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Bree Giffen

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Everything posted by Bree Giffen

  1. Uhm... are we supposed to critique your avatar or something? Or simply bask in your magnificence? :matte-motes-sunglasses-1:
  2. First, you unbox the contents of the tangos box by dragging the box out of your inventory to the ground, right click and choose 'open' and then click on 'copy contents to inventory'. This creates a folder with a lot of lola tango stuff in it. You don't need most of it because you have an applier for your skin. Find the object that says mesh breasts (spine) or something like that and wear it. You should see your new tango breasts. You may need to shrink your avatar's real breasts so they don't show underneath and you may also need to wear a 'dehancer' to remove any other shading in your chest area. Next, you unbox your skin's applier if necessary. Wear the applier hud. It should show up on your screen somewhere. Click on whereever it tells you to click to apply your skin texture. There might also be more options available on the applier hud. Once you've set everything you can detach the hud. After all that you can click on the breasts themselves and take a look at the menu options for things you might want to adjust.
  3. You might be wearing a facelight that may have come with something you are wearing. I would try detaching everything from yourself first and if that gets rid of the problem you can put things back one by one.
  4. It can't be done. But we must try. Always reach for the stars!!!
  5. So a new mesh avatar released while still keeping everything else? Does that sound right? Or perhaps a new mesh avatar and the old avatar redesigned together? The best of both worlds and let the chips fall where they may? What would be a good example of a mesh avatar that could be used in SL? The Eve online avatar? I recall Eve is a game involving mostly space ships and not avatars.
  6. It appears that the GT 610 is a terrible card for 3D gaming. It has a lower benchmark score than the card in your previous computer and all the reviews on it are warning people not to get it for 3D. The good news is that you can replace cards in a desktop system. I don't know if you can work out a way to get a refund on that 610 and get a better card or you may just need to buy a new card and toss the 610 (which is worth about $40). I would try it out first. Maybe it will work better than expected.
  7. Why don't all the makers of all the different body part add-ons get together and form a complete avatar body and be done with it? Or should Linden Lab make one and put them all out of business?
  8. Why don't all the makers of all the different body part add-ons get together and form a complete avatar body and be done with it? Or should Linden Lab make one and put them all out of business?
  9. I would say you can still have a rich experience in SL. Can you see textures at all or is everything just flat and textureless? If that's the case then maybe you should wait but if you can see things then you should go out and just experience SL. Chatting to people needs very little graphics, listening to live music is the same, RPing is mostly text too. A year goes by pretty fast and you'll just be learning how to do stuff anyways.
  10. Try disabling http textures, press ctrl-alt-q (not ctrl-q) and then uncheck http textures. I would also try clearing the cache too.
  11. Try turning on your texture console and watch how the textures load when you enter a sim. You'll see a lot of textures being downloaded and once the console shows no further textures you should see faster performance. There is just a huge quantity of texture that needs to be downloaded. Some places are worse than others. I imagine freebie galaxy is pretty bad because there are a lot of textures created by different people. To get the texture console press ctrl-alt-Q (not ctrl-Q!) for the develop menu, then you open that menu and choose consoles->texture console. Or press ctrl-shift-3.
  12. Great ideas. I've always wanted the "-" option and I tried it a few times in the past only to realize that it's not Google. I'd like a way to remove multiple color versions of the same product. They could make it like how Amazon handles different colors where you see one item and you can select colors. LL makes money from the marketplace. They need to make it easy to search and easy to buy.
  13. My guess is you are unboxing the original boxed item. Maybe you have another folder in your inventory that already has the unboxed item? After I unbox the contents, I throw all my old boxes into a specific folder in my inventory so that I don't accidentally open them up again.
  14. The free-to-play MMOs coming out of asia caught all the big western companies napping. Money was made through micro-transactions and not subscriptions. The free to play aspect brought in the much needed player base that makes an MMO feel like an MMO and not just you and a bunch of bots. When you think about it, SL is free to play because you can start playing just by downloading the client. We totally have the micro-transactions too. You can buy things on the marketplace or rent some land without having to pay a subscription. But, if you want to subscribe that's also available... and you can get...uhm... land. Honestly, LL needs to work on making it super easy to toss money into SL. Like buying game tokens at an arcade you put some quarters in and get some lindens. It should be that easy. LL should toss out subscribing for land and put out their own rental boxes on parcels. It should be really cheap too. Cheap = grows userbase. They'll make more money off the micro-transactions. But they need to make it easy to buy linden dollars!
