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Rolig Loon

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Everything posted by Rolig Loon

  1. leliel Mirihi wrote: [...] Doesn't matter if the shoes are no mod because invisiprims are already invisible so you don't need to remove them. You just need to make or find an alpha mask for them. Unfortunately, the alpha mask will hide my feet, but not the visible invisiprim. People won't see my ugly SL feet, but they'll see a plywood box where my heel belongs. :smileysad:
  2. That's sad. I'll probably find myself in the same boat sooner or later, Ceera. I have loads of favorite shoes and other products that I bought no-mod, in the pre-alpha layer days and will hate to lose. At the moment, the problem doesn't bother me personally because I have not found the enhanced shadows and shading impressive enough to warrant sacrificing performance. As more people fail to see my lovely shoes, though, I guess I will finally have to abandon them. I can't put that personal loss in the same category as yours, but I share your pain.
  3. If you read the grid status report, you know as much as we do. Just be patient. If you are truly desperate, you might try one of the alternative exchanges. It is always smarter to use the Lindex, because you get a better exchange rate than on most of the alternatives, but if it's not available, at least these other ones are safe >>> http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Archive/Third_Party_Linden_Dollar_Exchanges
  4. Take a look at http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Category:LSL_Functions . Anything that says NEW next to it is .... well, ... new. "Significant" is a matter of interpretation. If you use a function, it's significant.
  5. When you write your particle script, you can set the PSYS_PART_TARGET_POS_MASK and then define a target for your particle stream. Then you just have to specify a target with PSYS_SRC_TARGET_KEY. See >> http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LlParticleSystem
  6. llCastRay hasn't been around very long, but there has already been a lot of scripting activity with it. There's nothing in the LSL Scripting Library here or in the wiki, but I would be surprised if someone hadn't put something in one of the many private script collections. Have you tried Google? Or just asked in the Wanted forum?
  7. Open the door and say hello? Or give them a LM, or send a TP invitation. Maybe you had a different question in mind?
  8. If you are the landowner, use World >> Region/Estate >> Debug and disable all scripts in the sim. Then start deleting each copy of the replicator until they are all gone. Remember to turn scripts back on again when you are done. Before you do all that, though, file an AR. Include a photo that shows your user interface. Edit one of the replicators so that its creator and owner are clearly visible in your photo.
  9. To rerender the object or avatar in Phoenix you need to remove it from the blacklist. Access the Asset Blacklist from the Phoenix menu at the top of your screen. Click on the item you want to rerender, note avatars show as objects. Click the Remove button. Change your group tag, or teleport out and back. The object, or avatar will render in a few seconds. If you're using Firestorm, just TP to a different sim and back, or log out and back in. That should cancel the derender.
  10. Like it or not, wireless is a crummy way to connect if you are running SL. Unlike all the games you may play on your computer, SL demands a continuous connection because it is constantly swapping data back and forth between your client and its servers. Wireless is fine for applications that send data in bursts, but was not designed for this sort of environment. The reason we quote this answer as often as we do is that many SL residents, especially those with older wireless modems, have exactly the problem that the OP reported.
  11. That's funny. Those invisiprim textures still work for me. I know that they will fail some day, as Immy says, but there are still loads of shoes and other products in SL that were built with them. People can always wear alpha clothing layers to replace the invisiprims in their shoes, but people who have boats like yours will be out oif luck. I expect to hear a loud wailing sound across the land on that day.
  12. How do you know that the IP address was blocked by a LL ban? Did you receive an e-mail telling you that? Or are you just guessing because you can't log in? There are many reasons for login failure, and it's impossible for anyone here to guess what your particular problem is unless we have more information. You can add important information to your post by clicking on the Options link in its upper right corner and selecting EDIT. Please do NOT start a new thread. For starters, tell us exactly what error messages you are getting, if any. Tell us about your computer, its graphics card, its Internet connection.... What SL viewer are you using? Have you ever been able to log in before?
