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Leora Jacobus

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Everything posted by Leora Jacobus

  1. I guess Bellisseria hides in the pulldown menue. Autorefesh finds it there but you don't see it at first glance.
  2. Just the same applies to me. That's why I don't mind having missed out Deer Pass. - I am hoping for Badger Beach that's due on Monday ... or some other coastal region more to the south lateron.
  3. Really? I didn't hear one sound! Might be because I chose as searchword "Traditional" ??
  4. I would never risk to give up a perfect location with an alt and try to catch it with my main. Though if you do NOT want it it might happen that you catch a house back that you just abandoned (has happened to me a couple of times - twice during the camper rush on Tuesday), but if you WANT it you never get a special person, a friend, to catch a house you abandon. However exact your timing ALLWAYS someone else got it. Have tested that a lot of times as abandoner or as catcher and it NEVER worked out!
  5. Well he surely deserves it! But does that mean no more releases till he returns?
  6. All very quiet here - no release - 10:00 am SLT - nothing new? no Patch in chat?
  7. I tried all styles and it is the one that inside resembles a house most and that you MAY be able to furnish with things you allreay have instead of buying tons of Camperstuff. PLUS it has a nice covered balcony for rainy days I think I'll be going to stick to this one ... as I do to the Winchester when it comes to houses.
  8. What about Deer Pass @Shield Markus ??? Nice photos but has it been released yet? Or do you think it could be the Friday release?
  9. I allways preselect the name (fill - next - back - start refreshing). But sometime Bellisseria is showing with picture ... and sometime it is in the dropdown menue ... It MIGHT be that is due to it being a house - a boat - a camper alternately?
  10. It's past 2pm SLT - I guess no release today ... maybe tomorrow!
  11. I have now changed the searchword to "Traditional" If they show me boats or campers I get curious and click - but I really only want a HOUSE.
  12. I caught a boat around 5 minutes ago and kicked it straight back into the Pool it was at Arrgh (or some such name) Squishy Pickle. Was that your's? PS: Seems to have been yours! Fool me didn't read the URL above.
  13. That looks VERY nice! You'll miss that in your trailer.
  14. During the big camper release on Tuesday I got myself a new houseboat MUCH better than the old one. First one alt got one in Uahuah (what a name!) and my malealt abandoned his on the Squichy Pickle for it but then another alt caught an even better location in Floaton very near a lighthouse and after checking everything out today I abandoned the Uahua one Havent yet setteled down to decorating it but was overwhelmed by the view. Unfortunately the lighthause is behind me (and on the next region!) but when I put a lounger up on the rooftop I can enjoy it.
  15. DONE at 11:00 as announced and TAKEN a second later. Congratulations ! PS: rather an empty profile.
  16. On the other hand: Thursday is no set release day. So perhaps no release at all?? I think I will just abandon my boat in half an hour at 11:00 SLT So those interested in a houseboat have time to get ready.
  17. And on top of it all .... HERE people announce when and what they are abandoning. I am planning to abandon a houseboat today: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Uahuah/168/184/27 Quite nice location : When I got on that on Tuesday during the camper release my malealt abandoned his on the Squishy Pickle for it ... but then another alt got a still better one in Floaton which is near a lighthouse so now I will abandon Uahhua for it. But I think I should wait till todays release (if any) is done with. The light Windlass in the middle is mine.
  18. This is my favourite thread. I allways look at it first. Why? Well to know how many people are refreshing and what they found and who got it. To know which regions have been renamed and look ready to go and if Patch appeared in the chat and what hints he dropped... anf if he and/or Derrik appeared inworld and if a restart has happened ... and if a release has happened and someone caught a house ... and I can stop refreshing for that day!
  19. I guess it stands to reason. Whoever was inclined to abandon one did so BEFORE the camper release ... or while it was beginning. I do not want abandoneds any more I go for Badger Beach and the Seashore regions below it. It is not the next one to be released when they work like they used to do but there have been exceptions. So I refresh just to be on the safe side in case thy release Badger Beach today.
  20. Just saw a camper didn't try to catch it. And for @Alyona Su If I would have tried to catch it I would have only posted this here after I failed! As do the others I suppose!
  21. I hope you are right. I have two campers to choose from at present (two of my alts - Leora had the third but she abandoned it about an hour ago). I tend to like the one in Decker more (the other is in Wolfington) - just the abyss annoys me. I'll wait some days and do more testing and exploring.
  22. Your nothing looks like water whereas my nothing looks like a cut off edge - an abyss in which you could fall. I tried to walk into it but you cannot. (see photo above). Here's another one .. PS on my photos it also looks like water but in SL it looks really akward. Even water would be not right as it is a wood, whereas on your houseboat water as background is OK.
  23. Just visited - awsome decoration! Cosy atmosphere! But I saw that you have the same problem as my male alt has in Decker. Just south of your place the world ends! I guess there will be some land there in due time but WHEN? - I wish they would upload just flat lawn instead of these abysses
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