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Nova Convair

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Everything posted by Nova Convair

  1. That should do: triggerShot() { rotation rot = llGetRot(); vector pos = llGetPos() + llRot2Fwd(rot) * rez_distance_float; llRezObject(gBulletName, pos + barrel_offset_vector * rot, <gBulletSpeed,0,0> * rot, rot, gBulletDamage);} rez_distance_float is the distance from the center of the barrel to the point the bullet rezzes - if the script is in the barrel barrel_offset_vector will have the format <0, y, z> for you and will shift the rez position left/right/up/down the function expects to be in a prim with its positive X pointing to the target
  2. There is no difference what linked prim rezzes the bullet, but llRezObject expects REGION coordinates, so give it region coordinates. Local position/rotation will not work. So use llGetPos and llGetRot and calculate rez position, rotation and speed vector with that. One script is sufficient btw. you can add offsets so each shot will rez in front of another barrel. Allows 10 bullets per second and that is sufficient. If you want more you need slave scripts. (1st bullet rezzed by script#1 - 2nd by #2 - 3rd by #3 - 4th by #1 and so on)
  3. Kyrah Abattoir wrote: ... Indeed, if a physical object is moving so fast that in the space between two frames it goes from "in front of the obstacle" to "behind the obstacle" there won't be any collision registered between the two objects. A physical object can slam through an obstacle so it's on the other side AND register a collision. Means - if you place scripts in both objects they will tell you exactly what collision just occured. An avatar needs a scripted booster to become fast enough and then you can easily jump through walls. On damage enabled land you can do that too but not survive the impact. (Jumping through walls is obviously unhealthy) So you make it through the wall and then get zapped due to sudden death.
  4. The behavious is as expected. Never mix up float and integer if you don't know what you are doing or if you don't know how the compiler will handle it. Use float for the whole calculation and don't forget to write 10000.0 instead of 10000 since you don't know how the compiler treats that. The last operation on the result of the calculation can be a conversion. As you want to remove the fraction part of your float, I see why you tried that but it doesnt work that way. float test = (float)(llFloor(pos.x*10000.0)) / 10000.0; That will work. Another approach is: string test = llList2String(llParseString2List( (string)pos.x ,["."],[]),0); If you want to have pos.x as a string for output.
  5. Your FPS looks quite normal - of course depends on where you are. Fastest Viewer is the LL viewer. For Catznip and Kokua I get same FPS, Singularity a bit slower and Firestorm 10-20% slower. (Only my observations, may be different for others) Biggest Impact for your FPS is "Impostors" (populated sims) and "View Range" (heavy build/texture sims). If you switch off shadows the impact will be medium to high. (depending on where you are) All other optimizations are not worth the efforts and will be responsible for maybe +/- 5% or even less of the performance. You should get FPS in the range of 25-60 on max. settings. Can of course be lower if you look at 100 dancing avatars or super heavy builds.
  6. If you press a button in a dialog the avatar says the button text so it's (white) avatar-text. But if a script uses llDialog and one of the buttons text is longer than 24 characters it throws an error. So 24 is max and thats not really much text.
  7. I tell you a secret. If you want your inventory to shrink you have to delete stuff ! Of course you can start to put things into boxes. But will you ever remember what is boxed where and find one of this boxes, rez it and search the contents of it? Really? It's easier and faster to just delete it.
  8. Many possibilities. - you can slam into the object and flatten your nose (thats a joke - nothing happens) - you can slam into the object and can get stuck inside - you can slam into the object and break through - you can slam into the object and get killed (only on damage enabled parcels - and beeing killed means you are teleported to your home position - if you have no home you end on one of the infohubs) - you can fly right through as if it doesnt exist. (if the object is phantom) - you can slam into the object and push the object. (if it's a physical object. How far you push it depends on the object mass. A physical ballon with the mass of 5000 lindotons and set to the gravity of 0 - so it floats - will not move much ) - oh forgot one: you can slam into the object and it detonates (in this case there is a script inside of the object that is triggered by the collision and will execute the detonation sequence) everything is possible but not probable.
  9. All viewers have windlight settings. So if you change that setting and don't even know what windlight is you will have the same problem in all viewers. But Firestorm is one of the viewers where you can change the WL setting with one click. More possibilities = more chances to mess up. I Suggest to study SL. Can be easily done in 2-3 years.
  10. It's NOT the sender of a message that sets the color - the receiver sets it. The receiver is your viewer and your viewer knows if the message comes from an avatar or object. There is no way to hide that. Then the viewer will use the color that is defined in the settings. (green only for those who didn't change that) So a hud's message is ALWAYS object-chat. If you want to make it to avatar-chat the hud can IM you the message and you have to copy and paste it to the chat line. Then it is avatar-chat.
  11. Try another avatar. If you don't have an alt - create one.
  12. Depends on the situation. If I ever get enough unwanted visitors to bother me I will most probably script a device myself to make it extra quick and deadly. And I absolutely don't care If others like that or not. If I am not bothered (like now) I don't use a device at all and I don't care if someone snoops around. If someone dares to explore while I'm at home I will either be in the mood to talk or kick their asses manually as far as possible. So whatever you like to discuss - I will not care.
