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Rabid Cheetah

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Everything posted by Rabid Cheetah

  1. Rivendell Gygax Nat Twenty Tolkien The Shire Westeros Narnia Crit Nyxie Don't Tell The Elf
  2. Gives new meaning to "show us your stilts!"
  3. nope lol And right here is a good reason to let us delete posts.
  4. Is stilts a banned forum word? One of you spelled it "stlts", the other "s*****". So I'm gonna say "stilts stilts stilts stilts stilts stilts stilts stilts stilts stilts stilts stilts stilts stilts stilts stilts" to find out lol.
  5. Do you dare enter...The Belli Triangle? 😄 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bermuda_Triangle
  6. So Linden Labs is now going to use a butt plug as the official logo for the Marketplace. Cuz they're both a pain in the ass.
  7. Or could be "Geisha" or "butt plug" ?
  8. I don't need a houseboat...I don't need a houseboat...I don't need a houseboat...I don't need a houseboat...I don't need a houseboat...I don't need a houseboat...I don't need a houseboat...I don't need a houseboat...I don't need a houseboat...I don't need a houseboat...I don't need a houseboat...I don't need a houseboat...
  9. Sounds like ADHD, you might benefit from getting tested for that.
  10. That's only four abandonds. So what did you settle on? The world wants to know. 😄
  11. I've been there before many a time, back when I had a HB a few regions away, but it may have been before you had the place. I certainly remember your neighbor, though.
  12. It varies. If I like it, I like it. If I don't, I don't. Sometimes things I think I am looking for annoy the heck out of me on a given houseboat parcel; Sometimes stuff I wouldn't think of as appealing winds up adding to the charm. It's the same for Mainland parcels. Obligatory Houseboat pictures:
  13. I don't like shadows. It just doesn't look like SL anymore when those are on. Worse yet are objects with shadows built in, as they look very unnatural, especially in the evening when they're still casting a shadow at the same unmoving angle. Plus they often use an extra prim to create the shadow, which adds up on small parcels if all your objects have a double prim count thanks to these darn shadow thingies. I usually unlink the shadow thingy and delete it, unless the shadow thingy is the piece that has a script in it. But that's just me, and what I've grown accustomed to in this game. I don't like fake land either; It feels like astroturf.
  15. Yeah, I re-read the ticket response: "Thank you for your support ticket and your patience! When we are selling abandoned land the minimum size is 512 meters unless you already own land on the region. I understand that smaller parcels can happen through resident to resident sales and those that abandon pieces of their parcels. However, we do this to preserve the overall appearance of the land as much as possible. If you would like to buy a 512 meter parcel just let me know!"
  16. Also, if you buy land for a group, the tier-counter-machine-thingy calculates it as only 90% of the actual m2. So essentially you'll get an extra 10%, which would be 204 for the 2048 parcel you plan. parcels are measured in 16 m2 squares, so you'll only get 192 extra m2. I'm not sure if you can donate the extra 10% tier before you've bought the 2048 parcel, or if the tier-counter-machine-thingy will only initially let you donate 1024 m2 each. Therefore, I'd recommend buying the 2048 parcel as planned with the "Can I Haz Abandoned Land" form, then filling out a second ticket for some adjacent 194 m2's worth of land.
  17. If you don't already own land in the region, the Linden's are unlikely to sell any abandoned land in the region to you. At least that's been my experience. YRMV. Your best bet is to form the group first, then mention, in the "Can I Haz Abandoned Land" form (and yes, that IS the official name), that you want to buy the land for your group. MAKE SURE YOU'VE BOTH DONATED ALL YOUR TIER TO THE GROUP BEFORE YOU BUY THE LAND, and that you select "Buy for group". You should get a screen pop-up that tells you the amount of $L you'll be spending, and that your tier will stay the same -- which should be $0. If it says the tier will increase, don't click to confirm the purchase as something's gone awry.
  18. Thanks. I'll look for Region or whatever under the World tab in Firestorm.
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