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Marianne McCann

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Everything posted by Marianne McCann

  1. WolfBaginski Bearsfoot wrote: Magnum RC channel: I have seen Physics frame rates plummet while vehicles are rezzing and moving in the region, Today it went as low of 0,3 fps. Saw this issue as well. Really nasty stuff. I did not check it against other servers.
  2. Thanks for the update, Oskar - and yay for seeing SVC-8124 in there!
  3. /me shrugs Aside from a few bugs like the fact that I have to log in here nearly every time I visit, and using photos can be a bit of a pain, I prefer these over the vBulletin ones. I think I'd prefer a pair of tin cans and a string to the Jive ones.
  4. Deltango Vale wrote: I cringe to think what Project #2 might be. An electric dog polisher? Upside-down Coke glasses? Perhaps a mechanical fax machine. I suppose the idea of investing in a virtual world is too advanced for them. Well, the Dio project looked pretty far along when that got leaked...
  5. Czari Zenovka wrote: I sooo miss the old forums and agree that it was a community. I joined SL on May 1, 2007 and began reading the forums regularly. I remember Pie, the Forum Cartel, Trout's "s1ut ratings," the Undying Thread, etc. Many of the people who were regulars then are likely on SLU. Those were the days. Never seemed to happen after the old forums were replaced with the JIVE based ones, then these ones. The old crowd moved on.
  6. Deltango Vale wrote: There once was a Linden named Rodvik, Who gave up his job at the Old Vic, He went to LA, To get better pay, But ended up terribly homesick. Cute... but LA? That's 350+ miles from the Lab. :-) Re: the topic. If I am reading my tea leaves right, the lab is getting very close to launching product #2, whichever one it may be. Ergo, I suspect he's in the midst of that, and not being all that communicated here or elsewhere. That said, communication has always been the lab's Achilles' heel.
  7. Yann Mizser wrote: We should all file a ticket, demanding a free month compensation for all this. I'm fed up with hollow exuses..... Ya, about that... 10.2 Linden Lab provides the Service on an "as is" basis, without express or implied warranties, and all Content, Linden dollars and Virtual Land have no guarantee or warranty of any compensable value. LINDEN LAB PROVIDES THE SERVICE, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION THE LINDEN SOFTWARE, THE WEBSITES, THE SERVERS, THE LINDEN IN-WORLD CONTENT, AND YOUR ACCOUNT, STRICTLY ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, AND HEREBY EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, WRITTEN OR ORAL, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF TITLE, NONINFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. NO VALUE, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, IS GUARANTEED OR WARRANTED WITH RESPECT TO ANY CONTENT, LINDEN DOLLARS OR VIRTUAL LAND. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS YOU MAY HAVE IN YOUR CONTENT OR ANY EXPENDITURE ON YOUR PART, LINDEN LAB AND YOU EXPRESSLY DISCLAIM ANY COMPENSABLE VALUE RELATING TO OR ATTRIBUTABLE TO ANY DATA RELATING TO YOUR ACCOUNT RESIDING ON LINDEN LAB'S SERVERS. YOU ASSUME ALL RISK OF LOSS FROM USING THE SERVICE ON THIS BASIS. Linden Lab does not ensure continuous, error-free, secure or virus-free operation of the Service, the Linden Software, the Websites, the Servers, or your Account, and you understand that you shall not be entitled to refunds or other compensation based on Linden Lab's failure to provide any of the foregoing other than as explicitly provided in this Agreement. Some jurisdictions do not allow the disclaimer of implied warranties, and to that extent, the foregoing disclaimer may not apply to you.
  8. Let me confirm what the OP said: Ive seen a lot of sims down and not coming back up in the last day or two (since Sunday, really) in the Bay City/Gulf of Lauren region. Had to ticket each that was down.
  9. Darien Caldwell wrote: So I'm already seeing group notices like this: "Linden Labs are rolling out the dynamic pathfinding software on the grid today. For the moment, I see no use for that software, that may consume as much as 15% of the sim resources in an unoptimized sim. I will therefore, as Linden Labs install pathfinding, manually block the function in all the sims I am in charge of. The blocking will require an extra sim restart. So all sims will be restarted TWICE today." Is Pathfinding really going to be that laggy and take up 15% of the sim resources? Or is this Chicken Little stuff? I think this is the source of all that. "Linden Lab has assured me the impact will be at most 4ms on main regions and 1ms on homesteads. In layman's terms, this is around 18% of region performance." My personal take is that all sounds like the typical knee jerk reaction, the "ZOMG LL IS DOING SOMETHING SO I AM GOING TO RESIST TIL MY LAST BREATH." You know, what one sees still from many in regards to mesh, or what one can *still* find from a handful of users about sculpts and even windlight (!). I'm sure that someone more authorativie will be along to talk about that, and how "region performance" may be something different from "sim resources," etc. I will say, from a purely subject viewpoint of someone who has land in a Magnum RC mainland region (as well as some non-Magnum ones), I've not seen the sort of performance hit I would *expect* if 18% of the sim resources were suddenly gobbled up. As an estate manager, I am going to be watching our region's performance with the code* first* before I take measures to optimize or disable.
