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Leora Jacobus

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Everything posted by Leora Jacobus

  1. And what would be the advantage of that? I wouldn't have any problem with it. If I abandon quickly, right after the relese, I do that because I do not want to keep it so I should free it soon and let someone else have it. If I had to keep it three days n.p. - let other alts continue the chase! Maybe you could annoy people with that who have only one or two premium accounts but to what goal? What would anyone win by it on the long run?
  2. I can afford to be considerate for I have seven premium accounts. Other people who have only one cannot! All my alts are rather iold for I made them for various reasons since 2007 but they have never before been premium. Only because of this mad Bellisseria goldrush game I decided to spend 500 $ and make them all premium. Had I not had them aniway I would have made new ones. So for an alt to be new is nothing suspicious.
  3. I didn't refresh any more since Friday my alt obtained a rather nice home in Axim. Since I am a notorious hopper I will be refreshing on Monday though - one never knows if something still better turns up. But I only go for releases now. The best pardels are usually NOT abandoned so the abandoneds tend to be second grade.
  4. My alts new Home in Axim is growing on my by the hour! ... beautyfull view and I do love the daylight cicle! I spent a very short night on the balcony. All these pictures were taken within 15 minutes!! Axim_Day by Leora Jacobus, auf Flickr Axim_Dusk1 by Leora Jacobus, auf Flickr Axim_Dusk2 by Leora Jacobus, auf Flickr Axim_Night by Leora Jacobus, auf Flickr Axim_Dawn by Leora Jacobus, auf Flickr
  5. Seems a little paranoid to me! You assume they want to send you on a wild goose chase after theit "old" abandoned homes while they are refreshing for a newly released? I guess then they might just end up getting their own old home back! You only see what you get after you took it.
  6. That would be rather akward for when you refesh waiting for a pending release you feel absolutely fooled if instead (in the worst case at the critical phase when it happens) you get someone elses wastehome. If I abandon I try to do it AFTER the release or on weekends.
  7. It can be true sometimes ... and other times not. I would never DREAM of "selling" (trading) the information when exactly I abandon a home. Usually I would announce it here but two times I tried to let a friend (actually just an online acquaintance) have it (one of these occaisons was the houseboat I abandoned yesterday) and two times a friend tried to let ME have a home SHE abandoned ... all of these came to nothing! Though we fixed an exact second to abandon and the receiver refreshed like mad ... nothing! Either it was gone at ONCE (to someone else) or it got stuck in the pipeline for minutes ... even hours ... and then someone else snatched it.
  8. Couldn't they just include the actual mesh-doors and -windows in the pack instead of deckchairs and such?
  9. In Singu it is under "Singularity - Asset blacklist" - I sorted per date and removed the items from today - the house is back"
  10. I tried to do what has been advised here and derender a house between me and the seaview. It turned out that I had to derender every single piece of the house. I got tired of it and now I see a RUIN between me and the sea. How can I RERENDER the parts? (using Singularity) PS: I found out! Googeled and found THIS PAGE
  11. I can answer that myself now: I looked at my Excel files sorted them per date and found: From the 15.th July (when I started the table) up to now there have been two double releases and one triple release but allways at the same time. Never has there been a second release on the same day. So the only reason to keep up refreshing AFTER a release has happened is to watch for abandoned LHs ... people who were not happy with the home they have been given. But that can happen ANY time.
  12. Is there a door or a stair to that balkony or do you just "sit" on a chair there?
  13. I am not sure. Maybe you are right. The triple release has been all in one. I do not remember if there ever have been two or more releases on one day at different times. I usually keep on refreshing aftzer a release has happened but maybe I could leave that out? You are assumimg wrong. Axim has been released at 8:30 am SLT. We are just discussing whether or not there might be another release lateron.
