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Marianne McCann

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Everything posted by Marianne McCann

  1. Melita Magic wrote: Great going Marianne! Woot! Once again I vote for all abandoned land to be set to auto return of 1 or higher, by default... And urge everyone who owns land to set auto return whether they have build enabled or not. It's amazing how often this will avoid problems! Griefers love their LOL cubes and such, and abandoned/ 0 return land. Thanks! I believe that abandoned land is *supposed* to have autoreturn set as part of the process *now,* but older abandoned parcels do not. If you have an abandoned or otherwise linden-owned parcel near you that does not have autoreturn set, file a support ticked under Land > Linden-Owner Parcel Issues, and they'll fix it pretty soon. :-)
  2. Irene Muni wrote: Qie Niangao wrote: It's perverse that so many people start on Mainland and move to Estates, when in fact Mainland poses the greater challenge for building. Agree. I'd like to think that many who make that move are doing so for more control over their environment, amongst other reasons, rather than for the "challenge" aspects. That said, with a wide variety of possible land types available on mainland, I'd also suspect there's land out there to fit most needs, if one looks for it. And to the OP: if you like flat land for your main store, check out Bay City. We cost a bit more than most mainland, but we're a good community with a nice theme. And most of our land is flat. ;-)
  3. I answered you in General Discussion. The issue should now be resolved.
  4. Ever Dreamscape wrote: Hey, I recognize that beast of a plane!
  5. *Most* main;and is limited to a ±4m terraforming limit. Exceptions include Linden Homes allow for not terraforming. Likewise, Bay City. Nova Albion, Shermerville Suburbs, Nautilus City (and possibly some others. Kama City, perhaps?) allow no terraforming. "San Francisco" and "Color" regions allow for ±40m terraforming. These are a small number of regions in and around Da Boom. So named because their region names are streets in San Francisco's SOMA district (Dore, Minna, Natoma, Varney, Clara, etc.), or are colors (Sage, Blue, Indigo, Purple, etc.). Bear in mind that there may be some in there with additional specific limitations, such as Brown, Green, Boardman, and De Haro. Such land is also hard to come by. Your best bet is to either (a) get a private estate and do whatever terraforming you wish, an expensive proposal, or (b) learn to work with the unique terraforming features you have. While I personally prefer the latter (even though all of my current land holdings are in Bay City, Nova Albion, and Shermerville), you may differ.
  6. Will the Mesh RC regions be folded back into Main now that mesh is enabled on the channel?
  7. I've had this happen a couple times on my mac as well. It's a sign of corruption in the ol cache, on one of the older v2s. Try clearing it out (you may have to do it manually - home > Library > application support > Second Life > [user.name) and restart. Worst case, delete the Second Life folder in Application Support, and reinstall the client.
  8. Bay City Aquarium is featured on the Second Life Blog! Check it out! Also, both the Bay City Aquarium and the New Port Yacht Club in Bay City are featured in the Destination Guide, too. Both make good little weekend outings, too. :-D
  9. Nice "feed the fish" interaction (although the boripede likes to eat big things. it seems). Really like the underwater tube, too. Fun build!
  10. FWIW, this has also been discussed a couple times in the Mainland section of this forum. Might be worth checking out and chiming in on.
  11. Keli Kyrie wrote: Have you lost or gained friends because of SLums? Does SL run better or worse on your computer with these new releases? How old is your computer? 1. A modest gain 2. Generally better. Not outstanding, but not bad 3. 4 years old
  12. New JIRA for this issue: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/SVC-7164
  13. This would be a viewer issue. I believe I've heard before of performance issues with MacBooks in particular.
  14. Kolby Nissondorf wrote: I dont think many people email photos of their Second Life to their friends and family Perhaps this is a first step to getting rid of that feature all together. Argus covered this, I believe. Snapzilla, Flickr, and Koinup all use this feature. It would likely be used for mySL as well.
  15. Argus Collingwood wrote: ETA this feature has been broken on Magnum and LeTigre since June. I've gotten shots out on both servers since June for sure, though I know failure rates have gone up. Just not to 100%
  16. Since today's roll of LeTigre and Magnum, snapshots to email fail 100% of the time. Reason give is internal error from verifier. Fails to any address. Related to, but not the same as https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/SVC-5387 Blue Steel, Mesh, and main channel work as expected
  17. Attention Nova Albion Residents! I just saw something in your city that hasn't been seen in four years! The Nova Albion trolley is being worked on, and here it is on a test run on Route 66!
  18. Pussycat Catnap wrote: FWIW, the Moles are factually correct. There is nothing they can do about the above. The old ROWs are owned by maintenance, and they can't fix those legacy spaces. That said, Michael Linden could. Best bet is to ticket it, and let him take a look at fixing that issue. They could create an overpass that curves around it, or even put a 'car wreck' right there that has an invisible prim around it so your vehicle slides out of the way. They could get creative. Which they've shown in many places on the grid that they are capable of doing. "The Moles" can't do thing one on land that is in the maintenance group. Not even rez a single box prim. They're not in the maintenance group, nor allowed in the maintenance group. That said... The Senior Content Manager of Linden Lab, Michael Linden - who is also the boss of the moles - *could fix it, or get creative, or do other things. He could also change the land from Gonvernor Linden, Maintenance group land to Linden Department of Public Works land, and assign a Mole or three to do it (assuming he has the Molepower to do it). Best bet? Ticket it. Be fairly detailed about what is needed and where. Probably don't have to go to the "picture with circles and arrows and a paragraph at the bottom of each one" like I do, but at least give all the info on where it is and what the issue is. Go to https://support.secondlife.com/create-case/ and select "Land & Region," then "Linden Lab owner Parcel Issues." (I believe this requires a premium account to do). Fill in the information as best you can. It'll get routed to Michael, and chances are you'll get a response back pretty quick. He's really good at getting on top of his tickets.
  19. Moose Beach... ah, Moose Beach. For the last several weeks, a pair of griefers have been having a slap fight there - and we all get to share the "ot." Here, for example, is last nights e-mail. The confirmation notice to all those ARs I filed. It's really out of control, and I have to assume that the lab is woefully understaffed to handle this sort of stuff.
  20. If its any small consolation, I've had the same issue crop up on other pages. Sorry you did, and I for one am glad you did the page regardless.
  21. You may wish to contact her directly if perhaps there's an issue with it. She's known as Robin Sojourner inworld.
  22. Qie Niangao wrote: Might want to invite Bay Citizens to the meetings, to keep it interesting. I've always found Bay City Alliance meetings to be something of a highlight to the week. Hmn. Must add more controversy into the BCA meetings... :matte-motes-big-grin-wink:
  23. Melita Magic wrote: What I'd still like to see is a community-wide group where everyone has an equal vote. Especially since this seems to have been put in motion before half of the parcels had even sold to anyone. Someone declaring themselves de facto mayor/monarch is the type of thing that can get an American's back up. Even if that wasn't how it was meant. The fact that this was all begun when the continent was half empty, as you yourself said, Gamxor, betrays the fact it was a tad premature. At this point, has anyone else independent of being told "it's happening - better choose!" actually come up to anyone else and said "hey know what we need? road names." Didn't Bay City name their roads only about a year ago, and then, wasn't it the Lindens who orchestrated it themselves? But it was well after Bay City had found its identity. If one is to have a civic effort, the citizens of the city should be as one and not sort of told by one individual to hop on board, or else miss the train. Correct, our road naming in Bay City was an effort of our Residents, and happened some time after our community had developed roots. It was orchestrated by the community, though we obviously needed a Linden's assistance to place the signs and poles.
  24. that's highly surprising, and a bit disturbing.
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