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Rabid Cheetah

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Everything posted by Rabid Cheetah

  1. Wait, you blocked YOURSELF? This I gotta hear 🍿
  2. No, I totally get that. I have no qualms about playing around with software, in a curious "what does THIS button do" mindset. I've made a lot of money over the years in real life from doing just that, then advising the folks scared they're gonna break something how to use their software -- an irrational fear which I have empathy for, but realize it's the other side of what kept me employed for so many years...and which caused a glut in tech support jobs once folks got more comfy with and adapt at using their digital devices. But I digress. SL has a steep learning curve these days. But I'd put "learning how to toggle ban lines" towards the beginning of simple things to remember how to do, if I were making training material for LL's users, over more complex things like LOD, mesh, and detaching uneeded scripts from objects. But I hear ya: With such a fun software, who wants to learn all the techy nitty gritty of all the various viewer settings? Let's just play! 🙂
  3. Yep, G land tends to be lower demand, and thus lower price. I don't get it. But then, I don't get why LL has Moderate land anyhow, which is really the root cause of the "we gotta have ban lines or an orb if we're gonna hit the [F6] and [F9] buttons, baby", if you think about it and read the land rating rules. When I want to do adult stuff, which is rare these days, I go do it on Adult land, where go can go into Porno Mode in the middle of the street. But those are topics for a whole different set of threads -- though I will say that I think another reason my parcel was so cheap is due to all the neighboring ban lines. Yes, ban lines on G land *shakes head* Let me know if you get a place nearby! 🙂
  4. Yep! The little one. Here's the view from the place: Unobstructed, cuz it's all Protected Land. The parcel was amazingly cheap, a real find.
  5. Most pointless barrier I've ever seen: Someone with a small beach parcel with an incredible view after you de-rendered their skybox-on-the-ground 64 meter high panel walls...the interior of which depicted...wait for it...a beach scene 😄
  6. Totally agree. Personally, I don't put up any barriers.
  7. You passed by my little spot on the side of the second-tallest peak in Second Life, at 7:34. Pretty cool to be in one of your vids! 🙂
  8. Nevermind, the "J" shaped "Korean" continent south of Belli.
  9. Which one's Jeogeot again? I don't wanna search the wrong continent lol
  10. I'll still take a banline or a physical barrier blocking my vehicle any day over a no-warning tp-home orb. The former creates a navigational problem, usually solved by using edit object to move the vehicle. The later ends the journey entirely. Wrecking the prettiness of my view is a moot point, as @Mollymews pointed out in regards to a simple viewer toggle.
  11. Oh God, I can only imagine. That would have been fine ten years ago, but people are so freaky in SL about an imagined need for privacy. Since this is a thread about social norms, this is a social norm that has unfortunately morphed into what it is today. Trying to talk sense into someone, in game, who you've just met, rarely works. I've been screamed at, in Belli, on apparently open properties, just for stopping over to say "hi" to a neighbor. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING ON MY PROPERTY?!?!?!?" "Um, just came to say hi, since you just moved in. I live next door, my name's -" "HOW DARE YOU COME ON MY PARCEL!" "But...but...I brought cake..." Even free cake no longer works. 😞
  12. Uh, no, toggling the ban line box on and off as needed doesn't mean they're turned off forever, any more than it means they're turned on forever. Why is everyone obsessed with a toggle being a permanent setting? It's not.
  13. Wow. All the stuff I woulda missed if someone hadn't liked my comment way back on the first page. I gave up on this thread, it just didn't interest me. I had no idea it would turn into a tree war. Weaponized trees? WTF? And now that the concept of a tree war is in my head, I gotta go listen to Rush.
  14. Word of mouth/reading profiles for folks' new accounts, a long while ago. Perhaps things have changed since then, perhaps folks exaggerated, or perhaps I misunderstood the time lapse between lockout and account deletion. Needless to say, I've never risked going beyond the thirty day point myself; I've got one of those old accounts that still gets $L 400 per month, not $L 300, which would be a shame to loose.
  15. "[D]oes it come right out of my registered saved card on here like auto-pay?" Yes. "[I]s there a way to shut that off?" Yes. Go into Billing Method and delete the credit card. "[C]an I just pay in advance?" Not directly. What you can do though is sell your $L's. This will give you a positive USD balance, from which fees are drawn first before your credit card gets billed. Depending on how high your USD balance is, you could have less to pay from your credit card in a given month than usual, or even the entire month's fees covered. [How do I get enough $L to sell to cover all my fees? I only get $L 300 per week for being Premium.] You didn't ask this, but should be told this. You can either earn $L's from selling stuff or your services, or buying them directly from Linden Labs. Any buying or selling of $L's will come with small transaction fees. "[W]hat would happened if I were to be late on a payment?" You'll have up to 30 days to pay a given fee. Linden Labs will email you if they are unable to bill your credit card or if no credit card is on file. "[What if I] forget to pay [or can't pay within 30 days]?" You won't just loose your land -- YOU'LL LOOSE YOUR ACCOUNT. None of the money you've spent on furniture, clothes, or anything else will be refunded. If you open a new account, you'll have to buy all this stuff all over again, or do without it. Others have mentioned calling Linden Labs to see if you can work something out. I don't know if that can be done or if the account deletion is automatic. Either way, if you get into a situation like that, it's best to contact Linden Labs before the account is deleted, not after. [Any other tips?] Sure! Plenty of folks short on funds will delete their payment info, let their account become past due, then make sure to pay what's due after the due date but prior to the end of the 30 day grace period (and immediately remove the billing information after payment is made so that they don't get charged for the next month's fees in a few days). It's all a matter of your cash flow. Deleting your billing information lets you control who you'll pay, and when. You certainly want to pay your real life landlord before your virtual one. Since you're on the annual plan, I'd suggest you switch that over to monthly right now. You won't be charged until next year when your subscription runs out. But let's say you forget about the fact that you're gonna get charged in July 2022 for your membership fees. Wouldn't you rather have an unexpected twelve buck fee than one hundred dollars? "B-b-but I need that hundred for my REAL WORLD rent! WTF am I gonna do?" Don't get into that sort of situation. Well, I hope this all helps! 🙂
