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Rolig Loon

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Everything posted by Rolig Loon

  1. Well, your translator doesn't work because nobody's does. Most in-world translators depended on Google's free Translation API, which Google no longer offers for free. When they pulled the plug in December, all translators stopped. If you are using the current V3 viewer or Firestorm, you can input an account number for Google's subscription translation service or the free Bing service, if you have one. Otherwise, no translation. Now, "invisible" is a different matter. If you are not really invisible, but are a fluffy cloud, that's a baking problem. That's a communication problem between your computer and SL's servers. Information about your appearance has to be "baked" onto your avatar on your own computer, saved there, and then uploaded to SL before it's fully visible there. If the necessary information is messed up in transmission, you may end up with a borked file on your computer, or SL's servers may end up with a borked file. Either way, your av's appearance defaults to a fluffy cloud. What works to repair the damage for one person won't necessarily work for the next person, and it may not be the same thing that works for you tomorrow. See the full list of possibilitites here >>> http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/doku.php?id=fs_bake_fail . Start with the simple things at the top of the list and work down until you find what works for you today. You may find that the bake fail problem comes back repeatedly, even after you fix it with one of the suggestions on that wiki page. If so, you have a chronically weak Internet connection. There are many steps to take for repairing it. Perhaps the simplest ones -- ones that work best for most people -- are: (1) Don't Use WIRELESS. Wireless connections are inherently less stable than direct cable connections and are more vulnerable to interference. Then, (2) Reboot your router. Unplug it from the power for a few minutes to let it clear its RAM. The plug it back in and let it get a fresh hold on an IP address. If you really are invisible, though, you may be wearing an alpha clothing layer that is covering your entire body. Check the WORN tab in inventory to see what you're wearing.
  2. That's not too surprising. Voice and streaming media take a fair amount of bandwidth, and they are competing with your other basic functions. Normally, it's voice or streaming music that suffers, though. If you have your Maximum Bandwidth set too high in Preferences >> Graphics, your viewer will try to use all available bandwidth to maximize FPS and reduce lag. When it does that, voice and streaming music get really choppy or stop completely. I don't know why your viewer is doing the opposite. Probably something to do with the way your own computer works. I'm afraid that the best solution is to avoid using voice as much as you can, or try to find a way to boost your bandwidth. If you're using wireless, get off it. Wireless makes inefficient use of bandwidth anyway, and creates problems in SL for a lot of people. If your ISP offers a service with creater bandwidth, find out how much it would cost to switch.
  3. It works just fine with 64-bit processors. That note in the Requirements page REALLY needs to be clarified or eliminated altogether. People have been using 64-bit processors and Windows 7 very successfully. Your low FPS has nothing to do with that. Suspect your graphics settings. Try lowering draw distance, turning off anisotropic filtering, and reducing antialiasing, for a start. You may also have other programs running that are stealing CPU time. You might also try using a different viewer.... Firestorm, if you have been using V3 or V3 if you have been on Firestorm.
  4. As Lindal says, you could be having a run-in with SVC-7540 >>> https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/SVC-7540? If so, the solution that she recommends will solve your problem immediately. If the bug isn't your problem, though.... It can sometimes take anywhere from a few minutes to a day or more for your items to be delivered, especially if the merchant's Magic Box is temporarily out of service or the sim it's on is offline. Not that it helps now, but to remember for the future: (1) Don't overuse the shopping cart. It is easily confused if you put more than a couple of things in it. (2) Don't buy things from Marketplace (especially LOTS of things) unless you are in world to receive them at the time. We each have an "in box" that holds IMs, notecards, group notices, group invitations, and anything that is delivered to us if we aren't in world at the time. That "in box" can only hold 25 things, total. If anything else comes in, it isn't saved. It is gone ... poof .... forever. If you have a mess of things delivered from Marketplace -- and your Order History even swears that it delivered them to you! -- and half your friends send you notecards, that in box will be capped and you will never know what happened. So, what do you do now? ....... If you do not receive items within about 24 hours, you should cut and paste the information about a missing item from your Order History and send it in a IM or notecard to the merchant, along with a polite message requesting redelivery. Most merchants are very kind and willing to redeliver. This happens all the time and they are aware of it. Do be patient, though. Not everyone logs in to SL every day or checks their e-mail. If you still haven't heard in another day or two, follow it up with a second polite note and finally, if you STILL haven't heard, file a support ticket at https://support.secondlife.com/create-case/ , selecting Marketplace from the pulldown menu.
