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Marianne McCann

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Everything posted by Marianne McCann

  1. Griffin Ceawlin wrote: Primary streets with big houses were named after influential local citizens (Hayes and Gough) and families (McAllister), while streets with the smaller houses carry botanical names such as Ivy, Linden, and Hickory. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hayes_Valley,_San_Francisco As an aside, it cam be fun to tour SoMA and find all the streets the San Francisco regions are named for. Minna, Bonafacio, Stillman, etc. See http://g.co/maps/8fdx3
  2. emmettcullen93 wrote: what is your second life about tell everyone! do you build do you work do you just chill what is your second life? Oh yes I build. A lot. Mostly stuff for parties in Bay City or whatever. Sometimes for my store. Oftentimes just for fun. I suppose tending the store can be called work too, though I don'yt take it none too serious. I chill sometimes, a and b do get in the way of that I also help manage Bay City, sorta. Or at least am awful involved thate. I also end up involved with things like the Burn2 event and other things. Oh, and I do a lot of exploring, as well as flying, sailing, etc.
  3. First and foremost, my glasses. I bought then in the afternoon of 22 February, 2006, and have worn them nearly every day since. Second, my skin. One of the first kid skins on SL. Made for me by Robin Sojourner. I still wear the final beta of it, before it was releaed. Third, my ID bracelent. It was a gift for being a flower girl back in 2006. I wear it till nearly every day. Beyond that, well. My shape hasn't changed much since 2006. The eyes, patterned on my real life eyes, came 'round in 2007 or 2008. They're staying. I do sometimes change hair styles, but it's alsways thatdark chocolate brown. Oh, and while not a permanent thing, I sure have been wearing that jeans jacket a lot lately...
  4. Any suggested locations for testing out the region crosses? Would love to take a few vehicles out and bang on them,
  5. (Hope it'll be okay, posting this here as well as in events. If not, feel free to "mod" it, Mods.) :matte-motes-big-grin: Four years ago, the mainland area known as Bay City joined the Second Life™ Grid. Now, on the 20th of May, 2012, Bay City will celebrate its fourth anniversary as one of the best places inworld. Anniversary celebrations will kick off around noon SLT/PDT, with a parade lineup at the bandshell in Bay City - Harwich. The parade will make its way down Route 66 beginning at 12:30 p.m. SLT/PDT, concluding at the Bay City Fairgrounds in the North Channel region. Railroad fans are welcome to also join up with the Virtual Railway Consortium as they line the tracks in Daley Bay and Inner Harbor. A live concert will kick off at 1:30 p.m. SLT/PDT at the Fairgrounds, featuring Christov Kohnke, Bluemonk Rau, and RoseDrop Rust, and including GoSpeed Racer of KONA Stream providing music leading into the event. The "Golden Tigers" aerial acrobatic team is also planning a flyover of the fairground at approximately 1:30 p.m. SLT/PDT. All Residents of the Second Life grid are encouraged to participate. Posters, banners, parade float bases, and other goods are available at the Bay City Community Center, in the Daley Bay region, for those who wish to be a part of the parade, and able viewing area is provided. The music event is also open to all who desire to attend. Bay City is a mainland community, developed by Linden Lab™ and home to the Bay City Alliance. The Bay City Alliance was founded in 2008 to promote the Bay City regions of Second Life™ and provide a venue for Bay City Residents and other interested parties to socialize and network. It is now the largest Bay city group, and home to most Residents of Bay City. For more information, contact: Marianne McCann