  10. Oskar Linden wrote: Each weeks RC code gets that weeks promotion code added to it. When the RC get updated on Wednesday they will have the pathfinding code in it. __Oskar Thanks, Oskar. Was my assumption, but I've learned to never assume. 'cuz, you know. :-)
  11. I'm easily confused: Pathfinding is going out on main, but it not on LeTigre and BlueSteel?
  12. Sassy Romano wrote: Does anyone schedule an event based on simulator time and NOT sl time? Well... I time my firework shows to start at SL midnight on the regions... but as that coincides with 8pm SLT, that's the time I put on the event notice. :matte-motes-bashful-cute-2:
  13. When the grid goes down for "unscheduled maintenance," it is typically for a very good reason. For example, last week when a security issue forced an unscheduled roll on the Magnum RC channel. Whatever the issue was, it was dire enough to cause the lab to roll all the Magnum RC servers. And yes. it's a pain. Every time Magnum rolls, I've got Mainland that goes offline. I suppose there's a possibility these recent restarts tie into a recent really horrid griefing exploit. I'd suspect strongly, given the Lab is not known for doing rolls on Friday afternoons. In which case, I'll take these and more painful restarts over the possibility of dealing with exploits that could cost me a whole lot more in time, money, and trouble.
  14. Tateru Nino wrote: The Lab did it (just the once, as I recall) some years back. Then never did it again - It might have been because of all the fuss and hassle and criticism. Ya, the Resident's Choice Awards. Was a big fiasco, with accusations of favoritism, etc.
  15. Nalates Urriah wrote: The Lindens really don't like to give out delivery dates. However, talk with them in the user groups reveals they are pretty optimistic about Pathfinding. If things go well this week will be the last week for Pathfinding on the RC's. It will likely roll to the main channel next week. BUT... any number of things can happen to derail that. I had heard something similar as well, which led to my query. Not expecting a delivery date (has anyone *ever* given out such a thing? I would expect not!), but more of a roadmap or, I dunno, an inkling. :-)
  16. Here, Dee, take this internet. You deserve it. :-)
  17. Thanks for the updates, Oskar! Any ideas at this point where things sit on Pathfinding? Will it soon be migrating to other channels?
  18. Hmm... my last abuse report confirmation email was on the 21st -- last one I sent in, I believe. I wonder if it might be a fail on a specific server type, or alternately, if they're getting caught someone in a spam trap.
  19. I suspect you're plenty busy Oskar, and you may not be able to go much into it, but what happened with Magnum yesterday, preciptating the second roll?
  20. Acheron Gloom wrote: Now if only we could really push the huge advantages of ray casting over physical projectiles... Physics time is negligible in comparison, script time is anywhere from 1/15th to 1/20th, network time is much less (every single physical projectile spams out ImprovedTerseObjectUpdate packets as well as object update packets on rez and kill object packets on derez), oh and it tells you who you shoot. Cool! But, but... it's so much more fun to watch my avatar throw a bus! :matte-motes-wink:
  21. You're welcome :matte-motes-big-grin:
  22. Check to see if colissions are disabled under the World > Region/Estate menu (under the Debug tab). That will cause exactly what you are describing.
  23. Winter Ventura wrote: The bit that gets me, is why aren't the Lindens blogging. Fixed it for you.
  24. Jo Yardley wrote: I got a nice mesh chair, I put some fancy animations in it, all is well... But after a while the object something seems to reset and the animation goes back to its original setting, so in stead of sitting on the chair the way I imagined, you end up sitting sideways or upside down. Has anyone else had this experience? If so, can anyone tell me if this is an issue with the mesh object or the animation script? Odly enough nothing seems wrong with other objects with these scripts inside. Ive been hearing about a bug like that in one of the RC Server versions...
  25. Theatrequestions wrote: What would we all do if Second Life crashed/ the company went bust? How would we all cope? There's already a topic on the front page of this here discussion forum on this same topic. Life would go on.
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