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Orca Flotta

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Everything posted by Orca Flotta

  1. Hi Chenoa, much more important than the proci would be the graphics card you're using. Please telll us your system specs for more help. FRomm tghe description it sounds like your lappy isn't really up for playing in SL. Sorry.
  2. I don't have any technical clue ... but of course I want the bestest stuffz available on my small budget. So I often ask the guru to enlighten me and tell me what to buy. Or, even better, my new heroine Jean Horten (not jean.horten). :heart:
  3. Post links if you know of laptops with decent mid range graphics cards for €600. Your wish is my command. :smileywink: http://www.notebooksbilliger.de/notebooks/gaming+notebooks Although I have my eyes on this little gem which I consider the minimum solution for heavy duty SLing: http://www.notebooksbilliger.de/notebooks/notebooks+ohne+windows/msi+ge60+i760m245fd+gaming+notebook For 800 € you get an i7, nVidia GTX 660, no glare 1920x1080 full HD. Additional RAM is cheap as never before, so for a little over 800 € you get a tough little warrior. This machine comes without a OS, which I consider a plus. No stupid bloatware to worry about and I can install my own Win7 and/or Linux which I plan to do anyway.
  4. If you have a nc giver and ppl clicker it, the nc will pop up on their screen automagically.
  5. Yeah, that graphic chip is in serious trouble. Might not just be an outdated driver, since they usually don't just stop working, but probably DIRT/HEAT. Particularly when you're using a laptop these things clog up pretty easily. Always use your machine (lappy and desktop alike) in a well-vented environment. Every 6 months (lappy 3 mths) open up the case and give it a thorough vacuuming! And do it now! Every second of usage can fry your poor graphics, so time is working against you.
  6. I always wonder how people end up with crappy machinery. Even the cheaper laptops are still a considerable investment so at least a little bit of market reasearch isn't asked too much or is it? For 600 €urobucks you can get far superior machines. Also I wonder why ppl purchase just about any laptop first and only then thinking about how to access SL with it. SL is one of the more demanding and challenging tasks for every computer system, so if you really wanna go the lappy route please make sure your little thing has some gaming qualities. Google is your friend, so ffs use it!
  7. werkz the same in Singularity and in every other viewer too methinks.
  8. Christin wrote: I try not to download anything unless I have to. Downloads tend to open up for viruses. ----------------------------------- You're suing a browser, don't you? You once downloaded this browser and now you're having it upgraded all the time. In case of MS IE that thing is pretty much open for viruses and stuff. SL viewers are like browsers, just more specified for the task to run SL on them. And the danger of catching a virus is much smaller than in any other webbrowser. The only thing protecting you from viruses is to be clever. Don't open email attachments from unknown persons, don't download from suspicious places, all these little things we learn like we learn to look left and right before crossing the street. So be reasonably clever. I said clever not paranoid! Are you from Texas or some equally stupid place?
  9. Amethyst wrote: In general, the best sims to ride on are those with a more rural appearance with little else on them except for the road course ... Haha, that's normal for me. I'm on a high latency and kinda slow connection so when I'm riding I'm mostly always in the middle of nowhere, sometimes I even have to stop coz I'm running out of road. Only when parking for a couple minutes for a smoke all the stuff around me renders. And it's always a disappointment. I did a lot of road trips for my bloggy and often they ended in a catastrophe but I love exploring the Linden routes. Much nicer than going in circles on some racetrack.
  10. I had the same problem during yesterday's LCC sunday cruise. We came up from west coast Satori and all went well (at least for me) but when entering the friggin Blake all went to hell. It's alll those airplanes and battleships and pirates in the area, I tell ya! /me pushes the blame onto other residents since when I complain about LL I'll be called a bigot again. :smileysad: See my blog.
  11. A 3000 L item that is no copy? /me gulps
  12. It's maybe not the most elegant solution but what I do if I need to addess various groups: - open group info for every group I wanna spam notify - open Notices - New Notice in all groups - write my message in one group - copy/paste into the other groups - sticking LMs or notecards into attachments is easypeasy and super fast - click Send in all groups This might be a bit messy if you have a small screen and many groups to serve but you only need the real estate on screen for like 2 minutes. So all it really needs is good preparation. The execution in itself can be done quite fast.
  13. Bin mal gespannt ob die das mit skandinavischen und latinischen sonderzeichen auch so machen.
  14. The message body contains [O Umlaut], which is not permitted in this community. Please remove this content before sending your post. Stupid feckers. :smileymad: Jetzt durfte ich nicht mal deren Message zitieren, weil da der Original Buchstabe drin war. Es wird immer unlogischer mit den Idioten.
  15. Harley, you know that LL by principle won't get involved in resident disputes. Even if they did it would be a he said/she said situation they can't decide on. I don't know if it's against TOS to say negative things about other resis, but I don't think so. She states her opinion about you, that is hardly harrassment. I guess if you muted her you have done all you can and should let it rest. Just ignore her and everything she says or writes.
