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Phil Deakins

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Everything posted by Phil Deakins

  1. As I said, it would need more serverside, but not much more. ETA: yes. back then bandwidth wasn't great.
  2. By 'arbitrary' I din't mean that just any number would do. That's why I suggested 512 and 1024. The land texture and topography doesn't lend itself to such a low number as 256. Where I am, you only need to go a few hundred meters from the sea, if that, before you're at the top of the rocky peak. If viewing the land without any size references to judge by, it looks like a much bigger area of land., and halving the length of the meter would work better than things do now. Calling a sim 512x512, instead of 256x256 would work better. It would need more serverside, but not much more.
  3. Your arguments about sizes do hold water, Penny, and what you say would work perfectly if everyone did it. But the reality is that we people want to be pretty much like everyone else sizewise. For instance, who would want a house that other people couldn't walk into?, and would feel like a human in a doll's house if they managed to get in? Even a small size reduction would make it difficult. I once came across a house that didn't look too small but I still could get through the door without crouch-walking, and I wasn't a giant. It's true that the default camera position has a lot to answer for, but it's the default and, unless the default changes, we residents won't change it to accomodate things. As you know, there are places that make things smaller than usual, such as Berlin, but it simply doesn't work because people have to change the camera position - and manage without being able to see what's around you well enough. Perhaps we could get used to such things, but, as things are now, we donlt need to get used to anything. It just works. Another default thing is the size of an SL meter. A sim is 256 meters wide, even though that's an arbitrary number. LL could could said that it 512m wide, and nobody would have thought that it's weird. In fact, the land that's in a 256m sim could be exactly the same but be called 512m wide, or 1024m wide, and nobody would think it odd. But it's called 256m, and a meter relates to the size of a person and everything else. So a human avatar needs to have a walking stride of bit less than 1 meter, which means walking across a sim in, say, 300 steps. I haven't tested it so I don't know how many steps an averagely-sized avatar takes to walk along the side of a sim, but I imagine that it's probably reasonably close. And, it that's the case, then the average height of an avatar is just about right. In this case, it's the length of the default SL meter that dictates it. I'm just rambling. I don't have any axe to grind, except to say that the defaults make sizes the way they are and, although redcutions can be done if everyone did it, it's very unlikely.
  4. Echoing the most recent posts, I always ran my store on my main, and it was never a problem, even though, in its heyday, it was a busy store. Of course, I've never been one for getting out and about and into things like dancing, events, exploring, and such, so I was almost always available to deal with customers on the odd occasion when assistance was needed. I do like Kyrah's message (3 posts above this one). It's spot on, imo.
  5. @CoffeeDujour I can understand why one of them might ask the OP to go to a website so that they can get the IP address. It could be to check whether or not the OP is a non-native english speaker, and being genuine. Even so, I agree that reporting it probably the thing to do, although IP addresses aren't in any way secret, so I doubt that LL would take much notice.
  6. Going only by the OP's post, and assuming that nothing of any significance has been left out, NCI seems like it's run by at least one total d*ckhead, or at least someone who was having a particularly bad day, and the OP is right to be annoyed. But it's their place and their rules, so there is no comeback via SL.
  7. No. I found one and assumed that that one was what this thread is about. ETA: I just looked in the adult one and, again, it doesn't look like a dump to me. It doesn't get overrun with posts - something like 6 or 7 in the last few days. Judging by the title of this thread, I expected to find people reposting very frequently to make sure that their events are at or near the top, but neither forum shows that that's happening. They are both very sedate, imo.
  8. I've never looked in the Events forum before but I just took a first look, and it doesn't look like "a dump" to me. In fact, I'm surprised at how little there is there.
  9. Those limitations would just mean jockeying for position - timing when to post. For instance, if you post early in the day, your post quickly disappears beneath the waves of those who post a bit later, which also quickly disappear beneth the waves of later posters, and so on. Why not just leave them to it? Let them scurry to write posts to make sure their events are always seen near the top of the page. Whatever rules are put in place, it'll still be a mess - imo, of course.
  10. Sorry, but you are wong - again. Perhaps you have your own definition of the word 'monopoly' but it isn't one that the rest of the world shares. I.e.:- the exclusive possession or control of the supply of or trade in a commodity or service. Google isn't a monopoly because it doesn't have exclusive posession or control of the world's search or advertising services. It competes in those markets, just like others do, and it's by far the biggest in those markets, but that doesn't make it a monopoly in either.