  13. Nope. You can't create new functions in LSL, except in the sense that you can combine existing functions to make them. Since there's no existing LSL function that can detect audio, you can't hobble one together either.
  14. You have a weak, or intermittently flaky Internet connection, so communication between SL's servers and your client is not continuous. The servers keep updating your position continually and send the new information to the client. If the signal is interrupted, though, the image you see on the screen can start "rubberbanding" -- hopping forward as if you are on bungee cords. At the same time, your client is getting incomplete signals from the server about when to trigger the animation that makes you appear to be walking, flying, or hovering. You can keep flying after you meant to stop, or walk when you meant to fly... Suspect two things: 1. Your router needs to be rebooted. Unplug it from the power for a few minutes and go get youself a cup of coffee. Plug it back in and it will have cleared its RAM and will be able to get a fresh hold on an IP address. 2. Get Off WIRELESS. Wireless connections just aren't as stable as direct cable connections. You lose a lot of potential bandwidth too. SL is not like games you may have played on line. It's really touchy about having a continuous, strong connection because it has to send information back and forth all the time.
  15. Perrie Juran wrote: [...] if i recompiled a mono to lso or visa vers, would i be able to change it back? can an object have more than one style in it? [...] Yes, you could change it back. If you had permission to recompile it in the first pace (see Dora's reply), they you'd have permission to do it again. As we've each said, though, there's usually little point in doing it. You're better off just leaving things alone. Yes, you could have a LSO and a Mono-compiled script in the same object. Neither one knows how the other was compiled.
  16. A HUD doesn't use a dialog box. A dialog box is a specific entity, a blue box in the upper right corner of your screen, created by llDialog. It has buttons on it. If you want to think of those as separate "boxes," fine. They are things you click in order to trigger a response. As I said before, if you want to make a HUD, you can put "boxes" on it too. You won't create them with llDialog, but you can make them behave the same way --- click on one and it triggers the script to do something. Read about llDialog in the LSL wiki, or in a tutorial, if that's the route you choose. If you want to build a HUD, it's no different from building anything else that responds to a touch* event. See llDetectedKey, llDetectedTouchST, and the other llDetected functions.
  17. There's no point in recompiling a script unless you made a change in it, or unless you decided that you would rather compile it as LSO rather than Mono (or vice versa). It doesn't hurt to recompile it, but really all you mean to do is restart the thing. So yes, stick with "Reset". The biggest difference betweeen LSO and Mono is how much memory each reserves for a script. LSO always reserves 16K; Mono defaults to 64K but a scripter can now use llSetMemoryLimit to reserve less space (as little as 4K) if that's appropriate. You can take a look at recent threads in this forum to get a feel for the finer points of how and why you might want to do that. Most of that detail is irrelevant to non-scripters and, in fact, is something that most users are better off not paying attention to. The bottom line is that scripts written today can be written to make more efficient use of memory resources than in the past, and that as a result most scripters are now using Mono rather than LSO.
  18. A dialog box and a HUD are not the same thing, but they can accomplish the same purpose. If you want to use llDialog, then you'll end up with a set of buttons that can each have the name of a detected avatar on them, as Peter was describing. If you want to create a HUD, that's fine too. In that case, you'll want to use a system like Rufus developed, or create one of your own with multiple prims or with "hot" areas defined by llDetectedTouchST. In either case, you will have a bunch of buttons that you can click to do whatever comes next. Also, you'll have a display that needs to be updated every time your sensor does a new scan -- either by creating a new dialog box or by updating button labels on a HUD.
