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Phil Deakins

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Everything posted by Phil Deakins

  1. If I choose to pass some of my personal data to LL, then I lose all control over it in that country - unless the U.S. laws say otherwise to LL. Other than that, I do not have any right to sue LL for misuse of my personal data. It's quite possible that the U.S. does take it into account, and I may be able to sue LL in a U.S. court, but not unless the U.S. law says so. What can't happen is for the UK (or the EU) to make a unilateral law giving me a right to sue LL in the U.S. I could try (if I want to waste a lot of money), but the law over here isn't upheld by U.S. courts unless the U.S. law says so. In short, EU laws do not have to be complied with in other countries unless the laws in whatever country it happens say so. The EU cannot make laws that must be complied with in other countries. And neither can the U.S.
  2. That's not correct. One country cannot make laws that the residents of another country must abide by. Even international laws only have be complied with by those countries that have signed up to be included. People in other countries can please themselves. It has nothing to do with whether or not EU residents use the U.S. SL system. For instance, I in the UK do not have to abide by U.S. laws, unless the laws in my country say that I have to. It may be that the U.S. law dictates that LL has to abide by EU laws in this matter but, unless the U.S. law says that, LL does not need to comply.
  3. I'll make the same statement that I made in the other thread. No country, or group of countries can make laws that people in other countries have to comply with. So no, LL does not have to comply. That doesn't mean that people in other countries won't comply with the EU's law. There are reasons why some should, for their own benefit, but none of them have to, and I do wish that people would stop saying they have to. Incidentally, the fact that EU people use SL is irrelevant.
  4. No you can't. Premium subscriptions are always paid with real money - credit card, PayPal, Skrill, or some other way of paying with real money. What you can do is save up your L$ and sell them on the Lindex. That will put real US$ into your account, with which you can pay the Premium subscription. However, unless I'm mistaken, a Premium account has to have payment info on file, so it must have a declared way of paying real money.
  5. But you have to buy a gift, don't you?
  6. So you usually end up buying all, something, or nothing. What do you end up doing on the other occasions?
  7. I'll say again that I'm not a shopper, so I'm not experienced. That said, I thought that demos came with things like limited time before it poofs, or attached signs, or signs on the item's texture. If a demo is effectively no different to the real thing, then the seller isn't very good at it.
  8. I have to say, it's a very good question. Not being a shopper, it doesn't affect me at all, but I do see that there should be no charge in SL for demos, except perhaps for the reason that Callum mentioned, and the 'vendor' reason that Cindy mentioned. It's not as though a demo costs the seller anything for materials.
  9. NOW YOU'VE DONE IT! You've given away the whole plot! We all know the ending now, and there's no point in continuing. What's the point in getting into a story, when someone cpomes along and blows it for everyone by publically saying how it ends? HUH!
  10. Nice thread. I agree with those who replied so far. I especially like the idea of sorting inventory as being "almost meditative" because it really is, imo, although I rarely do it. In a fundamental way, I'm the same. I don't shop, change clothes, socialise, or do most of the things that most people do in SL, but I'm the same in a 'fundamental' way because I'm the same in SL as everyone else, in that I spend time here, enjoying a hobby, which we all do in our various ways, and which is what the OP and those who replied do. FIFY
  11. Cheesy, my prefered game, has had 3-D dice for years
  12. My newbie story In the late 80s and early 90, I was heavily into a multi-user, onine, scrolling text, D&D type of game, called Shades. It was almost an addiction. I wasn't there for the game, although I did complete it. I was there because I enjoyed being in that sort of virtual environment, even though the imagery of it had to be generated by your own head, and there was a good social side too. Things changed with that game, so, since I was also heavily into programming, I wrote my own. In fact I wrote 2 of them, the second being a 2-D graphic one. Then I went off and did a couple of other things for some years, but I never grew out of likng that kind of virtual environment in which you can move around. It was late in 2006, when I was chatting (by email) with my cousin's daughter, that she told me she spent time in Second Life, which I'd never heard of but which sounded quite interesting. I signed up and it was right up street! It really was. It was like the mental images of the scrolling text games environments but now I could actually see where I was going, etc. I took to moving around in it like a duck to water. There was no gameplay, so I may not have lasted very long, but something happened that kept me here. What made me stay A few weeks after I joined, my cousin's daughter suggested that we start a business together, renting out skyboxes. And that's what we did. That sort of gameplay was also right up my street. She didn't last very long, but I continued. One thing led to another, and I ended up not renting out skyboxes, but making and selling low prim furniture, and I did quite well at it. That's what kept me here for many years, but what keeps me here now is quite different. Last year I stopped selling low prim furniture, which left me with nothing to do, and no real interest in SL. But I didn't leave. I don't really know why. It must be so ingrained into me. But I don't do anything. Well, mostly I don't. For a little while I've been busy programming (scripting), which holds my interest. All the usual things that people do, such as exploring, dancing, live music events, shopping, etc. have never appealed to me, and still don't. But I'm happy as things are, and I have no plans to close my accounts
  13. Really? So you still think that your reply to the question was the correct answer to the question? It wasn't. Mine was. My "mindset" was to provide the correct answer to the question, especially since the only answer that Syo had been given was wrong.
  14. I had to do a search to find out what these "vaults" are. I'd never heard of them. If what I found is correct - that you wait until your name's first letter shows, click something, and then answer a simple question - I don't think it could be done with text-only viewers, or a bot programme, because the letter is no doubt a graphic and would need to be seen, although a bot programme could continuously click on the object, knowing that the bot's letter would come up sooner or later. The most likely way it happened is what people have suggested - multiple viewers, and someone at the keyboard. I often have 3, and occasionally 4, viewers running without any need to lower any settings, and I have a mediocre machine that's many years old - i5 with average memory. Above 4 viewers, I'd probably need to set some viewer settings very low if I wanted any of them to move smoothly.
  15. Then perhaps you should like to read them properly when you're answering a question that you think concerns them, so that you'll have less chance of getting the reply wrong again.
  16. The 'General' in 'General Discussion' does mean what you thought it meant. It's about topics and nothing to do with the 'general' rating, although posts in all forums do have to comply with the 'general' rating.
  17. LL isn't going to stop anyone from rezzing stuff.
  18. My latest test used no-mod/no-copy packaging. My first test used copy packaging but I didn't think it was worth doing that test again, since no-copy packaging works.
  19. You mean we've been arguing needlessly? hrmph! It's been worthwhile though, because, on this very page, loverdag taught some of us something that we'd no idea existed.
  20. Thank you for un-confusing me I redid the test and you were absolutely right - dragging the folder moves the no-copy contents of the worn box to the inventory. And, nicely, it doesn't end up in folder. Just the contents get moved, as though they'd been dragged. I think you have taught a number of us today, or you ought to have if those who were saying no-copy can't be moved from a worn object are still reading this thread. Again, thank you, loverdog. (nice freckles, btw )
  21. Now you've confused me lol People said that no-copy items can't be dragged into your inventory from an object that is worn, so I tested it, and I found that it's true - at least in the test.
  22. No. Nobody is doing that. LL hinted that they may downgrade Basic accounts and all that's been written here is ideas on what they might do. Nobody is actually suggesting that they do any of them.
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