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Phil Deakins

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Everything posted by Phil Deakins

  1. I'd be happy to answer that for you if I knew what garrulous and laconic meant
  2. You can doo all sort of stuff, such as move the bed with the user on it, to the outside of the building, and move the bed back when it becomes vacant. Or rotate it to upside down. Trouble is, people would come just to have a ride on it lol.
  3. Then perhaps the SL system makes a reasonable guess that you and your alt are the same person at the keyboard. What it can't do is relate 2 accounts to each other, but, as I said earlier, it can sometimes make reasonable guesses - using the computer's MAC address, perhaps coupled with a close enough IP address. But I can assure you that the system can't connect 2 accounts together with any degree of ceratinty. My main alt was created within weeks of my main account, so it used the same computer and probably had the same IP address, or at least one that was close enough. Not that that mattered because I created it as an 'official' alt of my main account. Out of over 60 alts, it's the only one that has payment info used. More alts came later and they dont have payment info used. My computer has changed through the years so the system hasn't had the MAC to go on, although the IP addresses have always been close enough. The system can sometimes make reasonable guesses, but that's all it can do.
  4. LL does have the ability to make reasonable guesses about many accounts, but they can't connect accounts unless you make it possible. You probably used identical information for your alt, or if you're old enough, you probably created an 'official' alt of your main account, which is why the two accounts are connected.
  5. FIFY They have announced that more than one premium level will be coming in.
  6. Yep. My only experience of it was many years ago when a 'basic' friend couldn't cash out. I always assumed it was because she was basic and never considered that it might simply be because she didn't have piof.
  7. I didn't know there was a difference. What you said does make sense though.
  8. From what I've gathered, LL already operates a very lax grace period. It takes months of arrears before any action is taken, so I don't think your initial 24 hours will go down very well
  9. That bit is easy I have over 60 alts, but only one of them is linked to my main account. That's because I created it when LL charged US$10 to create an alt account, so it was linked to my main's account right from its creation. As such, it automatically had PIOF - Payment Info Used in its profile - even though I never provided any payment info for it. So linking alts to the main account used to be done, and can be done again.
  10. Yahoo! was never the best at anything, except during its very early days when it was just a directory. It only became big because it arrived very early in the web's lifetime. It was only a human-edited directory, and only stayed up with the major search engines because, having come in early, it had a big reputation. They attached a search engine to it, but it wasn't there's. They used other search engines for its results. Search engines didn't make money back then, so Yahoo! stuck with its human-edited directory, which did make money because it cost a significant amount to be listed in it. It's only when Google came along, showing all the others how to make money with a search engine, that Yahoo! started buying up major search engines and attempting to copy Google. That was after they'd been offered Google - and declined it lol. So, Yahoo! was the best in its field in its first few years, but, even then, DMOZ soon cruised past it. Since then, Yahoo! has been a second class player.
  11. I can't disagree with that. I hadn't thought of it. I was only thinking of basic accounts without any payment info on file, and basics who own land. So replace my 'basics who own land' with your 'basics with PIOF', and we concur - at least on first thoughts
  12. I never knew about that 'sit' thing, so I just tried it with the LL viewer, and it works. The first time, I sat on the ground underneath the floor but I can't repeat that. Instead I always sit on the floor.
  13. Unless it's changed, basic members can't cash out, so that won't be a 'downgrade'. It's possible to downgrade basic accounts by withdrawing support from them. I.e. you can use SL for free but you'll be on your own. Other ways that spring to mind are, removing the ability to create stuff, and removing the ability to rez stuff. We could end up with grandfathered basic accounts, where the downgraded basic account only applies to accounts created after the changes have come in. Basic accounts that own a private sim would need to maintain the current abilities, of course, so there'd need to be 2 levels of basic account. I can't imagine that they only allow premium members to own private sims. First thoughts Removing the rez ability would, at a stroke, do away with most of the griefing that's done with burner acccounts. It would also do away with basic members who like to drive cars, ride bikes, fly planes, sail boats, etc., so it wouldn't be universally popular unless it's only applied to new accounts. Removing the ability to create objects wouldn't be bad. It would require a premium account to create griefing objects. But removing the rez ability would be better in dealing with griefing. Not having support for non-land-owning basic accounts seems reasonable. In recent times, LL has been pushing for more premium accounts. They frequently make low-cost offers, they doubled the tier allowance, and they've announced multiple premium levels. So downgrading basic accounts seems to be a logical step towards the same aim.
  14. When upgrading an alt, there's something to be aware of. The alt needs to have payment info on file. We all know that, of course, but what might be overlooked by some (such as myself! ) is that, even though the alt is linked to the main account, the main account's US$ balance isn't used to pay for the alt's premium account. An example will probably explain what I mean more clearly... The alt I upgraded recently was linked to my main account because I created it back when it cost $10 for an alt so, even though I've never put US$ into the alt's account, it shows as Payment Info Used. That's because, the alt was linked to my main account, and it acquired the main's payment info and status. I upgraded the alt but how it was going to paid for never crossed my mind. I just did it. It turned out that the main's US$ balance wasn't used, even though there is loads of US$ there. Instead LL got the money from my Paypal account. So bear that in mind if you're going to upgrade an account, or create a new one. The payment for it isn't taken from your own US$ balance, regardless of how much you have there.
  15. Thank you, but I use the LL viewer, Whirly. I'll leave that to the experts
  16. The silly thing, from my point of view, is that I often have a use for it, but I've been using the keyboard every time. I only discovered it today when I was about the 'grab' the top edge of the communications box to pull its size down. I missed the edge of the box and got my avatar instead, which I pulled down before I realised.
  17. Astonishing! I'm so embarrassed
  18. I find this to be astonishing after over 11 years in SL. TIL (by accident) that when holding the left mouse button down on my avatar, moving the mouse moves the view left, right, up, and down, and turns my avatar to face the new view. Over 11 years non-stop in SL and I never discovered that before? Has it always been like that?
  19. I'm in the UK and I've never noticed anything in SL that seems odd or different from my point of view.
  20. In that case, it has to be what Callum described; i.e. permissions to rez objects.
  21. CoffeeDujour's reply is good. It's not uncommon for scripted items to be programmed to be operative or not, according to the status of the owner - online, offline, nearby, etc. However, I'm sure that it's uncommon for scripts to do that without the owner having any choice in the matter. So check the objects' settings. You'll probably find that you have an option to turn that aspect on and off. Security devices are often written with the option to turn off when the owner is offline, or in the land of Far Far Away. Another possibility is that the objects are set to be operated by only the owner. That's also a common option. Animated furniture usually has the options for group only, owner only, and anyone.
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