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Marianne McCann

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Everything posted by Marianne McCann

  1. Raven1 Short wrote: Just wondering what makes people decide to go premium. What do you find to be the benefits as opposed to basic membership? Did you keep the linden house? I am. Did it to own may bits o' manland. Never bothered with the Linden home, though. Kinda nice ot have the premium sandboxes and the support services, too.
  2. WolfBaginski Bearsfoot wrote: I cannot se anything in that which would refute the thesis that the Lindens are out to hurt SL sailing. While I certain;y don't disagree that it *is* hurting SL sailing (and railroading, and flying, and autosports, and anything tht crosses a region more than once), I don't think that Oskar sits around in his office thinking, "how can I rid SL of the scourge that is SL sailing?" I *suspect* that if there is planning involved about what server types are where, they end up so heavily invested in waterways because LL "owns" them completey, versus private land "owners" who may yell and scream (and abandon their land). Are they deliverately out to harm sailing? Doubt it. Are they harming sailing? Yes.
  3. WolfBaginski Bearsfoot wrote: There are maps becoming available of where the Magnum RC regions are. I did one of them, in fact. Was quick and dirty, and mostly for my amusement/edification, but here's a copy of it: I only bothered with waterways, and stopped at Abotts. Again, mostly the areas I tend to fly/sail. What struck me was that Abbotts is pretty much shuttered when it come to flights west. Ditto with the passage from the Northern continent down to the Suburbs and Bay City. Far more Magnums than anything in that area, uften intersperced with main channel (yellow). Blue Steel (with the sit bug) comes in second. I think Ill keep my planes in the Inventory Hangar for a bit longer. :-)
  4. Ina Fairport wrote: This issues should be TOP priority for LL..its a shame that this has to take 4 weeks !!!!:womanmad: For what its worth -- and at the risk of being labeld an apologist -- I think it's clear that it *is* a top priority for the Lab. While we could argue the need for Pathfinding in the first place, I suppose, that they are taking sme time with the rollout and making sure things are in working order before deplying it to the whole grid is... good. Better than deplying it all over the grid, only to discover that it somehow broke unnumerable items of content across tends of thousands of regions. Ya, it's a bummer for you and your friend. It is for me, too, as my lovely mesh planes are collecitng in inventory, as all but one short route I normally fly are impassable due to this. I'm hoping all the caution is unwarranted, and everything will go perfectly smooth from here on out. I'm antsy. But I'd rather everything was working as expected after a slightly longer wait (and how long is four weeks in the grand scheme of things? ), then have some code rushed out that causes far more pain due to inadequate testing.
  5. Okay, so let me make sure I have this right: 1. From looking "in the wild," the RC PF has likely been sunset, replaced with RC Magnum. Makes sense. 2. RC Magnum *at this time* is the only Server running the Pathfinding code and, by extention, the version of Havok that causes the mismatch affecting mesh vehicles. 3. It will be approximately approximately 3-4 more weeks until this shift is complete, assuming no additional issues crop up. Sounds about right?
  6. Ayesha Askham wrote: @Triple Peccable OK I am insane or just plain stupid. You are correct, LeTigre did indeed have nothing more that a config update to "turn on" the features rolled last week, so there was no restart. I *know* I saw it on the deploy information earlier this week as well. Ninja edit? (Sure made me stupid, walking around with the wrong info this week!)
  7. I'm a little confused this week, with the on-again-and-off-again Pathfinding rollout onto LeTigre. So a couple questions, if anyone knows the answer... 1. Was the pathfinding project actually rolled to leTigre, or was that pulled? 2. Do we have a sense of what is next for the rollout? Mostly selfish, as I really want to be able to fly my mesh planes again, but also just curious generally what sort of time frame we have here.
  8. Damien Fate wrote: An avatar was prepared for her to log in to. The footage was actually shot live with a couple of minor pickup shots after - it was a logistical nightmare but mostly went down as you saw on the show. Ah, thanks for stepping in on this, Damien. :matte-motes-bashful-cute-2:
  9. Perrie Juran wrote: All we get is the error message "the system was unable to complete your request at this time, etc." I saw that a lot on the RFL track this year, FWIW.
  10. Oskar, Any change of a timeline for the pathfinding roll out? Will it be heagint o Blue Steel next week, the main the week after, or both next week (assuming no showstoppers)? Just trying to make sure what to advise folks traveling the roads and waterways of Bay City, which is a checkerboard of server versions. :-)
  11. Qie Niangao wrote: Anyway, I'd certainly not suggest minting another square meter of new Mainland. Quite the opposite, in fact. They really need to find a way to make Mainland more attractive than Linden Homes so they can shut down some of those Linden Homes regions. (It should be much easier to prune back the LH regions; they're pretty much interchangeable within a theme anyway.) It may be possible to make double-primmed regions from existing all- or mostly-abandoned Mainland sims, but it would take some creative parcel design--and a heck of a lot of Moles with parcel adjustment powers. A lot of work, but it may be one way to start undoing the Linden Homes mistake, if they can get most of Mainland double-primmed in an attractive way. This I wholly agree with, by and large. I don't think they should get *most* ot the mainland double-primmed (more supply, less demand), but I think they could make additional "city" areas in different themes around the mainland, use these to replace the Linden Home concept. Add a "city on stilts" to the northeast of Iris, Make a "Snow City" within the snowlands, "Bayou City" somewhere near Hyles, etc. (examples off top of head) One could cven bundle the two in a unique way. Consider if LL added a small block of Linden Home like "brownstones" in Bay City complimentary regions to the south of the existing Bay City land mass as an example. It would continue the Linden Home offering while also feeding into the City. Ditto in other areas, having these as a somewhat combined product, and allowing them to "feed" each other.
