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Nova Convair

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Everything posted by Nova Convair

  1. Depends. Parcel owners can set it up that you can't see avatars from outside of this parcel. (works both ways, so they can't look out) So if you are looking at avatars on other parcels thats exactly what is supposed to happen - you can't see them. Another word for that is: privacy.
  2. There are old entries that tell you about 1 sim per cpu core. But thats a long time ago (in relation to the fast development of this technology) Look at this thread: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Land/how-can-you-find-out-what-class-of-server-a-sim-is-on-and-how/qaq-p/2178443 Since then LL improved things further, the servers got more powerful the memory became cheaper. Bandwidth costs too btw. You can do 2 things with the increasing serverpower. Give the sims more cpu power, memory, prims, whatever or stuff more sims on a server.
  3. Ardy Lay wrote: What makes you think the region simulators use hardware virtualization? I did not say anything about hardware virtualization. My home sim and 19 others share a physical server machine. Whether the virtual sim servers run natively or virtualized or virtualized in small groups I dont know and I dont care. If the server requires a restart then 20 virtual sim servers need to become shut down - moved to another server and get restarted. Details about your region you can get here: http://gridsurvey.com/index.php
  4. If you sit on a scripted object 2 things happen - the server sends the animation to every avatar in the vicinity - your viewer receives the animation and starts playing it If you have a slow connection and/or a slow computer that may take a while. For me the delay is only a fraction of a second. Way too short to go into the standard sit animation.
  5. - avatars clicks chest - chest sends message - worn key answers message - chest compares id of clicker and key owner - if equal open, if not ignore
  6. Some TPV's can announce incoming IM's before anything is sent. Some TPV's can prevent this by not sending the typing notification. However, If someone ever will have problems with that - I will send a not-so-nice answer followed by a mute. I'm not responsible for low lifes that can not handle this type in information properly. I will neither be embarassed nor care. It's the same nonsense as the lookat function.
  7. There are the Virtual Servers - each of them runs a sim. Many of this VS run on a real server - the hardware. By my observations I have seen that this VS can not be moved on a different hardware server while running. A restart is required for that. If I got it right what I have seen in one of the announcements there is maintenace on the physical servers. You can imagine that this will require numerous restarts of the VS when they move on different servers and back. So nothing special here. That's my view on this.
  8. This post made me smile and feel better. Nicely said Hippie
  9. If you want to store data that way you usually chop the files and encrypt the chunks then you scatter them over the network (in a way you can find 'em of course) For that you need ALOT more that 2 places for redundancy. But you can compare the 1st two answers if they are equal as a safety measure if someone breaks the encryption. The files on someones harddisk are a pile of encrypted chaos - so not too much you can do with it. I don't know if HiFi works that way but this idea isn't new. Leaving your computer work for the network is a kind of currency here. But for me that will surely not pay out since it's an american company. (the americans have ultra low priced energy) So I'm surely out of that - and there are some other reasons not to participate.
  10. How exactly did it vanish and what were you doing at that moment? I never found area seach of any use. Use: Build / Pathfinding / Linksets instead to locate your kitchen. Check your Lost and Found folder.
  11. Any chance you rezzed the boat on prim water in a skybox? The boat is probably designed to shift itself on water level after rez. And there is only one water level per sim. Down there.
  12. Build / Pathfinding / Linksets Locate your boat in the list and maybe you know more. You can delete it from that list too.
  13. Madelaine McMasters wrote: How many is a few? Too many
  14. There is a viewer setting to show or not show attached particles. Check that.
  15. SaraCarena wrote: CDN delivers textures/meshes differently now, not through the sim you`re on so ping sim isn`t as relevant. You can ping your local CDN cache by typing "ping asset-cdn.agni.lindenlab.com" in windows cmd.exe. I got 13ms last time I tried. CDN and http are all about texture/mesh download, how they`re then rendered is gonna vary depending on a users computer and viewer settings. You can see whats going on by using the texture console. http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Texture_Console I get 13ms for asset-cdn.agni.lindenlab.com and it seems to be in the Netherlands. What exactly do I ping and trace here?
