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Rabid Cheetah

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Everything posted by Rabid Cheetah

  1. So it might be that the original elevation/base level is 24 meters. The water area was set to the maximum lowest, -4 meters from base, or 20 meters -- though, wait a sec, how DEEP is the water? The cliffs are set as high as possible, +4 meters above the base, or 28 meters. Key word there is "might". Your best bet is to ask about the elevation parameters when you fill out the land request ticket.
  2. WOW! Looks stunning as is. So how high are those cliffs? I guess I should mention that to find out how high the cliffs are, hover such that your feet are just over the water to get the water height (probably 20), then fly up to the cliff and land on it to get the land height. Then subtract water height from land height.
  3. Hi there! I have 20+ years of real-world experience as a Customer Service Representative, so I'm curious if this would be a good fit for my current employment needs. Could you provide a salary range, at least, in either USD/year or USD/hour? Thanks! 🙂
  4. If only I had the money for it, and tier funds...
  5. Had a feeling it was something as simple as that. Still don't get why the MP URL wasn't used, as the other website lacks a "buy" button. That's the key component to any e-commerce site, an actual way to buy stuff, which the MP provides...and that brings us back to the OP's original question, viewd from a merchant's perspective: I'm not a merchant, but if I were, I'd want a website with a buy function more than an in-world search where someone has to first TP to my store. My experience in real-world e-commerce has lead me to realize that sales revenue is inversely proportional to the number of steps a customer needs to take to make a purchase.
  6. Why not just give the URL for your MP listing?
  7. On second thought, a simple text editor ought to do the trick.
  8. OOOOOOOOOOO, I used to do xml stuff back in the day. I bet I could use Excel to combine all my alts' various derender xml's to make a master list of crap I don't wanna see. Thanks! 😄
  9. P.S. Also don't just search for outfits, search for Complete Avatars. Even if you don't like the avatar and want to use your own old favorite, you might like the clothes that come with it.
  10. The MP is a search engine. Like any software, you just gotta fiddle with it. This is especially true with search engines, and more so the MP, because there's really no way to know if you're gonna like something until you actually see it. One thing I do, because I have a more real-word proportioned body than the typical SL avi, is ensure that anything I buy is modifiable -- then I can stretch it to cover up...or to reveal more. So. Tips. I dunno. Regardless of what you enter as search terms, you're just going to have to sift through stuff. I still find this a lot quicker and less stressful than the alternative of shopping in-world. For your specific tastes? I've found plenty of tasteful outfits, even though I'm not even searching for them. You're in luck with your tastes: Because less-skimpy outfits aren't as popular, they don't sell well, and therefore usually have a lower price. Try searching by lowest price first, then play around with the search settings to get different results. Suggested search terms...hmmm... Modest Casual Soccer mom Formal Business atire Hajib Snood Medevial Classy Some of these might not give you specifically what you are looking for, but click on 'em anyhow and check out the merchants' other outfits; If they serve those looking for the above search terms, then they're more likely to have what you're looking for than Boobs 'R' Us or whatever.
  11. Is there a way to share my derender list, or will my alt have to go through it all again?
  12. If you switch to The Mainland, you can create a group. Then your new friend, and even more than just one, can contribute tier.
  13. You could dump your Linden Home, then buy an 1120 m2 parcel (or a smaller one with adjacent Abandoned Land and file a request to buy some of it to get your total owned yo 1120). Make sure to Buy For Group to avoid popping into the next tier. You'll wind up with an extra 30 prims or so.
  14. Thank you! It took forever to derender so many objects, but I've got the area all to myself (or so it seems).
  15. Derendering everything item by item can be a lot of fun, if you turn it into a game and make "ppppttttttchoooo! pppppptttttchoooo!" noises when you blast each object. Though I do recommend doing this when your roommate is out or asleep.
  16. "Hi, Aunt Rabid! You need to pick up that chair and lamp you lent me! Langdale's been seized by The Lindens! They've already got ban lines up! For real!"
  17. Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo...
  18. But folks have been talking about HOW to do that. But you're right, that discussion is getting off-topic. So, getting back to making changes to the empty featureless land, there are spots where that emptiness is actually appealing. Like in this picture: That's such a beautiful view. Sure, it could change at any moment via someone else's Purchase Abandoned Land Request, but isn't that the nature of Second Life? It's a land of constant change. Note that across the street from the above place are numerous eyesores. I didn't bother derendering them, as they don't affect my view. I've got all my sunrise-viewing spots facing the beautiful mountain in the distance, not the neighbors' eyesores.
  19. You won't get consensus on any of this. For example, banning ban lines. As a parcel owner, my lands have always been open. I've never used ban lines. I've never used orbs. But as an explorer, I'd much prefer ban lines, which I can turn off showing up in pictures or whatever, to security devices that instantly tp you halfway across the grid to your home three continents away from where you were exploring. Too many times have I seen something cool, like a carousel, checked the About Land - Access tab to see if it's set to allow access to everyone, only to be told I have one whole second to go to hell or else just because my avi crossed a parcel boundary by *gasp!* a whole millimeter. Ergo, I will never support a ban on ban lines. Sure, they're ugly as can be, but viewing them can be toggled off. Ban security orbs, ban those darn objects that put up visible "PARCEL BOUNDARY" markers, or change the TOS to force folks to have open lands. But if you're gonna allow folks to close off their parcels (and you damn well should offer such an option for those who want privacy), keep it done by the user interface/About Land - Access tab and get rid off the other garbage. So. That's just one person's opinion on just one thing. And my point is not to start a side discussion about "blah I hate ban lines" versus "blah I hate orbs". That's been done ad infinitum ad nauseum. My point is that you're never going to get everyone to agree on everything. @Polenth Yue is right: "You're never going to stop people building things you find ugly unless the rules get very restrictive." [emphasis added] Excessive rules are hardly in the spirit of a community celebrating 18 years of unrestricted creativity.
  20. Zindra's specifically not linked to the Mainland so as to avoid folks not comfortable with adult content accidentally stumbling across it.
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