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Leora Jacobus

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Everything posted by Leora Jacobus

  1. Not n Not necessarily! My houseboat yesterday was taken in split seconds I will stay outside and watch
  2. What will hapen is the abandon in 9 minutes ... 8 .... have packed up my things in a UGE linkset 128 LI
  3. I could say exactly the same! ... except that I will try for a camper aswell. I am not likely to keep it very long for I cannot imagine living there but I said the same for houseboats and now it grew on me. Anyway the landscape seems VERY nice and though I am the sea and not the mountain type I'd like to give it a try.
  4. Patch on a wild goose chase!
  5. Well you COULD contact one of the people who allready found it inworld and ask for hints
  6. What do you mean to say by that? You would have a better chance if I let only YOU know exclusevely ... but why should I? Oh now I seem to understand! I first thought you meant if everybody goes and looks at the house and refreshes like mad at 10:00 But you meant if everybpody abandoned on the weakend and announced in time ... right?
  7. Saturday and Suday at 10:00 am SLT are very good times to abandon a home for all around the globe people have a chance to be awake and not working and can refresh if they want to have it. On weekdays you interfere with a pending release and that's no good. So I decided to abandon today my alts house in Evard because I know I am not going to keep it on the long run so it would be unfair to hold on to it when someone else could be happy with it. The reason I held it for some time now is that if I wasn't so fixed on seashore and real SEA - view it would be a really very nice plot since it has waterfront (not sea but a canal). Therefore this is a parcel where you can have the continental (which I came to love) for it isn't depending on a balcony for waterview. As allways I announce this some hours beforehand so you can visit it and see whether you like it. Today Sunday at exactly 10:00 am SLT I will abandon http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Evard/15/243/23
  8. I think the windows are OK. Obviously your avatar is taller than @Elora Lunasea 's otherwise you would find the height of the lower cupboards / wortop not comfortable. What I do not like (and what makes the windows look akward) is the empty space to the left of them. I would place the fridge there or some full height cupboard. The Oven plus fridge white block doesn't look good. Why is that white? Fridge on the window wall oven in a normal under- cupboard would be my idea, best under the cooktop. You should stretch those under- cuoboards so as to fill both walls completely (exception fridge far left corner) The microwave could be hanging on the wall. or be in one of the under cupboards. Will not cost prims if the undercupboards with oven and MW are all just a texture on one block.
  9. For curious mermaids like @Rolig Loon I'd abvise to take a swim around the Pickle's coast near Picards Wharf .
  10. Our dilligent Moles work even on Saturday! Just saw Lost Mole and a tiny Sunny Mole together with Fox Mole on the Pickle: Moles_Lost by Leora Jacobus, auf Flickr Moles_Sunny by Leora Jacobus, auf Flickr
  11. .... 3 ... 2 ... PS: done!! .. and taken! same second! Congratulations to Britnee ... very old avatar from 2005 ... hope she will enjoy it! Must confess I got totally muddeled. It isn't easy to look who ownes a houseboat. With a house I click the garden, here you must click under water! ... or enter the boat ... I had first hopped on the pier and looked under water then reentered the boat ... the wrong boat! ... *lol* ... but by now I sorted it out.;)
  12. Get ready ... abandon houseboar in 12 minutes .... 11 ... 10 ...
  13. Perhaps you havent read THIS? You'll have to be patient ... and invest some time in the hunt for a Bellisseria home. Good luck!
  14. For me too as I am nine hours ahead of SLT It is 10:40 am MY time (= 1:40 am SLT) ... and will be 7pm MY time when I abandon ... but that is a fair chance for everybody around the globe to be awake
  15. Sorry @Atina0 but that would be unfair. I promised to abandon a HB on Saturday And I want to give all our Hopper- Community an equal chance ti grab it.
  16. Seems to be gone allready - or still in the pipe? - started refreshing manually when I read it ... nothing!
  17. Anyone hunting a houseboat? After sleepimg two nights and inspecting thoroughly and weighing all pros and cons I decided not to abandon my old one on the Squishy Pickle but the newly cought one at Picards Wharf (193, 10, 22). The main reason is the view which is much more to my liking on the old one then on the new. Another reason is that a week ago I catched a house in Axim that is just around the corner and growing on me fast (might be the one I keep in the end). So any walks and bicyclerides into the pretty landscape of the new Pickle can start from there and I do not need to be my pwn neighbour! So if you want a houseboat on Picards Wharf get ready to refresh - I will abandon it ... - Today - Saturday - exactly at 10:00 am SLT
  18. Well to swindle you and take your money would be more harm I think. I was lucky so far but I heard about people who lost all the money they had in SL by tricksters. And you coukld loose all your inventory.
  19. Well the view in itself isn't much better than the one I had but though Picard's Wharf is only houseboats it is an organic part of the new Pickle Isle whereas I personally always felt the Squishy Pickle to be a sort of houseboat- ghetto artificially made up out of the form that was supposed to be an island. So I tried to concentrate on the view and the water and ignore my surroundings. Here I can turn towards land and see trees, I can walk down the pier and into Siros, that is a VERY nice region.
  20. Hurray!! I am likely to keep this one and abandon my other houseboat on the Squichy Pickle instead. This has a 32x32 plot with a nice view and - very important to me ... I can choose the Evening Star and have it the RIGHT direction - balcony and window towards the SEA. I will take my time to move though ... will abandon on Saturday so not to disturb the coming release of River Run. I think I will not parrtake in that - River Run is to inlandish for my taste.
  21. Couldn't tell the exact minute but it was definetely BEFORE the half hour.
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