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Marianne McCann

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Everything posted by Marianne McCann

  1. Storm Clarence wrote: Marianne, you are my hero! Thanks for the great posts. My pleasure! Another little addition. While Nova Albion is the oldest of the "City" style regions (areas that Residents get double-primmed land, typically with a "city" related theme and name. Examples include Nova Albion, Bay City, Nautilus City, and Kama City), there were attempts to create urban areas that predate it. First was LindenWorld itself, which included a downtown. The only known survivor of LindenWorld's city is The Man, in Natoma, who once sat in a park there. Here's a couple shots from early Beta resident bUTTONpUSHER Jones, that show some of this area http://www.flickr.com/photos/buttonpusher/42921714 http://www.flickr.com/photos/buttonpusher/42921711 Later came two other examples, the "Americana" build in Blue, which included a erstaz downtown consisting of an A&W Root Beer knock off, a gas station, etc., and Lindenberg spearheaded by Wednesday Grimm and formerly in Tehama. The former was a victim of the famed Tax Revolt led by (this name comes up a lot, doesn't it) Fleabite Beach, as well as the overall cost of the land. Don't know what led to the end of Lindenberg, but I'd not be surprised if it failed under similar circumstances. Here's a shot of the gas station as it burned down during the tax revolt, as seen in Joan's marina in Kissling. http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_eIVbYXV-0Qc/TLUfTJTMrlI/AAAAAAAAIlM/Htr6pbmBoUU/s400/Tax+Revolt.jpg You'll find a small inworld display and memorial to Americana in the Northwest corner of Lusk (itself home to a very early Linden "planned community" - and not the one you're thinking of!), and another smaller one in Blue itself. You can find the occasional relic from Lindenberg (I've things like the streetlights, road, fences, and so on in my collection) and a couple picture of it in the basement of the Governor's mansion in Clementina. This is one of them. http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_eIVbYXV-0Qc/S50CtDrrZuI/AAAAAAAAEu0/n-ZKqf-F2Mo/s1600/LindenbergTehamaFeb03_3.jpg BTW, thanks to fellow SL historian Lalo Telling for posting some of the images above to his excellent SL history blog at http://lalotelling.blogspot.com/search/label/SL%20History
  2. Perrie Juran wrote: Thank you for the correction. No worries! I've heard the beach ball come up a few times, and it is a very early, beta item. The Man (in Natoma) also comes up a lot, but the nickel seems to trump them all. I do know of some texture UUIDs are are older (but not by much), but there's nothing I've seen of tangible objects that are older.
  3. Peewee Musytari wrote: /me whispers to Marianne: 255K *groan* I feel your pain. Great post on the mainland names, I had been wondering what the 3.5 Linden Home continents were called. Are all 4 of them named Nascera? Also, any idea who the first Neko was & where the new inworld Easter Egg is? 255k... ouch. Good question on the first neko. I might point to Fleabite Beach, again, who's skin was feline, but I don't think she claimed to be neko (I could be wrong). As to if they're all Nascera.... good question, I don't think they gave the "extras" a continent name. The original Nascera, at least, would be the first of them, containing the Elderglen region and now gaining the new premium sandboxes to their southwest.
  4. Void Singer wrote: now that i didn't know... but you reminded me of something else.... Wasn't Washu's Wigs the first commercial Prim Hair store? was it her that created the first prim hair replacement, I'm not sure.... but do remember shopping at her store when I first came to the grid. anyone know who did the first skins and when? they were here when I got here, so I'm thinking Beta maybe. Yup Washu is credited as the first prim hair maker. As to first skins... I'm not sure. I do know the first "furry" skin was created by Fleabite Beach, though.