  16. Aethelwine wrote: Nova, it must depend on your set up.The update today made some improvements for me. But my skybox is still half invisble to me, and whilst i get that in firestorm too sometimes, clicking it resolves it. I have just gone to Coldlogic and things are rezzing and then vanishing again. And its rezz times are no improvement on firestorms. There are still some bugs with the SL Viewer at the moment that make it unusable and no performance increases at all. I am europe too (UK) My remark about the setup was only aimed at the FPS. (frames per second) The texture/mesh loading and scene rezzing is more as 2 times faster than before the changes. And I have no missing objects. I get missing prims from time to time if I tp out and back in or move my camera a far distance and back but a click or a selection frame or the wireframe mode fixes it. It fixes itself too if I give it time. That behaviour didnt change by the new viewer. Is same for me in LL and Firestorm and all other viewers. The missing prims are obviously still not fixed, just depend on unknown circumstances.
  17. I can confirm the improvements. CDN gives a noticeable performance boost to all viewers I have installed. I'm in europe so that's what you expected I think. The new LL viewer gives an addidional performance boost - high enough to be very noticeable. I tried to have the same settings on all viewers but I see 10-20% better FPS in the LL viewer. The renderer is improved or the clean install gave me better settings or I overlooked something - don't know.
  18. Ok, new LL viewer so I gave it a try. Installed - launched - runs - yes, some prims missing but I decided to do it right. Launched Firestorm and kick that damn bridge out. Don't need it anyways. Then log out. Then delete cache for the LL viewer. Ok, now ready for the real test. Run LL again. Cache empty but loads faster than with cache b4 and all prims there. Max settings and 300m range and tp down to the surface. It loads the whole sim in no time. All prims there I think but I don't know every prim personally though. But I think it's all there. Ok, all fine so far, the loading speed is alot higher than anything I have seen before. Guess that will make me consider the other viewers as obsolete for a while. We'll see for how long since it's still not possible to build with the LL viewer. (only for masochists) I'll hop through a few heavy sims now and fill up the cache.
  19. I do all scripting outside of SL. Besides the unability od SL to do simple things like saving scripts I have many other benefits too. If I work on a hud I copy paste the scripts into the worn hud - as long as I test it - but to get a final version I always detach the hud and rez it on the ground. Then copy the scripts again. Thats because I could never be sure that the changes stayed. Now I know more but that will not change my behaviour.
  20. I need to throw in that performance is irrelevant. If I really do 10000 iterations then I would priorize performance, but in 99.99% thats not the case. Fancy code constructs are a personal matter. Some of them I use because I understand them with one view and some I avoid since I need to decode them 1st.
  21. SL viewer installs and runs fine. Kokua (the actual 3.7.12 release) runs fine. But I don't use the auto update. I don't waste my time with bugged crap. I always download and install manually. No clean install needed, but that may be different for others, so do it and get infos how to do it.
  22. When I script, I am trying to avoid listeners as they are one of the major lag sources... I'm interested in the source of this statement and the proof.
  23. Texture animations are prim properties. That means you need only a script to start or stop them but no script is needed to keep it running. Texture animations are fully viewer sided. The server is not involved. For the server it's just a few numbers in the prims data record. So if things don't work it's a viewer issue. I noticed disturbances in this animations on linking/unlinking. But sooner or later things are running again. Leave sim or log out and come back. I will make a test later to see if its really viewer only and if I remember that correctly. Edit ------------ Update: I see no more disturbances when linking animated prims. Works all fine as it should. So I can not confirm the observations of the OP. Proofs that is is no server sided problem and no script problem.
  24. We had that in LL's viewer 2. The people liked it so much - LL didn't dare to put that in the next viewer. Windows Vista had a sidebar too. You don't see that in all the following windows versions. So if you are one of the few that likes sidebars - the cruel reality is: most people hate them! I don't expect to see a sidebar again in the next time.
  25. Well, it's a follower. So it doesnt matter if you hide it 10m under or at z=4095.9m over the avatar. You need a hud though if you want to send commands to it.
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