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Rolig Loon

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Everything posted by Rolig Loon

  1. You should be aware that there is a VERY good reason for not using invalid symbols in a group tag. See https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/SVC-6608? Some characters will make it impossible for you to log in to SL. As far as I know, that bug has not yet affected display names too, but why tempt fate? Quite aside from that, many scripted devices in SL will not be able to recognize the characters in your name so you may find, for example, that a Sploder refuses to pay you a prize that you have won.
  2. Second message. Original at http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Technical/could-you-please-contact-dawes-at-euro-village-katie-or-kara-and/qaq-p/1309571 You don't provide enough information to describe your situation. "Everything has crashed" doesn't tell us a thing. Did you actually crash or were you logged out? What happened? Did you get error messages? Has your viewer ever run successflly in the past? Has it ever crashed before? Which viewer are you using? What kind of computer? What graphics card? BTW..... It is VERY unwise to include your email address and telephone number in a message on a public forum. That is an open invitation to people who can bombard you with spam or steal your identity.
  3. This is more than a little confusing. Are you trying to say that you can't log in to SL? If so, what happens when you try? Error messages, symptoms of some kind....? What do you mean by "clicked off my name tag?" You can't do that. Your name tag is over your head all the time when you are in SL. We can't begin to explain your situation to anyone if we can't make sense of it. BTW, you can send your friends an IM to their profiles. The address is http://my.secondlife.com/katiewhateverhernameis or http://my.secondlife.com/karawhoever
  4. You bought items in shipping boxes. You have to take them out before you can wear them. Read here >>> http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Opening-boxes/ta-p/700185 and take a look at the embedded links to see how to wear your purchases once they are unpacked.
  5. My guess is that it's just bad luck. Sometimes the servers do screw up and keep you from rezzing, but that particular message only comes up if you are trying to rez something where you don't have permission.
  6. Yeah, it's a crummy photo, but who even looks at it? We don't need a pretty picture on a splash page to suck us in to Marketplace. It's the "company store," after all. They aren't competing against Amazon.com and eBay for our L$. There are loads of things to fix before they put effort into window dressing.
  7. Go to Preferences >> Graphics >> Hardware Settings and UNcheck Enable OpenGL Vertex Buffer Objects (VBO) .
  8. It does sound like you have a connection issue. I was guessing that it was a firewall, but you've ruled that out. Check your router next. Bypass it temporarily by plugging your computer's cable directly into the modem. If the problem goes away, then you know where to focus your attention.
  9. It's not as easy as that. When you update divers, you need to be sure to delete all traces of the previous drivers first, and be sure that you install the correct drivers from the chipset manufacturer. Follow these directions carefully >>> http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Clean_Install .
  10. It sounds like you were wearing a titler and then dropped it instead of detaching it. The titler is a small transparent object, so it is going to be difficult to find. Fortunately, though, you know exactly where it is, because you can see the hover text. Use CTRL + Alt + T to highlight transparent objects, so you will be able to see the titler itself. When you see it --- probably a small cube or sphere -- right click and select "Take" to put it back in your inventory. Once it's there, you can wear it again. It ought to go back over your head the sme way it did before. Next time you want to remove it, selet "Detach", not "Drop".
  11. Unlike objects, agents do not have fixed e-mail addresses within SL, so you can't send an in-world e-mail message to an avatar. A script can always send an IM to an avatar, however, and that will show up in the IM window. It's not clear to me why you wouldn't just do that. ETA: Of course, if you did want to send such a message, you could just send the e-mail to a scripted HUD and have the HUD retransmit the message as an IM. Clumsy, but it ought to work. I still don't know why you'd want to do it, though.