  13. Mesh hair moves with the body but looks like it's glued to the body. Looks like crap. Flexi hair swings through the body and the movement doesn't convince me. Looks like crap. So most of the hairstyles in SL look like crap. The one or the other will look better in specific circumstances. Very few are even of an acceptable quality. SL has no good hair. Point.
  14. Phil Deakins wrote: Maybe it could be even taller than that if the old trick still works. Back when the maximum building height was 768m, you could push things up a lot higher. You couldn't rez anything up there, not even onto a prim that you'd pushed up there. If that works above 4096, maybe the sky's the limit on a building's height. I knew one couple who had pushed their skybox home and contents way above 768m. I think up at about 1000m. Everything in it could be used as normal. Nope. 4096 is a hard limit. Every object/prim over that limit zap's immediately. (the center counts) Sitting on it does not prevent that. It stays only if you wear it. Take a spaceship or plane and fly over 4096. Don't forget the parachute!
  15. Lindens don't know if somone retrieved your IP, so what are they about to do? If you listen to parcel media or play MOAP automatic or just click on anything - this can reveal your IP. Every web service will need your IP to function. So everybody who controls the server (web,streaming,whatever) can see your IP. They only need to link that with an SL name. If the time you entered a sim or clicked something is known then that can be used to link username and IP. Another possibility was a security hole in the virvox voice service. I don't know if it's still there. With the IP your location can be tracked to the city or part of the city you are. If you are throwing around your RL info there is of course a possibility for an exact tracking. Another possibility is to make assumptions who may be an alt of you. Thats only assumptions though since there are many cases where ppl share an IP. Mac adresses can't be seen by any webserver. Only your ISP sees it. The SL client transmits the mac to Lindens though but thats a little built in spy function and does not mean anyone else sees it. The mac stories I hear don't convive me and sound like fairy tales. My router will not transmit mac adresses (assuming that we have no security holes and no NSA model) and btw. which one? There is one each for wan, lan, wireless. The IP tracker in the OP made himself look important and like a great hacker but did in fact nothing of importance.
  16. - all objects need to be MOD - you need to drop a script into each one - all objects need to be COPY - a rezzer rezzes a scene and deletes it to clear the space - thats pointless for no copy objects - TRANSFER is not needed
  17. In theory: yes Did I ever test that? no
  18. There is no script start. There are only events. You want to be efficient and grab it once in the on_rez event.
  19. What's the problem? Any crashes/problems? If your only problem is that the memory you have - is used for what it's meant to - then the only thing to say is: have a nice day and have fun wasting your time.
  20. Of course you can use one of many ways to trigger an event. Clicking a link will NOT trigger anything and thats what is interesting for the OP. I took a short look at a MOAP prim. Some things are different than I memorize from last time - I think - but thats not important for the op. You can NOT share a stream - everybody needs to get their own and have to trigger their own conection to the stream server by clicking it. I didn't see a stream url since youtube doesnt share that info it seems - so that will be a problem. Same for everything that needs a login. Can't be shared too. The Youtube in my country even refuses to use the viewers browser and MOAP but the american Youtube works here - for now. I would make some tests with MOAP but I'm still not interested in that so thats all about MOAP from me.
  21. It all depends what you want. if hud+object = same owner - just check for the same owner in the listen event. That way it doesnt matter if other avatars use the same stuff. if (llGetOwnerKey(id)==llGetOwner()) id is the uuid of the sender in the listen event You can calculate a channel # out of the owner uuid. Hud and object know this uuid, so every avatars stuff will use a different channel. Once hud and object are "paired" and know each other you can use llRegionSayTo - then the channel doesnt matter anymore.
  22. to calculate the distance betweeen hud and object you can use: distance = llVecDist( llList2Vector(llGetObjectDetails(object_uuid,[OBJECT_POS]),0), llGetPos() ); You know the object uuid in the listen event if you receive a message.
  23. - Clicking on the media face of the prim will NOT trigger a touch event - You can not read what url the viewer is on. you can only readout the url for the media face but thats the one you have set yourself - so that does not give you any new info. - The visible contents of the media prim face is NOT on the prim face. The built in browser loaded the contents directly from the web site. SL, the sim, the prim are not involved and have no knowledge what the user sees. - Even if you change the url for the media prim and force an update - that will only work if the user has automatic showing of prim media activated in the viewer. Many - if not most - will have that "feature" switched off.
  24. SL does not shut down your computer, your computer shuts down due to a problem. SL is a great hardware test btw. It's the only application that can drive my computer to a different noise level. (fans rotate faster) I have enough reserves to run it on a hot summer day though so no problem. If the computer shuts down your hardware cant handle a high load so its crap or overclocked too far or defective.
  25. You ran into a recursion problem. You need an object that countains an object that contains an object that ... You see where that leads. You can stack some objects but it's never infinite. But there is no need to use one flag. You need 3 rezzers one in each base and one in the center if your definition of CTF is the same as mine. The center rezzer rezzes a flag and if the touching avatar is within 1m range the flag will temporary attach to the avatar. If the flag carrier is in close range to the base and touches the rezzer the flag will detach and therefore vanish and the rezzer will rez a new one. If the flag carrier is stopped or leaves the sim or crashed or takes a nap - appropriate action can be taken like kill old flag and rez new flag. Will require some communication between scripts but will run automatic and halfway foolproof then.
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