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Bree Giffen

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Everything posted by Bree Giffen

  1. I always long for a sim where you simply DO STUFF. If there's a stand with some popcorn, you can scoop popcorn out , eat it and get a bag for your inventory. If there are chairs by a duck pond, you can sit on the chair, throw popcorn and watch the ducks eat it. If there's a tree, you can climb it. Interactivity, and lots of it.
  2. Lots of skins now have cleavage dehancers as well as enhancers. If you visit a skin shop, check around the store for it. Sometimes it's just a small display off in the corner.
  3. Yeah, the LL viewer has the same issue. The fix works for the female shape too. It also minimizes the huge inner groove that is on the inside thigh.
  4. The menu is a little different now. You go to world->environment editor->sky presets->new preset and create a new sky preset. Then you have to go to world->environment editor->environment settings and set your sky/day cycle to 'fixed sky' and choose your new preset. If your computer doesn't support windlight you can still create a sky preset and set the sun/moon to black and the ambient to white. This turns off shadows cast by the sun/moon. This setting is how SL looked when I first played.
  5. There are a lot of new articles on this device from the CES (consumer electronics show) http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/ces-oculus-rift-creator-presents-409893 http://www.optuszoo.com.au/news/technology/news-com-au/ces-oculus-rift-a-glimpse-of-gamings-future/892796 http://www.popsci.com/gadgets/article/2013-01/ces-2013-oculus-rifts-virtual-reality-headset-freaking-amazing http://www.techradar.com/us/reviews/gaming/gaming-accessories/oculus-rift-1123963/review
  6. Was it this one? http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Your-Avatar/The-New-Improved-Avatar-Mesh/td-p/1295151
  7. I've had that problem before. Several times. It just goes away by itself. It's also very random in that you will see it but others won't or they will see it and you won't. I would try pressing ctrl-9 to set your camera zoom to default. That fixed it for me a long time ago. Also try clearing your cache.
  8. I can think of a situation that came up quite often for me and that is making business transactions where you give the client something, eg. an prim object, animation, a texture, etc. and they give you linden dollars. In real life it may not be a big deal but in SL someone could take what you just gave them (usually full perm) and teleport away before paying you. Normally when you sell things in SL you put it in a prim and the prim sells it's contents to the other person. It's an automated system that guarantees both parties get what is due. However, if you are just transferring an item directly to an avatar or if you are paying money to someone there is quite a lot of trust needed. I'd do this with relative strangers that I'd talked to for just a short while. I've never had any problems. Come to think of it there is a lot of trust when you give someone a full perm object that you created. That object is essentially 'out there' and you have completely no control over how it will be used in the future.
  9. Something to consider when looking at pictures is that people can turn up their graphics to the highest resoutions, with maximum settings on everything and have unplayable frame-rates. Playability doesn't matter when taking pictures.
  10. It's pretty annoying. I just stare at it for a few seconds and it goes away eventually.
  11. I play minecraft every so often on the xbox. It's a bit limited compared to the PC so I'm told. I really like survival mode. Going into a dark fissure in the ground is truly frightening but you need to because you need that ore. I actually just managed to reach the very bottom of the world. Then I had to start a new world because they added villagers. The villagers don't seem to do anything right now. I tried creation mode and it's kind of like Second Life with blocks. I made a roller coaster and then I got a little bored.
  12. Hey SinfulPrince, your idea was mine exactly several months ago. I think I suggested it here too during one of the seasonal display name threads. There are many online games where there is an account name which you normally get to choose and then you create your characters with their own names. I guess to make it work they should first disable all weird characters in display names and then make all viewers show display names only. All prims, profiles, AR reports will still bring up the account name of course but in normal SL life the display name would be the avatar's name. Sure, griefers will change their names but they always have and always will. Honestly, I think someone powerful in LL simply loves the way it is or the technical problems are insurmountable.
  13. I can see it now. People running around yelling, 'You're overweight!!'
  14. The issue I think is that you normally need two blades to simulate wearing a sheathed blade and drawing it. It looks like the outfit is 'no copy/mod/transfer'. Which means you have only one blade. Maybe check with the creator to see if you can get a 2nd blade or maybe a 'copy/mod/no transfer' version. Otherwise you'd have to use a different blade. I wouldn't try to change anything in your AO. You can just put your scripts into the swords. As far as scripts go, I'd look inworld for an existing scripted sheath/unsheath like that freebie you have. Things you'd need: 1 sword for the hand 1 script for hand sword to make it invisible/visible 1 animation for drawing sword 1 animation for sheathing sword 1 sheathed sword for back 1 script for back sword to make iinvisible/visible, animate avatar, and tell other sword to be visible/invisible.
  15. I think all the default avatar shoes are modifiable so if you can find a foot alpha that works you can remove the invisiprims.
  16. I would just grab all the free skins,hair and clothes I could find. Just find one of those freebie island with 1000s of freebies and get all the avatar stuff. Then I'd modify or make a bunch of avatar shapes. You can un-sexify an avatar pretty quickly with just a single slider.I don't think it'd take too long to make 40 or so avatars. Have you looked in your LL library folder in the inventory? They have all the avatars that can be selected when you start. I'm not sure if they still have all the older avatars in there too.
  17. Is the bat made of prims? You'd need something like Puppeteer which lets you animate prim objects. Qavimator only lets you animate whole avatars. I think you can find several products like Puppeteer over in the marketplace. Adding sound is pretty easy too except the sound clips are limited to 10 seconds. You can string them together though. I would choose a prim animator first and see what kind of scripts it has. Maybe it has functionality to add sound. If not, I'd ask the scripting forum how to add sound.
  18. Maybe just cover the hole with a prim? Or even stick the prim inside behind the hole?
  19. Mon Tissu,*MUKA*, Blueberry, Ducknipple, Earth&Sky Designs,Tee*fy. I was just shopping for some! They all have demos too! I also still kinda like the texture layer ones because you can have your top go over them.
  20. I think I have a group that has just a few alts. It was for making silly group titles. I didn't want people to see who my alts were so I hid it.
  21. You could try the Radegast client. It's an SL client that doesn't have the 3d viewing window. You really are logging into SL though so people can see your avatar even if you can't see the world. You can manipulate your inventory.
  22. You might want to have a sign at the club entrance and/or around the club that tells people to use the region settings in order to see the sim as you designed it. However, you can't really control what other people set on their viewer. You can also tell people to turn off their face lights. You don't even have to be on your sim.
  23. Those linden houses are pretty close to each other. I'm not sure you'd want to have such a ... uhm.. feature rich bed in your home. But then again it supports 3 to 4 people so maybe you do want to have your neighbors visit.
  24. It's easy to see coalesced objects in inventory but if you have linked anything together on purpose or accidentally then they'll all appear in the inventory as the last object linked. So I'd go to a sandbox and rez everything you had returned just to be sure.
  25. I would try adjusting the mouth sliders. There's a slider that controls the lip pucker. Windlight would definitely remove the shadows. Just make a custom sky setting. You could make a combination of ambient and sun/moon lighting that makes your avatar look perfect. If you don't have a graphics card that supports windlight, I would still create a custom sky settiing. You can adjust the sun's position. Move the sun away from noon which is directly overhead. You can also set ambient lighting and sun/moon lighting. Sun/moon lighting controls how much shadow appears. Setting it to black will turn sun/moon lighting off and turn off all shadows.
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