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Wulfie Reanimator

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Everything posted by Wulfie Reanimator

  1. Anything that isn't a mesh surface. If you're on Firestorm, you can type "rezplat" in local chat to rez a prim platform, and use that.
  2. If you are trying to rez onto a mesh surface like a house floor, you may get thst error because the sim can't figure out if there's enough space for the object. Try rezzing somewhere else, for example onto LL ground.
  3. Reset your glow settings in Phototools in your viewer. I can't give more details right now since I can't log in to check.
  4. Even disregarding the yellow arrows and details on the map... There is no case to be made here. The presentation of the map is very different, it was clearly made from scratch (unless the original was full-perm, which I somehow doubt) and there is nothing that protects "ideas." Any "original" idea you have/make can be reproduced by anyone else without issues. The other map even shows a much greater area...
  5. But to be fair, the height slider is not the sole dictator of your avatar's height. Other sliders factor into it too. (Like leg/hip/neck length if I recall.) And there IS a height number on the shape editor, for meters and feet.
  6. Speedlight works on anything with a browser.
  7. Yeah... Case in point. When you have a script that only does some initialization in state_entry before calling llSetTimerEvent and never does anything outside of that timer, you get magnitudes greater performance with a single loop+sleep instead of generating an entirely new event each interval. There are costs you have to pay for events. It's the reason your helicopter can't cope. Same with guns. Often, the gun would send linked messages to rezzer-scripts while firing -- one message per rez, all rezzers are usually in the same prim so it creates n events -- which greatly limits the effective fire rate and you end up with event queues so long you won't stop firing even if you let go of the trigger. A rezzer-script which has an infinite loop, rezzing per iteration, can be controlled exactly by simply turning it on/off with llSetScriptState. No messages, no events, no resets, and it stops firing exactly when it needs to. When I say "infinite loop," I don't mean a loop that just goes as fast as it can forever. You treat it like a timer with a controlled delay. It's a tool no different from your method of reducing events. Only the bytecode is shared for Mono scripts. (Also, non-Mono is LSO, not LSL...) Bytecode is all the constant stuff, variable names, operators, literal values, function names, etc... What data the variables actually hold is entirely independent. One instance could use 1K, while another is doing something that increases it memory usage. Are you sure you're not thinking about CPU time? It's an average of the past up to 30 mins, or since the script reset/rezzed(/teleported), whichever is smaller. It's not that Mono scripted objects rez slower, just that the scripts don't do anything for a while. The biggest benefit of Mono is also its biggest problem -- dynamic memory. When the script is rezzed (or teleports), the sim needs to calculate how much memory of its maximum limit it's actually using. (This is why an avatar entering a sim is basically a performance nuke.) Even the simplest script will take its time, at least with the default limit of 64K. Lowering that limit guarantees the script won't use more than that, or it will crash. I would imagine a lower limit would also make the script initialize faster, but I haven't checked.
  8. Probably something like that on MP. This subforum is for actual scripting advice, you should post into the Wanted section. Doing it from scratch is complicated without an external database. (Even then it's complicated.)
  9. I tend to agree, and although I'm very aware of everything you mentioned, it's good to have it all listed here where some new people can be aware of it. But some of these "defensive techniques" would normally be considered "bad practice" and often invites a lot of "don't do that / do it another way" when you try asking related advice in public. (eg. Infinite loops to avoid event overhead.) The biggest recommendation I would make specifically for weapons and anything that needs to rez fast and/or has a short lifetime: Don't use Mono. Mono takes a long time to initialize even when there's no lag. Never use Mono for "bullets" (any projectile or effect), what ever you do. The "rez early" method is pretty niche and only really works for slow, single-attack weapons. It would not work, for example, for a 600-1000+ RPM gun. In other engines, one optimization you could do is "re-using" bullets, instead of having them be destroyed (llDie) on contact. There would exist some set number of bullets, and the oldest one would be placed at the front of the gun each time it fires. That's not really possible in SL, at least not with the LL Combat System (llSetDamage) and without lots of listen events per avatar.
  10. You're like a perfect sphere. Nothing but edge.
  11. You nailed the point I was making. I understand what your suggestion is. It has some merit but how many presets were you planning on? How high is "tall?" How high is "small?" Do we have 3, 4, 5 presets or more? What's the UI for that gonna look like? And if none of those work (or need further adjusting), then what? I would definitely rather see the debug settings implemented in regular preferences along with the current options. I would be actually shocked if it turned out most people know about Ctrl/Shift + scroll. It's a completely obscure thing you might do by accident without even realizing that's what you did. No, I said applicable. As in, the developers ask themselves "what's the best thing we can do that will work in most cases (that's easy to implement)?" and the answer they've come up is "just move it further back." It 'works' in most situations, short or tall, big or small, one-size-fits-all... but it's not particularly good for any of them. I think we agree on the goal, just not how to get there.
