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Leora Jacobus

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Everything posted by Leora Jacobus

  1. Well for me it's 9pm and I'll soon go to bed. I do hope the "big release" will not take place just like that in the next hours without a proper 24 hours ahead warning by Patch in his thread?
  2. THe new Camperregions look GREAT- You have done an awsome job! THANK YOU Moles!! And here some more snapshots of the party...
  3. Looks extremely complicated - I guess I will buy the addons as usual. Tried Blender several times and it made me nervous
  4. Abnor_Mole3 by Leora Jacobus, auf Flickr Fox_Mole02 by Leora Jacobus, auf Flickr Notta_Mole03 by Leora Jacobus, auf Flickr Moonstruck_Mole02 by Leora Jacobus, auf Flickr .... and these before the party when the camper regions arose from the depth Squeaky_Mole by Leora Jacobus, auf Flickr Squishy_Mole02 by Leora Jacobus, auf Flickr
  5. Party in the new "Campwich Lodge" (still ongoing) http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/SSPE264/129/139/28 Great opportunity to complete our little Mole Gallery plus two Lindens: Patch Linden and a beautyfull woman with steampunk-wings and a tophat who sat on the lamp Madon Linden (never heard of her): Patch_Linden by Leora Jacobus, auf Flickr [ url=https://flic.kr/p/2hgpmcX]Madori_Linden[/url] by Leora Jacobus, auf Flickr Lulabell_Mole by Leora Jacobus, auf Flickr Alotta_Mole by Leora Jacobus, auf Flickr Naughty_Mole by Leora Jacobus, auf Flickr
  6. I thought link them first then save Collada the whole built - Did you link them in Blender?
  7. There is a big party there (SPE264) still going on - with Patch and lots of Moles. I doubt that anything will be released today ... except champagne and pizza
  8. I thought it allready had to be mesh for that. Can you really build something out of several linked prims and then dave that as Collada?
  9. I guess that's the way it will be. But besides the region where the party is taking place there are no OPEN camper regions yet - you are not allowed in . But the train moved allright.
  10. There*s a kind of gathering in the community center Patch anf Moles and lots of people http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/SSPE264/129/139/28
  11. They are THERE and land is OPEN ... fist pictures HERE ...
  12. Train is running I'll continue this in the SSP thread for there is no actual release yet
  13. They were red holes now the camer regions appear ... but regions closed cannot go there just watch. Yellow squares are taken away ... more regions ... not yet renamed though
  14. Is THAT possible? I never knew! I thought the only way to have mesh in SL (other than buy it) is to make it with an external program like Blender and then import it to SL.
  15. I just jumped inworld (though I have some housework to do -11 am my time) and found nothing changed. Sebek is the only region named so I suppose this will be released today. I will not refresh for I do not want Sebek or a houseboat there. Moreover I took a walk from my alts house in Axim and loved it. It is closer to my dream of the ideal home than any of the houses on not yet named regions in the middle of the new Pickle. The only dreamhomes I would long to have are on the southeast coast of it which I guess will not be released till next week or later. So I will follow this thread but spare myself and my computers the stress of hunting. Only exception: if the BIG release (campers and all the houses and HBs abandoned then) should take place this week then back in the hunt I'll be! Good luck to all hunters today!
  16. The first release appaered overnight and was just THERE ... then announced and a 48 hours rush began. The Squishy Pickle was transported to here and then blocked - you could not enter those regions while the moles were testing making last checkups ... then it was announced and released at the same time and the rush began - SHORT rush - minutes? While they were checking the Squishy Pickle people were gathering all around it and caming in ... took some funny photos Watching_Houseboats by Leora Jacobus, auf Flickr
  17. I talked inworld to the chap that got it. He didn*t even read this announcment. He was just refreshing for a few hours and lucky to hit the button in the right split second. It's all a kind of lottery.
  18. It's not so much space- or even prim- limitations for me but you cannot just dump normal furniture into a camper - at least I couldn't. A camper should LOOK like a camper and that's special stuff! I am looking foreward to see what other people come up with!
  19. Might be there are more than one of those obvious places ... within the same sim?
  20. And TAKEN! - by a Brian - nice profile - born 2009 - Congratulations! may he enjoy it!
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