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Sassy Romano

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Everything posted by Sassy Romano

  1. How? Just omit doing any weights, don't bind to armature. Upload.
  2. and that really wasn't being any more specific about precisely what part of Edit Listing isn't working for you? As I said, it's a straightforward process but if you're having difficulty with a particular aspect, expanding on what this is would be more helpful (to you in the long run).
  3. I assumed she was referring to the apparent cut in the mesh on the left breast? I agree compression artefacts or saved as low bit colour, insufficient bits for smooth gradient transition. OP: Exactly how are you saving from Photoshop? file type, bit depth?
  4. Nothing wrong with the texture, it looks like the flaw exists in your mesh object. (You're also wasting about 3/4 of the available texture space and thus you're effectively only using about 256x256 texture for your object but that's another issue entirely. You would do well to scale the UV map much bigger.)
  5. I don't understand what you don't understand. You "Edit Listing" as you have found. To correct the typo, you use the delete key to delete the incorrect character and then use the keyboard to enter to the correct letter. To change the picture, you use the "Upload Picture" button and choose the new picture that you want and optionally press the delete button to delete the one you don't. I'm not trying to be flippant but you've found the option to Edit Listing and unless you can be more specific about your difficulty, it may be hard to suggest otherwise.
  6. Iyoba Tarantal wrote: I shouldn't have to update any operating system if my computer still works just fine. I am being forced to ugrade from a perfectly good (more peripherals than machine now) nine year old, Windows XP machine to something bigger and fancier. Let's call planned obselescence what it is and scream from the rooftops that it S---ks! There is no planned obsolescence. If you continued to run exactly the same software as you had 9 years ago, that the PC would perform just as it did 9 years ago. In other words, yes your computer still works just fine and will continue to work just fine using the same old software that it worked fine with before. As hardware changes, you can reasonably expect software to take advantage of new hardware of which a 9 year old PC isn't. You can't complain if the requirements change over such a long time period, such is progress.
  7. Distributed Denial of Service Basically, command a load of internet bots to send you lots of traffic. They would need your IP address, if you didn't have any media enabled, unlikely they'd get it. I'd be inclined to just shrug and ignore the small child(like) person making highly likely vacuous threats. Depending on internet provider, turning your router off and on may get a different address, which would render and such attack as rather futile, unless they intend to try it from within SL by commanding compromised accounts to do stuff. Go and read about Emerald viewer history for an example. Either way, just laugh and ignore the children.
  8. The last tiñe someone specified notecard to me and seemed to be ignoring it, I ended up scripting a box to send the notecard Ebert minute. It got the attention I was after though may not work in all cases.
  9. Send an IM during the hours I'm awake and the response will in most cases be within minutes. Otherwise, it will be within a few hours. Send a notecard during my awake hours and you'll need to wait until I next login and that could take days.
  10. Christin73 wrote: . Surely they have to come on frequently to pay for the sim. No, they would pay in USD with their credit card, automatically. Does the contact information for the merchant ask for notecards? I ask for IM's because I have IM's redirected to email. I don't log in often anymore and as a result ONLY have to log in for damn annoying notecards! Send an IM, if it goes to email (which everyone ought to do anyway), then they can easily respond without logging in by just replying to the email they receive. Similarly, I can do redeliveries without logging in and hopefully they can too.
  11. Because you're new, i'll assume you're questioning the ability to edit and adjust one of the default stupid, single state, pointless, mesh replacement, starter avatars. Throw it away.
  12. Coby Foden wrote: "Linden Lab plans to begin alpha testing Project Sansar toward the end of July [2015], by inviting in handpicked, skilled creators eager to build something in the new virtual reality medium, Ebbe Altberg says." Problem is, sometimes the "skilled" people do the right actions at the right time in the right way so bugs aren't found. More often than not it also takes the numpties pushing the wrong buttons at the wrong time, doing dumb stuff to really rattle things out. Example: Highly skilled creating highly optimised mesh. Viewer team all perform Hi5's congratulating each other at delivering good render performance. Final Release: We see the result of unoptimised content being unleashed, grinding things to a halt.
  13. You want something and this is the Wanted forum, seems like a good fit!
  14. I don't see any questions that need answering?
  15. Nope, I didn't know what you really meant at all, I tend not to attempt to guess or interpret if the information isn't there in the first place, it often leads to mistakes. There are many highly inappropriate 3D models, avatars, clothing etc. which was made for other platforms but which has been brought into SL. They can even be made to animate and "work" but as Nova alluded to, high number of polygons isn't a good solution for SL when it comes having an efficient viewing experience. The seller's message "High polygons, high detail, best ever in SL" needs to be binned.
  16. No, because avatars ate not made in Second Life. There is a base avatar provided by LL which responds to all the appearance sliders and is skinned using the UV map provided. That avatar is not the LL provided base, therefore like every other non standard SL avatar, it was not made in SL.
  17. Agreed but mute, derender and just plain ignoring someone works well.
  18. Simple! Create the mechanical arm and a matching normal human arm as part of the same mesh. Hide both arms per the alpha layer of an avatar. Provide applier support for matching skins.
  19. That tipping chat is too vague. Europe is not a country by comprises approximately 50 countries and the culture is very different across countries.
  20. It's a choice yes but the mesh creator always has the advantage. However, given that the texture can be set via an applier, freely available, the mesh can't be physically altered by the customer anyway...precisely what business model is being preserved hete? NONE! The customer is not compelled to purchase further textures from the merchant here , there remains no argument in what you put on the table for no mod. What mod would allow ifs the customers way of setting texture and more creative scripting. It's not even as if the merchants original scripts are exposed. It's paranoia, convince me otherwise.
  21. Yes this is the often quoted reason for making something no mod, paranoia. The response from the creator is simple "no problem, use another copy, get a redelivery etc." Problem ends. No mod deserves far more negative comment and publicity (IMHO) Edited to add: In the years i've been a merchant, selling modify items, I can't think of one instance where someone has complained to me that they've broken an item and blamed me. They have however been very happy to be helped with advice to use a new copy/get a redelivery. I'm just wondering if the paranoia is from merchants who remain afraid to sell mod items based upon fear or similar? "No mod" has often been associated with greed with respect to selling the same thing in different colours etc. That's a merchants choice for no copy but mesh items being no mod I just don't get the sense about. Without a UV map and ambient occlusion, there's not much that someone is going to do with textures but it does deny those of us who may want to script the things to do additional to intended functions. Similarly, it prevents people removing huge numbers of scripts as per the example in another thread. I just don't agree with it and that's my opinion.
  22. They're no different than any other object with multiple parts. I can't see an excuse for making them no mod to be honest. copy/no mod = no issue. If someone breaks it through their own edit, so what? That's why it was copy...
  23. Possibly because "most" of them aren't creating the original mesh but buying templates from a few actual mesh creators, thus the actual number of "designers" is totally skewed.
  24. JoeKingleigh wrote: It's not a question. It's a poll. Joe /I wanted to assess two things. //The ability of participants to be able to respond accurately ///And the status of their literary enlightenment. Nope, it's a question, has all the attributes of a question. Were it a poll, then highly accurate answers would be as simple as "yes" or "no" and you cannot determine the outcome of their literary enlightenment from that alone, as such since you cannot determine the second of your assessed attributes, the assessment is invalid. Even accurate responses cannot be determined since you would not know their literary enlightenment and therefore would not be able to validate their response to your poll if they were polled with valid and accurate yes/no outcomes. It's a question and you need qualified answers from which to assess the outcome. Just saying
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