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Rolig Loon

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Everything posted by Rolig Loon

  1. It can sometimes take anywhere from a few minutes to a day or more for your items to be delivered, especially if the merchant's Magic Box is temporarily out of service or the sim it's on is offline. Not that it helps now, but to remember for the future: (1) Don't overuse the shopping cart. It is easily confused if you put more than a couple of things in it. (2) Don't buy things from Marketplace (especially LOTS of things) unless you are in world to receive them at the time. We each have an "in box" that holds IMs, notecards, group notices, group invitations, and anything that is delivered to us if we aren't in world at the time. That "in box" can only hold 25 things, total. If anything else comes in, it isn't saved. It is gone ... poof .... forever. If you have a mess of things delivered from Marketplace and half your friends send you notecards, that in box will be capped and you will never know what happened. So, what do you do now? ....... To get a record of the individual items in your order, open Marketplace and click the My Marketplace menu at the top of the page. Select My Account >> Order History from the pulldown menu. If you do not receive items within about 24 hours, you should cut and paste the information about a missing item from that Order History and send it in a IM or notecard to the merchant, along with a polite message requesting redelivery. Most merchants are very kind and willing to redeliver. This happens all the time and they are aware of it. Do be patient, though. Not everyone logs in to SL every day or checks their e-mail. If you still haven't heard in another day or two, follow it up with a second polite note and finally, if you STILL haven't heard, file a support ticket at https://support.secondlife.com/create-case/ , selecting Marketplace from the pulldown menu.
  2. You could create a moveable scanner easily enough. Have it zip all over the sim in 4m hops, sampling each potential bit of land with llGetParcelDetails. Then clean the multiple hits out of your data to arrive at the final report.
  3. Rolig Loon


    You can go to all the trouble of putting up ban lines and installing security orbs, but why do you care, especially when you aren't there anyway? After all, nobody can steal anything in SL. If you are smart, you have set your land perms to prevent non-group members from being able to rez things, and you have prohibited object entry, so visitors can't trash your home either. If people wander in to admire your home, it's no big deal. If you really do care for some reason, just install a greeter that does nothing but say "Hello!" plus a visitor's name and the time every 30 seconds if people visit when you're not around. It's friendly but just annoying enough to discourage people from hanging around for very long.
  4. Unfortunately, many of the people who are still using non-mesh capable viewers like1.23 are not likely to upgrade to one of the mesh-capable ones because their computers simply won't handle them. It's not entirely a matter of choice for them; it's economics. The mesh-capable viewers have many additional features besides mesh that place a high demand on older graphics cards. Those viewers either create incredible lag for the user or they fail completely. Over time, of course, people will replace their old computers as they can afford to. People who try to enter SL on a wimpy notebook won't be able to, so they'll either get more capable systems or give up. Until then, though, that segment of the SL population won't be able to see mesh. I wish we had reliable statistics to tell us how big that population is, instead of making random guesses. As recently as last June, the 1.23 viewer was still the 4th most popular viewer in use (behind Phoenix, V2, and Firestorm beta -- in that order -- which were current at the time). The landscape has changed since then, however, so I have no idea what the ranking is today and what the percentage share of each may be.
  5. Yes, of course it's possible, although maybe not in exactly the way you imagine. As people have explained in this thread, there's no easy way to make a script respond immediately when you press on, say, the "A" key. You may be better off just creating a set of gestures to do that instead of writing a script. You will need to upload a set of individual *wav files to make up a full twelve-tone scale. Be sure that you make them sound much louder in your editing program (WimAmp or whatever) than you want them to be in SL.Otherwise they will be disappointingly soft when you hear them in world. If you are willing to give up the notion of playing notes from key touches, you have many options for writing a script to play them by clicking on different prims in a linkset or different parts of a single prim. (By pure chance, I happen to have written one like that for a friend just before I left town for the holidays. If I remember when I return home in a week or so and can get in world to my inventory, I'll post it here.) You could also "pre-record" a tune by typing it out on the keyboard and then "playing it back" when you send the tune as a line in chat. I suggest that you take a look through the LSL Wiki at the descriptions of llPlaySound llGetLinkNumber llGetLinkName llDetectedTouchST
  6. Sorry.... RL Christmas distractions trump all. :smileywink: Conrad's got the shape of the thing. The form of a dataserver event is quite simple. dataserver( key Qid, string data){ if(Qid == gReadKey) //Check to be sure that you are responding to the right request { if (data != EOF) // Check to be sure that you haven't already finished reading the entire notecard { if ((llGetSubString(data,0,0) != "#") && (llGetSubString(data,0,1) != " ")) // Check for a comment line or a blank line { integer idx = llSubStringIndex(data,":") // Find the ":" in the data string integer temp = (integer)llGetSubString(data,idx+1,-1); // The tail end of the data string is a channel if (~llSubStringIndex(data,"Pager") // Check to see whether the string "Pager" is in this line of data; if so ..... { gPgChan = temp // This is the Pager Channel value } else { gChan = temp; // This is the communication channel } } gReadKey = llGetNotecardLine("Settings",++gIline); // Ask dataserver to read another line } }} Variables that I start with a "g" have to be global variables, because they are either passed from other parts of the script or are going to be used elsewhere. You can dress this event up more by adding features, and you can certainly compress it more than I have. I left it open so that I would be able to add comments to present the logic. Once you have read and stored those values of gPgChan and gChan, you can do anything you wish with them. This is a good exercise to have played with, because notecard reading is a fundamental technique. As others have suggested, I'm not sure that this is the most appropriate way to pass a couple of integers to a script like this, but it works and it's what you chose. I hope the rest of it goes smoothly for you. Merry Christmas.
