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Leora Jacobus

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Everything posted by Leora Jacobus

  1. It didn't rezz for me. Waited quite some time ... then decided to take a picture nevertheless ... men can look good even without hair!
  2. Did that appear overnight? Has it not been there when you moved in?
  3. Some more Moles for our gallery - the Pickle is full of them ... and they are doing most amazing work there! I'd LOVE to live on the Pickle! Fox_Mole by Leora Jacobus, auf Flickr Mischievous_Mole by Leora Jacobus, auf Flickr Quartz_Mole by Leora Jacobus, auf Flickr Notta_Mole02 by Leora Jacobus, auf Flickr Abnor_Mole02 by Leora Jacobus, auf Flickr
  4. New names!!! I just went inworld. When I click on MAP all the regions on the Pickle have just numbers but when I TP to the northern regions then they have NAMES - I found the following seven new names- 160 is water so I did not want to TP in - no homes. SSPE157 Kaluna SSPE158 Axim SSPE159 Pantelleria SSPE173 Siros SSPE174 River Run SSPE175 Cadhaire SSPE176 Alala
  5. Must be possible for in this thread there have been whole lists xxx Number = yyy name I just went inworld. When I click on MAP all the regions on the Pickle have just numbers but when I TP to the northern regions then they have NAMES - I found the following seven new names- 160 is water so I did not want to TP in - no homes. SSPE157 Kaluna SSPE158 Axim SSPE159 Pantelleria SSPE173 Siros SSPE174 River Run SSPE175 Cadhaire SSPE176 Alala
  6. WHICH?? For the records! Which numbers have become which names??
  7. Porthole has been released on Monday at 4:40 pm SLT and by the way ... I saw another houseboat just now at 7:10 am SLT
  8. You mean a name but only landscape? no house no houseboat on a whole region? Must take a look when I am inworld lateron. PS: found them on the map. Puffin Head is just water and Millbank is the misterious green square where some think there will be a sort of marketplace. And that is really ALL thare are no more named and unreleased regions??
  9. As far as I know Puffin Head and Milbank have a name and are not yet released. Maybe more, these two are allready in my table.
  10. So much to bankholiday and it isn't worthwhile refreshing on monday! PS: Now I read through the rest I see that I am not the first one to mention this! *lol* Well today is Tuesday not a standard release day but I have 3 Tuesday releases in my records: 07:40 - 13:00 - 13:52 SLT
  11. I am a graslover and will find it difficult to cope with sand. But for this great seaview and the generall beachy feeling on the pickle (which faintly reminds me of Langeoog my favourite holiday place) I would resist from putting down a "wellwatered" prim lawn and try to make a sandgarden look nice. I have collected lots of photos from other Belliserians gardens to inspire me first of all @Chic Aeon s admirable seaside ressort. ... more of her photos I found ... all of her sandgarden ... But you find a lot of other examples of nice sandy beachy gardens like this ...
  12. The Pickle is starting to look really nice! Lots of beachy homes there with a real SEA view! I do hope I'll get me one of these in time.
  13. I love that!! What porch-addon are you using? And the backroom for a kitchen you made, do you sell it? And which colour is your outside? seems like an offwhite eggshell very elegant.
  14. Today is a bankholiday for Patch and his team - right?? No release likely? No refreshing makes sense? - right? Btw. I could if I wnted . My internetconnection recovered. Must have been the modem - after a restart everything OK again. Yesterday was my Gremlinday but I guess I would not have snatched @Chloe Dolores abandoned treasure anyway if @Elora Lunasea didn't even see it with several monitors. Bad luck! Better luck next time ... and they will be realeasing new seashore in the near future I hope.
  15. Is that only the addition what you are building on a skyplattform? It seems like you have a copy of the house up there.
  16. Somehow the technic is against me today. This forum loads ... but the dashboard didn't ... and gmx didn*t either quite a lot of my often used links do not load ... tried a restart ... that didn't help
  17. You bet!! About a month ago I got stranded in Düsseldorf. Air condition failed they said "all passengers get out here ... this train is taken out of work because of technical problems" ... I got to Bremen about FOUR hours delayed! Today I got to the station in good time ... this train is cancelled - technical problems ... had to wait TWO hours for the next one!! By the way: Congratulations to the winner!!
  18. Golly!! - My train was two hours late - I hurried home ... JUST home at 10:30 SLT ... pergaps 10:31 then the page does not load ... error ... try again .. ... then it is CLAIMED!!??? Who got it?
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