  15. I'm no lawyer but I see the TOS as LL's way of covering their a-- by putting their customers at a great disadvantage. It seems to be par for the course for social sites though. I don't see LL ever attempting to infringe in any unseemly manner as the user backlash could potentially put them out of business.
  16. So you want a way to have a two way communication with a merchant but not with an SL account? I suppose you could use that blackmail box to send them a message to contact you via your anonymous email. They would have to use their external email which they may not want to do.
  17. There is a setting. At the login screen go to me->preferences or press ctrl-p. Go to the graphics tab, then click on the hardware button near the bottom right. There should be a tickmark for Enable OpenGL Vertex buffer objects. I think in your case you have to uncheck it. Then try logging in. If that doesn't work I would try turning off the other hardware settings. If it works, you can try turning things back on.
  18. Here is the info from the wiki page. There's a little fisheye effect when you use the mousewheel zoom. Just play around with using the ctrl-# keys and the mousewheel together. http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Camera_Control#Camera_Behavior alt-zoom mousewheel can be used to zoom into objects. Build menu Focus tool has a zoom slider View> Camera Controls provides an on screen clickable camera interface. Control + 8 = Increase FOV (fisheye) Control + 9 = Reset camera Control + 0 = Telephoto Click on avatar and mouse around will look around and show your avatar looking around. (If flying this only steers the avatar) Camera resets when avatar moves. The assumption is that you want to see / know where you are going. Control-alt-arrow keys rotate up down and around an object Alt-arrow keys pan right, left and zoom in and out While Avatar is sitting = Alt+Page up / Page Down will pan, arrow keys to look around. Mouselook= Camera will take orientation of the avatar. This feature helps make vehicles more compelling.
  19. You sound like this newbie I met at a welcome area. He said he was a teacher in Germany and that he had just joined SL. After I welcomed him to SL, he said something like, "My god! You're the first person to speak to me using complete sentences!" If you do end up in a gathering, I'd suggest looking at people's profiles and if they look interesting, send them an IM. People seem to chat more intelligently when it is one on one. Just don't be discouraged if people don't want to talk in IMs or are just not in the mood to talk. Also, make sure you have a nice profile too.
  20. To make a copy, you can right click on an object and then right click somewhere else in the inventory folder and choose paste. You can also select several objects to copy and paste by using the shift key or control key. It works just like copy and paste in the file system of your computer. From the avatar listing in the Marketplace, I see it is listed as no copy so the avatar parts may not be copyable in the manner I described. Did you receive a folder with all the avatar parts or did you receive a box that you had to unpack? If you received a box you can usually re-open that box and unpack a new copy of the avatar. Sometimes there is only one copy in the box though.
  21. This is how you deal with it. First, buy a statue of a pregnant woman. Maybe this... https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Zyn-Ancient-Pregnant-Woman/5140758 Next, go to your friends and admit that you did ask to get pregant. Rez the pregmant woman statue on top of you (be sure to resize it beforehand so you are hidden inside it). Play some baby noises that you uploaded. Jump out of the womb, naked and covered in blood while screaming, "AND I AM REBORN!!!!!" Then start dancing. Dont worry, this response is quite reasonable in SL.
  22. Blocking is a very good punishment for most people because most childish behavior is to get attention. A child cries so the parents will start fussing over them. By blocking you completely turn off any attention you have toward them and you deny them their very existence. Reacting to them actually feeds their craven little minds.
  23. I think Pinkfuel was mentioned before for getting boyish girl skins or was it girly boy skins? There's also Oddballs I think. You can switch back and forth between male and female on the avatar base mesh.
  24. Try going into the statistics Advanced->Performance Tools->Statistics Bar, or press ctrl-shift-1. See if you notice any differences between a normal working sim and the problem sim. I've had problems with one sim before but a modem/router restart cleared it.
  25. Wonderful! I hope those texture compositing servers can handle the load.
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