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Nova Convair

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Everything posted by Nova Convair

  1. Scripts can send IM's but they will go to the local chat window. If you get IM spam - that is not sent by scripts - that is sent by bots. (scripted agents)
  2. The message transfer works instantly. That of course only if you do not block it by using llSleep or other long taking functions / loops. The events are NO interrupts! Events are only processed if the script is not busy or halted. (by llSleep for example) Why you transfer the owner ID? Thats completely unnecessary. Both scripts already know that you are the owner so you transmit no info.
  3. Depends. For small stuff and communicating with the root linked messages are simple, have a performance advantage and there is no crosstalking possible so go for it. If you have an object with many scripts and send alot of messages then you will trigger all teh scripts and I see a big performance disadvantage. Can be compensated by adressing the single prim you want to message but requires extra efforts and code to get and keep updated the prim numbers. I decide things like that depending on the single case. For single objects there are only very few rare cases where l prefer listens over linked messages.
  4. The size of the particle source is a factor too. If a small prim emits the particles you will not see anything over a long distance. Distance is generally a factor. The viewer optimizes particles alot and will show them only if you are close enough and looking.
  5. Yep, what Dana said. And derender doesnt work with the Linden viewer. Another option: use the viewer menu, guess its build/pathfinding/linksets. Find and select your wall and take/return it. Then rez it again. New rez new luck.
  6. Ati has always supported OpenGL. But if you compare an Ati and a Nvidia of the same speed class under SL the Nvidia will always beat the Ati significantly. The R9 series is surely fast enough to give a good SL experience though. Another point is that some Nvidia cards look a bit overpriced for me, so you will probably find an Ati with a comparable Money / Speed ratio. But if you compare an Ati and a Nvidia of the same speed class Ati is 2nd choice. (for SL !) oh, for the OP: I have a Nvidia 770 and get 60+ fps with shadows/ultra/high view range most of the time but can drop to 15-20 at the right place with the right amount of avatars. Is no problem to raise the fps by setting an adequate view range but you can not render masses of avatars, you will need impostors. The low amount of texture memory will be a factor at texture heavy places, no matter what card you use. When the viewer decides what textures you will see in what resolutions you will loose quality and the ability of fast camera panning. Whatever you get - there will always be a chance to find the limits.
  7. Life Camino wrote: I figured out that I needed to use float values for all the elements. But, it still makes no sense to me that I should be required to use float values for all the elements. If you divide an integer by a larger integer, you get a float value - but, not in this case. For some strange reason, in LSL, you must treat all the elements as floats. That is what is counterintuitive. I understand that I broke a rule. It's just that I don't think the rule makes any sense - because, it is not mathematically sound and is counterintuitive. Nope, it's all like it should be and it makes sense. Otherwise it is impossible to do integer math. If you don't need that - that doesnt mean that nobody else needs it. At the moment the scripter has full control of what and how it is calculated, so it's exactly like it should be.
  8. Jaden Beaumont wrote: I know you can prevent people from your friend's list from seeing you are online, Nope. Everybody can see if you are online - everytime - if they are interested. You can not hide your online status in SL. For your secret and conspirative adventures where you want to stay incognito or just not get caught you need to create an alt.
  9. There is a "Block" button in the menu floater. Certain TPV's allow to remove that button and you should consider to do so. Or just practice for better aiming with the mouse pointer.
  10. Not that easy. You need to remove the height for a display on a 2D scanner and if you want to use the numeric value of the angle you will notice that LL obviously has no clue that N is at 0° and not E. vector avi_pos = llList2Vector(llGetObjectDetails(current_avi,[OBJECT_POS]),0);avi_pos.z = 0;vector pos = llGetPos();pos.z = 0;vector rot = llRot2Euler(llRotBetween(<1,0,0>, llVecNorm(avi_pos-pos)));float angle = rot.z * RAD_TO_DEG + 270.0;if (angle>360.0) angle-=360.0; That will give a positive angle between 0 and 359 and 0 is north. Now a transformation into a string. Requires a division into 8 quadrants of 45° integer quadrant = llFloor( (angle + 22.5) / 45.0 );string direction = llList2String(["N","NW","W","SW","S","SE","E","NE","N"], quadrant); "direction" contains the string now. It's no typo that there are 2 "N" - think about it. For the clock display ("boogey at 6 o'clock high") we use this code: integer clock = 12 - llFloor( (angle + 15.0) / 30.0 );if (clock==0) clock = 12;
  11. I did not look through that in detail ! That works for me: save pos/rot: saved_pos = (obj_pos-rezzer_pos) / rezzer_rot; saved_rot = obj_rot / rezzer_rot; move/rotate after rez: new_pos = rezzer_pos + (saved_pos * rezzer_rot); new_rot = saved_rot * rezzer_rot; My solution is completely different though but the math behind it is always the same.
