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Leora Jacobus

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Everything posted by Leora Jacobus

  1. Saw it ... by now it's getting lively on the market! *lol* PS: another camper and another boat!
  2. Patch is on holiday. Someone daid that there still would be releases because @Derrick Linden is capable to release without him but ... ... is he also WILLING??
  3. I doubt there'll ever be weekend releases - they said "only during LL working hours" and told us why.
  4. So far no news from inworld? I was there for about two hours and listened to the chat - very quiet - no Parch - no news !
  5. Diffe Varies widely - I keep a sort of chronic - Monday releases have happened at SLT ... 06:40 09:05 09:53 09:53 12:44 12:51 13:55 15:00 16:40 More on the late side (with exceptions). As it is 9:22 SLT now about 7 hours to go.
  6. Saw a camper and another one some minutes ago 7:31 and 8:02 SLT
  7. It is STILL in the pipe!! just checked! Governor Linden 11:23 SLT since nearly an hour! As I have to logg of I cannot keep the Raccoon Run longer ... So I'll abandon that at 11:30 SLT in 6 minutes PS: DONE! ... and ... Fovernor Linden! Maybe they are keepmg them all in the pipe now for some hours? or for a random time? 2. PS- NO this one is taken agter about 1 or 2 minutes ...- by a rather old avatar born 2007 (like me)
  8. What the heck!! Still Governor Linden in Wolfington!! since 25 minutes now it is stuck in the pipe!
  9. Raccoon Run is nothing for me ... will be abandoned soon ... but first I wait till the Camper in Wolfington has a new owner.. But who wants allready to ltake a ook adress is http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Raccoon Run/143/200/28 It is a corner lot surrounded by Moles- hedges ... but no water in sight.
  10. Abandoned !! punctually 10:35 But now it is still Governor Lindens ... still stuck in the pipe ... 10:39 ... still stuck in the pipe ... 10:43 BTW. The red herring wasn't bad ... or was that another one? Just snatched a house in Raccoon run
  11. THat was not me ... (heard an aölarm) ... I am going to abandon NOW PS: seems to me someone dropped something in to keep other people of mine So I give you time to abandon that red herring. Will abandon Wolfington at 10:35
  12. Will abandon a camper in 19 Minutes at 10:30 SLT in Wolfington. It backs onto a river with seats and a water rezzzone http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Wolfington/157/188/34
  13. Lovely! Looks like many prims though (or LI) Will you manage to furnish the whole house?
  14. Sorry I meant to say SSPE271 ... the southeast end of the pickle ... only 8 houses, all on sand, none facing the sea with the balcony (if you rezz the Winchester) ... all divided from the sea by a grey motor-road. Still I am sure " there will be many residents thrilled to live in it." ... just not me
  15. It is almost the same with my house in Axim - and the longer I have it the more I love it and the surer I become that it cannot be topped. Still I have that dream of a house diredtly at the seashore - no road between me and the sea - no other houses. I know I'd have to put up with a sandy garden for that and I am determined to TRY to make that look nice ... but in the end if I have to decide I might decide for that little jewel in Axim
  16. I just explored the Pickle a bit and my topfavourite region is Cadhaire. It's a pity I missed that. But Axim ist next best and though I am not in the first row I can see the sea and my garden is green.
  17. Not really! Just TPed to SSPE71 and cannot believe they put a STREET between the sea and the houses, a grey motorway! There are far too many of those grey motorstreets (on which I hardly ever saw a car) in Belliseria for my taste. Those houses could be dreamhomes - but not with that street - plus balcony facing away from the sea! A real pity!
  18. Would be an awfull pity! They could make an auction for a charity ... every six moths ... who donates most gets the dreamisle!
  19. I just visited. Both homes are owned, a man and a woman, both avatars rather old, both born in 2006, a couple? Cheeky as I am I just asked them how and when they obtained their homes. That was BEFORE I read this here. If they really donated so much for Relay for Life then I wish them all the best for their beautyfull homes. And if they really only get them for 6 month quite uge rent! ... and who will get them next???
  20. I just was there. Both parcels are still owned by Governor Linden. Will there be a release? Obviously the two best locations in all Bellisseria. Might be the prize in some sort of lottery or contest.
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