  6. Four years ago, the mainland area known as Bay City joined the Second Life™ Grid. Now, on the 20th of May, 2012, Bay City will celebrate its fourth anniversary as one of the best places inworld. Anniversary celebrations will kick off around noon SLT/PDT, with a parade lineup at the bandshell in Bay City - Harwich. The parade will make its way down Route 66 beginning at 12:30 p.m. SLT/PDT, concluding at the Bay City Fairgrounds in the North Channel region. Railroad fans are welcome to also join up with the Virtual Railway Consortium as they line the tracks in Daley Bay and Inner Harbor. A live concert will kick off at 1:30 p.m. SLT/PDT at the Fairgrounds, featuring Christov Kohnke, Bluemonk Rau, and RoseDrop Rust, and including GoSpeed Racer of KONA Stream providing music leading into the event. The "Golden Tigers" aerial acrobatic team is also planning a flyover of the fairground at approximately 1:30 p.m. SLT/PDT. All Residents of the Second Life grid are encouraged to participate. Posters, banners, parade float bases, and other goods are available at the Bay City Community Center, in the Daley Bay region, for those who wish to be a part of the parade, and able viewing area is provided. The music event is also open to all who desire to attend. Bay City is a mainland community, developed by Linden Lab™ and home to the Bay City Alliance. The Bay City Alliance was founded in 2008 to promote the Bay City regions of Second Life™ and provide a venue for Bay City Residents and other interested parties to socialize and network. It is now the largest Bay city group, and home to most Residents of Bay City. For more information, contact: Marianne McCann
  7. Canoro Philipp wrote: it may hide sometimes from our eyes but it sure refuse to die. Easiest way to make sure it never hides is to make it a personal sticky. Always keeps it up top. :-) (Topic options > Float this topic to the top)
  8. it may hide sometimes from our eyes but it sure refuse to die.
  9. "The call went out, and you answered. You packed up your truck with the essentials: Boots, sleeping bag, sunscreen, inflatable flamingo, tutu, bacon. Off you went, heading for the place many -- you included -- call the playa. You knew it wasn't time for the burn: it was months away. But it was time anyway. Time to occupy the playa." Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, 27-29th April: its time for Occuplaya! What's an Occuplaya? It's us. It's Burners doing what Burners do best. It's not a political event so much as a reason to dust yourself off and get dusty again in the virtual Black Rock Desert that is Burning Man- Deep Hole. Welcome Home! http://slurl.com/secondlife/Burning%20Man-%20Deep%20Hole/224/92/25 So, really, what's going on? It's a party, its a happening, it's a gathering. It's a time to come party with us in a three-day seasonal celebration of Burner culture. We've got great art from three invited artists: Mikati Slade of Japan, Takni Miklos of Spain, and Fuschia Nightfire of Canada Will delight your minds with their art. There will be town hall meetings, too: 4/27 3:00 p.m. SLT and 4/28 9:00 a.m. SLT Did I mention music? Join us at the porta potty stage to hear DJ sets and live music. There will be more: poetry, campfire stories, and plenty of fun to keep the party rolling. For a complete schedule of activities and events, Please see our website at: http://www.burn2.org/occuplaya Occuplaya is just one of many 10 Principles-precompresson events leading up to the big BURN2 event. Come get a taste of what Burning Man on the Playa is all about! Bring yourself. Bring your friends. Occuplaya!
  10. With all the network troubles over the last couple days, and a fix planned for Monday, it is time for us Residents to be part of the solution. We must make the ultimate sacrifice, and take a leap of faith into Mt. G'al. Join me tomorrow, Sunday the 29th at 1:00 p.m. SLT/PDT. Bring a noob, dress like a noob, or wear your best devotional gear. Or whatever. Just make the jump. The Grid depends on us!
  11. LuciaRiley wrote: In the Sandbox Island, combat should be disallowed. It isn't allowed. Does this stop people? No. But you can abuse report such actions.
  12. Amethyst Jetaime wrote: If LL were smart they'd start using some of the empty mainland for Linden Homes instead of building separate islands for them. Agreed. A shame Nascera has that "Gated community" feel to it.
