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Rabid Cheetah

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Everything posted by Rabid Cheetah

  1. So relaxing at @Evangeline Ling's Boragora houseboat.
  2. Namaste, Cheetah Rabid! 😺
  3. Well, I had some extra tier, so I went around looking for unique parcels, wanting them small enough so that I could spread the m2's I had left; I want to have a place on every continent. I didn't mind if they were odd-shaped parcels, but they needed to be reasonably priced. The hardest to find was the last one: 346 m2 left before popping into the next tier level. Nothing that small was showing up in search. I kept floating over the yellow spots on the map, but the smallest ones were 512 m2's. That is, until a few days ago. I finally found something on Gaeta, an odd-little roadside-by-a-rez-zone shaped like a puzzle piece, 304 m2 at an acceptable price. I don't yet know what I'm going to put there, or what to do with the remaining 32 m2 of tier; Maybe a roadside shack on Gaeta IV, or an ice cream stand in Bay City.
  4. Sounds like your best bet would be a Mainland parcel. Even better would be to find one by a road. I saqy this due to your desire to have the place open to the public. Plus the terraforming options. To create a private section of your land, use the Edit Land feature, select the part of the land that's going to be private, then click Subdivide. Then configure the Access and Options tabs of the About Land for the newly subdivided group-only parcel to allow only group members to do stuff. Subdivide another slice of land if you also want a portion that's for you and you alone, and configure it as such.
  5. The stilt area is often referred to as "Margaritaville".
  6. Stumped. Thought it was another place, which seems to have gone poof anyhow.
  7. P.S. As to the minimum amount of land you can have, that would be 16 m2, (4m x 4m). The prim count/Li for that would be six, I think. In which case you really would want to create your own 1-prim shack, to have prims left for furniture. 😄
  8. One. Click create and rez a prim. It's that simple. It just might not be the greatest-looking creation, but it is something. You're kinda asking the same question as "what's the minimum amount of pixels to make a digital picture?" Technically it's just one. But don't expect much. Now, if you want the lowest-prim self-created house, and if you are indeed a minimalist, and don't care about a roof, you can build, with just one prim, a house up to 64m by 64m by 64m. Use the Create function in your viewer to rez a cube, stretch it to the desired size, set "Hollow" to its max setting. Viola, you know live in a giant plywood box. Fly in/TP in/jump in, or play with the controls to create an opening to walk through. I'm not going to tell you specifically how to do that, as it's best if you get comfortable fiddling around with the controls just for fun and to teach yourself basic building. Then play around with Texture and Select Face if the default plywood is TOO minimalist. OR, you could go the "buy it" route, as suggested by others above. It's YOUR Second Life, so the choice is yours. Welcome to your new world! 🙂
  9. Somehow a thread that's been dead for two years got instantly turned into a rant about communism. This is why ya never wanna actually block people here, no matter how obnoxious they are. You'd miss all the lolz.
  10. That moment you brew some decaf coffee, sit down to watch a movie, put your headphones on, and hear an odd sound like a laundry machine. What the heck is that?!?!?!? Wait. oh yeah. I must have forgotten to log out of Second Life.
  11. And that's the true heart of the matter: Treating other really for real people in SL as if they are nothing more than NPC's, just because their avis are on a video game screen. You are spot on in this conversation. Meanwhile, I've learned of the true attitudes of a few people who are now on my list of forum a-holes. I can't even...I mean, would y'all grab an exotic dancer in real life, then sneer at the bouncer, "what's the big deal? This is a strip club! You should expect that kind of behavior in a place like this!" Obnoxious nonconsensual crap shouldn't be tolerated in any environment. Women aren't your personal property, even in "just" a game. As to the non-consensual kissing issue in the beta test of The Sims Online, I was there, too. So I remember it well. You initially needed to be very quick at clicking cancel incoming actions or your avi, by default, would accept any action, including making your avi make out with creepy men. And it was always men. Doing this to women. ALWAYS. I for one am glad that Maxis changed their software to require consent, to click that yes you wanna do an action with someone before the action can proceed. I'm glad Maxis decided they didn't want to contribute to r-ape culture -- and yes, damn it, there IS a direct correlation between society "not making a big deal" over consent violations in the broader culture and the perpetuation of the "boys will be boys" attitude towards real world sexual assault. So yes: What happened to the OP in question IS a big deal. And she has every right to speak up. Stop. Telling. Women. To. Be. Silent.