  14. I will be releasing this houseboat tomorrow: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Kahuna/74/126/22 The thing I do not like about it is the fact that if you want to face the SEA with your windows and balcony you can only use either the Windlass or the Barnacle. First I tested the Windlass with two different addons but neither inspired me how I could place my furniture there. Then I tried the Windlass. I do not like that either. First it has this unchangeable blue walls that you have to cover up if you don't like them. Then it has no upstairs room but only a long stair leading nowhere and a much too big upper deck. I spent some hours yesterday to mend these bugs: I bought those three addons and installed them: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/BHD-Windlass-Interior-Wall-Addition/17320109 https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/pixelWISE-Windlass-Room-Add-On-BOXED-mp/17598241 https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Blushed-Living-Windlass-Add-on/17108488 I am still far from happy but think that is the optimum I can get out of the windlass. Why am I telling you that? If I abandon the place all will be gone but till then you have the chance to look at it as it is with the THREE addons and decide whether that would be a possibility for you to if you snatch it. As it is now I used 71 Li for the addons without furniture.
  15. I do not know for sure but I guess he is using a free open source script I allways use in open sim. You put it into any prim - in this case it is in the mat - (and maybe you have to reset it by editing) then just talk to it in open chat like you are told in the description in the MP - Commands the owner can say:'help' - Shows instructions.'say list' - Says the names of all visitors on the list.'reset list' - Removes all the names from the list. Then the mat answeres in open chat ... you can just copy the names into a textfile then say "reset list" and wait for the next visitors
  16. Are you sure? It is only 10:00 am SLT and there have been double releases (even a triple) on Fridays ... ... plus Patch has been sighted in groupchat Here are the Friday- hours from the record I keep: 06:25 09:15 09:29 09:29 11:50 11:50 11:50 11:50 12:00 13:30
  17. My alts house in Axim is not yet my dreamhome but not bad and you can see the sea from the balkony. So I will be giving up the houseboat I got on Wednesday in Kahuna ... and maybe another house with a canal at the backyard. But for the reasons mentioned above - not muddle with the expected releases - I will abandon those on the weekend - and announce it here in time to get ready.
  18. Axim released - 8:17 SLT Alt got a house but not on the waterfront ... must go look
  19. I do not doubt that they seem to be focussed on special places. I never saw any of them though I do use visitorlists and would have noticed even if I am not online. Only this special places seem to be randomly chose, because any Belliseria reason (favourite plots, harassing people out of them, snatching then, autostarting the autorefresh) do not explain the same bots popping up in mainland or homesteads or rented land. Therer must be the same intention behind them all I feel.
  20. In my German SL Forum they discuss about bots that turn up beside them too but that is not LH land but rented parcels. Some of them have these same mentioned birthdates. So might it be that whatever their aim is that has nothing to do with Bellisseria but they just go everywhere on every region randomly?
  21. In another hread - where it was about Bots mollesting Bellisserians - @Nika Talaj speculated that there might be people making premium- alts, getting them top plots ... just to sell the plot together with the alt! THAT would be sort of SL Mafia!!
  22. I love this build! If you sold it I would buy it ... if not ... The more room you have the more room you have to furnish with your prims. For me as a single woman plus my five sisters and one brother (who are nearly never inworld at the same time due to just one woman at the keybord for all of them) I find the Winchester big enough or the Continental, except for a bath or a kitchen or a porch. So I did buy a number of addons but the very big ones are more for a family home.
  23. Sounds very complicated to me. Much adoo for minimum advantages. If I desire say 10 parcels and have an army of bots monitoring them, even if they visit every parcel every hour 24/7 the chances are minimal that I get wise to the parcel being abandoned and start refreshing BEFORE one of the many people around the globe who allready ARE refreshing at any given moment snatches it are minimal!! Aren't they? On the other hand the chances that I annoy the person living there to an extend that she may abandon the plot is much bigger .... but the biggest chance is thar they AR - and start a thread like this one - resulting in me being found out and thrown out of SL alltogether! *lol*
  24. Sorry but I am not a native English speaker. I understand this: a 5/12 bot is born on the 12th of May (I guess of this year 2019?)
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