  11. Then you should have said the Liberal Democrats instead of saying the Liberals. My guess is that, in spite of what you now say, you didn't know that they merged until I wrote it here. And, if you've been observing and studying these things for years, as you claim, you would have known that they never came to power. And yet you said they did. The fruits of you observations and study were rather slim, don't you think? You would also have known that the labour party that lost power wasn't socialist, so it couldn't have been that "socialism wasn't working" as you wrongly claimed. Someone who has studied and observed for years ought to have know that, and that the government was changed after the normal length of time here, and not because "socialism wsn't working". You must be reading and naively swallowing (because you want to) very biased stuff. I didn't say that there's nothing wrong with Jeremy Corbyn. None of the articles you posted the links to say that he's an anti-semite. They do say that there is some (a very small bit) of anti-semitism in the labour party, and that he hasn't yet raised heaven and earth to get rid of it, but they don't say that he is one of them. They criticise his leadership in the matter, but they don't say that he is one. And neither can you say that he is one - if you value truth, that is. The best that any of us can say the we don't know. So you haven't offered any evidence to support that part of your claim. As for him being a pro-Putin whatever, and an Assad apolgist, you haven't offered anything in the way of the requested evidence at all. All you've managed to do is repeat it, and expect people to believe you. But people here know you, so you should know that you have to back up your claims. Merely repeating them gets nowhere. The reason why you have to show evidence to back up your claims is because you made claims and expected to be believed. But you weren't believed, so you need to back them up - or back away. Furthermore, I'm not a lefty. I never have been. In fact I've never voted for the labour party (or the liberals, or liberal-democrats). I vote according to what a party is saying at the time. If I vote at all, that is. It's usually the case that I wouldn't want to associate my name with any of the major political parties. At the last general election, I voted conservative. Not because I'm a conservative, but for one specific reason. So you see, Prokofy, yet again you've got wrong. You are very good at spouting stuff that you may well believe, presumably because you have a huge bias towards certain political views and you tend to believe whatever is written anywhere to back up that side's point of view, regardless of evidence, reality, or truth. Seriously, you would do far better if you stick to what you know from personal experience, rather than take another country's newspaper articles as gospel when they suit your particular biases. Perhaps you aren't aware that newspapers follow political lines. Here in the UK they do, anyway. Some suppoort one side of the polical spectrum, and others support the other side. If you really do observe and study, you would at least embrace the newspapers of all sides, but bearing in mind that newspapers tend to sensationalise thing, even to the point of writing things that have no idea whether they are true or not. Their goal is not to truthfully inform people, but to sell newspapers. If they can do it with the truth, they will, but if they can't, they'll stoop to the sensational, regardless of truth. They are not unlike your blog, really.
  12. Although I didn't come directly to SL from my previous cyberspace 'home' - there was a gap of more than a decade between them - I came from an online multi-user scrolling text D&D type game called Shades, which was UK specific. But It had been my cyberspace 'home' for some years and it caused me to see SL as being something really great.
  13. Looking at profiles of those I buy from would be a bit difficult for me, because I don't buy anything in SL But no, checking behind the scenes to see what sort of person the seller is isn't something that we normally do. We'd only take such things into account when the person's character is in plain sight, and profiles aren't exactly in plain sight, even though they are public.
  14. I have to comment on that. I just have to If IBM produced machines for the nazis, knowing that they would be used to assist the extermination of people, then you would have a very good point. But I don't believe for one second, or even for a fraction of a second, that that's what happened, so I have no qualms about owning stuff produced by IBM. I can't even imagine that IBM produced anything for the nazis, but rather that the nazis bought some IBM stuff, just like other businesses did back then. So I don't see that the point you made is any point at all. You could equally say that such-and-such company produced the computers that were used by whoever to cyber-attack whatever, and question whether or not any of us should be using computers made by that company. It's just as outlandish a thought. In the case of the profile, I agree with those who suggest that it's just a statement about the person himself and, as such, is just free speech. If it were a call to action, it would be different, of course, but it doesn't appear to be that, however distasteful it is.
  15. One of the Lindens recently posted that they aren't looking at an 'on demand' system yet.
  16. FIFY ETA: Occasionally it was down for much more than 2 days. I was logged in too, and a bot, and we didn't notice anything wrong
  17. Not all mainland, Drake, but thank you for your confidence in me I am, however, the "be all and end all" of information for the bit of mainland where I've been for many years, especially when it comes to shenanigans
  18. Nope. I see them too - although they're rectangles, not squares
  19. Then may I suggest that your interest in SL isn't very great I suspect that a great many people's interest is high enough to withstand some price increases, even though nobody would like them.
  20. Hmm. I may have misunderstood too. I assumed it referred to inwolrd, not the forum, so my post may not be relevant to the OP.
  21. There used to be a limit based on time. Maybe there still is. I've forgotten how long it was before the next submission could be done. A limit per avatar wouldn't change anything though. It would just mean logging in another alt to keep the frequency up.
  22. I've always had mainland, and I've always set it to no-rez, allow fly, and allow scripts. Auto-return has always been set at 1 minute, and it's always been deeded to a group (I don't find that inconvenient when setting objects I'm rezzing to the group because I rarely change my active group, so it's automatic). In over 11 years I can't recall any instances of griefing on my land that different land settings would have avoided. I've had griefing occur over the land but generated from other land, even from the sim next door.
  23. So it's a normal teleport except that you don't have to explicitly ask for it. The reason I asked is because it would be very strange to walk through the front door of a house and noticeably teleport to the inside, and vice versa. Imo, it would detract from the smoothness of wandering around a place. Interesting idea though, that could have some uses where an intervening 'episode' wouldn't be so out of place. Using a lift to go upstairs, for instance.
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