  12. Actually those are Second Life sims floating in the air and then falling into the ocean. I mean when they do those rolling restarts and the region disappears off the screen, it's gotta go SOMEWHERE. Either way, I had nothing to do with it. No, really. Nothing at all.
  13. I'm glad I'm not the only one who noticed that. This is proof that this was originally supposed to be Zindra.
  14. Yeah, and I have to realize that languages change over time. Sometimes I forget the '90's were thirty years ago. I feel so old.
  15. Exactly. Only one person is being "rude, accusatory or bitchy", and only after folks did offer help and ask qualifying questions to get to the bottom of what's going on. Suffice it to say she's quickly earned a spot on my list of forum folks I won't bother talking to anymore. And you beat me to it with the popcorn picture lol
  16. Trolling is posting stuff you don't even care about so as to get a lot of people riled up, just for the "lolz". The earliest example of this I can think of is way back in the '90's, when the term "trolling" first emerged (and again, the term has nothing to do with mythical beings, 1970's dolls, or Dungeons & Dragons, but rather from an analogy to "trolling for fish"), when the folks in a Usenet group known for posting outlandish things decided it would be "fun" to invade another Usenet group. They picked "alt.cats", and began posting requests for cat-meat recipes, as well as a rather detailed description of a supposed cat owner wondering if they should stimulate their female cat with a Q-tip or let it continue to suffer being in heat. The recipe request was met with the anger you'd expect; The request for feline sexual health advice turned into a serious discussion among alt.cats regulars, much to the delight of the invading Usenet group -- alt.humor? alt.darkhumor? I forget which group did this. So that's trolling. Merely being confrontational, especially when you are serious and not doing it for "lolz", is called "flaming". I've yet to see any actual trolling going on in the forums. Nor is there an Evil Cabal of Mean Girls here. If there is, you can certainly join, so long as Sylvia says it's OK. 😄
  17. You've yet to answer what the status of the ticket is -- note that that's a completely different thing than whether or not a Linden has entered a comment yet. Either way, though, your whining here, and rudely accusing a well-respected forum user as being a troll, is pointless. Either the ticket is closed, or it's still pending. If it's still pending, well, you should just wait to see what the final resolution will be. It could turn out that the Airstrip of Evil will be returned to its owner. If the ticket is closed, then Linden Labs looked into it, and felt it wasn't a big deal. Either way, nattering on about it here serves no purpose. You've also yet to state whether or not the Evil Airstrip of Gloom and Doom (from now on to be referred to as "EGaD!") is a physical object that actually blocks traffic, or is a phantom object that does no harm and should just be derendered if it's really that unsightly. What Kyrie said about researching a place before you buy it is correct. Especially if you're going to blow two hundred bucks on it. Did you not think to stand by the road, look out across the parcel, and say, "Egad! What is THAT?!?!?! An EGaD?!?!?!?" Or was it not initially there (though you've said nothing to indicate this). Finally, please don't even use the term "troll" or "trolling" if you don't even know what trolling actually is. It makes people not want to help you. https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/troll Not this: Rather, THIS:
  18. Used to have a place near there, but forget where it is.
  19. The one time a friend rented just an 8th of a private sim, we felt very confined and boxed in, even when exploring neighboring parcels. It feels very disconnected from the rest of the world.
  20. Have you checked the status of the ticket you filed? Has it been closed, or is it still in a "being processed" status? There may be correspondence from Guy Linden within the ticket; Perhaps they're waiting on your response.
  21. And once again an interesting thread gets derailed by grumbling about hippies.
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