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Sassy Romano

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Everything posted by Sassy Romano

  1. That is one whacked organisation! So they don't want you to use a personal device in non company time but are happy to let you run non corporate software on server platforms? um wow... Not security conscious at all then. I'd say "but it's none of my business" but I don't know if it is. Web facing stuff and we all use web stuff... it could well be.
  2. beschier wrote: First of all, the reason why i want to run it on a server/web based is so that at work i can do some maintenance or help other in world without having to enjoy great 3d graphics as long as there is functionality. The text based clients wont let me touch objects in world though, for instance clicking on scripted object that will respond on that. So still i wonder if i would be administrator on a windows server 2003 or 2008 for instance, if than it would be possible to go in world. i mean somehow cloud rendering or some kind of emulator or virtual videocard and so on should be possible right? So please if anybody has tips or ideas how to still make it possible, let me know And i can give you access to the remote desktop if anyone is willing to try to install a viewer and test it on windows server. First of all, depending on which text viewer, they CAN let you touch objects, however, forgive me for being hugely critical and judgemental here but just to ask the questions:- You're a user with rights to log on to a server at work, maybe/maybe not as administrator...you want to run a non server type piece of software purely for personal use on a server...you're willing to offer a remote desktop to unknown people in order to install unknown software from an unverified source... Just buy an inexpensive Windows tablet PC, simple solution. Mine runs the SL client graphically, seems like the simple and effective solution to me.
  3. PyroSteel wrote: Most avatars run between 60k-110k because lots of people use flexies and scripts. Scripts have zero impact on local viewer rendering capability. Scripts execute server side, with lower priority than pretty much everything else and If scripts are factored into draw weight then that's merely a bogus punishment value used to factor the load of the avatar on the region but not the viewer. We've gone through various fake, fudge punishment factors over the years and they just continue. I've given up trying to explain some of the FUD in SL, it's pointless. I've had too many conversation such as "Really... no, putting the shops up in the sky will NOT reduce their impact on role players on the ground because they're further away!" Or "Go away, your scripts are lagging me" (simplistic example and yes in the extreme could be true but...)
  4. Pussycat Pike wrote: I can mute him but what about my customers who come to my shop? Sorry I failed to mention that this is my Main Store in world. Well if it were me and I were in one of my fun moods, I might be inclined to rattle up a script to listen for his shouts and llInstantMessage them right back to him, probably 10x over. Just for giggles, do that with a self spawning box that passes the UUID of the recipient to reverse spam back in the OnRez event so that his attempts to mute the object will be somewhat difficult. More likely though i'd just mute and de-render his objects and assume that shop visitors were capable of the same. *shrugs*
  5. PyroSteel wrote: I have had driver issues with this card, so that is very plausible. And i forgot to mention, those 670's i talked about were the ftw 4gb versions in sli. So it was a bit more than just a normal ol 670. Sorry if i came off a bit brash before. Its just a bit upsetting to upgrade your hardware, then take a massive performance hit. It'll just be a while i sappose till i log in again. SL doesn't support SLI so it wasn't that either. I don't take responses here personally so don't worry, it's the internet, everyone is really just a cardboard box but I know what you mean about the hardware, you do have to throw silly hardware at SL to make it reasonable but the fact remains that games are developed by pros with known, carefully crafted content, scenes optimised, written for the latest API's and drive your hardware properly. ...SL doesn't.
  6. Sandygw1 wrote: and the iPad interface that was supposed to happen, never did, because that company is out of business. Oh well, that's one way for a company to not get more biz You're incorrect. The OnLive client DID happen but yes, they are now no longer operating due to being bought out by Sony and closed down.
  7. PyroSteel wrote: The problem is in the engine. The engine isn't optomized to run on newer hardware. I had an old gtx670 (3 year old card) that would play this game in the oculus rift, between mid-high, and get 80fps. Out of the rift i was seeing fps in the 120 range. So IF it is the user created stuff that is unoptomized and hard to run, explain to me how a 3 year old gtx 670 was getting 100+fps while a brand new TitanX maxes out around the mid 30fps on the lowest settings? Unsuited drivers. You didn't see 120fps, 100fps or even 80fps everywhere with that GTX670. Quiet places yes, moderate unlikely and certainly not in heavily dense areas. I have a GTX680 and very dense areas when looking at stupidly dense mesh can bring this to single figure fps. fps is a very difficult measure in SL in the first place because it varies wildly per scene and unless you're comparing like for like, you just can't say "I get x fps" and compare it to what someone else gets in a different region with a completely different scene. Content isn't optimised.
  8. Drake1 Nightfire wrote: I was always told we shouldn't tout another viewer in the forums Red rag...bull I can't use VMM yet, it requires the LL viewer and that gives me a headache, yes, a real physical headache. I don't know whether it's the layout or the colour scheme or typeface but after little time, my head pounds. I happily use Firestorm. (I can't say i've ever heard such a claim to not discuss other viewers, there is a general theme of not posting links to other similar virtual worlds but that sort of guideline is common.)