  16. I gave up on getting a LH houseboat, so I made a few on the Mainland.
  17. I like flying over these, then hitting the stop flying button. You'll fall, bounce off the top of the 50 meter barrier, fall again, ad infinitum. Free trampoline that you don't even need to rez! 😄 People are so lucky I'm not on voice, otherwise I'd be shouting "BOOOOIIINNNGGGG! BOOOOIIINNNGGGG! BOOOOIIINNNGGGG! BOOOOIIINNNGGGG! BOOOOIIINNNGGGG!"
  18. Great video...except...*sigh* here we go again. As an explorer, I am firmly in the Ban Lines Are Better Than Orbs camp. Sure, the pro-orb reasons you gave in the video are valid; The problem is most folks don't know how to properly use orbs. Setting the orb to tp folks home, instead of to the edge of the parcel, setting an obnoxiously low warning time prior to tp, setting orbs to add folks to the "banned from parcel" list so that they have to deal with ban lines anyway -- all of these are, well, to use the analogy from your video, worse than not flushing the toilet: It's like pooping on the floor. Trying to educate the public about proper social norms regarding orbs is a much more daunting task than trying to educate the public about the ease of a single click in their viewer to toggle ban line visibility on and off. Plus a ban line will never tp you home, half-way across the grid. I am quite appreciative of folks who chose to use ban lines on their parcels instead of getting sucked into the orb fiasco -- and let me add that trying to educate folks about how they use their viewers to click a simple ban line toggle box is a much easier task than trying to get orb manufacturers to develop products that don't tp folks home or have unreasonably short warning times. So that's my big pet peeve lol Other than that, your video was superb.
  19. Glad I could help. Keep us appraised of what you decide on. 🙂
  20. Well, welcome back to the forums! Yes, Fantasy is next. Already existing themes are Houseboats, Traditionals, Campers, Victorians, Log Homes, and Stilt Homes.
  21. Sorry to hear this. What happened is you DIDN'T buy a little piece of land, You RENTED it. While renting has many advantages, you are now experiencing one of the disadvantages. You will NOT keep your parcel, as the server will be shut down. Your only hope would be to arrange a server transfer, if you or a group of current residents could pool your money and make the current owner an offer. Even so, you'd also have the continuing monthly cost of renting a server. None of this is cheap. It's a long shot, but you might find a real estate investor and act as a go-between between them and the current owner to arrange a server transfer -- though you'd still have to deal with the possibility of the new owner selling or shutting down the service at any moment without notice. It's nice that the current server owner let everyone know their plans so it at least doesn't come as a shock. It doesn't always happen that way. This is all assuming that you're on a private server. If you're on the Mainland, you've got more options. You could ask the parcel owner to subdivide the land and sell the little portion you're on to you. This will most likely be acceptable to your landlord, as they at least get some $L for a partial sale of the land; Completely abandoning the land won't earn them a cent. Your other option would be to deal with the land abandonment, which would involve all your stuff being returned to you (and the house and landscaping to your landlord if these belong to them and not you) by Linden Labs when they seize the land. Then put in a ticket for the abandoned land, being very specific about the little part of it that you want. Linden will charge $L 1 per m2, so only do this if the current owner charges beyond that and you can deal with all the stuff on the parcel going poof. If you do buy the land, using either of these methods, realize that you'll need to pay Linden Labs a fee called "tier" each month. Alternately, you can just enjoy your little place while you have it, then go shopping for a new place -- either a Mainland purchase, a Mainland rental, or a rental from someone who owns an entire private region/server. Note that if you do buy land from Linden, you'll also have to pay a monthly Premium Membership fee: The right to own land is reserved to paying Premium members. Membership has many perks; The right to own land is just one of them. Your first 1024 m2's owned doesn't count for tier fees, so if your little parcel isn't bigger than 1024 m2 your membership fees will be your only monthly cost. You'll need to pay the membership fee AND the tier fee on any land owned beyond the free 1024 m2. You can save a few bucks if you select a different premium payment plan than the monthly one. Another benefit of Premium Membership is that you can have a Linden Home. Look into that, as it might be a better option for you than renting again. Well, hope that helps. Best of luck to you! 😄
  22. Again with the beavers... [from another thread lol]
  23. lol I at first thought you were going to say something like "If a tree rezes in the woods, but no one is there to see it..."
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