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Min Barzane

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Everything posted by Min Barzane

  1. make simple low poly model wrapping around your shape mesh that will represent your physics shape ,save that model as separate dae file and when you upload your mesh use that model for physics (load physics from file)
  2. Its not "to make LL happy"...its gives LL ability to take legal actions against ppl who upload ilegal models! There are tons of websites with 3d models tha can easy be converted to mesh compatibile with SL,free and paying websites and NONE of them allow their models to be used in SL. You will notice **bleep**loads of such content already sold on marketplace and trust me it wont last long,ppl who sell it now dont ewen know whats comming to hit them! RL law suits, $ penalties and if they stupid enough (like fiew realy are) to ripp game models from companies like Bathseda and games like Need for speed when LL receves DMCA against such ppl they will loose their shirt of their back,literaaly and irl! There is already to much ilegal/copyboted content from time before mesh in SL,now its ewen worse since ewery idiot with can easy acess 3d models online and convert/upload to SL and sell it! "Oh i made it!" guy says /me shows website link with "his" model to the guy "Mmm ups,i am so sorry,i dodnt know that website has TOS that forbids their models used in SL" There are tons of ppl like that already in SL,some act dumb,some are dumb but they all get screwed in end! If you are real builder/mesh creator and you realy wanna upload your own creations you will provide to LL your credit card info or paypall and live with it!
  3. Reason for that is simple and completly understandable. LL did that so they have RL information about ppl in case of IP rights and filed DMCAs against ppl who upload ilegal mesh/models ripped from model websites and/or games,copyrighted content that doesnt have anny permissions to be in SL.
  4. Gaia Clary mesh waight paint tutorial might cat some light on your problem
  5. Short answer is: "No!" Long answer is: "No ,but that persone would most likly get him/herself banned from SL for sprading deformatory content / drama (if you choose to file Abuse report) so it would be epic backfail for that persone!"
  6. Idk,for me ewerything works as usual,sales go up and down as they always did... Mesh didnt make it any beter or worse sales vise...
  7. I think your problem is (if i got you right) you are using purchaed mesh items (full perm creators kits you bought/modified and made your end product) and now you want to highlight "mesh" or "partial mesh" in marketpace item decription. If you dont have payment info and passed mesh quiz (same required to upload mesh) you wont be able to highlight "mesh" and "partial mesh" options on marketplace i decription of your items. Thats one of gliches but there is way around it. Just write with words in decription its mesh item. My friend had same issue...
  8. avastar and avatar workbench from Jass work just fine ,riging and clothing making vise,chip midnight templates to.
  9. Apply mirror modifier in object mode
  10. to simply answer your Q! NO!!! You cant use poser models in SL!!! YES! You will get in serious trouble if you do!!!
  11. On uploder did you select on upload options use skin waights? If not you didnt upload riged skirt but unwaighted object so it wont move with your Avi.
  12. For ewery day building components inworld mirror would be nice thing to have but for things like shoes (most ppl make them riged to Avi) would be pointless,becouse for rigged shoes you rigg each shoe to coresponding foot/leg bones thus inworld mirror would not work on them!
  13. You need clone/replicator tool like this https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Cupidity-Clone-o-matic-Script/2974088 Its one i use in my sculpt kits and i find it realy easy to use for me and my customers.
  14. that hapens when you use toys and not tools! Use Sculpt studio for your sculpt making and you will ALWAYS know and your WILL controll where texture goes and how it will end up looking! And your sculpts will look way better to!
  15. Title of post is: "sculp in blender 2.49" So yes OP is asking about sculpts Kaluura...
  16. http://blog.machinimatrix.org/category/sculpted-prims/ go thru those tutorials SL specific blender sculpt tutorials from Jass I am sure you will find what you need.
  17. You forgot one! http://blog.machinimatrix.org/category/mesh/
  18. https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/7913 Neon Frog studios / Jamay Greene Check his items,im sure you will find what u need.
  19. Its not safe to use MP,you wil go blind,grow hair on your palms,your face will peal off.....mmmm my bad,thats for something else... MP works fine,as usual dont use shopping cart,its borked as usual,buy 1 thing at a time and its ok. MP is borked only for some merchats who are getting bald spots from bugs (lucky not me (Yet))
  20. Congrats on discovering America! Avatars dont count as prims for yrs now and you can sit on vehicle as manny ppl you want/have seats,it wont change physics waight of it! Size of vehicle doesnt matter eather if you made all but root prim physics type none. Prim physiscs feature doesnt apply only on mesh,you can use it on prim/sculpt vehicles to. Anny physical vehicle script can be used,car,bike,plane,boat,doesnt matter,if you make ewerything but wheels/colison prims) and root prim physics type none if you can link it you can drive it! Nothing new,tons of ppl been doing it for months
  21. yww,Gaia has lot mora awsome SL specific blender mesh tutorials on youtube
  22. All inworld tools that could "detect" alts are ilegal due to TOS becouse they used IP trackers to hunt down for so called "Alt's" or ppl who used same IP adress/internet conection to connect to SL with multiple accounts (Alt's). Becouse of nature of those "tools" and their way of finding who is "Alt" the are ilegal in SL and persone who acused your friend and you to be "Alt's" is total idiot and takes wild guesses and pot shots at you becouse there isnt anny legal way of knowing who is who's "Alt". Thing is if he did guess right that you and your family are sharing IP/internet connection and acused you that you are "alt's" there is possibility tha the is using some ilegal IP tracker.File abuse report in that case. Also if he acused you in public naming names of your aleged "alt's" you can file abuse report against him for disclosing RL info and deformatory content to! He put his foot in his own mouth,make him chew it now!
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