  16. Yes, Freya, you're right. I have the same resentiments about the OP and ppl like him. They have no purpose in SL and blaming their lack of fun on SL. You must understand that I'm not one of those. But your post sounded, particularly in the last paragraph, like an attack on everybody who's voicing their frustration over the lab's inept techy side. You gotta admit they are really actively helping to curb our enthusiasm. I have enough stuff I love to do in SL, am always busy. Only LL's incapability to run a functional grid often makes the experience rather frustrating. So many projects are non-starters because we can't count on the grids stability. And no, I don't have a grudge against the IT industry. But I don't really see LL as an IT company, they are rather a bunch of childish wannabes. That's good in the, say, inspiration department. But to run an operation like LL it needs so much more than just utopian ideas, it needs a lot more groundlevel grunts to do the unsexy jobs and keep the infrastructure in working order. I believe at LL those jobs are done by the "creatives" too. And that's the big mistake. So I have a grudge not against the IT industry but against people under 30. :smileyindifferent:
  17. - I am quite quiet and shy, so a job where I have to talk and interact with a bunch of people obviously wouldn't work for me. So not able to host or be an agent - I don't want a job that requires me to be online 24/7. I'm here quite often, but not all day everyday. No reliability. - I just want a job that pays enough, so that I won't go broke! Don't we all? Can you elaborate on that point please, maybe by providing some numbers? - I am willing to show a little skin, but I won't go completely nude! No dancer/stripper. I guess that's all? If you have any more questions, just message me/send a notecard(?) or reply here. Why should anyone have any questions after such a remarkable introduction? Honest now, what are your qualifications/abilities? What's your schedule? Not that I have any job for you but I guess with an approach like yours you won't find any. I mean to start a job application with only negatives isn't a smart move, don't you think?
  18. Christin, you're serious? Since when do hobbies come and go? Maybe you're talking about pastimes like scrapbooking, knitting and other small stuff. I hardly would call those activities a hobby. Let's have a look at my hobbies: Sailing: started when I was 7. Would still be doing it if my life hadn't changed so drastically. Will take it up again one day. Music: playing keyboards sinve 10 and guitar since I'm 13, still doing it. Motorcycles: riding since 18, still doing it. So I really dunno how your hobbies could turn you into a piece of wooden shelfing (board).
  19. Freya, it's not about resisting the changes. Evolution is great. People will be left behind, no problem. What bothers me is the inconsequential way LL is enforcing half-baked ideas on its users. They never listen, they have no idea about what we're doing in world, they are often counterproductive and breaking more stuff than they can fix. Not we users but LL themself are hindering the development and progress of SL. And look what they ended up with: a broken product that won't become any better by adding a patchwork of bugfixes for bugfixes over some earlier bugfixes. Maybe it's a sign of our time that "professional" coders have the attention span of a house fly and are easily bored and distracted. So what, it's their problem. Fire those guys, as imaginative and cool as they might appear. There is no place for wannabe visionaries and daydreamers in a data center. New shiney! YAY! Gimme it! If it works ok-ish I'm all for it. But mostly it doesn't. So I say stop the crap! Rebuild the grid from zero and make it functional. Hire a bunch of hard-working networkers and server gurus ... and let your playkids first run their ideas by them before implementing. Get their behinds slapped by people who know a bit more about realistic approaches. In other words: quality control should be done inhouse and not be left to the paying customers.
  20. Randall, believe it or not, for some of us loving a person and loving a car or a computer are two different things. Once I found my love I have a biological autolock that keeps me from looking further. I'm 25 years with the same guy now, 15 of those married. And we're still happy, even happier than 25 years ago. I wouldn't call people like Jo and me superhumans, we're just levelheaded grown-ups. Boring? Maybe for you or the OP. We still have more and more fun if LL doesn't get in our way with their technofetish.
  21. LL = kids playing big business by playing with techie stuff Residents = grown ups socialising and doing their hobbies and pastimes, hoping not to be interrupted, disabled or otherwise challenged by the playkiddies of LL with their technology kinks SL = mixing the unmixable ... and failing :smileyindifferent:
  22. Is it just me or is that leon guy one of the dumbest dummies ever?
  23. @ CaptainCrazy, leonBowler, AmieKaestner: Nobody under the age of 40 - 45 should even feel attracted the virtual worlds or spending extended amounts of time sitting at a computer in the first place. Once you had your initial period in SL, OSG or any other VW you should find a purpose, a reason to be there, else you end up as the useless hangers you are. And no, I don't think being a DJ or knowing everything about building or having expensive clothes makes you special and your SL somehow valuable. Particularly CaptainCrazy, you seem to be kinda an insecure bragger. And your attitude towards others stinks. Not responding to the thread that you started yourself and attacking othesr for not using voice, what's that all about? Stupid trolling with no purpose. You're the coward here, not the people trying to set you straight. It's all your problem and yours alone. So cut the crap. I have to say it yet again, the same sermon I'm tellling people since years: YOU ARE BORED BECAUSE YOU ARE BORING! Wanna leave? Please go, pleeez!!! And don't let the door hit ya.
  24. 1) no, you don't need a job. In SL nobody needs a job! 2) you are new, that usually implicates a lack of usable skills as well as a lack of representable avie 3) no skills - no job 4) no professional look - no job 5) take a good look at yourself, what do you see? Pretty enough to even do the most easy job, like being a dancer? 6) as a n00b aren't you supposed to explore, pimp your avie, get to know people, indulge in your hobbies? I'd do that and worry about making money later
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