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Bree Giffen

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Everything posted by Bree Giffen

  1. I read about it and decided not to mention it. I think my post is addressing a very small need for the existing heads. Going Evo X is a good idea for Catwa.
  2. I decided to update an old ALT avatar that used a Slink Hourglass body and the default avatar system head. I replaced her body with an Ebody Reborn to keep her curves. For her system head, I wanted to keep the Lara Hurley Heidi skin and general head shape. I tried all the Lelutka head demos and they did not work. It took a while to reshape each Lelutka head to match the original system head but most did not come close. A few heads looked ok but the old skin did not fit correctly on them. My next attempt was with Catwa and I found that all of the new heads are compatible with the old system based skins. I reshaped all the demo heads until they were similar to the old system head and the differences between the Catwa heads became apparent. Sasa has much larger eyes and MajerSoft/MajerEdged have hard jawlines. Moonstone has a 'catface' with a nose and mouth pushed forward. I'm leaning toward either Fiona or Sasa. See the following chart below for reference. The point of this post is to suggest that if you have an old avatar and want to upgrade but keep the old look, Catwa seems to be a better choice over Lelutka, in my opinion. Of course, if you want to make a brand new face, you can choose any head designer.
  3. I always imagined the look at feature would be an amazing tool that exposed all the voyeurs and perverts in SL but it ended up being a huge disappointment. It definitely needs improvement. Maybe an arrow that goes from an avatar's eyes to the place they are looking at. I haven't tried it in years. I also turn off all names. In SL, you are essentially in a world full of strangers and not knowing the names of people standing near you helps reinforce that feeling.
  4. I wish for people to start making use of the new technology that has just been rolled out so I can see it.
  5. I don't have much of a head canon for SL. Sometimes SL reminds me of a book by Michael Moorcock called Dancers at the End of Time. It's set so far in the future that it's at the very end of all time. The last residents of Earth are immortal and decadent. They can create anything and even change their bodies. I've forgotten most of the story but I remember the setting.
  6. I think regular logins should be ONE thing to look at if LL were to consider cleaning up the marketplace and in-world. Maybe other measurements to check if an item is linked to some kind of activity in SL. I have an alt with items on the marketplace but I regularly log in with them. I myself log in irregularly as Bree but often as other alts that have no marketplace links. Maybe a feedback button on the Marketplace? If someone does a search for items and feels that a certain item found is out of date or too old then they could click a button to identify a possible item to remove. LL could check these identified items and remove them if they are indeed too old.
  7. Thanks. MA.I.timo ! But seriously I am now just using the search in my inventory folder to find things instead of trying to sort them all out. I'm probably not finding everything that I have unfortunately but it seems to bring be enough search results that I find something. Creators need to name their products carefully so they can be searched for.
  8. If any residents out there can't read or write please let me know because I am starting this thread to support you. Just reply to this and I'll try to help.
  9. Good idea. Sifting the the free accounts so that all the fine people fall through and all the hard rocks are left behind.
  10. There’s always a few people who make it bad for everyone else. You can’t throw the baby out with the bath water.
  11. Having your hips four times wider than your head is unnatural.
  12. This is one thing where I think AI would be so helpful. Just toss items into a single folder and the AI sorts it for you. Where is my gold candelabra with flowers on the stem? The AI will bring it up.
  13. If you are on the SL marketplace, you should also check if you have enabled any special advertising features.
  14. I just realized the thread title was 'Would you share all the details of YOU avatar?' After reading the replies, I think I wouldn't give out my shape information too. It really has taken a long time to develop my shape but it's not difficult to come up with something good if you follow basic human body proportions.
  15. You can also rent land. The smallest 512sqm parcel can make a fairly large changing room. It doesn't cost much either and you can earn linden dollars in SL to pay for your rent. I've had a parcel for several years using what I earn in-world.
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