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Rabid Cheetah

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Everything posted by Rabid Cheetah

  1. Find an area with lots of abandoned land. Then buy some and turn it into a farm.
  2. This sounds like something to contact LL about.
  3. Been there, done that, got the t-shirt lol I forget where it is, other than that it's on a GTFO route. It's a tribute to the creator of ban lines lol
  4. Thanks for reminding me that having a GTFO Hub is one of my Belli goals. I'll talk to my friend who owns a stilt I'm helping her decorate, and see if she's interested in having a GTFO Hub.
  5. Every parcel is a bit different from the rest already, given placement of terrain features, foliage, and nearby buildings. Additionally, what makes each home unique is not what Linden Labs adds to it, but what the end user adds. Second Life has always been more about user creativity and customized content than any other game.
  6. I've always wanted to do that, to see and manipulate the additional terrain and estate controls owning an entire sim comes with. But it's cost-prohibitive, plus I've felt too isolated when renting parcels on estates in the middle of nowhere. I need to feel connected to the mainland, and be able to boat or drive there. I've even felt this way in real life, feeling trapped in on islands that are too small, in my mind (Oahu was fine, but Kauai felt too boxed in). I suppose I wouldn't feel that way if it was a multi-regional private estate -- it would feel like a small continent. But if I can't afford an alt army, I certainly can't afford a sim army.
  7. The only time I had an alt army was when I'd see an announcement in the original "When was the last time..." thread of a gorgeous location, would go to the slurl, want the parcel really bad, and then create an alt and hope I signed up and snagged the spot quickly enough. There were several sweet spots that someone beat me to. There were several spots I succeeded in snagging. When I almost signed up for my TENTH premium, I had to stop and think; Wait wait wait that will be over one hundred bucks a month just for membership fees just for multiple Linden Homes so I can have one of each variety. I wasn't trying to game the system, but I knew I had a problem. With a heavy heart, I abandoned most of the homes, switched the accounts to basic, but heaved a sigh of relief about all the money I'd no longer be spending on SL. Because I realized I couldn't possibly snag every single cool-looking spot in the game. I mean, if I could afford to do that, I'd buy all of Bay City. Plus I can take joy in others' joy, and see what folks do with there homes. And it's totally free to wander Belli, or the Mainland, and see all the wonderful, well, @Fay Starlight is right, all the digital art and creativity going on in Second Life. I feel a bit like an addict. A virtual land addict. But on the bright side, I'm in recovery, and have decided how much monthly spending on Second Life is OK. I've decided to use that budget more wisely, buying not a wide variety of Linden Homes, but a wide variety of different Mainland finds, from a parcel by the Great Wall to a spot on the slopes of one of the highest mountains in the game. I'm limiting myself to a single Linden Home. And since I like campers the best (for now lol), I'd have to say that, FOR ME, the perfect number of chalets is ZERO. [Obligatory pix of Linden Home locations I've given up]:
  8. EVERYBODY STFU ABOUT GOH ALT ARMIES!!!!!!!!11111elleven111 It's time for the REAL argument!!!!!oneoneoneoneone!!!! That's not a picture of an ORANGE cloud111111exclamationpoint It's RED, I tell you!!!!!!!!!!!!!! RED!!!!!!!!!!!!!11111111111 AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!ELEVENINALLCAPS
  9. Before: After: I prefer the former, so I switched it back.
  10. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Atlantis Estates/179/233/26
  11. Why would anyone...um...run away from...uh...a...smile...uh...um...never mind...
  12. On the other hand, my alt DOES have a sour look, but that's to display her teenage angst. She never smiles, because I deliberately curved her mouth sides into a frown. But what do you expect from someone whose got a crossbow that shoots voodoo dolls of the popular girls at school?
  13. Then again, some guys suddenly whip out their...ummm...salamis...yeah, let's call 'em salamis...some guys whip out their salamis clear out of the blue no matter what your face says.
  14. I have always made sure my main's avi's have a warm inviting smile, even if subtle. I've had a lot of people tell me I'm gorgeous, even when wearing classic avis. I've never understood what made me stand out as such, but think I know why now. It's the smile. It's gotta be the smile. I have a Bento-Meshy-Whatever head that comes with a rather long animation cycle, and an AO with a very long cycle of preening and posing with the smart phone it comes with. It's a great combination. Personally, I don't much care for the sourpuss look of so many avi faces these days, especially if they're static. It's creepy and maniquin-like, and reminds me of articles I've read about folks in the robotics field having trouble getting people to like interacting with anthropomorphic robots -- they just don't look real, and it creeps people out on a subconscious level. Note that folks generally feel that way even with smiling robots. I hope the tech improves, and am certain it will over time. So. As much as I prefer smiling avis, I try not to make a big deal about avi appearance. Regardless of the game I'm playing, I'm much more focused on player behavior. Pretty graphics is no substitute for being nice.
  15. I agree, those do have a very Bay City feel to them.
  16. I wound up just buying some "wall tattoos" from the Marketplace.
  17. @Jinx Lavarock Don't let the bad experiences and creepos drive you away. Chew 'em up, spit 'em out, and block them. Or just block them, if you're uncomfortable with giving the jerks a piece of your mind. Keep in mind that, regardless of what anyone says or does in your presence, this is still YOUR game. Play it how YOU wanna play it. And people who make assumptions about other SL players based solely on avi appearance are generally not people to engage with; Treat this as more of a Jackass Detector & Filter than something to fret over. As to cartoon avatars, have you looked into PaperFriends? They're a lot of fun. https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/207021
  18. I couldn't even figure out how to get a blank piece of paper and start drawing on it.
  19. Come do doughnuts on my road-adjacent parcels. I really don't give a frack.
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