  12. I still can't decide if I should've gone for Rounded Float from the previous batch... Unfortunately I'm a sucker for gimmick names!
  13. This already exists. See the three little buttons on the top-left of the camera controls? There are three presets. Front-to-back, over-the-shoulder, and the default. Also, you can control your default camera position by holding Ctrl (height) or Shift (angle) and scrolling your mouse while your camera is "resting" (press Esc so it's not focused on anything). Any changes you make this way will stick until you relog. You also adjust the default camera distance without going into debug settings. Defaults can only do so much. With SL being as customizable as it is, no default will work for a lot of people. If you're tall, you get ass-cam. If you're small, you won't even see yourself. (Sometimes I wonder if SL kids just wander around without realizing they could fix their camera...) If you're non-human, all bets are off. The most generally-applicable solution is to have the camera far away with a wide field of view, which is what we have in SL.
  14. That makes more sense. In that case it's not really a new issue, just the same ongoing one (that's why I asked about sim stats). Scripts Run % has been in the gutter for the better part of a year by now. Who knows when/how LL is going to fix it.
  15. Mesh made with "cloth physics" in a 3D modeling program are no different from "hand-made" mesh. Once uploaded to SL, they are static. The only difference might be that the mesh generated by "cloth physics" can be dense, as in lots of triangles. Before you upload things to SL, you should simplify the model and remove any unnecessary triangles, like those that can't be seen (under the object) or faces that don't contribute to the detail of the mesh (like on flat surfaces or slight angles). You'd probably want to make the LODs by hand, especially the lowest ones. Look at the other recent threads in this subforum, it's been talked about a lot. Your physics shape (while you're uploading the mesh to SL) should be as simple as possible, such as a plain cube.
  16. I'm not experiencing this kind of delay. Any weapons I test rez instantly. It's definitely not a grid-wide issue. Have you guys checked the sim(s) stats at all?
  17. 0.1 isn't the minimum. Anyway, you can go smaller by including transparent sides in your texture to make it appear even more narrow. Also, the orientation of the ribbon is based on the source object. Rotate 90 degrees and so will the ribbon, and you get a nice cross-shape if you use two sources in the same location with the same target. It's not perfect, but it's all you have.
  18. But if you just arbitrarily say "6.4 = 5.4" you end up with avatars whose shape claims to be 5.4, but stand a foot above any object whose height is 5.4. You can't do that, it doesn't fix anything -- only makes things more complicated. Default avatars being 6 feet tall doesn't mean 6 SL feet = 5 RL feet. The unit of measurement in the SL world is still constant. If your shape says you're 6 feet tall then you are that tall in the world. (Disregarding actual inaccuracies.) The proper fix would be to just change the default shapes. Whether or not that's needed is its own argument.
  19. You can set it higher than 4 through debug settings, but it will be reset on relog (or crash). I mean... technically avatar bakes are initially rendered ("baked") on LL's servers, you only need to render the final result... 0.01%? 😂
  20. Firstly: Yes, it's annoying. I hate places with "automatic subscriptions" just from entering the sim. I think it shouldn't be allowed. That said, having lots of "servers" isn't necessarily an evil thing, it's simply practical even if you only need/want to send a message very infrequently. There is a forced delay of 0.1 seconds to read one line of a notecard, and there's a forced delay of 2 seconds per message sent. So if you have lots of people to notify, it helps to "split the load" so instead of (for example) 3 hours (5000 people) you can do it in 20 mins (9 servers).
  21. It absolutely would, but I'm not sure you'll like the look of the hair if it's set to alpha masking, depends how much blending the hair has to begin with. I would rather recommend setting the lashes to masking (since they're a smaller and less noticeable), I don't recall if Catwa has that option in the HUD.
  22. If 'your friend' has a Premium account, they can talk to Live Chat. https://support.secondlife.com/start-chat/
  23. The "alpha glitch" can happen when any two partially transparent textures (that use alpha blending instead of alpha masking) overlap. The difference between blending and masking is that alpha blending allows partially transparent pixels in the texture, but alpha masking only allows either solid or fully transparent pixels. BOM solves this when it comes to tattoos and makeup because those "partially transparent" textures are combined with the solid, non-transparent skin texture. It depends entirely on how the hair is rigged to the many "bones" of the SL skeleton. Not all hair creators bother rigging the hair to every slider, some don't rig to any besides the head/neck/chest (so the hair can bend with them). And the hair's rigging is specifically based on the SL skeleton, so, different heads will be rigged differently as well so it's literally impossible for hair (or anything else) to have 1:1 match to every head.
  24. Your issue might be different, I didn't respond to you. It is normal and expected behavior that weird characters in display names sometimes cause it to reset.
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