  7. Good so far. Now, your dataserver event increments the notecard line variable iline, but doesn't trigger the event to read the next line. You need to tell it again kQuery = llGetNotecard Line("Settings", iline); There's no real need to include the "// Do nothing" part of the event, since it does nothing. Just read the lines you want to read and get on with the rest of your script.
  8. There really isn't much need for a tutorial or a video. Making a poseball is one of the easiest tasks you can do as a beginning scripter and there are thousands of freebie poseballs in SL that you can use as examples. BTW, you will find that most builders avoid poseballs completely in vehicles because they have to work within a 32 prim limit. Instead of wasting one of their valuable prims on a poseball, they incorporate the sit script into the vehicle's main script.
  9. Probably the simplest, most reliable poseball script you'll find is right here in the LSL Scripting Library >>> http://community.secondlife.com/t5/LSL-Library/Basic-Pose-Ball-script/td-p/719317 . Just follow Dora's easy instructions.
  10. You want the user to be able to specify the communication channel number by submitting it on a notecard? That's no harder than reading anything else from a notecard. Look at the first, really simple example in the SL wiki page for llGetNotecardLine All you have to remember, really, is that the data you read will be interpreted as a string. You'll need to recast it as an integer to use it as a channel number. If your notecard line includes anything other than the channel number itself, you'll have to parse it and select only the part that you need. For example .... integer idx = llSubStringIndex(data, ":"); // Find the colon in the datainteger Channel = (integer) llGetSubString(data,idx+1,-1); // Save only the stuff after the colon and convert it to an integer
  11. There is no "best" viewer for taking photos in SL, but you will find many opinions about which ones photographers think are best. I suggest spending some time in the Art, Music and Photography forum to get a feel for what other enthusiasts are talking about. Post a few questions and get their opinions. Read the very long, very helpful sticky post at the top of that forum to get some hints about tools and techniques for taking great photos.
  12. We are all SL residents like you. There are no Lindens here. You will need to submit a support ticket at https://support.secondlife.com/create-case/ Select the catgory "Marketplace" and provide as much detailed information as you can.
  13. I assume you mean that nothing on that site was helpful. That's surprising, but it happens. You may have run across a new bug. All you said was that the media webkit is "not working", so it's hard for me to know where to go from here. I suggest doing a little more homework. Log in to the SL JIRA site ( jira.secondlife.com ) and search for "webkit". You'll find that there's a very large list of reports. Look through them to see if there are ones that look like yours. If there are, read through to see if there are suggested solutions. If a report is still listed as "unresolved," you may want to add details about your own situation to help the techies figure out what's going on. If you can't find a JIRA report that looks like your problem at all, submit your own new report.
  14. Ummm... This is not Amazon.com. Item photos are not created, posted, or managed by LL. They are the responsibility of the individual merchants who use Marketplace. Marketplace is essentially like a RL street fair. Linden Lab provides the street and takes a cut of sales in exchange for being the banker and doing some crowd control. Merchants stake out a place on the sidewalk, set up a card table and a booth, and do their own thing. As a merchant, I don't think I could care less about what LL puts on the splash page. That's not what residents are logging in to look for. If you want to focus on a feature that always needs work, pay attention to the search engine.
  15. Increasing Maximum Bandwidth beyond about 1,500 will have zero effect and may cause problems with streaming media and voice. For greatest efficiency, your Maximum Bandwidth should be set at about 80% of your own available upload bandwidth.
  16. It's a well-known bug in the current viewer that affects a small number of SL residents. See here >>> https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/SVC-7540? And then follow Mastro Linden's advice for a simple workaround ..... After more investigation, I have a guess about why this issue only affects certain avatars. One of my avatars had this issue, and had an empty Block List. As soon as I had the avatar block an object inworld (right click -> Block), I immediately received the queued offline IMs. This fix persisted between different sessions, even after I removed the object from my Block List (making it empty once again). For those of you affected by this bug, could you try blocking/muting an object or avatar, and see if that fixes your problem? To block an object (or avatar), you can right click on them, then select Manage->Block from the context menu.
