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Sassy Romano

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Everything posted by Sassy Romano

  1. From a merchant perspective, I find it easier to use a scripted vending solution for inworld sales that logs to a database and have Marketplace sales also populate the same database by using the ANS functionality within Marketplace configuration. It takes some work but it's far better than trying to pull from LL's sources which are pretty dire to be honest.
  2. /me hugs Lisa (my kinda policy!)
  3. Comptoirdestissus wrote: Merci beaucoup Trinity ! I did it and it worked fine. Maybe if I may be allowed to give the LL team a humble piece of advice : Others among us feel that the more humble advice to LL would be:- "Do NOT force your customers to have to use an UNRELEASED final viewer, just because your own back end issues have caused a rushed migration." A failure to perform on your part, should not constitute a crisis on ours! I shall not touch VMM until a viewer of my preferred choice is available to me.
  4. Darrius Gothly wrote I try NOT to hand my car keys to just anyone with their hand out ... You're obviously not going to the right parties Darrius. :matte-motes-inlove:
  5. Heh, I wasn't including you Darrius as I recall you were among the conscientious objectors who refused to sign up to the gagging order in the NDA. I have no idea if I've been migrated or not and I'm not going to be forced to use a beta viewer of no choice, just to find out. I'll be watching to see if they've screwed up the ANS feed on a whim though.
  6. The error message states that the name cannot be blank so...check that the name isn't blank.
  7. I really hope not for the reasons you cite. When Direct Delivery was being developed, there were two of us on the beta team with an interest in ANS, I wonder how many there were this time?
  8. Xandria Snowfall wrote: I found it interesting that LL allowed the Tron stuff to be shown on public television, since it is copyrighted material and LL is supposed to be such a huge supporter of keeping copybotted things out of SL. Bit disappointed really. Wait, i'm a bit puzzled, was that said with a huge dollop of sarcasm? Just to point out though that copyright infringement and copybotting in SL are two different things.
  9. Medhue, it took you this long to realise that the answer to that is "YES"?
  10. What wasn't clear to me was what the actual problem was. What I was getting at is that being consumable has no special requirement other than maintaining a counter about what's left and then what to do about it when depleted. As for not being trivial, the "gun" that we did (well my partner did) for our role play environment was probably the most ridiculously over engineered product of all. It used raytracing so no need to faff about with requiring rez permission in order to rez bullets. No real issue there since we have llCastRay. Ammunition was bought as a product which when rezzed, would increment a record of ammunition in a SQL database, externally hosted. The gun would initialise by reading the database for ammunition count, plus all the other gun variables as every part of the gun was defined in the SQL database and externally adjustable beyond the script through a web admin console. The gun would detect attachment to either left or right hand and use the appropriate animation for left or right hand hold. When a victim was "shot" (in our case a tranquiliser dart), a list of RLV commands were sent and "stuff happened". Oh and the database was decremented of a dart being shot. There was more but that's about the scope of "non trivial". I guess the issue that the OP has is how to make it "consumable" and not just able for someone to reset the script and get back unlimited ammunition? That was my point, I don't know what we're solving here because the original question wasn't detailed enough for me to understand what problem needed solving.
  11. A counter that when it gets to the limit, says "buy more ammo". Counter resets when more has been purchased.
  12. I could be wrong but I seem to recall that a script can only rez an object in the content of a prim if the permissions are copy.
  13. That's why she asked here, LL don't generally respond to questions in these forums.
  14. Ok...your customers are gold, value them highly. That sounds obvious right? yet over and over we come across so many examples of completely dysfunctional selling in SL. I could rant on this for a very long time but i'll try to be brief. You've bought things in RL and there will have been problems, every time someone comes to you with an issue, put yourself in their place, recall the times you've had problems with purchases and think about what would be reasonable to you, what would give you a good experience? Now i'm not suggesting that you have to give in to each and every complaint and there are some that you'll never win but ask the customer "what can I do that will make you happy?" because sometimes the answer isn't what you think it is going to be. Please do NOT fall into the trap of "this is how everyone else does it" such as outright refuse to replace "no transfer" permission items or give out the crap excuse "I can't refund you because the item is no transfer". Please do NOT stick up offensive store policy because you've seen other stores do it. I used to collect them as a hobby and some of them were just a long winded way of saying *expletive* off. Do everything you can to make it easy for customers to buy from you, simple things like making the price easy to find, simple clear pictures. I've seen so many fails here, like dark clothes on a dark background, dimly lit. Can't see a thing! Make things easy to find, if you have a Marketplace presence, set the "see item location in Second Life" SLURL to arrive at the same place in the store, place related items nearby. Avoid fixed teleport that places the customer at the entrance It breaks the above ability and your own vanity about how cute your store is and they may wish to LM a location inside to come back later. Customers need to be helped to hand over money, if you want them to have a tour of your fabulous build, do that elsewhere, not at your shop! Nobody needs to be forced to take a long walk from that lovely entrance. Avoid regular change of layout I might remember where stuff was if I keep coming back, keep moving stuff around and it will become confusing and it's just easier to shop elsewhere. Make pricing obvious Personally, I prefer to see the price on the item, not have to hover over it but there are other ways to approach this depending on circumstance. Every customer contact is an opportunity to sell Yep, even the complaints! Get your complaint handling nailed and turn it into an opportunity. Staff Pick staff that share your principles and values as they will be your "customer face" when you're not around. The staff that I had were very carefully hand picked from my enthusiastic customers. Each had different qualities and skills, some were more technical than others but they all were chosen on the basis of "would I trust this person to make a customer happy under any circumstance?" and they were empowered to make whatever decision they felt was needed and received full support from myself and my partner at the time. You haven't said what you're selling but consider how to facilitate product updates, there are automated solutions out there, plus customer self redelivery are huge value adds. Again, bottom line, make it easy for people to want to buy from you, that's the big one but there is just one more... It's Second Life, it's supposed to be fun, for you too, being a merchant can turn into a job, it hugely changed my SL from what I set out to do and although i've had a huge amount of fun doing that too, i'm well into the wrong side of the bell curve now as far as Second Life is concerned, you're just about where I was in 2008 when after being in SL for 8 months, I had an idea and started to learn to make stuff in order to make what was supposed to be just a personal item which morphed into a massive undertaking.
