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Leora Jacobus

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Everything posted by Leora Jacobus

  1. What does that mean?? What is a 5/12 bot??
  2. Unfortunately this would be useless for there is NO WAY of obtaining a special parcel you have chosen. What ever you get and however often you try for another parcel you will allways be given one RANDOMLY.
  3. How disappointing!! Was refreshing since hours! I got ONE alarm - saw one house 11:48 SLT - didn't get it as usual ... didn't feel like anything more than an abandoned ... and Pantelleria was my favourite region! I hoped they would release one after the other from west to east ... and Pantelleria Friday earliest.
  4. Thanks for that very big and clear picture! By now it looks clearly like a Bellisseria train! Very sharp turns though at the bottom left and right.
  5. You have to put the Autorefresh to 80 seconds (some manage with 72 test it!) then it can run the whole day without hitting the limit. On the other hand if the alarm rings you have maximum 1 more handish refreshes left before you hit it.
  6. Yesterday it was the first time ever I saw that choice (maybe I did in the first big release wave on 15.April but never again) and being so fixed on "Oh!!! Bellisseria!!! hurry!! QUICK!! click click click ...!!!" I realized it too late and ended up with a houseboat (that has the wrong direction for the Evening Star) instead of a house I MIGHT have had in Kahuna!! On the other hand: Who knows? The extra click for the choice MIGHT have made me miss the chance alltogether. I will learn from that and IF there is a choice MAKE my choice ... and make it QUICK! But for now it is too late and I'll try to make friends with a Barnacle ... or abandon it. I am sure there are lots of people who would be happy to have it.
  7. Any ideas if there might be a second release today? Wgat does the chat-oracle say?
  8. I know I should be happy ... and lots of people WOULD be ... but this boat is turned in a way that if I want to view the SEA and not another houseboat I cannot take the Evening Star that I furnished so nicely but have to start anew with the Barnacle which I like much less ... so it might take a while to decide ... If I manage to grab a HOUSE on the Pickle I will give up this housebout ... wait and see.
  9. It is in a nice location - corner sort of . And I will keep it. I will be giving up the other one my malealt has on the Squishy Pickle. But not today ... have to link and collect the furniture. Will announce it here ... sooon ... soonish ... If anyone wants to take a look at it http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Sea of Ruby/30/26/22
  10. I snatched a houseboat! In Kahuna. Just NOT what I wanted ... could have chosen a house instead . was tooo nervous! just CLICKED
  11. Listen carefully and if he drops a hint please tell us.! Its rather quiet in here for a potential relese day.
  12. Update: SSPE156 = Damper SSPE160 = Tiring Swim SSEP172 = Picards Wharf SSPE188 = Sebek
  13. I am not staying inworld - only go in from time to time. Any of you inworld? Any restarts? Any Lindens? Any hints from the groupchat?
  14. There are six regions with red frames There are 12 Avis (no moles) in Kahuna - me too - that is my bet to go first. My favourite region is Pantelleria
  15. I go for everything I see ... might be the first one of the RELEASE. But if it isn't you have to go inworld to abandon ... an during that minutes the release is bound to happen!
  16. Just now same with me. If that was the canal location good that I didn't get it. I am aiming for the Pickle. Why can't people who want to abandon old houses do that at times where there is NO likely release.?
  17. The Pickle is full of people ... noMoles and/or Lindens yet.
  18. Another 2 or 3 houses in a row ... might have been the same one ... or was it a release?
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