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Leora Jacobus

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Everything posted by Leora Jacobus

  1. I refreshed manually saw three or four houses ... maybe the same house 3 or 4 times ... missed them all! Might have been a release ... or just the house in Gangway ... it's taken now by a Colin
  2. I lively remember the first release, just sorted out my screenshots of that time. But compared to now it was a luxurious time. The houses lasted nearly 48 hours till all were gone and Leora abandoned five on the first day ... after which she had to wait for 24 hours. Meanwhile three of my alts got homes one of which in Sorensen I still hold and try in vain to top. Houseboats ran out much quicker. That's why they made the Squishy Pickle I guess.
  3. You have a point there. This grey motorways sometimes spoil the coastline. I hardly ever saw a car driving trough Bellisseria. I myself take a bike but I saw horses and lots of boats ... and people just talking walks of course. I wish they would not have so many motorways near the coast but more of this beige toned footpaths ... and landscape.
  4. That's what I did. Restarted my modem - that did the trick!
  5. Land page is not available - at least for me I was refreshing since about two hours .... suddenly I get an error page. cannot log in to it any more Also just secondlife.com not available Seems to be my modem again for another URL is also not available - Hope a restart helps
  6. I just saw two houseboats ... single ones ... 7:38 and 7:45 SLT
  7. That wasn't me - though it could be seen from behind. But the next time it MIGHT be me for I found these watchclouds as a GG at Blueberry and grabbed them for the next mass-release
  8. You are right RIver Run, Picards Wharf and Sebek are the only regions left that are named but not yet released. High time they should NAME a few more regions. And high time they should upload the camper- regions ... they can do the fine polishing while we watch! ... like with the Sqishy Pickle ... remeber? ... *hums* "Those were the days my friend"... Watchduck by Leora Jacobus, auf Flickr
  9. Seen a house - 5:00 am SLT and another one only 5 minutes later. Didn't catch either ... but they were singles, when I returned to the landpage no more "Bellisseria" in the dropdown menue. So they were abandoneds ... maybe the same?
  10. Just saw a house - I guess that was allready the first Siros abandoned
  11. Exakt same here - though I refreshed with two computers. They both gave alarm though but I wasn't fast enough. Never mind will take a look ar Siros to see what I missed Congrats to the faster ones!
  12. Just saw a house 12:11 SLT Only one seems to be an abandoned one
  13. It's nearly noon - 12:00 SLT. So it is going to be a LATE Wednesday release again if any today.
  14. f you had you would have to relog several times by now!! I am autorefreshing with two computers .... seen NOTHING yet of a release.
  15. Is there a 14:30 AM??? For me it's just another word for 2:30 pm. The exact adress in Axim is http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Axim/113/184/22
  16. 14:30 SLT means 2:30 pm SLT (that is MY 11:30 pm ... near midnight) - late but not sooooo late for a release.
  17. Just saw a houseboat ... and let it go! Didn't try to grab it .... anyway I guess it would have been too late
  18. Hadn't been released so far so that must have been a rather late Tuesday release at 14:30 SLT For me that is close to midnight so I had gone to bed, but as I do not want a BH and Alala is just HBs that's just aswell
  19. It is easy to miss those single houses. At the refesh rate of 80 seconds - only one you can run for hours - you might miss a whole release if you have bad luck. Tuesday releases have happened but it's not a likely release day.
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