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Bree Giffen

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Everything posted by Bree Giffen

  1. The hair fair has a lot of demos that include an alpha. I don't know if the fair is still open.
  2. Did you just come back after the server side baking? That might be it. I believe it was part of project shining. http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Tools-and-Technology/Project-Shining-to-Improve-Avatar-and-Object-Streaming-Speeds/ba-p/1583465
  3. You could just ask her to help you improve your avatar. Tell her that you're feeling like your avatar needs some improvement. Take a look at all the new designs out there. The whole idea is to get her thinking more about her appearance and learning about all the new items out there that can improve her avatar.
  4. What you should do is send them a copy of your drivers license and once you can log back in with your account you should move out of your address for a few weeks. Just a week or two because that's when LL sends them.
  5. Oh it ain't over. We'll be seeing news about that baby for a while.
  6. It's not a moral thing and nothing more. It really is a bad thing for the women who are in it AND for every other woman who is not in it. You can't just point to the high priced escort doing it just to maintain her lifestyle or to the college student paying her way through college. It's hard to believe they're normal run of the mill girls who will just drop out of prostitution when they get what they want and return to a healthy normal life. Secondly, those examples are such small fractions of prostitution that you can't really make an argument for prostitution just by pointing to those.
  7. I believe prostitution in general is a problem. I mean wouldn't you be upset if you heard that someone in your family was a prostitute? Even if she told you it was completely her free will would that make it okay?
  8. Thanks for the video. Prostitution has been in the news several times recently from the stance of the Japanese government on the comfort women in World War 2, to the Italian bunga bunga parties of Berlusconi, to the Phillipine girls locked in rooms forced to peform for foreign men over the internet. It just seems that the world's oldest profession is not going away any time soon. But that does bring up a thought that maybe the whole virtual escort business here in SL is part of the problem.
  9. I googled your problem. It seems people run into that when using Internet Explorer. The solution is to not use Internet Explorer.
  10. I suppose a shortcut would be to buy a full perm boat hull on the marketplace and just texture it to match your house and stuff watery prims inside.
  11. I have an idea. LL should turn off no-vehicle avatar flight and turn off teleportation. Make it so that everyone has to walk, run, bike, drive, take a plane, mass transit, whatever. Location would really matter. Hubs would truly be hubs. The journey would once again be part of the fun. As it is, there is no travel... travel and transportation aren't necessary.
  12. You should check that all the heatsinks and fans are properly connected to your cpu and gpu chips. Maybe something has come loose. Also, you should use an air blower of some sort because a vacuum can cause static electricity.
  13. Why not just make your own? There are free AO huds available everywhere and then you just need to look for each animation separately. It takes a while but you'll have every single animation the way you want it.
  14. I was looking at all the benchmarks and tried to compare these mobile chips to my own desktop. It appears that the lowest 740m still has better benchmark results than mine. SL runs fairly smooth on my system but there are so many things that will affect yourframerate from the SL graphics settings to your internet to your network. I think the 740m should be fine.
  15. The only difference seems to be the video card and about $70. The cheaper one has a 740M and not a 750M. The 765m is apparently much better than the 740m from what I am reading. http://www.ibuypower.com/IbpPages/Laptop.aspx http://www.notebookcheck.net/NVIDIA-GeForce-GTX-765M.92907.0.html http://www.notebookcheck.net/NVIDIA-GeForce-GT-740M.89900.0.html
  16. I think the one time fee would create too high a barrier for the casual person wanting to simply check out SL. I always exit a website immediately when a paywall comes up. I'm pretty sure people won't join SL thinking, "Oh a paywall! That's good! It'll keep griefers away!" I don't like griefers either but you need to think up another idea to combat users who harass.
  17. I would consider myself a Windows user but I have a lot of Mac experience too. As far as Second Life goes I'd recommend the PC machine. It's cheaper and you can either choose to get the best video card in your pc or you can upgrade to the best video card later on. It used to be that the pc and mac were very different both in hardware and software but now the two have a lot of similarities in terms of performance and features. It's all just cosmetic differences and marketing now.
  18. If you don't find those alphas, I believe you would have to adjust the butt size and saddle bags sliders to make your legs fit inside the shorts. :matte-motes-smitten:
  19. Here's an old avatar of mine. Her hair is ETD and her skin is from Mother Goose. The shape is something I made up. Are you looking for redder hair? Or more brown? Lighter or darker skin? Bigger breasts?
  20. I am hiding a group. Not out of shame but out of deceitfulness. You see.. the group is called "League of people against Syo Emerald". There are over 40 members.
  21. Have you checked your preferences which is usually ctrl+p while in SL? In the general tab choose 'I want to access content rated General Moderate Adult'. Also, you should just make a new thread instead of posting in a really old one.
  22. I really don't think it was the sex that caused them to leave. It was the fact that SL did not live up to the hype. The hype was that SL would be the next evolution of the internet. The internet had just started moving into web 2.0 which was having websites not powered by host generated content but powered by user generated content. We see that now like tumblr, youtube, facebook, etc. SL was thought to be the next thing after web 2.0 as a kind of virtual internet where instead of just browsing a website you would have an avatar that could visit 3d virtual sims. A company sim would be like a company website. I think there was a point when the ball was rolling and the bandwagon was being hopped on but people just didn't stay because SL was too hard to learn and the system requirements were too high. Guess what improvements have been made to SL? Make it harder to learn and make the system requirements higher.
  23. Well first off, does SL even have a sexualized culture that is relevant? I think so. SL does have a much larger degree of sexuality than most other virtual worlds (including game worlds). I'd agree to the first question because sexualized things always objectify people. It's practically the definition of sexualization which for me is to emphasize the sexual aspects of a person and minimize all other aspects of their humanity. So yes, I think SL's sexual culture objectifies men and women. I'd say the focus on one particular gender is irrelevant. So if we believe the line of thinking introduced in the first question, that a sexualized culture causes people to objectify other people, then the second question is asking if the sexualized culture also makes people want to be objectified by others. I think so. We see it all the time in the real world. Making yourself a sex object is one of many ways to increase your attractiveness to the opposite or same sex. General cleanliness is another way and so is memorizing poetry. So I'd agree to the second question because a sexualized culture always encourages people to objectify themselves as opposed to a non-sexualized culture which encourages people to make themselves attractive to other people through making themselves a better person. I think by including 'sexualized culture of SL' you are begging the question. I know this is based on the other thread and that poster is the one that made the mistake.
  24. The only tattoos I like are the kind you see in the tattoo magazines. The really big ones that cover huge swathes of skin and have all sorts of beautiful and intricate designs. Almost everything else I see, on celebrities or on average people, just don't look that great.
  25. If you're looking for people to engage you because they're interested in what they see in your profile perhaps you should structure it like an advertisement in which you are the product. Your profile would begin with something that targets the people you would like meet. A little story at the beginning might work like, "So I was hanging out at the bondage ranch the other day and there were so many nice furry avatars I couldn't decide who to tie up first!" Then you launch into information about yourself like, "I'm tall, green, and I like to ride rollercoasters in first person view." Finally, you need a call to action, "So come on over and chat or send me a message! I promise not to lick you too much! Unless that's your thing." I suppose you could add some disclaimers at the end "Cannot guarantee your heart will not be broken. No refunds or exchanges." I also think that you should try to make your profile PG. You want as large a pool as possible.
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