  17. You have already been to your profile page. It's at http://my.secondlife.com/calituit . You even posted a couple of messages there. You don't need to get "past" your dashboard.
  18. As Marigold says, you may be mistaking your dashboard for a way to enter SL. It isn't. You need to install a viewer to do that. I see that you have already discovered your profile page, which is at http://my.secondlife.com/calituit . That's where you can get and send messages when you are not in world, and where you have options for changing your Display Name, posting photos, and doing all sorts of other things. That's not a way to enter SL either. Try reading >>> http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Second-Life-Quickstart/ta-p/1087919 to learn some SL basic information. It will make life much easier when you finally get in world.
  19. There are many reasons for WebKit failure. The most common ones are failure to install the proper Abobe Flash plugin and interference from firewalls and antivirus programs. Also, residents who use a BigFoot Killer network card need to go through a rather tricky workaround to get the webkit to work on their computers. Take a look at >>> http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/doku.php?id=media for a good discussion of these and other problems.
  20. The wiki is your friend. See http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LlGetAgentLanguage You cannot detect viewer type, however.
  21. Take a look at the instructions here >>> http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Clean_Install
  22. That's a communication problem between your computer and SL's servers. Information about your appearance has to be "baked" onto your avatar on your own computer, saved there, and then uploaded to SL before it's fully visible there. If the necessary information is messed up in transmission, you may end up with a borked file on your computer, or SL's servers may end up with a borked file. Either way, your av's appearance defaults to a fluffy cloud. What works to repair the damage for one person won't necessarily work for the next person, and it may not be the same thing that works for you tomorrow. See the full list of possibilitites here >>> http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/doku.php?id=fs_bake_fail . Start with the simple things at the top of the list and work down until you find what works for you today.
  23. This is not strictly true. Under normal circumstances, you may receive up to 25 IMs, notecards, group messages, group invitations, and objects that you have bought or been given while you are not logged in. After 25, your "in box" is capped and things do get lost. That's the way SL is designed, and it's the way it has worked for many years. Recently, there has been a well-documented bug that affects a small number of SL residents >>> https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/SVC-7540? People who are affected by this bug find that the cap for their items is ZERO. That is, they do not receive anything if they are not logged in. That's probably what you are experiencing. That bug will be fixed in an upcoming version of the LL viewer. Until then, however, there is a very simple workaround: Maestro Linden added a comment - 13/Dec/11 1:48 PM After more investigation, I have a guess about why this issue only affects certain avatars. One of my avatars had this issue, and had an empty Block List. As soon as I had the avatar block an object inworld (right click -> Block), I immediately received the queued offline IMs. This fix persisted between different sessions, even after I removed the object from my Block List (making it empty once again). For those of you affected by this bug, could you try blocking/muting an object or avatar, and see if that fixes your problem? To block an object (or avatar), you can right click on them, then select Manage->Block from the context menu.
  24. We didn't do anything. We are SL residents just like you. However, we know a few basic rules to help avoid non-deliveries from Marketplace..... It can sometimes take anywhere from a few minutes to a day or more for your items to be delivered, especially if the merchant's Magic Box is temporarily out of service or the sim it's on is offline. Not that it helps now, but to remember for the future: (1) Don't overuse the shopping cart. It is easily confused if you put more than a couple of things in it. (2) Don't buy things from Marketplace (especially LOTS of things) unless you are in world to receive them at the time. We each have an "in box" that holds IMs, notecards, group notices, group invitations, and anything that is delivered to us if we aren't in world at the time. That "in box" can only hold 25 things, total. If anything else comes in, it isn't saved. It is gone ... poof .... forever. If you have a mess of things delivered from Marketplace and half your friends send you notecards, that in box will be capped and you will never know what happened. So, what do you do now? ....... To get a record of the individual items in your order, open Marketplace and click the My Marketplace menu at the top of the page. Select My Account >> Order History from the pulldown menu. If you do not receive items within about 24 hours, you should cut and paste the information about a missing item from that Order History and send it in a IM or notecard to the merchant, along with a polite message requesting redelivery. Most merchants are very kind and willing to redeliver. This happens all the time and they are aware of it. Do be patient, though. Not everyone logs in to SL every day or checks their e-mail. If you still haven't heard in another day or two, follow it up with a second polite note and finally, if you STILL haven't heard, file a support ticket at https://support.secondlife.com/create-case/ , selecting Marketplace from the pulldown menu.
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