  5. It can sometimes take anywhere from a few minutes to a day or more for your items to be delivered, especially if the merchant's Magic Box is temporarily out of service or the sim it's on is offline. Not that it helps now, but to remember for the future: (1) Don't overuse the shopping cart. It is easily confused if you put more than a couple of things in it. (2) Don't buy things from Marketplace (especially LOTS of things) unless you are in world to receive them at the time. We each have an "in box" that holds IMs, notecards, group notices, group invitations, and anything that is delivered to us if we aren't in world at the time. That "in box" can only hold 25 things, total. If anything else comes in, it isn't saved. It is gone ... poof .... forever. If you have a mess of things delivered from Marketplace and half your friends send you notecards, that in box will be capped and you will never know what happened. So, what do you do now? ....... To get a record of the individual items in your order, open Marketplace and click the My Marketplace menu at the top of the page. Select My Account >> Order History from the pulldown menu. If you do not receive items within about 24 hours, you should cut and paste the information about a missing item from that Order History and send it in a IM or notecard to the merchant, along with a polite message requesting redelivery. Most merchants are very kind and willing to redeliver. This happens all the time and they are aware of it. Do be patient, though. Not everyone logs in to SL every day or checks their e-mail. If you still haven't heard in another day or two, follow it up with a second polite note and finally, if you STILL haven't heard, file a support ticket at https://support.secondlife.com/create-case/ , selecting Marketplace from the pulldown menu.
  6. I see that you are fairly new to SL. Have you ever been able to teleport, or is this a new problem? Take a look at your firewall. It may be blocking outbound TCP port 12043, which will prevent TPs and may cause you to crash. See http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Configure_your_software_firewall for instructions about creating a firewall exception.
  7. If you have run afoul of the "invalid character" bug reported here, there are only a few possible solutions: 1. If you are a Premium member, contact Live Chat and explain the problem. They can remove you from the group. 2. If you are not the group's owner, go in world with an alt or have a friend log in and let you send a message to the group's owner, asking to be ejected from the group. Explain that an invalid character in the group's tag is making it impossible for you (and probably others) to log in. The group owner should get rid of that tag ASAP. 3. If you ARE the group's owner, it's very hard. You'll have to contact the other group members and ask them to leave the group, so that you are the sole remaining member. After 48 hours, LL will automatically eliminate the group completely.
  8. That's not an error message from your viewer or LL's servers. Take a look at the suggested solution here >> http://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/windows_7-sound/this-application-failed-to-start-because-side-by/7673bf12-87c2-48ca-b5ae-b8aa85e295dc It ought to solve your problem. Let us know, OK?
  9. No problem. All of your inventory is stored on SL's servers and then downloaded and cached locally on your computer. If you change viewers, the new viewer will simply download and cache and new copy. Check to be sure that it saves it in a different location from your original; viewer (or simply uninstall your original viewer first) so that you don;t end up with the cached copies disagreeing with each other. Phoenix and Firestorm automatically find a new location, but versions of the standard LL viewer all share the same folder in your hard drive, so they can get confused.
  10. Using a mobile graphics chip set certainly doesn't help. Many SL residents have a hard time with laptops that don't have a separate graphics card in them, and there are some problems specifically with the switchable graphics mode in some chipsets. You also seem to have a moderate packet loss, which could be due to a weak wireless connection. Wireless is itself often a problem for SL residents, so you might try using a direct cable connection instead.
  11. The important word is "almost." You can terraform a hole with perfectly vertical sides. You can come close, though. Position your cursor exactly where you want it, set the tool to "Lower" and set it at high strength so that it digs very fast. Then give it a short burst, being very careful not to move your mouse at all. You should get a square hole with nearly vertical sides. With practice, you can get the depth calibrated by how long you hold the mouse button down. ETA: Of course, if you really want to use a scripted tool, try the method that Chosen recommended. Drop my modified script in it, change the parameter LAND_LEVEL to LAND_LOWER, and it becomes a hole digger that you can calibrate by how long you let the timer run.
  12. Just a suggestion ...... If you put that script in a prim, it will start to work instantly. If you rez a prim with the script in it, but you rez it in the wrong spot, it will flatten someplace that you didn't intend. It might be wise to at least include an ON/OFF switch. integer gON;default{ on_rez(integer startup) { gON = FALSE; } touch_start(integer num) { if (llDetectedKey(0) == llGetOwner()) //Only the owner can make this work { llSetTimerEvent(0.1*(gON = !gON)); //Toggle timer ON or OFF } } timer() { llModifyLand(LAND_LEVEL, LAND_MEDIUM_BRUSH); }} With that switch in place, you can also turn the thing off when it has done its job, slide it to a new spot, and switch it on again. :smileywink:
  13. ParkerJ Kasei wrote: Thanks for the idea of posting in the Wanted section. I have tried to find a new dice...it's hard lol. Search brings up all the gaming places. I just need one die...if you know of any for sale anywhere...let me know. I've been looking for 2 days! There used to be one among the standard issue stuff in your inventory's Library folder. Isn't it still there? I can't get in world right now to check, but you can.
  14. If your destination is above the 300m flight ceiling, you can't get there without a flight feather. Some viewers, like Firestorm, have a built-in flight assist that gets around the flight ceiling. The V3 viewer does not, so you simply can't fly above 300m. If you TP to a spot above there, you fall. If you try to fly up, it's like flying into a pillow. There are zillions of free flight feathers around. If you aren't using Firestorm, get one and wear it.