  19. You're quite right, Coby. A meter is a meter is a meter. I take Peggy's "arbitrary" comment in a different sense. SL is a virtual world, so there is no physical point of reference we can use to say how big anything is. Linden Lab's choice of a "meter" as the standard is purely arbitrary. We only know that some object is 10m wide because we take LL's word for it. They defined what a meter looks like in SL. They could have chosen the foot, the furlong, or the Angstrom. In fact, we might have been better served if they had simply made up a unit of measure and called it the Blwerq. That way, we wouldn't be making meaningless comparisons between our avatar heights and our RL heights. All that really counts is how tall we are in comparison to other objects in SL. ETA: Hehe... Chosen posted his lovely analysis while I was typing this one slooooowly. As usual, his is right on the mark. :smileywink:
  20. You clearly exist, since you were able to log in here as miyu rexie. I assume that you can log in to your dashboard at secondlife.com and to SL itself as well. You are right, though, that my.secondlife.com doesn't know who you are. That's very strange. I suspect that it is just a temporary problem in the servers that handle profiles and that it will clear itself up in a while. If it doesn't, I can only suggest that you file a support ticket or contact Live Chat.
  21. You will also need some way to activate the sensor. As written, the sensor fires once, when the script is reset. You'll either want the sensor to fire continually, in which case you'd use llSensorRepeat or trigger llSensor from a timer event, or you'll want to trigger it only on special occasions, so that the sensor isn't working during times when the area is idle. Remember also that a sensor can detect a maximum of the 16 nearest objects/avatars in a scan, so you may want to adjust your sensor range.
  22. If things ever seem to be missing from inventory, run through a quick checklist of possibilities before you panic: 1. Did I drop it into the wrong folder by mistake? 2. Did I remember its name correctly? 3. Did I really put it in inventory or did I rez it somewhere and forget to take it back? 4. Did I pick up the item as part of another linked object or a coalesced object? 5. Was it returned to me and therefore stuck in Lost & Found? There are a few other questions like that to ask. Pretty obvious stuff, but we all lose things temporarily for one or more of those reasons. Use your serach skills and your filters to check each one of them. Then, if things really are lost, you can start to panic a little. Remember, however, that the inventory on your own computer is just a locally cached copy of the real thing. Your inventory is really on LL's servers. The cached copy can get screwed up easily, so delete it and create a new one. You can Clear Cache quickly by clicking the Clear Cache button in Preferences, logging out, and logging back in again. If that doesn't take care of it, you may want to clear cache manually, so that you clear ALL of the local files. (See http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/doku.php?id=fs_cache_clear ) If that still doesn't work, start through the list of other possibilities at http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Inventory_loss .
  23. That's my typo on the line that's kicking up an error. Sorry. :smileyembarrassed: It should be if (~(channel = llListFindList(gContinents,[msg]))) This is a compressed if test. First, it's asking whether the button that the user just clicked has a label (msg) that matches anything in the gContinents list. Then, the statement is saving whatever that index is and assigning it to the variable channel, so that we can use it in the next if test ... if(channel != gCrdNo) to see whether this is the same index that we found the last time we checked. Finally, we use the ~ operator on the entire quantity (channel = llListFindList(gContinents,[msg])), because we want to count any index that is >= 0 as TRUE. (Re-using channel is a bit of a no-no if you are a scripting pro, but it saves us defining yet another throwaway integer variable here. Besides, we aren't using channel for anything else anyway. You can thank Void for this one. I just stole the idea.) Edited for clarity (and because a kind friend pointed out that I screwed up on my first try at a response). :smileysurprised:
  24. Have you been working with an alt? I have made the mistake of creating something, giving it to my alt, and then trying to work on it later (or worse, working on a copy that she has given back to me). As soon as you hand your work to someone else, the object gets whatever "next owner" perms you set on it. Even if you get it back again, the object never has its original perms again.
  25. If it's happening even after you re-installed the viewer, then you probably didn't remove the previous installation completely before you re-installed. You'll need to get rid of the user data files as well as the viewer's exe file. See >>> http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/doku.php?id=fs_clean_reinstall for instructions about finding and deleting those files. That page is on the Firestorm support website, but the same process works for all viewers (although the filenames will differ).
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