  12. One way to do it, Innula, is to define a local sit target and put the llSameGroup test in the changed event in state default. The person who sits doesn't go anywhere, but is immediately unseated again. If the test is successful, however, you pass control to a new state. In state_entry of the new state, you define a distant sit target instead of the local one. Now, when the avatar sits for the second time, he's sitting on the activated TP target . That makes teleporting slightly more complicated, because it means that a person has to click twice (once to check group and once to TP), but it should work. You do need to double check in the second state to be sure that it's the same person who sat in state default, but that's easy to do.
  13. Thank you, but that doesn't answer Dora's question. I'm still curious about what a "normalized rotation" is too, although I'm assuming that my last reply was probably what you meant, Rufus.
  14. You could use either llDetectedGroup, as Ciaran suggested, or llSameGroup. Both functions will do the same thing for you and they are very easy to drop into your TP script. Take a look, for example, at the basic example at http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LlDetectedGroup . You should be able to add the group restriction to your TP script with just a couple of new lines of code.
  15. It's hard to say from that description. One thing to suspect is that it never really disappears at all; it just becomes transparent. Try CTRL+Alt+T to see if you still have whatever it is attached to your knee. If it's there, you can detach it while it's highlighted by simply right clicking on it and selecting "Detach". As an alternative, you could also open your Inventory's Worn tab and look for the object. It should say something like "(worn on right upper leg)", so it should be easy enough to spot.
  16. Did you check to be sure that there's a firewall exception for Firestorm on your machine, and that your antivirus program isn't blocking it? http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Configure_your_software_firewall http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/doku.php?id=antivirus_whitelisting
  17. For a really basic introduction to QAvimator, try http://www.mermaiddiaries.com/2007/10/day-391-creating-poses-part-1-standing.html and the two tutorials that immediately follow it.
  18. Well, it is the Christmas holidays and many people (including me) are away from home, so don't be too surprised that you haven't had an answer yet. Still, the answer is yes, you may file a support ticket at https://support.secondlife.com/create-case/ Choose "Marketplace" from the pulldown menu, and be sure to include all of the information from your Transaction History when you make your report.
  19. If you were banned, you should have received an e-mail from Linden Lab that explains why. It also explained how to file an appeal if you think they they made the wrong decision. Nobody in this forum can help you, because we are all SL residents like you. All you can do is follow the instructions that you were sent. They will not respond to a telephone call about this matter.
  20. You can go to http://www.dominodesigns.info/ and download the avatar.blend file or you can go to http://static-secondlife-com.s3.amazonaws.com/downloads/avatar/avatar_mesh.zip and download the "official" LL avatar files in a zip archive.
  21. That's the only way I know of too. It's not a very clean solution, though, because it leaves the user with a stack of URLs to open and inspect manually. To actually get the group names by script, you'd have to find a way to capture a response from that URL and parse it to extract the name. As I said before, that's way too much work for a job like this.
  22. Have you ever been able to teleport before, or is this a new problem? If your firewall is blocking outbound TCP port 12043, then teleporting, viewing the World Map, crossing regions, and related activities won't work. In fact, it can make you crash. See >>> http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Configure_your_software_firewall to find out how to create a firewall exception for your viewer. It's also possible that you are trying to carry way too much baggage with you as you teleport. Remember .... when you TP the servers have to hand off not only your avatar but everything that is attached to you. If you are wearing a ton of things -- especially scripted things -- the servers may time out, or they may lose you en route. See >>> http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Troubleshooting_teleporting for other possible problems.
  23. Pussycat Catnap wrote [...] On MP's look and the images. I hope people here realize that product images there are made by individual merchants to sell their individual goods. LL's just provides the platform. This isn't an Amazon model. Its closer to eBay - LLs has no ownership or control over 90-99% of what you see on MP. Gee, I wish I had said that ... :smileytongue:
  24. It can't be done. All profiles are available. The best you can do is to make all of your Privacy settings as restrictive as possible and then make the content of your page dead boring. Do not include RL information, interests, or recommendations. The closest you can come to being "off the radar" is to log in as an alt and not tell anyone at all who you are.
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