  15. Yes, you can work, but don't expect to earn very much unless you have a good marketable skill. If you just want money, the fastest way to get it is to bring it in world with you. RL jobs pay lots better than jobs in SL. See >>> http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/How-to-get-Linden-dollars/ta-p/700085 and http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Guide_to_Jobs_in_Second_Life If you do have a skill, you can advertize in the InWorld Employment forum, or you can look there to see if someone is looking to hire someone with your skills.
  16. Because you haven't taken the clothes out of the box that they were delivered in. I could write out a long explanation of the many steps involved with buying, unpacking, and trying on clothes, but there's a very good Knowledge Base article that does it already. See >>> http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Opening-boxes/ta-p/700185
  17. Without seeing the script, there's no way that anyone can guess what's wrong with it. You can post a question in the Wanted forum, asking for a scripter to fix it for you. Don't post it in the LSL Scripting forum, because that's for people who are writing their own scripts or are interested in learning to. As an alternative, there are plenty of freebie dice scripts around, though, so you should be able to find another one either in world or by doing a Google search.
  18. If you prefer keyboard shortcuts -- I can't be the only person who does -- then take your in-world photos with CTRL+Shift + S. You'll find that the little window that opens gives you many options for where to save your photo, what size and format to use, and whether to include the UI and any on-screen information. As Irene says, there's a load of helpful information about how to manage lighting, anti-aliasing, and other fascinating subjects in the Knowledge Base. You can also lurk or participate in the Art, Music & Photography forum as you have more questions.
  19. Angel is probably right about that bug. Even if the bug weren't a problem, however, we would still advise you never to have Marketplace orders delivered unless you are in world to receive them. We each have an "in box" that holds any IMs, group notices, group invitations, notecards, or inventory offers that arrive when we are not logged in. That "in box" can only hold 25 things. If more things arrive, the system simply throws them away. It doesn't return them or put them in a different place. They vanish forever. So, if you order several things and then get a barrage of IMs and group notices, there's a good chance that you'll hit that 25 cap and lose some of them.
  20. You probably didn't try to contact me. We're all SL residents here, like you, and I don't believe you and I have ever met. :smileytongue: If you've forgotten your user name or password, follow the instructions in Account credentials to retrieve it. Since you managed to log in here, though, you probably do have the correct information. There's a possibility that you mistyped it. I have done that multiple times in a row, then cursed and felt sheepish when I realized that I forgot to capitalize one letter in my password. Passwords are case-sensitive, so remember to check Caps Lock if you know you entered your password correctly. Other than that, I don't know what to suggest. What did the notice say exactly? You can add important information to your question by clicking on the Options link in its upper right corner and selecting EDIT. Please do NOT start a new thread.
  21. I agree with Knowl. All it takes is a little practice and patience. I haven't seen a commercial tool that does anything more than what's already in your toolbox. The big mistakes come when you 1. use a tool that is either too large or too small for the area you are trying to terraform, 2. work too fast (i.e., have the strength set too high), or 3. don't move your camera around frequently to examine the work from different angles. I find that it's easiest to work with the sun low in the sky (early morning or late afternoon light), so that irregularities in the surface show up well. Finally, remember that you can always fill in any hole or flatten any mountain to start over again.
  22. I only know what I can find with a few minutes with Google, and that doesn't say anything helpful. I do notice that the app has been around for at least a year and that it has a one-star rating, for whatever that's worth. If it's that old, it probably predates LL's new web profile system too.
  23. I imagine that the information you saw was this set .... Here are the most common reasons for credit card failure: The credit card number was entered incorrectly. The billing address was not entered or was entered incorrectly. It should be the same address that appears on your bill. The name on the card was not entered or was not entered as it appears on the card. The credit card is not in the list of accepted payment methods (we currently accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express, JCB, Discover, or PayPal). The CVV (3 digits on the back, or 4 digits on the front for AmEx) was not entered or was entered incorrectly. The card is expired, or the expiration date was entered incorrectly. There are no funds available on the credit card to validate it. We send a US$1.00 authorization to ensure that a credit card is valid. This is not a billing, but the card must have at least US$1.00 available on it to pass validation. Your monthly payment limit is reached, and/or your bank is not authorizing any more transactions. The issuing bank has not pre-approved transactions with Linden Research, Inc. Contact the issuing bank to resolve the problem. If you are outside the US, your card may not be set up for international/overseas transactions (this is very common with Visa Electron). If none of the above applies to you, contact your credit card provider to determine the cause. You can also call our billing team directly using the phone numbers on the Billing Support page. If so, and you still have questions, the best advice is to call the billing office at one of the numbers shown in that last link.
  24. What are you talking about, Lucinda? You posted a nice example of a way to use the new function, and Dora commented that your way was an improvement on something that we have been able to do with a hack for a long time. I don't know why that prompted a snappy response. And I certainly don't know what this morning's early post was all about. The moderators have never had to work hard at keeping the tone of this form civil, because you have to look hard to find posts that are unkind. We're here to share ideas about scripting, not carry on personal arguments.
  25. Had what removed? What are you talking about?
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