Being given a car or a camel has a direct value. L$ have no value while they remain within SL. How about if I give you the gift of one of my L$1,000,000 poseballs, you'll declare that?
  17. A simple step that you can take to reduce heat. In the viewer debug settings, set YieldTime to something between say 40 to 100. Play with it. Yes, SL will run a little slower but whether you notice it at all is a different matter and if it means that you don't kill the machine, that's a plus yes? I have an old laptop that used to run a bot. The difference between YieldTime of 0 and YieldTime of 200 was either the keyboard reaching 60 degrees C (yes really!) or running completely cool. 200ms suited a bot as it didn't really do much that needed an interactive experience. Similarly, in the Firestorm viewer you can set the maximum frame rate that the GPU will reach which will also allow you to set constraints. In my PC, if I let the GPU run away instead of contraining it, it is happy to consume 60W more power. I would always prefer to reduce the heat generation in the first place than stress another component such as the fan by exceeding its duty cycle. Oh the other thing if you're not already, invest in a GOOD fan base that sits underneath the laptop, that will help considerably too.
  18. You expect to pay taxes on game tokens? Prizes are L$ so it wouldn't be income until cashed out.
  19. Question back to the original poster, Shadowfox, now that you've read the rest of the thread, were you aware that the content that you're asking to be available for free for a day, is content created by individuals just like you and I, or did you believe that it was created by Linden Lab? I'm genuinely curious.
  20. Bobbie Faulds wrote: I'm seeing this suggestion, too, as another instance of the entitlement mentality I'm seeing in SL in general. With all the free stuff, players have gotten to feel like they are entitled to free and low cost stuff. I suspect it's also a lack of understanding as to how SL works, who makes what, who provides what. Yes there's an expectation of free everything these days online and more often than not it's because they don't see an affected party. Linden Lab runs SL, therefore owns everything and has the capacity to give it away right? Everyone plays for free right? Gimme gimme too! (and yes Drake, i'd give the proceedings to a dogs home)
  21. Shadowfox394 wrote: I know when it comes to some people some people can't afford stuff on Second Life I know what you're gonna say get a job that's not the point of this could anyone but me see Second Life have a day where everything is free or maybe a free membership day, week, or even month perhaps? I am getting employed soon so I don't really care lol but would anyone think it would be cool if there's a day where everything on the market was free I mean think about it either way it can still get a way to get people to play Second Life wouldn't anyone else agree? I totally understand the "can't afford it" thing. When I started my business here back in 2008, I was out of work in RL too. My budget to start the business was L$1000 and no more and from there it grew. I know that some will jump in and say "but you can afford internet" and I get that argument too but equally, internet access is pretty much a requirement for job hunting. I really do understand the no more disposable income argument and while L$250 is *only* $1 etc. there comes a point when your house is only a matter of a handful of months away from being lost that it all adds up. The problem, as others have addressed, is that SL is pretty much made up of user generated content so exactly who are you asking to give their stuff away? So, given my background and experience, yup, i'm going to say "earn it!" (sorry!)
  22. But optimising for what? That's a simple example of course but if the range checking is performed once, in a library function that's typically going to be called by others, lets say in a bigger project, then the function is safe, validated and reliable once unit tested. By "optimising" like that, you're transferring the risk to the caller of the function, each and every time in that they must validate a possible failure. They may not even be party to all the failure modes of the function if it's a library call. Next, lets says it's a more complex script where that function call is called multiple times. The conditional IF now has to be inlined every time, thus increasing byte code. Now you've got another issue, which is more important to the overall result byte code size, reliability, simplicity or what and make the mistake of including that error condition check before calling the function just once and you have a potential to fail. Optimisation, reliability, budget etc. Fun!
  23. irihapeti wrote: that when top scripters are competing then it does come down to milliseconds. That is not just about one script. Is about multiple scripts as a body of work. That when our scripts outperform other scripters scripts consistently, script after script after script, then the commercial advantage is realised was a pretty astute observation this It's all relative though and I agree that if the only measure of success is one script outperforming another but that's very rarely the commercial world. The speed at which a hud can change a texture on the belt of a dress is usually irrelevant. The amount of memory consumed is usually irrelevant... at making the overall product a commercial success. You could say "ah but if I optimise then... la la la" but if the project manager points out that there's no time left in the project budget because any ROI on making the texture change 0.1ms faster or use 20 bytes less memory simply won't make a difference. Don't get me wrong, i'm not suggesting that it's not relevant, i've poked directly to video memory to display things, written 2 bytes of code to make a .com file to warm reset the machine, 5 bytes for a far jump to the machine initialisation vector and so on but now it takes a few hundred MB to say "hello world" because of library upon library. We have exactly the same scenario with mesh optimisation too. Commercial success is completely different from the most optimised mesh. Having the right product, do the right thing for the right price within budget will pretty much always beat shaving off a tiny bit of something due to optimisation. I once had a manager tell me that I needed to be more commercially aware. I've ticked that box long ago
  24. Raven Snowfall wrote: I must be doing something wrong, then. I have my offline IMs sent to my email too, but they are still being capped. Is there another setting you have to toggle too, to make this happen? The IM's themselves get capped as before but the message goes to email. You get the message and don't miss it, that's the point. Reply to it from email.
  25. i'm going to make a alt to send me messages othewise i will never have the full benefit of this premium feature
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