  12. There are 2 problems: 1: ">" and "<" is not possible with vectors, that was already explained. Only "==" and "!=" are possible. 2: "==" and "!=" don't work. vectors consist of floats and you can not compare floats in a reliable way. Example: You set a prim to the position <100,100,100> Then you compare the result and it's equal - the prim is at <100,100,100>. Great Now we have a sim restart and you compare again. Oh wonder - it's not equal anymore. The position is <100.0001, 99.9999, 100.00001> for example. Not equal. sript will take actions for the case "!=" which is most probably not what you wanted. This is the difference between theory and SL !!! I compare 2 vectors like that: llVecDist(v1, v2)<0.005; TRUE means "==" and FALSE means "!=" - works fine for me but what you need to do depends on the single case.
  13. One detail - instead of: for (ForIndex = min; ForIndex <= max; ++ForIndex && ++ButtonIndex) you can use: for (ForIndex = min; ForIndex <= max; ++ForIndex, ++ButtonIndex) it's valid and no unnecessary and confusing boolean operation
  14. Life Camino wrote: I chose not to use a sensor; because, at some point I may want to make the range user definable and then 96m becomes a limit. By taking this approach, I can specify a much greater range, if needed. Your other point is well-taken. integer someone_is_here (float radius) { list agents = llGetAgentList(AGENT_LIST_REGION,[]); vector pos = llGetPos(); integer i = llGetListLength(agents); while (--i>=0) { if (llVecDist(llList2Vector(llGetObjectDetails(llList2Key(agents,i),[OBJECT_POS]),0),pos)<radius) return TRUE; } return FALSE;}
  15. Problem solved - it works - ok - but for an activity timer ... You only need to loop through the list until you find the 1st one thats is < 100m, then you can stop the loop and drop the list, no need to continue, no need to delete elements. You check for 100m, why not using a sensor with a range of max 96m instead of checking the whole sim everytime? The efforts of getting a list of avatars are only useful if its more than just an activity check.
  16. Baloo Uriza wrote: Bobbie Faulds wrote: Simple solution, under the advanced menu in the rendering, you can chose not to render attach lights...problem solved. This, however, also destroys legitimate uses of attached lights, like flashlights, lanterns, headlamps, etc. that don't destroy suspension of disbelief in any given scene. I'm in SL many years and I can't remember of any torchlight user. But I can remember of many 1000 foolish looking avatars with way to bright facelights. Well, now I still see no torchlights and If I meet one of that foolish looking facelight-avatars - I will not even know it ! And I will still find my way without a working torchlight. Isn't that great?
  17. SL does not change your general computer security. If you want to be 100% sure about your laptop camera - get some tape and use it.
  18. - You can block other avatars scripts by a parcel setting. - Works from ground to about 70m over ground. - Does not work if scripts are used that are designed to ignore that parcel setting. - Scripts will not affect your lag anyways no matter if they run or not. So if you think that will prevent lag: nope it doesn't! - You can not switch on/off other scripts by scripts - only in your own objects a script could switch on/off other scripts in the same prim.
  19. 1 - If you search an avatar - just open the profile and use the profile floater to give money or objects. 2 - Make your alt a friend 1st 3 - you could have sent an IM to verify if thats the right avatar No blind shots next time
  20. I made a bet b4 clicking on this thread - this titles can only mean: no problem at all 1st - there is no difference between the 2 pictures - at least none that i'm patient enough to find out. 2nd - In my personal settings I rarely use that full-bright-5000W-virtual- beamer-array setting. So it will be alot darker and there will be shadows and by your standards you probably would find yourself butt ugly on my screen. Well, you cant do anything about that and I dont care and I dont zoom into other faces all the time and the atmosphere of the whole scenario is more important than faces. Hey, thats SL
  21. Sliding happens if you have 2 or more AO's running.
  22. Bobbie Faulds wrote: Check your draw distance and be sure that it's no higher than 120. With the new interesting add in, it does some odd things if your draw distance is too far. Nope. I often run with much higher draw distance, there is no problem. If you got a problem with 120m then it's your specific problem and maybe the max your hardware can handle in certain situations but don't assume that everyone else is the same. That's not the case. To the OP: It's a good idea to make tests with different draw distances since that has a big influence on the performance. Update the drivers. If you use a laptop it is probably overheating. There is a big difference between new laptops and laptops that had the chance to collect dust for a few months.
  23. There is a common misunderstanding: object_rez and all other events do NOT interrupt the script processing. So If you rez 50 objects in a loop the object_rez events will stack and are cached in the event queue. Once your rezzing loop is finished the event_queue can be worked off and 50 object_rez events in a row will happen. The lenght of the event queue is 64 and if more events coming in they are dropped. Now you know why your script failed with more than 64 objects.
  24. Depends on if the script is made sloppy or bullet proof. For example: the scripts expect that the avatar uses the stand button to get up. What is if someone TP's out, logs out crashes gets separated from the vehicle on a sim crossing? There is an extra check needed which many scripts seem not to do. The firestorm setting is one of the special cases too. Animation not found? Never got that problem but I usually am not on laggy sims. I doubt that this is a timing problem though.
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