  12. Qwalyphi Korpov wrote: I really don't know much about the history of Bay City. But I'll dive in anyway. Bay City is a double prim zone. Other areas would increase in popularity if the Lindens made them double prim also. /me begins to hold breath waiting for my double prims. Bay City got lots of hand holding by the Lindens to help it thrive. For example - here in this forum two locations get a sticky posting to promote them. One is Bay City. This approach does not scale well over time. It turns out the Lindens only have staffing to promote two locations. Yes - it's true that I'm making some of this up. here's a link to material that includes the double prim factoid. http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Bay_City I'd say there are several factors to the popularity of Bay City. First and foremost is the double prim land. You can pay the cost of a 1024m parcel, tier wise, and have the prim alottment of a 2048m. That is a win. Most parcels also have more than one protected edge, which adds to the desirability. You have a nice themed area, with a lot of things to do/see/be a part of in a relatively small space. This is of lesser import in a world where one can teleport to wherever they wish, but it remains a nice bonus. It's also nice (and something I've been able to take advantage of on my own parcels) to have so many possible views out on to parklands and other spaces. Less views off into "less aesthically pleasing" neighbor's parcels. You have a spot that, from its inception, has been home to high, sometimes ludricously high, land prices. This can keep the land cost artifically high (a 'bubble"). At the same time, some of those high prices are maintained by the very scarcity of "city" style land offerings like Nova Albion, Bay City, Nautilus City, and Kama City. You also have a strong local advocacy group, the Bay City Alliance, that works to promote the area, host events, etc. This group is also why there's a Bay City "sticky" folder here, amongst other things. We (well, in that case, I) advocated for it. There is also some Linden involvement in Bay City, but not as much in the more recent months than in the past. Still, it is more common to see "the hand of Linden" than most Mainland locations.
  13. This was originally the stretch from Mavericks to Bolinas, and I had hoped it was, say, a temporary texture of its ilk. Much of the metalwork in that area is also that "SL green." It was a shame to see it expanded out form Bolinas and up to Noyo. I hope the road color could be reconsidered. Perhaps a ticket or two to the lab, via Land > Linden Lab Owner Parcels (or whatever its called on the drop down)?
  14. Cube Republic wrote: Problem with the land ownership model is it's outdated and too exspensive. Why would anyone pay to 'live' on the mainland, it's a digital ghetto wasteland. Areas like the Blake Sea demonstrate what consumers really want. That is a space that's well managed while still allowing some expression within that framework. There's a sense of community and it also looks gorgous. It's also the same with that brownstone estate whose name escapes me! They should scrap mainland all together. Offer several more entry level products....How about a 7000 prim sim? Or how about larger land masses so individuals can create communities? Time and again I explore the map and the best places are the well managed estates. Take the example of Caledon, it's not peppered with yellow, it looks gorgous, there's I suspect long term residents. This again demonstrates what people want. I would say that Bay City has also proved a viable model. Themed land with a fairly strong community base is a winner. In SLs heyday, growing land fast was a very viable thing, IMO. People wanted land, and the lab was more than willing to add it. At this stage of the game, however, there simply is too much out there for the userbase to support. While Bay City does well (as do some ofthe other city areas and other Resident-created community spaces), other areas simply do not. In my heart of hearts, I wish the lab had not added Gaeta, Corsica, and perhaps even Nautilus and Satori. It would have made for a VERY lean land market in the heyday, but it would mean it would still be fairly strong now.
  15. Hiya! So I'm not sure if what I'd like to do will work - but maybe all y'all will have an inkling. I would like to apply a texture like this to a prim: http://www.flickr.com/photos/marianne-mccann/7168503497/ Then use llDetectedTouchUV to, essentially, make the map clickable for more information. For example, if someone clicks within the coorcinates surrounding, oh, the Bay City Fairgrounds, it will give text to the user about that location. Ditto other spots on the map. I've done somethign similar in the past, using llDetectedTouchFace, but this seems more prim conscious. So... is something like that possible? Are there any good example scripts or pointers anyone can give me to lead me in the right direction? Thanks in advance!
  16. Orca Flotta wrote: Wasn't the Beanstalk the first build in SL ever? Widely attributed as the first Resident build in SL, yup! http://lalotelling.blogspot.com/2010/06/seconderth-deep-map-sl-825-b.html
  17. 16 wrote: is this story the same as the other story that goes: buy my stuff ??? I noticed that too. Starts to get a wee bit obvious.
  18. Perrie Juran wrote: Marianne McCann wrote: Okay, looks like a fix is in process. Can you provide a link to the JIRA? Not with a SEC JIRA, I'm afraid :matte-motes-not-even:
  19. Caitlin Tobias wrote: Hm no, the Cornfield is open all year, it is even listed in the Destination Guide as a SL Origin: https://secondlife.com/destination/the-corn-field Link goes to The Corn Field2, one of the instances I was referring to. NOT the original, Linden access only The Corn Field (no number). Eay way to tell them apart: the instances all have spooky Halloween stuff in them, the original does not.
  20. 16 wrote: yes. is some holes in how it works at the moment I could pilot an ocean linder through that hole. *if* this allowed one to get to The Corn Field, then one could get to a lot of other sensistive areas of the system. Very much not a good thing.
  21. Interesting. Sounds like an "unintended consequence" of https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LlTeleportAgentGlobalCoords That it allowed you to go to The Corn Field reveals a serious design flaw, IMO. That sim (not the numbered clones) is not pubicly accessible. Which means one could potentially use this to get into places they should not. Filing a SEC JIRA...
  22. I her ya! I wish they'd make all these sites listen to each other off a single login. Last couple days Ive had to full log in every time I come to the forums, and sometimes it would not accept my login at all. I rather wish it would leave me logged in for much longer.
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