  5. Looks to me like the land in question has been cleared of big prims, signs, and - I presume - the original offensive prim. Show's over, etc., etc. :-D
  6. Peewee Musytari wrote: Also on the subject of money, in 2007 Ginko (an SL bank) crashed & burned taking with it millions of L$ from 1000s of residents. LL did not compensate residents but did eventually ban banks in SL to stop it happening again. Don't remind me of that little L$30,000 lesson learned... :matte-motes-evil:
  7. RockAndRoll Michigan wrote: Somebody briefly touched on Ruth's origins already, but there is one other fact they didn't mention (unless it was in the video, I admit I didn't watch it) Ruth was a model for Daz 3D that LL had purchased, and used as the first avatar. The model name actually was Ruth, so they just kept the name for the avatar. I've heard that Linden World was also initially black-and-white only, color wasn't added until later. When color was implemented there still wasn't an option for streaming audio either, it was a very silent grid. I'm not sure when they added that but it was there in June of 2006 when I first signed up. There was also a school named Teazer University that is no longer present, where a lot of things related to Second Life building, scripting, texturing, creating gestures, using gestures, even how to put on clothing, were taught. I myself took many classes at Teazer U. As I recall it actually had some sort of official backing from Linden Lab themselves, but I could be mistaken on that point. I also heard that the green voting boxes (you can still find them in SL) were at one time actually used by LL as a measure of a location's importance. People still click them when they are around, but they have been relegated to pretty much a bit of nostalgia of no actual signifigance. Can be somewhat handy for the landowner to see who's interested in their property if used properly, but it doesn't impact search rankings like it once did. There was also a Ruth Linden in the earliest of days. I have heard rumors of her being either a secretary or an accountant, but nothing specific. If they bought Ruth from Daz, they need to ask for their money back. ;-) Philip had talked about the design of the Ruth avatar in a private conversation at SLCC in 2009, and how it was based on some averaging tests of beauty. Presumably taking all the examples of beauty standards for women around the world and averaging them out led to Ruth. I'm not convinced. :-) Anything I've seen of LindenWorld, including still images from a December 2001 prospectus, were in color. I believe that streaming audio likely came in fairly early, given Philip Linden came from Real networks - but I do not know timeline on that! TeaZers U, later TUi, was awesome. It's where I first learned to build, way back when. Not only were the voting boxes used for "importance," but in the day some of the dwell payments the lab would *pay you* were based on the number of votes you got. Yes. They *paid* popular places a bonus. This is why camping started.
  8. Canoro Philipp wrote: Early users of Second Life debated the idea of what Second Life was going to be, some wanted a medieval setting, some a science fiction one, some an oriental setting, today, we have all of that and more. Indeed, many of those became part of the Community Proposed projects, some of which survive today. Thee included Americana, in the Blue region (American landmarks and pop culture, long gone), Nexus Prime in Gibson (cyberpunk, has been rebuilt many times), Venice in Bonifacio (Canals of Venice, gone), Shangri-la/Yamato in Dore (Medieval asian city, still there but now an orientation station), and DarkWood in Darkwood (Medieval/fantasy, still somewhat there). Aside: prior to this there were a couple Linden-themed lands, Boardman (residential), DeHaro ("Camp Linden"), and even the Resident Work Project, Wild West Town, still seen in a damaged form in Oak Grove.
  9. Storm Clarence wrote: Where is Marianne? She is chock-full of SL facts. Been busy!
  10. Void Singer wrote: Goreans and Furries have been on the grid since Beta ...and child avatars. The first of these was designed by Washu Zebrastripe in late 2002-early 2003, and a copy resides in my inventory. Likewise, the first SL birthday event included a "kids day" where people were encouraged to come as child avatars. My have times changed. :-)
  11. Deej Kasshiki wrote: That's why I said "some of the first" Storm since I couldn't remember whether the street-named or the color-named ones came first. The street-named ones are quite old, though. San Francisco ones came first, with Da Boom being #1 (also, it is misnamed, as the actual street is De Boom). http://www.slmaps.com/oldmaps.htm
  12. Qwalyphi Korpov wrote: When ppl talk about what needs to be done to 'fix' SL why is the solution never "bring back the cornfield?" (mmmm.... corn) Sadly, the Cornfield never quite worked right. Designed to be a pocket grid in line with the teen grid, there were difficulties at times with bringing people back out of it. Also, rather than deterring people, it caused people to want to be *just bad enough* to end up there, without actually being banned from SL. You can still see the original corn field on the map, north of Bay City and the Gulf of Lauren (presumably named after the former Lauren Linden). There was also Corn Field 1 - 4, set up for Halloween 2009, and using the original corn field as its basic topology.
  13. Claireschen Hesten wrote: if you want another fact i remember reading on an NC at Isabel info hub that non-premium members get a weekly stipend of L$50/wk that certainly isn't the case now and definitely wasn't when i joined back in '08 It's true And accounts of that age still do get that stipend. Older premiums also get larger stipends (as much as L$500 a week!).
  14. Six Igaly wrote: I once was told that first year avatars (really from the beginning, maybe even beta testers alone) were offered to settle down on thier own sims (old peoples places?) for grandfathered prices and free membership for life. Not so much their own sims, but you'll find many parcels owned by Lifetime Members in the SF and Color sims.
  15. Keli Kyrie wrote: FACT: The oldest existing object in Second Life is a Beach Ball. Not quite... that's the third oldest known object http://lalotelling.blogspot.com/2010/06/seconderth-deep-map-sl-825-b.html
  16. Chelsea Malibu wrote: Who created the first pose ball? What was the name of SL before it was SL? When I first joined (yes this is my second alt) we had 300,000 residents and rarely ran over 5,000 concurrents. Oh how things have changed. It was named LindenWorld, after Linden Street, where the San Francisco office once was. I came in when there was about 9,000 concurrents, or more accurately, when people feared it hitting 9,000 on Sundays because it would often take the grid down.