  15. Bad choice of words on my part, maybe freebie isn't the word, maybe "exclusive group item", I dunno!
  16. I *think* some do this and say they'll guarantee a freebie each week or something like that?
  17. Tonya Souther wrote: ... telling merchants that their only option to manage their Marketplaces - for some, their RL livelihoods - is to use a pre-release viewer is...uhm...trying to find polite words here... No polite words needed. Imagine this:- "Dear Oz, thank you for buying your new car from us, we're pleased to tell you that you will take delivery of it by the 23rd because it's our end of month sales deadline and we need the numbers. Oh by the way, the braking system is new and a bit pre-release, we don't anticipate any problems with them but we'll upgrade them when it comes in for service. Thank you for buying from Dodgy Motors, have a nice day!" Dramatic? Once again LL fail to understand that some merchants RL income is derived from the platform. To use the words "just for merchants" came across as dismissive and offhand. Maybe it wasn't meant that way, some developers should never be put in front of humans as they're renowned for choosing their words poorly when dealing with the wetware interface.
  18. In this particular case I don't feel it would be reasonable for LL to be involved over $2 between two residents. It would make LL worse than a school playground with constant whining to "teacher". However, there are definitely areas where LL do allow what can only constitute fraudulent activity and from which LL profit, such as selling empty boxes on Marketplace or other L$ fraud issues. Always remember though that LL treat SL like a game now and nobody needs to play so it is always a conscious opt in to their game. Don't like the rules about playing with their ball? walk away.
  19. Oz Linden wrote: Probably not because we've just done a promotion and we don't feel we need to push a new update on everyone immediately just to get it to Merchants, but it's available now and we don't know of any problems with it. Oz, just a tip, stick with development, don't consider a career change to Public Relations.
  20. No. (as per the Terms of Service regarding resident to residents disputes. You agreed to them when you joined.) 1.4 Linden Lab is a service provider and is not responsible or liable for the Content, conduct, or services of users or third parties. ... You acknowledge that you will be exposed to various aspects of the Service involving the conduct, Content, and services of users, and that Linden Lab does not control and is not responsible or liable for the quality, safety, legality, truthfulness or accuracy of any such user conduct, User Content or user services. You acknowledge that Linden Lab does not guarantee the accuracy of information submitted by any user of the Service, nor any identity information about any user. Your interactions with other users and your use of User Content are entirely at your own risk. Linden Lab has no obligation to become involved in any dispute that you may have or claim to have with one or more users of the Service, or in any manner in any resolution thereof.
  21. Marigold Devin wrote: Thanks for clarification Sassy. As my sig line says - I do learn something new every day. Why was your account put on administrative hold? I mean to say, if you are still able to log in with other accounts, then it can't be because of some serious offense, rather it is the fault perhaps of LL or some other party ? Just to reassure OP, and for my own curiosity and education really to know this. Yeah, this was the time when someone bought a poseball from me off Marketplace. Only the poseball is priced at L$1,000,000 and they bought 27 of them. :matte-motes-sunglasses-2: Fault? Completely LL's fault through having not even as much as half assed business rules in place on Marketplace because since "Commerce Linden" is used as an intermediary account, it's at that point that the business rules should kick in and not in passing on what they treated as fraudulent funds to an innocent party, causing that innocent party to have their account put on admin hold. The comedy continued, they took too much and had to be prodded to refund me. They also had to be prodded to delete the 27 fraudulently obtained poseballs from the recipients inventory. Point of complete principle, LL are quite happy to snatch funds back but care little about any perceived value in the inventory that they transacted.
  22. Same process when my account was put on admin hold. Offered support case, and able to login with other accounts.
  23. But why did you expect an answer without actually asking a question? The message from LL said you needed to open a support case and then when a resident said the same, all of a sudden that was a good suggestion? If you can't login and you are told you will be taken to open a support case, what other action could have seemed appropriate? Ok...
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