  9. Suki Hirano wrote:Is this normal? SL is not even some video game released in 2015, why am I getting such low performance? I can play the latest games on medium settings with no problem yet I can't handle something like SL with its last-decade graphics... Games are heavily optimised as far as mesh content, texture maps and tight integration with graphics card features. SL is none of these. User created content, usually hopelessly unoptimised geometry, ridiculously high numbers of triangles in mesh content (just keep hitting subsurf in everything until it looks smooth enough and upload), content that you'd never see closely in a game is a few triangles yet in SL, the creator assumes everyone will zoom into a necklace to examine the fine detail of a billion polygons etc. Textures, in your games are hugely optimised, single texture maps to be loaded and re-used as far as possible whereas in SL, lets just throw 1024x1024 textures at every face... get the idea? In your games you've got local content, SL has to download it because of the dynamic user creation abilities. There's just no comparison really, your complaint has little to do with the age of the software, it's not like taking a 2008 game with optimised content for 2008 and running it in 2015 which is where you get the benefit of an old game with current hardware. Also remember that SL isn't "old" in that sense, features such as the introduction of advanced lighting and mesh were not in the 2004 version and in the life of SL are still somewhat recent.
  10. This isn't solely a feature of Caspervend in fact that wasn't the first to offer it. It uses a notification feature of Marketplace called ANS which sends transaction details to a destination on an external web service. Any merchant can set up a service to consume this data and implement their own onward services such as redelivery, reporting, licensing, creation of temporary download links etc. My vending system offers this and was offering it before Caspervend but ours is a private system and not available for sale whereas Caspervend is a product which is available to merchants in general. Another commercial offering is that from Darius Gothly which is a lightweight redelivery system which offers just redelivery from MP and not the vending system. His is under the brand iGlom. There are others. Back to the original question... "can you do a redelivery of copy permission items from MP?" The answer is NO and can you guess how many times this has been asked of the MP dev team? This is yet another of the incredibly low hanging fruit but very high value features that hasn't been implemented. VERY VERY little time to implement it's ridiculous. Two years wasted on an incomplete delivery system and the end user (both merchant and customer) still don't get the real value features we need.
  11. Yes, generally sizing. I tended to make a bunch of stuff just for myself and resizing really was less important than if it were to be a friendly customer facing item. In this case, we'll assume it's for resale so yeah, go ahead and weight...
  12. I'm not seeing any benefit in rigging it. All weights will be to bind it to skull which is the same as attaching it to skull. Not that rigging it is any particular issue but if the OP is having trouble, my question is to ask what the perceived benefit is in doing do. Same as there being no benefit in rigging earrings, sunglasses etc. Gaia, I'm sure you can convince me otherwise if you wish
  13. Virrera wrote: Oh, I see. Very different from keyword inclusivity for search engine marketing. Yes unfortunately the search capability within SL and the lack of boolean operators and other elements that make a search capability useful, SL search by comparison is run on a spam and guess basis.
  14. It's keyword spam because land is land is land. You've listed use cases for land. Where do keywords end for what is possible use of land? "trees, grass, house, car, beanpole, dog, racetrack, elephants, farming, swimming, swim, play, fun, home, shed" Get the idea? I don't give stuff that someone rezzes grid sucking breedables there, such keywords are NOT attributes of the item for sale but use cases and there's a difference. Keywords are to describe the qualities and attributes of the item itself. Sometimes it's a fine line and the chimps that handle the flagged items are barely able to engage any cognitive skills in the first place so many get away with it and others get wrongly punished for valid listings, it's the way of the badly run Marketplace. LL provide some detail here but even then it's not really clear but stick to qualities and attributes of the item itself and not use cases and you should be fine. https://marketplace.secondlife.com/listing_guidelines?#keyword-spam
  15. Agreed, keyword list is definitely flaggable.
  16. Since adding weights is a step in the creation process, in order to not add weights, just skip that part. If already weighted, you could also just upload without skin weights checked. I can't see much benefit in weighting a head.
  17. It's a head, don't weight it, just attach to skull.
  18. ginfab wrote: I have such problem too. It often occur in Windows. When msvcp100.dll is missing you need to download it from this siet for example http://fix4dll.com/msvcp100_dll . And replace it, then restart the computer. It's done. I would NEVER recommend to anyone to use a third party site from which to obtain a component which is freely available following the first link that I gave, found easily via Google. While the link may indeed point someone to a valid file, I cannot think of one reason ever to not obtain an easily obtainable file from the original software author.
  19. If magic box is a problem, you could just stop using it and try the VMM beta instead.
  20. Collisions work fine. A sensor would work, it won't matter if it's a sphere or part of, you don't need to detect people precisely to the volume of the cage (but that's actually what collision volume will do!) A sphere detection within the most approximate cage size would do since the detection is from the centre of a phantom prim that you'd use. You could do vector maths if you wished to find the avatar centre precise location but i'd still detect collision.
  21. Collision detection is one simple way, range via a scan is another.
  22. LL could also learn to use the forum search feature as they have been listed over and over. *shrugs* /me watches a flying pig flutter gracefully past the window, pursued by a pink unicorn.
  23. Not in this case Bobbie. What you describe would be true for the word filter but the items were removed by the droids and auto delist email sent containing the reason.
  24. They will not get automatic updates, that's for you to take care of. There are various methods, none of which involve Marketplace. Such a feature would be a useful one and that's why we won't get it. You need to ask for something pointless and that nobody needs, that will be implemented rapidly. A magic box is a legacy solution for providing content for sale via Marketplace, it is no longer needed.
  25. Notwithstanding the comments about copyright and TOS, the issue remains that the items are being delisted by LL for a bogus reason. It would appear that LL have acted wrongly if the items are flagged as adult but aren't in fact adult. That process is failing. As we well know, the copyright holder is responsible for filing DMCA, there is no option to flag for copyright violation.
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