  17. Storm Clarence wrote: Governor Linden's Mansion is located on the Clementina sim on the Sansara Continent. ...and was built by the first non-Linden resident, Steller Sunshine. She also built the beanstalk in Welsh, the first non-Linden build.
  18. Claireschen Hesten wrote: don't know how true this is but i read somewhere in an early version of SL you could set fire to the trees and i think Av's too lol Not so much "set fire," but you could throw grenades in LindenWorld to destroy just about everything and to terraform the ground.
  19. Storm Clarence wrote: Please post any facts about SL. (SL Trivia) I also hope some will ask those burning questions about SL, e.g., Who created the first prim? What are the color sims? What is mud? Who is Ruth? This is an open invitation to all SL Historians. I'm sure I'm late to this but... The first prim is unclear, and would depend on definition. the first prim in LindenWorld? in SL beta? When it came out ot beta? Now if we're talking about the oldest item on the grid today, that would be the nickle created by James Linden in February 2002, as a texture test. It used to be on I-world island, but is now not on any Linden land that I know of. I do know of several SL history collectors that have copies, including myself. The "Color" sims are in Northwestern Sansara (maybe I should explain that in a moment, too!) above the San Francisco sims. Each is named after a color, for example Blue, Lime, Plum, Sage, Violet, Fuchsia, Beige, Brown, Green, etc. They were the second major batch of regions to come online, after the San Francisco sims. Those, BTW, are all named after various streets and alleyways in the SOMA district of San Francisco (Dore, Ahern, Natoma, Minna, Varney, Clara, etc.). Ruth. The original SL mesh avatar (the avatar in use on LindenWorld prior to Ruth was a "primitar," as in wholly constructed out of prim bits). She is the basis of all SL avatars. You can still sometimes see her when various maladies undergo an avatar and they do not rez properly. See http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Ruth Now, to add to this, some mainland geography: The main Second Life land masses are Sansara (an old proposed name for Second Life itseld, from the Hindu concept of the world. This is the original mainland), the Heterocera Atoll (North of Sansara and discovered by Magellan Linden, with region named for various moth types), Jeogeot (south of Sansara, with Korean-named regions), Satori (Southeast of Sansara, and named via the original forums), Nautilus (north of Satori, and including the Nautilus City "island"), Corsica (north of Nautilus), Gaeta (north and east of Corsica, unfinished), the Teen Grid continent (no formal name, Southeast of Satori), Zindra (far east of all land masses), and Nascera (Linden home land. South of Satori and also twice-duplicated elsewhere on the grid). Sansara, as the first landmass, has a lot of unique features. San Francisco and Color regions have greater terraforming limits than the rest of the mainland, being able to be raised or lowered up to 40m. You'll also find Nova Albion (west of the Ahern Welcome Area), one of the first attempts as a SL "city," the suburbs of Shermerville/Blumfield/West Haven, a Linden-home like experiment involving the old "First Land" project, and Bay City, the city area that launched in May 2008. There's also the Snowlands (land with snowy ground) to the south on this continent, the lost lakes regions (which, yes, has many lakes), the "volcano" regions (tropical island names and features), and the Islandia sections to the east, originally terraformed by a land speculator on behalf of Linden Lab. Now... to read the rest of the thread!
  20. Qie Niangao wrote: (Right now, the Nova Albion trolleys rarely make it all the way from Luna Oaks to the Dore infoHub. It happens, but usually they crash en route. There's prospect of that being fixed before too long, I hear.) You hear correctly. Betas that I've seen/ridden on the track have fixed that crashing issue, though they've been a bit too aggress so far in the cleanup, causing them to die at the first stop at Sistiana. Persumably that is fixed and will go online next week. EDIT: Is fixed. :-)
  21. Wow. Um. Ya. I would not be surprised if someone from LL went there, saw those bright mega prims, and decided this was a resident dispute - which they don't always get involved in.
  22. So, as discussed in... http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Featured-News/New-Premium-Membership-Features/ba-p/1076967 ...there's new premium only sandboxes on the mainland. The new 'boxes are shown at http://secondlife.com/destinations/premium/sandboxes What do y'all think? Good idea? Bad idea? What will the affect be on the existing mainland sandboxes, if any?
  23. Rabid Cheetah wrote: Not at home so sorry I don't recall the region...something with an "H", the region west of Lemontal...anyhow the entire region is a beautiful park. The continent is only about three regions wide at that point, so it's nice to have that smack dab in the middle. Hixxy. I'll have to peek at that. I don't normally end up on Gaeta. :-) **Only uploaded images may be used in postings**://maps.gstatic.com/intl/en_us/mapfiles/iw_close.gif" border="0" />
  24. Shoki Feden wrote: A) anyone know how this is poss? You actually described the issue well. Without going into too much detail, it is an exploit of the dialogue for filling in any amount and getting refunded. I saw something similar a couple years back with old Moopf vendors (an issue Mooph patched years ago, too). Best of luck on the return of your money. :-)
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