  13. To me, they border between boring (yet another Twilight-based avatar) and annoying (spampires). but that's just me.
  14. Wow. What a great way to garner support for your cause.
  15. Ceka Cianci wrote: Marianne McCann wrote: Meh. Still a walk in the park compared to October 2007. was that the big ghosting where people's agents were trapped online but they were really offline? like hours and hours and hours of not logging out..till people figured out they could relog to other sims? Was when everyone's bodies would end up with "Missing Image" all over it from time to time. When the weekly Wednesday outage had to be rolled back every week, and reinstalled, and then re-reinstalled on Thursday, and then the griefers would take the frid down from Friday into Sunday. Oh, and haveing 12000 people on the grid would crash it. Dreadful, dreadful, dreadful.
  16. Perrie Juran wrote: Marianne McCann wrote: Meh. Still a walk in the park compared to October 2007. What a nightmare that was. Like three days to get the grid back up to some semblance of normal. Linden Lab should have given us all shirts emblazoned with "I Survived The Great Crash Of 2007" Sadly, the shirt would say MISSING IMAGE
  17. Meh. Still a walk in the park compared to October 2007.
  18. /me shrugs. Try being a kid avatar. You can rack up those bannings fairly quickly. ;-) In all seriousness, though. If they ban you, fine. chances are, you really don't want to be there anyway.
  19. PeterCanessa Oh wrote: The first rule of FIC is you never talk about FIC What's an FIC?
  20. JeanneAnne wrote: Marianne McCann wrote: 16 wrote: is a little bit different an F from Prokofy means you feted by linden. we still working out what this F means. so far F for never heard of them, is winning. jejejejeje (: FIC stands for "Feted Inner Core," hence the "F" is "Feted." http://secondlife.wikia.com/wiki/Oldbie_Conspiracy http://www.fetedinnercore.com/ The Feted Inner Core doesn't actually exist. They told me so themselves, so you know I'm telling the truth. I thot it was pretty well known that certain players .. like those Justice League guys who rip IP addies & then harrass ppl they dont like in RL .. get away w/ things like that cuz ther friends with certain LL employees .. Or is that just a 'conspiracy theory' too ?? Jeanne I seem to recall, in one breack of their super-secret Wiki, they mentioned being chummy with a Linden or two. I also seem to recall a lot of it read like bragging/puffery, so who's to know the real story. I know a lot of people got into a lot of trouble over the IP harvesting, though, so there's that.
  21. 16 wrote: famous sl avatars not linden + Steller Sunshine - builder Anshe Chung - mega baron Ziggy Puff - animation overrider Stroker Serpentine - poseball Adam Zaius - opensim Eddy Stryker - copybot Plastic Duck - greifer Argent Stonecutter - flight feather Luc Aubret - blitzer Chip Midnight - clothing template Day Oh - ocean waves Hamlet Au - blogger A couple quick corrections... 1. Yes, Steller Sunshine is a builder, but so are a lot of people. Steller, however, is the first non-Linden Resident of the Second Life grid and built some of the very first items in SL, including the Beanstalk and the Governor's mansion. 2. I think the pose ball is more likely to be credited to CrystalShard Foo. Stroker, however, made his name in pixel sex, the multip pose bed or whatever, that sort of thing. 3. Plastic Duck is, well, more than *just* a griefer, but definitely a provacateur. He's also well-known on his alt for megaprims.
  22. Ceka Cianci wrote: isn't it Governess Linden? or does it change depending on who is running it?? i always thought it was an account for certain lindens to use.. Well, the *account* is Governor Linden, but yes, many others may in fact use the account. I personally have only seen the Gov as a female, though. In the last few times I've seen here, she has looked like this She used to look like this:
  23. 16 wrote: is a little bit different an F from Prokofy means you feted by linden. we still working out what this F means. so far F for never heard of them, is winning. jejejejeje (: FIC stands for "Feted Inner Core," hence the "F" is "Feted." http://secondlife.wikia.com/wiki/Oldbie_Conspiracy http://www.fetedinnercore.com/ The Feted Inner Core doesn't actually exist. They told me so themselves, so you know I'm telling the truth.
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